Class 2 - Group 11 - Unit 8:: Soccer - The Beautiful Game

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Name: 1. Lê Hoành Lam Chi 2. Phan Trần Bảo Ngân

3. Bùi Bảo Ngọc 4. Nguyễn Thị Thảo Thuận

1. My favorite sport means (the sport I love the most / the most popular sport in my country)
2. The rules of a sport are (the things you must and must not do / the points you get for a goal)
3. If the rules are simple, the game is (easy / difficult) to understand
4. The players are the people (in the game / watching the game)
5. When you kick a ball, you move it with your (head / foot)
6. The field is the place where you (play sports outside / watch the game on TV)
7. A team is a group of people who (watch / play) sports together against another group of players
8. A match is a (game / ball)
9. My team won the match means my team (scored more goals / played this game)
10. Fans are who like to (play / watch) a sport.

(That is the sound of soccer – the world’s favorite sport. Soccer is still not very popular in the U.S. But with the
internet and satellite TV, the world is getting smaller. Today, Americans can see that people all over the world
really love this game. To understand why people outside the US love soccer so much, we went to Paolinho’s Pizza
Restaurant … to watch the first match of World Cup soccer.)
__X__ opinions of people who love soccer
____ Americans talking about American football
__X__ why soccer is so popular
_____ how to become a professional soccer player


1. The main question that Jane Tuttle wants to answer is __ .
a. Do Americans love soccer?
b. Why are so many people watching soccer at Paolinho's?
c. Why do people from most countries love soccer?
(To understand why people outside the US love soccer so much, we went to Paolinho's Pizza Restaurant.. to
watch the first match of World Cup soccer)
2. The four people she talked to are all __ .
a. soccer fans from around the world
b. sports fans from the U.S.
c. soccer players on U.S. teams
(Gilberto: I’m from Brazil… Soccer is our life. It is an art/ Ernesto: I’m from Mexico City… I don't like soccer, I
love soccer/ Anders, he's from Germany, but we both love soccer/ Marta, she’s from Spain/ Marta: Soccer is
simpler, and also exciting to watch)

1. Gilberto
a. is Brazilian.
b. doesn't understand Jane's question.
c. thinks soccer is beautiful.
(I'm Gilberto, and I’m from Brazil… Soccer is our life. It is an art… It is beautiful, it is perfect)
2. Ernesto
a. thinks soccer brings people together.
b. is very close friends with Anders.
c. thinks there are two countries in the world.
(Soccer is like an international language. I come here to watch soccer with these soccer fans from all over the
world… I don’t know this guy’s name here. Anders, he's from Germany.. I don't really know him but today we both
want the team Italy to win... It's like there are really only two countries: the country that loves soccer and the
country that doesn't understand)
3. Anders
a. is from Italy.
b. thinks people in the U.S. don't understand soccer.
c. likes soccer because it is a simple game.
(United States - the country that doesn't understand/ Soccer is a sport for everyone. You don't need a lot of special
things to play it… It's simple. Everyone can play soccer)
4. Marta
a. thinks American football is hard to understand.
b. has read books about football.
c. thinks soccer is very exciting.
(Everyone can understand soccer, not like American football. You have to read books to understand all of the rules
in American football. Soccer is simpler, and it's also more exciting to watch)

Excerpt One
Why does Gilberto say that soccer players are like birds and dancers?
a. because the soccer ball flies through the air very fast
b. because soccer players are very beautiful to watch
(When the player jumps in the air, it’s like he’s flying like a bird or a dancer. And he has the ball or kicks it into the
goal, it is simple and beautiful, it is perfect)
Excerpt Two
Why does Ernesto say that soccer is like an international language?
a. because people from different countries love soccer and can enjoy watching it together
b. because people form many different countries all speak English together when they watch a match
(I come here to watch soccer with these soccer fans all over the world… I don’t really know him, but today we both
want the team from Italy to win… We both love soccer)
Excerpt Three
Why does Marta say that soccer is not like American football?
a. American football is more difficult to understand and play
b. There are more books about American football
(Everyone can understand soccer, not like American football. You have to read books to understand all of the rules
in American football. Soccer is simpler)

_F_ 1. Most American sports fans watched the World Cup.
Correction: Most American sports fans didn’t watch the World Cup.
(Many Americans, even big sports fans, did not even know that the World Cup was happening)
_T_ 2. Bob thinks Americans prefer sports with high scores.
(Why isn't soccer popular in this country?/ …Mostly because of the low scores. You can have a great soccer match,
but the final score can be 0 to 1/ I think Americans like sports with higher scores)
_T_ 3. Americans like sports that always have a winner.
(Ties are a problem for sports fans in the U.S. Americans really like one team to win and one team to lose/ Yeah,
that’s definitely another reason)
_F_ 4. America has two traditional sports.
Correction: America has three traditional sports.
(Our traditional sports in the U.S. are baseball, football, and basketball)
_T_ 5. Drew thinks that the U.S. needs an American soccer superstar.
(Americans loves superstar, but we haven’t had any really big American soccer stars yet… We need a American
super star, someone like Michael Jordan)
_F_ 6. David and Victoria Beckham helped a lot of people in the U.S.
Correction: David and Victoria Beckham helped soccer in the U.S a lot.
(I think David Beckham made Americans more interested in soccer. He was a superstar, and so was his wife,
Victoria. I think they helped soccer in the U.S. a lot)
_F_ 7. Drew wants Michael Jordan to play American soccer
Correction: Drew wants America to have a soccer super star, someone like Michael Jordan.
(We need a American super star, someone like Michael Jordan)

A: Did you see the soccer match yesterday?
B: No. Who won?
A: Korea. The final score was 1-0, but there was a 0-0 tie for most of the game.
B: One-nothing! I’m surprised that the final score was so low.
A: Yeah, I expected a higher score. And Italy had a very strong team. I didn’t expect Italy to lose.


Excerpt One
In Bob's opinion, why isn't soccer popular in the U.S.?
a. because Americans don't like their team to lose
b. because Americans don't like games with tie scores
(Ties are a problem for sports fans in the US. Americans really like one team to win and one team to lose)
Excerpt Two
Linda says that most Americans didn't grow up playing and watching soccer. What's the result of this today?
a. Soccer isn't as popular as other sports in the U.S.
b. American soccer teams aren't on TV.
(Soccer is less popular here because we just didn’t grow up with it. We didn’t play it very much as kids. There were
no professional soccer teams so we couldn’t watch it one TV. Baseball and basketball were definitely more
popular, and football)
Excerpt Three
In Drew's opinion, why isn't soccer popular in the U.S.?
a. because Americans don't love big soccer superstars
b. because there aren't any American superstar soccer players
(The reason is that Americans love superstars. But we haven't had any really big American soccer stars yet)




1 People from all countries can understand the rules of soccer. 3. Most adults in the U.S. never learned to play soccer
(Everyone can understand soccer) well.
2. Soccer is an art. (It is an art) 5. Soccer doesn't have high scores. (Because of the low
4. People can play soccer without a lot of expensive things. (You scores. …The final score can be 0 to 1)
don’t need a lot of special things to play it, just a ball and a goal) 6. Americans have other traditional sports. (Our
9. Soccer brings people from many countries together. (Soccer is traditional sports in the U.S. are baseball, football, and
like an international language. I come here to watch soccer with basketball)
these soccer fans from all over the world… I don't really know 7. Soccer sometimes ends in a tie. (The final score can be
him, but today we both want Italy to win… we both love soccer) 0 to 1)
8. There are no soccer stars from the U.S. (We haven't
had any really big American soccer stars yet)
10. People in the U.S. did not grow up watching soccer on
TV. (There were no professional soccer teams, so we
couldn't watch it on TV)

A: I heard that most American don’t like soccer. Is that true?
B: Yes, it is.
A: Why? Soccer is so easy to understand.
B Well, one reason is that Americans like sports with higher score.
A: Soccer doesn’t need special equipment. You just need a net and a ball.
B: But sometimes it ends in a tie. Americans want to have a winner and a loser.
A: Did you know that it is easier to understand soccer rules than American football rules?
B: Soccer isn’t our traditional sports. So we don’t prefer to watch and play it.
A: Soccer is a form of art.
B: I believe that every sport is an art. People in the US just did not grow up watching soccer on TV.
A: You should know that soccer brings people from many countries together as fans. Soccer is an international
B: There is no soccer stars from the US so we don’t really rooting for any soccer players.
A: American should have one because soccer games are exciting to watch.

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