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Immersive Project 3BALIB

The primary objective of this project is to raise awareness of SDGs 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development. Taken together, they provide a wide-ranging framework to
help us tackle the most pressing social and environmental challenges of our time. For the
average person learning about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its
ambitions and its far-fetching requirements, it might be easy to think “they don’t apply to
me.” This project is exactly aimed at breaking that glass ceiling. Sustainability doesn't
always have to be an expensive affair, it shouldn’t be limited to a hobby, but a lifestyle.
One that can be inculcated in our everyday lives.

Secondly, it becomes a rather important topic to be able to create an enabling

environment for sustainable development in the spirit of solidarity and global partnership.
It aims to inhibit sustainable practices in students so that we can achieve a sustainable
present and future. Thinking from a 21st-century perspective we are in an environmental
crisis. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) may be utilised as a framework and
tool to help students improve their research, critical thinking, problem-solving,
teamwork, and communication abilities. These 21st-century abilities will prepare students
for the real-world issues they will confront throughout their lives.

● To engage students in the foundational concepts of the UN Sustainable Development

● Through this project, students will be able to tackle the issues of informed and
responsible decision making practices as a cautious human being of this world

● To demonstrate awareness of local, regional, national, and global needs, and within that
framework act with an informed awareness of issues in the deconstruction of an identity
which is not only valuable for their own social, moral, and intellectual development, it
also serves as a foundation for examining the choices made by individuals and groups in
the past as well as in the present – for sustained development of any society, national or
global in nature.

● To demonstrate awareness of local, regional, national, and global needs, and within that
framework of the UN SDGs with an increased awareness of its practical application. it
also serves as a foundation for future sustainable citizen

● It also aims to localize the concept and its application i.e. Sustainable Development Goals
in thought and action. Focusing on changes you can make right now to engage
meaningfully with the SDGs in your everyday life.


With these projects, we are aiming to focus primarily on 5 SDGs.

● GOAL 2 - No Hunger
● GOAL 3 - Good Health and Well-being
● GOAL 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
● GOAL 12 - Responsible consumption and production
● GOAL 13 - Climate Action


Below mentioned are 4 project options, every student has to choose one of the 4 projects and
work on it over a period of 2 months. At the completion of the project, the student has to submit
an extensive report and a supporting document (portfolio, photos etc.) as a submission for the SD


Composting is a low-cost, natural process that converts your kitchen and garden waste into
nutrient-dense food for your plants. It's simple to put together and use. Compost is extremely
eco-friendly as they are a substitute for chemical fertilizers. According to new research, over half
of the food waste in the average trash can might have been composted. Composting your food
and garden waste at home can help to minimise the quantity of trash transported to landfills or
other more expensive types of treatment. Because of these reasons the students choosing this
project are supposed to build a compost and sustain it for at least the time duration of the project,
they are advised to use natural resources that usually end up in the dumpster for this project for
example fruit and vegetable peels etc. If the project is to be continued in Bangalore itself, they
might have the liability to use the university premises/resources to continue the same.


From a practical standpoint, those who garden do so because they enjoy growing their own fruit
and veg, and they like the sense of achievement of being able to serve their family fresh, healthy,
homegrown produce. But from a wider perspective, gardening can mean much more. Many
people lead busy lives, and we feel that inspiring others to stay in touch with nature, slow down
and just enjoy the simple things in life is important. Gardening also fits perfectly into the ideals
of reducing, reusing and recycling. Sustainable gardening is a process of growing foods at home
that doesn’t cause harm to the environment. It’s an organic farming method that allows house
members to grow food in a smart and eco-friendly way. It’s a win-win situation, whichever way
you look at it. It can take the form of growing anything and everything possible from a small
herb gardening to vegetable growing in your kitchen garden.


This project requires you to choose a set of household items from your house or neighbourhood
and provide a new meaning and usefulness to it by the process of either recycling or reusing.
This can include using one particular thing and working on it for a couple of months or it can
either be a set of items being reused/recycled in the span of the project.

Benefits of Reducing and Reusing

● Prevents pollution caused by reducing the need to harvest new raw materials
● Saves energy
● Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change
● Helps sustain the environment for future generations
● Saves money
● Reduces the amount of waste that will need to be recycled or sent to landfills and
● Allows products to be used to their fullest extent


This includes choosing foods that involve selecting the right ingredients for our dishes,
ingredients that are not only healthy for our bodies but our environment too. The move away
from processed foods is intended to help minimise the negative environmental effect of food
production, eliminate food-related illnesses, and prolong people's lives. The project has a large
spectrum from coming up with new recipes on a platter to save the environment to making
sustainable food a lifestyle. The creativity spectrum is open for the students to experiment and

The second option available, sustainable fashion. This focuses on a way to responsible
consumerism and the model of recycle, reuse and reduce. Fast fashion has paved its way up the
market into the most extravagant way. Clothing is purposely made to be consumed fast at low
prices, causing buyers to regard clothing as disposable, wearing it only a few times before
discarding it or replacing it with newer and trendier inexpensive clothing.

Fast fashion is unsustainable since it depletes natural resources at exponential rates, abuses
people all over the world, and results in an oversupply of clothing. The Costly Environmental
Impact of Fast Fashion - Power Over Energy. Clothing and textiles production releases 1.2
billion tonnes of greenhouse gases every year – that's more than the combined emissions for all
international flights and shipping.

Sustainable fashion (also known as eco-fashion) is a movement and a process that aims to
improve the ecological integrity and social justice of fashion items and the fashion sector.
Fashion fabrics and goods are only one aspect of sustainable fashion. Creating a sustainable
fashion portfolio, or textiles or re-thinking and re-designing the way we think about fashion. This
particular project wants the student to think beyond the norm in the fashion industry, come up
with a personal sustainable style statement.

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