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Performance Criteria

Unit 375

A) It became my responsibility within my organization after receiving medication training to

administer medication. Following and applying standard precaution by washing hand
before and ensuring the area where the medication is administered is clean.
B) It is an important procedure to check all individuals medication administration records
and to make sure that they are accurate, and up to date,
C-D) As well as to report any discrepancies to relevant staff as appropriate.
E) Using the MAR sheet, I would confirm the identity of the individual who is to receive
the medication and using the medication dorset box or the individual themselves.
(F) It is vital to communicate to the person, who is to receive the medication and any
appropriate staff, checking that they have not taken recently to be aware of timing.
G) Encouraging the individuals involvement and cooperation by talking to them and
offering support with answering any questions that may concern them, gaining their consent
before administrating medication.
H) As each individual medication box or dorset case will be highlighting their name and
dose and time it is vital to read the information before the administration of medication.
Administer, Report on and Monitor individuals
A) It is a regulation within my organization that washing hands and a clean environment in
which the medication is being administered.
B) Using the MAR sheet and following the individuals written instruction.
C) Including the individuals in the process to minimize pain, discomfort, and trauma.
Remaining with the individual during and after the administration of medication
D-E-F) Reporting any immediate problem to any appropriate and accurately recording it in
the MAR Sheet folder as well as the communication book for all the staff to read. (Ms A is
an independent client was given the choice of administering her own medication with staff
supervision. But it was discovered that she was not swallowing the medication, so a check of
the inside of her mouth was suggested. Which highlight the necessity of staff supervision and
keeping a close eye. )
H) Medications are kept as specified on the box, and if kept in a cupboard the temperature of
which is regularly monitored.
I) Medication that is not used or out of date is recorded in the medication returned book, and
is to be taken back to the pharmacist.
J) Once the medication is administered, all medication and records are returned to a lock and
key cabinet to ensure the outmost care in maintaining the individuals confidentiality of

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