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PET Speaking Term I- No 5

Part 1

1. Do you like to have flowers in your home?

Yes, I do. I think they add a lot of color to the place. They’re a nice natural touch and as
they only last about a week I usually replace them with some other flowers so there’s
always something different to look at. They bring a bit of life to the apartment, which is
something I like.

2. Where would you go to buy flowers?

It would depend on the occasion or event, and who I was buying them for. If it was just
a small gift for someone and it wasn’t a particularly special event or anything like that
then I’d probably pick some flowers up at the supermarket because they usually have a
good selection and they’re always fresh and good quality. If it was for a special event,
or someone really special, then I guess I’d go to a florist and look for something
appropriate for the person or event. I think each place is good depending on what you
need. The supermarket is convenient and the flowers are good, but at the florist you
can usually find something a little different or out of the ordinary, and they usually
deliver them as well.

3. On what occasions would you give someone flowers?

Flowers aren’t always my first choice as a gift, so it would depend on the event and the
person, but I usually take flowers with me when I visit my mother for example, because
she loves flowers. I would also buy them for my girlfriend’s birthday and any other
special occasion because she really adores them. Then there are events such as funerals
when flowers are normally sent or delivered to the family, and maybe other special
occasions such as the graduation of my sister or cousin from university, because they
both like flowers.

4. Are flowers important in your culture?

Personally, I don’t think they are very important in the culture. They may be popular,
especially with women, but apart from the well accepted traditions of roses for romantic
occasions, I can’t really associate a particular flower with any important special event or
meaning. I think giving flowers is a common thing, many people do it regularly, but as
for any special significance, I can’t really think of any. They’re a very popular gift to give
someone but lots of people prefer to give and receive other types of gifts too, so I don’t
think they are really that important in terms of the culture, unlike in some other

countries maybe. 

Part 2

A: Good morning, Tom. How are you?

B: Good morning, Mai. I’m great. What about you?
A: I’m okay. Hmm, I have something to discuss with you. Do you mind?
B: Yes, I’m always very willing.
B: Our college wants to put some magazines in the library for the students, but I still don’t know
what to put in the library. Do you give me some suggestions?
A: I think you can put some animal magazines, because that magazines can help the students to
have more knowlegde about animal as well as their environment. What do you think about it?
B: Oh, that’s okay, but animal magazines isn’t really popular with the studnets. Do you think
space magazines are good?
A: Wow, it’s interesting magazines, student can learn about the knowledge of the space. And
what about cars and motorbikes magazines?
B: I’m sorry, but I don’t agree with you. Because cars and motorbikes aren’t also popular and
don’t provide really useful knowledge for the students. How about photography and music
A: Oh, They’re exciting magazines. They’re really popular with the students. And surely it will be
well received by many students.
B: So, which shall we choose, then?
A: I think photography and music magazines would be a good idea. Do you agree with me?
B: Okay, I agree. That’s the one we’ll choose then.

The photograph 1 shows a woman about 40 years old. Maybe she is a single mom or maybe her
husband is busy so she looks after three children alone. I think she is also an office worker at a
company. But after works she has to take care of three children as well as her house. She looks
very busy with a hand holding a baby wearing a denim bib with a white long-sleeve t-shirt,
another hand carrying some bags. Possibly they just got back from the supermarket or they
prepare go somewhere. I can see a boy wearing a red t-shirt inside, a jeans jacket on the outside
with shorts jeans and a girl wearing a colorful dress with a pink coat, they are fighting to carry
the pink bag.

The photograph 2 shows a man about 42 years old. He wears a grey sweater, a hand is cooking,
another hand is holding the phone maybe prepare to call or maybe update the news. I can see
there are many documents and laptop on the table. He looks very busy. I guess he is a single
man so he has to cook while doing works.
Part 4

1. Have you stayed at a hotel before?

Yes, I have several times when I’ve been travelling and also a couple of times for trips
related to work.

2. Do you think people like to stay at hotels? Why?

It depends on the individual, and the reason for the trip I suppose. Some people don’t
like being away from home so staying in a hotel maybe doesn’t appeal to them. Other
people see it as a change to the normal – like a small adventure – something different
and so they enjoy it. 

My father used to travel a lot and lived half of the week in hotels, he always had some
interesting stories about other people he met and I think he quite enjoyed the variety
rather than staying in only one place all the time.

3. What are the most important things that a good hotel should have?

Well, again it depends, if it’s a business trip then it needs to be close to where you need
to go and have all the facilities you need to get things done, maybe a business centre
and things like that. But if you’re on vacation then you probably think more about it
being in a nice location, maybe with a nice view, a balcony and comfortable rooms. In
all cases, it’s important that the staff are warm and friendly and the service is good –
that’s important if you’re travelling on business or on vacation.

4. Do you think hospitality jobs are desirable?

I think the people who do them think they are. I mean, there are so many jobs and I
suppose it can be very interesting too. I have a friend who works in hotel management
and she loves it, so yes, I think such jobs are good and essential for those who need to
stay in a hotel. 

Really, hospitality is no different from any other commercial sector – there are many
different aspects to it and many different kinds of jobs available. You can be a waiter or
maid or develop a professional career as a manager in a large multinational hotel chain
– so there are plenty of opportunities for everyone, just like in any other industry. 

5. Do you think the hotel industry should be regulated? Why?

There should certainly be some sort of regulations which cover minimum standards. You
know, in terms of food in restaurants, basic hygiene and cleanliness in rooms, the
provision of services and such like.

But I don’t know what else needs to be regulated … ah yes, health and safety, for
example, a hotel has to make sure that guests can escape in the event of a fire or
emergency, it needs to have emergency lighting and medical services, I think. 

That sort of regulation is necessary and good for the industry in order to maintain
minimum standards for the public.
6. Do you think the tourist industry is a good industry to work in for young
people in your country?

It depends, there are many different types of work in tourism. Some jobs are
temporary, part-time or seasonal while others can be professional careers related to
hotel and restaurant management, or even self-employment. 

Tourism seems to be a booming industry in many countries so it can provide many

opportunities for young people, either short-term or long-term depending on what they
are specifically looking for. 

I think if a young person is serious about building a career within the tourism industry, it
can provide good opportunities as more and more people are travelling nowadays and

visiting places outside their own countries so the future of tourism in general looks to be
a healthy one in terms of employment prospects.

7. Should there be any restrictions on the travel business?

I’m not sure what kinds of restrictions you are referring to, but obviously eco-tourism
has become a hot topic because it ensures that the environment isn’t damaged by
tourism. Any restrictions, such as those necessary to protect the natural environment
and wildlife from the impact of many tourists in an area, are a good idea and should be

9. Should there be any restrictions on the tourism industry?

If we consider the impact of travel and accommodating a large number of people

visiting a particular area for tourism purposes, then yes, there probably should be some
form of restriction. 

When a certain location becomes extremely popular with tourists it can change the local
culture and impact life for the native inhabitants. It can affect prices, transport and

There’s also the question of construction of new hotels and other tourist accommodation
which can impact on the local landscape. This should be controlled so that the
development of tourism in an area is carried out in a positive way with no negative
consequences for the local people. 

10. Should there be any restrictions on business travel?

I think it would be difficult to justify restricting business travel. After all, if it wasn’t
necessary, most companies wouldn’t do it. Corporations are always looking to cut their
costs, so unnecessary business travel would probably be one of the first things they
would target. 

Apart from that, business travel also means supporting a whole range of commercial
activities as part of the process; hotels, restaurants, car hire, taxis and other service
providers all benefit from business travellers.

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