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: eum Brille slgall Geol ga < ith Barth Work Compaction: Embankment materials should not be compacted unless the moisture rato is in the decide limit be Degree of compaction should be measured to cach layer twice at least to each 2000 m* « Degree of compaction should not be less than (95%) from max dry density of fills for construction excavation and excavations of water drain channels. <4: The degree of compaction shou not be less than (95%) f the max dry density of last sol layer and shoulders of (30 em) depth from the final surface. The ‘minimum CBR value should not be less than (4%), the liguid limit should not be Jess than (55%) and the plasticity index should not be Tess than (30), Soil with density of less than 1.7 g/em' is considered unsuitable for use i the (30 em) top layer, and shouldbe replaced with suitable soi, ‘e-The embankment with height less than 2m “except final layer” should be ‘compacted to (94%) of max. dry density as 2 minimum limit £. The par of embankment with height more than 2 m should be compacted to (939%) of max. dry density asa minimum limit 50 ‘Siath: The Deviation in the Final Surface Levels Deviation of sol surface should be measured by using ruler with length Gm), and the deeper point of deviation wo the ruler should not exceeds the following: Som Fo final surface T0.em For side slopes em For shoulders Soil Cement Stabilized Subgrade, Sub-base or Base (SORB/R6E) ies: Materials: ‘The mis in place method will only be applied to sites when sand and gravel ‘or sand and gravel mixtures are provided inthe same sit, Using fixed mixing machine, materials should comply with specifications as shown below: 441 Silty and clayey coils it should full the following requirements: ‘a Maximum liquid limit (LL) 45%

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