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How is the human person revealed in modern technology?
Much as Greek technology is a revealing cycle, modern technology also is an occasion of concealment.
Regular items in the revealing system of modern technology make themselves open to the light of the age’s
method of Being. Waterways, mountains, plains, plants, and creatures are totally carried forward into the middle
stage in order to be found in the new light of modern machination. Dissimilar to previously, nature is currently
considered an “asset we can promptly control.” It is not any longer an object of marvel but rather an object of
human victory. As Francis Bacon said, our insight into nature is likewise our control over it. This is how things
uncover themselves in modern technology. They are presently “things prepared for any human biding.”
In The Question Concerning Technology, Heidegger specifies two characteristics of modern technology
as a revealing cycle. To begin with, he says “the revealing that standards in the modern technology is a
challenging and Second, he says “this challenging that brings forward energy of nature is and expediting
The method of revealing of modern technology is a challenging. What’s the significance here by this
challenging? Using his own language, challenging is Herausfordern which in a real sense signifies “to approach
by challenge or interest.” Things are revealed or delivered by challenging or demanding them. It is putting to
nature the absurd interest that it supply energy that can be extricated and stored.8

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