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NPTEL Online Course (July-Nov 2017)

Control Engineering

Assignment 6 Solution

|GH( jω)| 6= 1, for any value of ω. Thus phase margin is ∞.

Initially plot has −40 dB/decade. So there must be double zero at origin. Slope changes −60 dB/decade at ω = 2, hence
pole at ω = 2. Again slope changes to −40 dB/decade at ω = 5, so zero at ω = 5. Slope changes to −60 dB/decade at
ω = 25. Therefore, pole at ω = 25. Hence, the transfer function must be of the form
K(s + 5)
s2 (s + 2)(s + 25)
At ω = 0.1 rad/s, gain is 54dB. Therefore,
54 = 20 log 2
= 20 log(9.7K)
(0.1) (2.1)(25.1)
⇒ K = 51.7

Therefore, the overall transfer function is written as

51.7(s + 5)
s2 (s + 2)(s + 25)

Open loop transfer function of the system is
G(s) =
s(2s + 1)(s + 1)
Therefore, the loop transfer function is given by
GH(s) =
s(2s + 1)(s + 1)
In frequency domain, the loop transfer function is expressed as
GH( jω) =
jω( j2ω + 1)( jω + 1)
−3ω 2 2ω 3 − ω
= + j
ω 2 + 5ω 4 + 4ω 6 ω 2 + 5ω 4 + 4ω 6

= 0. The condition given ω(2ω 2 − 1) = 0 i.e.

The intersection 
with the
 real axis can be calculated as Im GH( jω)
ω = √12 and GH j √12 = − 23
The Nyquist plot crosses the negative real axis at ω = √1 rad/sec. Hence, phase crossover frequency is

ω p = √ = 0.707 rad/sec
The frequency at which the magnitude is 1, i.e. the gain crossover frequency is determined as

ωg 2 (1 + ωg 2 )(1 + 4ωg 2 ) = 1
⇒ 4ωg 6 + 5ωg 4 + ωg 2 − 1 = 0
⇒ ωg 2 = 0.326
⇒ ωg = 0.57 rad/sec

The transfer function will be of the form
GH(s) =
(s + p1 )(s + p2 )(s + p3 )
K( jω)2
GH( jω) =
( jω + p1 )( jω + p2 )( jω + p3 )
ω ω ω
∠GH( jω) = 180o − arctan − arctan − arctan
p1 p2 p3

As ω → 0, ∠GH( jω) = 180o

As ω → ∞, ∠GH( jω) = 180o − 90o − 90o − 90o = −90o .
Therefore, the phase plot will be monotonically decreasing from 180o to −90o .

Initially slope is −20 dB/decade. Hence, there is a pole at origin and system type is 1. Therefore, statement I is wrong.
For type-1 system, position error coefficient is ∞. Hence, statement III is incorrect. Finally, at ω = 1 rad/s

20 log K = 6
⇒ K =2

The given loop transfer function is the same as in Q.3. The phase crossover frequency and gain crossover frequency is
found to be ω p = 0.707 rad/s and 0.57 rad/s. Then the gain margin of the system is
1 2
G.M. = 20 log = −20 log = 3.52 dB
|GH( jω p )| 3

Phase margin of the system is given by

P.M. = 180o + ∠GH( jωg ) = 180o − 90o − arctan(0.57) − arctan(1.14) = 11.6o

Note that the system is stable. Hence, gain margin and phase margin are positive. So correct answer is G.M.= 3.52 dB
and P.M.= 11.6o .

The plot has one encirclement of origin in clockwise direction. Thus G(s) has a zero in the RHP.

The Nyquist plot intersect the real axis at −0.5. Thus

G.M. = −20 log(x) = −20 log(0.5) = 6.02 dB

and its phase margin is 90o .

At the phase crossover frequency, ω p , the gain is 1. Then,

G(s) = =1
s(s + 2)
3e−2 jω p
⇒ G( jω p ) = =1
jω p ( jω p + 2)
⇒ |G( jω p )| = p =1
ωp ωp2 + 4
⇒ ω p 4 + 4ω p 2 − 9 = 0
⇒ ω p 2 = 1.606
⇒ ω p = 1.26 rad/s

At the gain crossover frequency, ωg , ∠GH = −π. Then,

π ωg
−2ωg − − arctan = −π
2 2

ωg π
⇒ 2ωg + arctan =
2 2
ωg 1 ωg π
⇒ 2ωg + − =
2 3 2 2
5ωg ωg 3 π
⇒ − =
2 24 2
⇒ ωg = 0.632 rad/s

The gain at phase crossover frequency is

3 3
|G( jω p )| = p = p = 2.263
ωp 2
ωp + 4 (0.632) (0.632)2 + 4

∴ G.M. = −20 log |G( jω p )| = −7.08 dB

The phase at the gain crossover frequency is

π ωg
∠G( jωg = −2ωg − − arctan = −265.5o
2 2

∴ P.M. = 180o − 265.5o = −86.5o

The open-loop transfer function is given by
G(s) =
s(s + 1)(s + 2)
⇒ G( jω) =
jω( jω + 1)( jω + 2)
−3ω 2 jω(ω 2 − 2)
= + j
ω 2 (1 + ω 2 )(4 + ω 2 ) ω 2 (1 + ω 2 )(4 + ω 2 )

For ω → 0+ ,

x = Re[G( jω)] =−
ω → 0+ 4
Denote the points of intersection of the Nyquist plot on the real axis be A, B, and C for the corresponding points −8 +
j0, −2 + j0, and − 0.2 + j0 respectively in the Nyquist plot for k = 1. For stability of the closed loop system the value of
K will be such that the point −1 + j0 doesn’t lie in the region OC and AB to avoid twice encirclement. This means, in the
Nyquist plot of GH(Kjω) , the critical point −1 + j0 either lie between −8 and −∞, or between −2 and −0.2 Then,
− 1 < −8K ⇒ K < ,
− 1 > −2K ⇒ K > , and,
− 1 < −0.2K ⇒ K < 5
1 1
∴ For closed loop stability, K < 8 and 2 < K < 5.

From the given transfer function,
= −26.56o

∠GH( jω) = − arctan T
ω= 0.5 T

From the phase plot, at ω = T , ∠GH( jω) = −22.5o .
∴ Error in Phase = −22.5o − (−26.56o ) = 4.06o typo in the options

Again at ω = T ,

|GH| = = √K
1 + j0.5 1.25
⇒ 20 log |GH| = 20 log K − 10 log(1.25) = 20 log K − 0.97
From the magnitude plot, at ω = T ,
|GH| = 20 log(K)
∴ Error in gain = 0.97 dB
Note: This question has not been considered for evaluation.

At the point where the Nyquist plot intersects the negative real axis, the phase angle is −180o . So
∠GH( jω) = − 180o
⇒ −0.25 jω − = − π
⇒ jω = 2π
∴ s = 2π
Putting s = 2π in the given loop transfer function,

GH(s) = = −0.5
s=2π 2π
∴ The Nyquist plot crosses the negative real axis at (−0.5, j0).

GH(s) =
s2 − 1
2 + jω
⇒ GH( jω) =
−1 − ω 2
At ω = 0, GH( jω) = 2∠−180o , and at ω = ∞, GH( jω) = 0∠−90o . Therefore option (D) is correct.
Open loop transfer function of the system is given by
GH(s) = (K + 0.366s)
s(s + 1)
K + j0.366ω
⇒ GH( jω) =
jω( jω + 1)

Phase margin of the system is given as

φPM = 60o = 180o + ∠GH( jωg )

o 0.366ωg
− 90o − arctan ωg

= 180 + arctan
o 0.366
= 90 + arctan − arctan(1)
⇒ 15o = arctan
⇒ K = 1.366

Given that the open-loop transfer function of the system is
as + 1
G(s) =
∴ ∠G( jω) = arctan(ωa) − π

∵ P.M. is π4 , thus
= π + ∠G( jωg )
= π + arctan(ωg a) − π
= arctan(ωg a)
⇒ ωg =
At gain crossover frequency, ωg , |G( jωg )| = 1. Thus,
1 + a2 ωg2

⇒ ωg2 = 2 = 1.414
⇒ a = √ = 0.841


K 1 + ω2
|GH( jω)| = √ =K
1 + ω2

∠GH( jω) = arctan(ω) − arctan(−ω) = arctan
1 − ω2

At ω = 0, GH( jω) = K∠−180o

At ω = 1, GH( jω) = K∠−90o
At ω = ∞, GH( jω) = K∠0o
Therefore, option (D) is correct.
The open loop transfer function is
2(s + 1)
GH(s) =
2(1 + jω)
⇒ GH( jω) = −
∴ ∠GH( jω) = − 180 + arctan(ω)
At the phase crossover frequency,
−π = − π + arctan(ω p )
⇒ ωp = 0
The gain at ω p = 0 is

2 1 + ω2
|GH( jω)| = =∞
Considering the phase crossover frequency ω p = 0, the gain margin is 20 log ∞1 = −∞ dB. But the closed loop system

is stable as the characteristic equation s2 + 2s + 2 = 0 have roots s = −1 ± j on the LHP. For a stable closed loop system
the gain margin cannot be a negative quantity. The mathematical formula derived from Nyquist plot is not valid here as
the phase starts from −180o at ω = 0. There is no cross-over at ω = 0. Hence, −∞ is not the gain margin.
In this case the appropriate GM can be derived from the Nyquist plot of the system, as shown in Figure 1. The Nyquist

-75 -50 -25

Figure 1: Nyquist Plot of the system in Q.18

plot shows that there is no encirclement of the point −1 + j0 i.e. N = 0 and the system have no open loop poles on RHP
i.e. P = 0. Therefore, number of zeros of the characteristic equation, on RHP, is Z = N + P = 0 i.e. the closed-loop
system is stable. The closed-loop system remains stable as the gain is increased, even to a large value. So, theoretically
it can be said that the gain margin of the system is ∞ i.e. if the gain of the closed-loop system is increased by an infinite
value then the system will be at the verge of instability.
Given transfer function is
104 (1 + jω)
H( jω) =
(10 + jω)(100 + jω)2
0.1(1 + jω)
ω 2
1 + j 10 1 + j 100

The system is type 0. So, initial slope of the Bode plot is 0 dB/decade.
Corner frequencies are

ω1 = 1 rad/s
ω2 = 10 rad/s
ω3 = 100 rad/s

As the initial slope of Bode plot is 0 dB/decade and corner frequency ω1 = 1 rad/s, the slope after ω = 1 rad/s is
(0 + 20) = +20 dB/decade.
After corner frequency, ω2 = 10 rad/s, the slope is (20 − 20) = 0 dB/decade.
Similarly, after ω3 = 100 rad/s, the slope is (0 − 20 × 2) = −40 dB/decade. Correct option is (a).

One open loop pole is lying on the RHP. Thus open-loop system is unstable and P = 1. From the Nyquist plot of the
closed loop system it can be found that there is one clockwise encirclement. Hence, N = 1.

∴ Z = N +P = 1+1 = 2

Hence, there are 2 closed loop poles on the RHP and the system is unstable. Therefore, only statement (II) is correct.

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