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GASTADOR DATE : 11/16/21




1. What is a Post EDSA revolution?

= The Post-EDSA macroeconomic history of the Philippines covers the period from 1986
to the present time, and takes off from the acclaimed People Power Revolution in the EDSA
revolution of 1986 (named after Epifanio de los Santos Avenue in Manila) that brought
democracy and development potentials back to the country that was once in the perils
of the Martial Law Era. From days, months, and even years of economic and financial
collapse towards the end of that Martial Law Era came revolution, reform, and
sustenance spearheaded by the Aquino, Ramos, Estrada, and Arroyo administrations that
saw the Philippines get back on track and even through some of the wildest financial and
political crises, such as the succeeding EDSA Revolutions, the Asian Financial Crisis, and
the most recent "bubble bursts", among others. Revolutions, liberal ideas, and reforms
aided the country towards robust growth, and crucial policies were conceptualized,
developed, and enacted by the presidents and the advisers who supported them. The
period also featured the emergence of civil society as important proponents of
development, trade reforms and protections, improvements in exports and export-
oriented manufacturing, and decentralization as an important take-off point for regional

2. What happened to literature after EDSA?

= Literature after EDSA in year 1986 marks a new beginning of a new scene for Filipino
writers and artists. It saw the downfall of late President Ferdinand Marcos when he
placed the Philippines under martial rule last September 21,1972. This action does not
only oppress the writers' right to free expression but also created conditions that made
collaboration and cooperation convenient choices for artists' struggling for recognition
and survival. Furthermore, the growth of underground writing was created both in urban
and in the countryside.

3. What year is post EDSA in the Philippines?

= In year 1986, month of February 22-25

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