How Do Absorbable Sutures Absorb? A Prospective Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Study of Tissue Reaction To Polyglactin 910 Sutures in Human Skin

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The International Journal on Orbital Disorders, Oculoplastic and

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How Do Absorbable Sutures Absorb? A Prospective

Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Study of Tissue
Reaction to Polyglactin 910 Sutures in Human Skin

Barry T. Cartmill, David M. Parham, Paul W. Strike, Liz Griffiths & Ben Parkin

To cite this article: Barry T. Cartmill, David M. Parham, Paul W. Strike, Liz Griffiths & Ben Parkin
(2014) How Do Absorbable Sutures Absorb? A Prospective Double-Blind Randomized Clinical
Study of Tissue Reaction to Polyglactin 910 Sutures in Human Skin, Orbit, 33:6, 437-443, DOI:

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Orbit, 2014; 33(6): 437–443
! Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
ISSN: 0167-6830 print / 1744-5108 online
DOI: 10.3109/01676830.2014.950285


How Do Absorbable Sutures Absorb? A Prospective

Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Study of Tissue
Reaction to Polyglactin 910 Sutures in Human Skin
Barry T. Cartmill1, David M. Parham1, Paul W. Strike2, Liz Griffiths1, and Ben Parkin1

Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom and 2Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust,
Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Objective: To compare the tissue reaction produced by 2 gauges of implanted polyglactin 910(Vicryl) suture
material in human skin.
Methods: A prospective, double masked, parallel randomized IRB approved clinical trial. Consecutive patients
with involutional entropion and horizontal eyelid laxity were randomly allocated to 5/0 or 7/0 gauge test
suture groups. Symptoms were alleviated during the wait for definitive surgery by placement of eyelid everting
sutures. After 28 days, surgical entropion correction including eyelid wedge excision was achieved. Histological
analysis was carried out, masked to the suture gauge used, on the excised eyelid containing one of the
temporary everting sutures. Both patient and analyst were masked to the suture group. The four primary
outcome measurements were granuloma outer diameter, central cellular diameter, giant cell number and area of
fibrous coat and a statistical comparison made between suture gauge groups.
Results: 21 patients were allocated to each group, and histological analysis was possible in 36 patients.
Significant suture-related granulomatous inflammatory reactions were found in all specimens. Medians of the
measurements for 5/0 and 7/0 gauge sutures, respectively, were 0.855 mm versus 0.387 mm granuloma outer
diameter (p = 0.0001); 0.464 mm versus 0.250 mm central cellular element diameter (p = 0.0003); 0.194 mm2 versus
0.053 mm2 fibrous coat area (p = 0.0009) and 0.8 versus 1.2 giant cell number (p = 0.7511).
Conclusions: Polyglycolic acid sutures elicit a significant foreign body inflammatory response proportional to
suture gauge. This reaction may be minimized by early suture removal. The study validates a novel and ethical
approach to the examination of human skin response to implanted suture material.
Keywords: Human polyglactin response, polyglactin-induced scarring, polyglactin tissue reaction,
stitch granuloma, suture granuloma

INTRODUCTION obtained opportunistically following surgical compli-

cations,6–8 or following revision surgery.9 However,
Despite the importance of cutaneous scars and wound these data may not be applicable to human cutaneous
healing to surgeons, ethical considerations have pre- tissue which has not been subjected to surgery.
vented the prospective study of the normal The majority of absorbable sutures are based on
unwounded human cutaneous tissue reaction to polyglactin 910 (PCA), which is readily broken down
implanted suture material. The histological reaction by hydrolysis in the laboratory. However, adverse
of oral mucosa to sutures following surgery has been clinical reactions to implanted suture material includ-
investigated using biopsy,1–4 or explanted suture ing inflammation and granulomas are regularly
material.5 Other histology specimens have been observed.10–12 Such reactions may have serious

Received 10 November 2013; Accepted 28 July 2014; Published online 22 September 2014
Correspondence: Dr. Barry T Cartmill, Clinical Fellow in Oculoplastic Surgery, Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Castle Lane East, Bournemouth,
Dorset BH7 7DW, United Kingdom, Tel: 02871345171. E-mail:

438 B. T. Cartmill et al.

adverse effects on scarring and functional outcome, oral and written explanation of the study was given
particularly in facial and periocular surgery. by the clinician. It was specifically emphasized
Lower eyelid entropion is a common eyelid that everting sutures alone may be an effective
malposition typically affecting older patients. treatment for entropion in some patients.14
A delay before definitive surgical correction is Participants were advised that the long term recur-
normal in most centres due to high demand. rence rate following entropion surgery without eyelid
Symptoms may be controlled in the meantime by tightening is high.15
temporary everting sutures to reposition the eyelid. Once informed consent had been obtained, clin-
An important predisposing risk factor for the devel- icians contacted the research office and provided the
opment of entropion is eyelid laxity, and surgical date of birth and participant initials prior to allocation
management involves reduction of this laxity through of a study ID number. Research data were recorded on
eyelid shortening. The Quickert procedure is long a report form identified by ID number to ensure
established as effective in the correction of entropion anonymity and confidentiality. Participants were
and includes the excision of a wedge of the affected assigned to blocks by sex and age (above or below
eyelid.13 If this eyelid wedge includes implanted 75 years) prior to randomization. One eyelid from
suture material (previously placed for temporary each patient was randomised to either 5/0 (0.1 mm
relief of symptoms) a unique ethical opportunity for diameter) or 7/0 gauge (0.05 mm diameter) PCA
the study of human tissue reaction to implanted braided suture if a random number (generated
materials is created. between 0 and 1 by the RAND function in Excel)
The authors hypothesize that cutaneous sutures was greater or less than 0.5 respectively. Histological
generate a significant inflammatory reaction during parameters were measured in a separate department
hydrolysis proportional to the suture gauge. This by a single clinician masked to the suture gauge used.
paper reports the results of the first known prospect- The suture gauge group was identified for statistical
ive, double blind study investigating the histological analysis once recruitment and measurements were
reaction of normal unwounded human cutaneous complete.
tissue to PCA suture and a comparison of the reaction All study patients were masked to their suture
elicited by 5/0 and 7/0 gauge sutures. group and underwent insertion of temporary eyelid
eversion sutures in the minor operations theatre
without delay once informed consent was obtained.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Definitive surgery was carried out 28 days later.

The study design was a prospective, randomized,

parallel double-masked clinical study. A favourable SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
opinion was obtained from the regional Research
Ethics Committee and NHS permission was obtained The lower eyelid was anaesthetised with 1–2 mL of
from the Trust Research Lead. The research adhered 0.5% bupivacaine with 1:200,000 adrenaline injected
to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and the subconjunctivally. Two double armed 6/0 PCA eyelid
trial has been registered (Identifier NCT01598376, everting sutures were placed medially and centrally. Literature review was based The third everting suture was treated as the test
on a medline database search from the period 1954 to suture (5/0 or 7/0 gauge PCA) and was placed to
2012 limited to the English language using the emerge in the lower lid 15 mm from the lateral
following keywords in various combinations: suture, canthus. After 28 days, participants underwent a
tissue reaction, granuloma, polyglycolic acid, polyglactin, modified Quickert procedure.13 Briefly, following
inflammation, histology, and human. anaesthesia as above, a full thickness eyelid wedge
Standard care for involutional entropion in our containing the lateral test suture was removed and
department where immediate surgical management is placed in formalin. A transverse eyelid split was
not possible is to offer patients temporary eyelid made below the level of the tarsus and three 6/0 PCA
everting sutures for relief of symptoms. These sutures everting sutures placed. The eyelid wedge was
are removed at the time of definitive surgery. paraffin processed and stained with haematoxylin
Consecutive male and female individuals aged and eosin (H&E) for histological analysis.
over 18 years referred to an oculoplastics clinic with
involutional entropion and significant horizontal lid
laxity were eligible for inclusion in the study. HISTOLOGICAL ANALYSIS
Exclusion criteria included a history of previous
eyelid surgery, a systemic illness likely to influence Histological examination was carried out in a separate
tissue healing response (i.e. uncontrolled diabetes, department by a single clinician masked to the test
concurrent steroid use or Addison’s disease) or suture gauge. For all parameters, the minimum
inability to provide informed consent. A full detailed diameters were measured to reduce errors from
Tissue Reaction to Absorbable Sutures 439

oblique angle sectioning of the granuloma. giant cell number) were measured at a mean of 6
A 3D optical scanner (OPT scanner 30001 M, different levels. The medians were calculated for each
Bioptonics, MRC Technology, Edinburgh, UK) identi- index. The area of fibrous tissue in each granuloma
fied the location of suture in the wedge specimens cross-section was calculated by subtracting the area of
prior to sectioning (Figure 1). the central cellular element from the area of the
Any suture associated granuloma was identified fibrous coat. As area = (d/2)2 the fibrous coat
(Figure 2) and the four primary outcome measures area = (FD/2)2 ([FD FT]/2)2.
(outer diameter, central cellular element diameter,
fibrous coat diameter (FD) and thickness (FT) and

Professional statistical advice was sought. The authors

found no published data on cutaneous tissue response
to different suture gauge in human patients and
limited data are available from animal models to
inform statistical power calculations. A study in rats
has shown that suture gauge is a significant inde-
pendent factor in the determination of tissue reaction
and a similar effect could be expected in human
subjects.16 The individual outcome measures are all
highly dependent on the degree of inflammatory
response. For these reasons, the study was powered to
seek evidence of a standardised treatment effect size
of 1 or more, on each of the four treatment outcome
variables (assuming inter-correlations of around 0.5),
with test Power 0.8 and a global test Alpha-error rate
of 0.05. Using a correlation corrected Bonferroni
adjustment for multiple-testing, we required 21 test
subjects in each treatment group using a test signifi-
cance level of 0.025 throughout. All calculations
FIGURE 1. Photomicrograph of an eyelid excision specimen, undertaken using nQuery Advisor v.5 (Statistical
3D optical scanner (OPT scanner 30001M, Bioptonics, MRC Solutions Ltd, Ireland).
Technology, Edinburgh, UK), magnification 7. The implanted All outcome distributions exhibited a right-tail
suture is clearly visible just below the skin in this wedge of
lower eyelid. Eye lashes are seen above, with meibomian ducts
skew (see Figure 3). Granuloma measurements
visible as grey columns behind. were therefore compared (according to the suture
gauge originally assigned) using the non-parametric
Mann-Whitney test (StatXact v.6, Cytel Software


From June 2010 to March 2011 a total of 47 consecutive

patients were considered for inclusion in the study
and 42 were enrolled as detailed in the flow chart
(Figure 4). All these patients went on to have
definitive surgery including removal of the original
everting sutures after 28 days as defined in the study
protocol (mean 28 days, SD 1.5 days). One patient in
the 5/0 suture group developed a large suture
granuloma and chose to leave the study prior to
definitive surgery. No analysis was possible in 5 of the
FIGURE 2. Eyelid wedge specimen showing a typical remaining 41 patients (3 in the 5/0 group and 2 in the
granuloma (haematoxylin-eosin, original magnification, 40). 7/0 group).
The suture fibrils are clearly visible as refractile bodies within In 2 cases the suture was neither visible on 3D
the central cellular element surrounded by a fibrous coat.
Multiple foreign body giant cells are present. GD granuloma scanning nor in any serial histological section, and
diameter, C central cellular element diameter, GC giant cell, was assumed to have fallen out. In another 2 cases the
F fibrous coat. suture material was enclosed by surface epithelium
! 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
440 B. T. Cartmill et al.

FIGURE 3. Graphs showing the distribution of measurements for granuloma diameter (mm), central cellular element diameter (mm),
giant cell count and fibrous coat area (mm2) in 5/0 and 7/0 suture groups (horizontals display medians, boxes, 50% data
spread, whiskers, 95% data spread and asterisks, outliers of more than 99% spread). p values less than 0.001 highly statistically
significant, after correlation corrected Bonferroni adjustment for multiple testing.

along its full length (serial sections) without for the 5/0 and 7/0 gauge suture respectively;
granuloma formation. In 1 case, the suture was p = 0.7511, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.26, ES 0.11).
knotted in the specimen preventing meaningful
measurement. Histological analysis was carried out
on the remaining 36 patients, 17 with 5/0 PCA and DISCUSSION
19 with 7/0 PCA test sutures. There were no statis-
tically significant age (p = 0.930) or sex (p = 0.671) Cutaneous scarring is an extremely important issue
differences between these two groups. The study in facial plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic
was terminated once sufficient participants in each surgery. In the periocular area scarring may addition-
group had been recruited. ally interfere with eyelid function. Although tissue
All sutures were associated with a typical foreign adhesives are occasionally used,17,18 sutures are
body granuloma consisting of an epithelioid cell the standard method for closing facial surgical
infiltrate with variable numbers of multinucleate wounds and suture choice is an important factor
giant cells and polymorphonuclear leucocytes sur- influencing the scarring process. Suture properties
rounded by a coat of fibroblasts (Figure 2). Statistical such as material, filament type, coating and
results are summarised in Figure 3. The median gauge all affect the tissue reaction and final
diameter of the suture granuloma was strongly scar. Although there is extensive scientific literature
dependent on suture gauge (0.855 mm versus on the cutaneous tissue reaction to sutures in animal
0.387 mm for the 5/0 and 7/0 suture respectively; models, as far as the authors are aware, there has been
p = 0.0001, 95% CI 0.20 to 0.57, Cohen’s treatment no prospective study in normal human cutaneous
Effect Size (ES) = 1.66). The median diameter of the tissue.
central cellular element was similarly dependent Polyglycolic acid (PCA) is a tough, fibre-forming
(0.464 mm versus 0.250 mm; p = 0.0003, 95% CI 0.12 polymer and has been used to produce synthetic
to 0.34, ES = 1.47). absorbable sutures since the early 1960s. VicrylTM
In these indices, the larger suture gauge resulted has become a highly popular braided coated PCA
in an approximate doubling of the diameter of suture worldwide and is extensively used in
inflammatory infiltrate. The area of fibrous coat was oculoplastic surgery. When exposed to physiological
even more strongly dependent with 5/0 gauge suture conditions, PCA is degraded by random hydrolysis
resulting in approximately 4 times more fibrous and esterase activity into glycolic acid. This can then
tissue in cross section (medians 0.194 mm2 versus be excreted in urine or enter the tricarboxylic
0.053 mm2; p = 0.0009, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.22, ES = 1.29) acid cycle to form water and carbon dioxide.19
than 7/0 gauge suture. The giant cell count was A simple tissue hydrolytic reaction would not be
highly variable and the suture gauge did not have a expected to stimulate significant inflammation and
statistically significant effect (0.8 cells versus 1.2 cells promotional literature is consistent with this assertion.
Tissue Reaction to Absorbable Sutures 441

Assessed for eligibility (n=47)

Excluded (n=5)

Not meeting eligibility criteria (n=3)
Declined to participate (n=2)
Other reasons (n=0)

Randomised (n=42)

Allocated to 5/0 suture gauge (n=21, 13M, 8F): Allocated to 7/0 suture gauge (n=21, 12M, 9F):
Received allocated intervention (n=21) Received allocated intervention (n=21)
Did not receive intervention (n=0) Did not receive intervention (n=0)

Lost to follow-up (n=0) Lost to follow-up (n=0)


Left study (n=1) Left study (n=0)

developed suture granuloma and
chose to leave study

Analysed (n=17): Analysed (n=19):

Excluded from analysis (n=3) Excluded from analysis (n=2)

1) A female with no measurable sections 1) A male who had no suture present at any

despite 24 histological levels (all sutures were level despite 20 histological levels
the skin surface or deep in an epithelial cleft) 2) A female with suture enclosed by surface
2) A female with suture enclosed by surface epithelium along its full length without
epithelium along its full length without granuloma formation
granuloma formation
3) A male where the only suture was caught
at a turning point (a knot) and could not be
measured despite 16 histological levels

FIGURE 4. Flow chart summarising participant flow, numbers, randomization assignments, interventions and completeness of
follow-up. Reasons for loss to follow-up detailed.

e.g. ‘‘[PCA suture] absorbs by hydrolysis in 60 to This represents a balance between inflammatory and
90 days with virtually no tissue reaction.’’20 fibrotic reaction and can lead to extensive scarring if
‘‘Coated VICRYL sutures elicit only a mild tissue there is persistent inflammation.27–29 Granuloma size
reaction during absorption.’’21 However, suture- is closely related to the inflammatory activity and
associated inflammation and granuloma are well indicates biocompatibility of the suture material.30.
recognised in postoperative patients.10–12 Prospective studies in human oral mucosa have also
Investigation into cutaneous suture-induced tissue shown significant inflammation,1–5,31 but no prospect-
reaction has been performed in animal models, ive data on the human cutaneous suture reaction have
particularly the rat and rabbit.22–25 Initially, the been published.
foreign surface is thought to be covered with matrix The authors have developed a new model which
metalloproteinases (MMPs), MMP1 and MMP2.26 allows the prospective study of cutaneous tissue
Subsequent denaturation and absorption of these reaction to implanted suture material in patients
proteins causes recruitment of circulating monocytes presenting with eyelid entropion. Eyelid everting
and local macrophages which form a dense infiltrate sutures alone may be used as a temporary measure
around the foreign body. The release of inflammatory for symptomatic relief from entropion by correcting
cytokines recruits fibroblasts and results in the the lid position. In the presence of significant lid
formation of a fibrous capsule around the infiltrate.25 laxity, this is unlikely to be a permanent cure. In this
Eventually a mature foreign body granuloma forms. model, a test suture is included as one of the three
! 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
442 B. T. Cartmill et al.

temporary everting sutures. The Quickert procedure DECLARATION OF INTEREST

has long been established as effective in the correction
of involutional entropion.13 None of the authors have any proprietary/financial
There are three aspects to this procedure. interest to disclose. The authors alone are responsible
The transverse lid split creates a scar preventing the for the content and writing of the paper.
upward movement of the preseptal orbicularis and
the everting sutures shorten the lower lid retractors
and transfer their pull to the upper border of the
tarsus. Finally the eyelid wedge resection reduces the REFERENCES
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! 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

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