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1. Write down PREAMBLE.

We, the sovereign Filipino people,
Imploring the aid of Almighty God,
In order to build a just and humane society
and establish a government
that shall embody our ideals and aspirations,
promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony,
and secure to ourselves our posterity the blessings of independence
and democracy under the rule of law and regime of truth,
justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace,
do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
2. Explain the various factors according to your cluster.
- Cares for the environment and utilizes resources wisely, judiciously,
and economically.
- Shows a caring attitude for the environment.
- Practices Waste Management
- Conserves energy and resources


Our environment faces several problems, and many of these seem to be

worsening with time, bringing us into a time of a true environmental crisis. It is
therefore becoming increasingly important to raise awareness of the existence of
these issues, as well as what can be done to reduce their negative impact. Some
of the key issues are:

1) Pollution

Pollution of the air, water and soil caused by toxins such as plastics, heavy
metals and nitrates, caused by factors such as toxins and gases released by
factories, combustion of fossil fuels, acid rain, oil spill and industrial waste.

2) Global warming

The emission of greenhouse gases due to human activity causes global warming,
which in turn causes an increase in temperature that then leads to rising sea
levels, melting of polar ice caps, flash floods and desertification.

3) Overpopulation

We are facing a shortage of resources such as food, water and fuel to sustain the
rising global population, particularly in developing countries. Intensive
agriculture attempting to lessen the problem actually leads to more damage
through the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides.
4) Waste disposal

An excessive amount of waste is produced and dumped in the oceans. Nuclear

waste is particularly dangerous, as well as plastics and electronic waste.

5) Ocean acidification

The increase in the production of carbon dioxide by humans causes the oceans’
acidity to rise, which has a negative impact on marine life.

6) Loss of biodiversity

Species and habitats are becoming extinct due to human activity. This causes an
imbalance in natural processes like pollination and poses a threat to ecosystems
– coral reef destruction is particularly affected.

7) Deforestation

Loss of trees in order to make space for residential, industrial or commercial

projects means that less oxygen is produced, and temperature and rainfall are

8) Ozone layer depletion

Pollution caused by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the air creates a hole in the

ozone layer, which protects the earth from harmful UV radiation.

9) Acid rain

Pollutants in the atmosphere such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides cause
acid rain, which has negative consequences for humans, wildlife and aquatic

10) Public health issues

Lack of clean water is one of the leading environmental problems currently.

Pollutants in the air also cause issues such as respiratory disease and
cardiovascular disease.


Bayang magiliw,

Perlas ng silanganan,

Alab ng puso

Sa dibdib mo’y buhay.

Lupang hinirang,

Duyan ka ng magiting,

Sa manlulupig

Di ka pasisiil.

Sa dagat at bundok,

Sa simoy at sa langit mong bughaw,

May dilag ang tula

At awit sa paglayang minamahal.

Ang kislap ng watawat mo’y

Tagumpay na nagniningning;

Ang bituin at araw niya,

Kailan pa ma’y di magdidilim.

Lupa ng araw, ng luwalhati’t pagsinta,

Buhay ay langit sa piling mo;

Aming ligaya na ‘pag may mang-aapi,

Ang mamatay nang dahil sa iyo.

IV. PAGE 17-22
1. Disagree
2. Agree
3. Agree
4. Agree
5. Agree
6. Agree
7. Agree
8. Agree
9. Agree
10. Agree

1. National Service Training Program (NSTP)
2. Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)
3. Civil Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
4. Literacy Training Service (LTS)
5. Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)
6. SEC. 10. Management of the NSTP components
7. Three program components
8. Two semesters
9. 54-90 hours
10. Citizens Armed Force
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. D

1. Baccalaureate
2. (2)-year Technical- Vocational
3. The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)
4. The Literacy Training Service
5. The Civil Welfare Training Service
6. Patriotism
7. Moral Virtues
8. Adherence to the constitution
9. Citizenship Training
10. Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
11. Technical Education and Skills
12. Department of National Defense (DND)
13. Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)
14. Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations of the Philippines
15. Male
16. Female
17. Two (2) year technical- vocational
18. Two (2) Semesters
19. DND
20. CHED
22. State Universities
23. Colleges
24. Private Higher
25. and Technical- Vocational
26. Three Hundred and Fifty (350)
27. Clustering of Affected Students
28. Logistics
29. Branch
30. Geographical Considerations

5. Explain Bill of Rights

It is the people’s shield against government Abuse. It establishes the relationship
between individual to the State and defines the rights of the individual by limiting
the lawful powers of the State. One of the most important political achievements
of the Filipinos (Smith,1945). From the given Bill itself, it is about the rights of all
persons within its territory. “ There is no constitution worthy of the name without
a bill of declaration of rights” – Justice Laurel

Section 1.
No one is allowed to be deprived for any properties or anything that includes to
him without the good process of law. Everyone has the right to get equal
protection to their own life, property and liberty. There is no such person who has
the right to owned something without the proof or evidence comes from the Law.

Section 2.
It is about the right of every person to secure their houses, papers and persons
from unreasonable searches and seizures. Activities that restrict the right to
privacy, such as surveillance and censorship, can only be justified when they are
prescribed by law, necessary to achieve a legitimate aim, and proportionate to the
aim pursued. It protects against arbitrary arrests, and is the basis of the law
regarding search warrants.

Section 12.
This section explains about the right of a person who is under investigation to
remain silent and choose or find his own counsel to defend him but if he doesn’t
have the money to get one, the law should provided him. There is no such
acceptable evidence that would be used against him if it is done with harm, as
investigation goes by. The law shall also provide penal and civil sanctions for
violation of this section.

Section 13.
Excessive Bail shall not be required. All persons, except those charged with
strong evidence of guilt has the right to bailable or released on recognizance as
may be provided by the law, before conviction. Habeas corpus is a fundamental
right in the Constitution that protects against unlawful and indefinite

Section 14.
In criminal cases there can be no fair hearing unless the accused be given an
opportunity to be heard by counsel. It is for this reason that the right to be
assisted by counsel is deemed so important that it has become a constitutional
right and it is so implemented that under our rules of procedure it is not enough
for the Court to apprise an accused of his right to have an attorney, it is not
enough to ask him whether he desires the aid of an attorney, but it is essential
that the court should assign one de oficio for him if he so desires and he is poor
or grant him a reasonable time to procure an attorney of his own.

Section 18.
No person shall be detained solely by the reason of his political beliefs and
aspirations. Freedom to believe is absolute, but freedom to act in accordance
with such political belief is limited.

Section 20.
Section 20 of the Philippine Constitution states that “no person shall be
imprisoned for debt or non-payment of a poll tax. But creditors can still bring you
to court to demand and enforce payment of your debts. Plus, if you issued
checks to repay your debts, you will be subject to Batas Pambansa (B.P.) 22, the
law that penalizes the making or drawing and issuance of a check without
sufficient funds or credit and for other purposes.

Section 21.
To substantiate a claim for double jeopardy, the following must be demonstrated:
First jeopardy must have attached prior to the second; the first jeopardy must
have been validly terminated; the second jeopardy must be for the same offense,
or the second offense includes or is necessarily included in the offense charged
in the first information, or is an attempt to commit the same or is a frustration

Section 22.
An ex post facto law is a law that retroactively changes the legal consequences
(or status) of actions that were committed, or relationships that existed, before
the enactment of the law. "Ex post facto" means "happening or promulgated after
the fact."If vested rights or obligations of contracts are not impaired, and if
favorable to the accused, they are okay.  

6. Answer page 85-86

C. Identification
1. Nation’s Camaraderie, Solidarity and Unity
2. Lupang Hinirang
3. Julian Felipe
7. May 28
8. Filipino Language
9. State of war

D. Enumeration
1. Manila
Cavite Pampanga
Nueva Ecija
Marcella Agoncillo
Dona Delfina Herbosa de Natividad
Ako ay Pilipino Buong Kataptan

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