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The world is comprised of different kinds of cultures.

It could mean different nationality,

ethnicity, race, and religion. These differences make us unique and give our identities. People live

different lives and what works for them might not work for others.

Not all cultures are the same from person to person. Culture is the result of experiences, values,

religion, beliefs, and more. Today, I’m going to discuss about the different religious beliefs and practices.

There are 4,300 religions in the world according to Adherents. Some of the most common religions

around the world are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism.

Religion is a path to the questions that humans can’t answer and this lead to God the Creator.

Hinduism believe that there are many forms of one God and it can manifest in different elements of

nature. They call their God Brahman. They believe in reincarnation and karma. Many believe that they

don’t have a founder. Buddhism is brought by a former Hinduism, Sidhartha Guatama. They don’t

believe in the creator God. However, they believe in 4 noble truths in life and the 8 fold path that should

be followed to be happy. Judaism believed that there is only one God, the founder is named Abraham.

The followers believed in the concept of 10 commandments or basic things about how people should live.

Old testaments or these commandments are written in Torah. Christianity, followers believed that Jesus is

God. Jesus was a Jewish men and said he is the son of God. New testaments or the writings about Jesus

and also the 10 commandments are written in what we call Bible. Islam, their followers are called

Muslim. They believed that there is only one God, Allah. Their founder is Muhammad and they have

Quran which contain writings about him.

In this vast of varying cultures, ethnicity, religions, cultural understanding and sensitivity are very

important. Understanding these differences allows people to become unified and to freely practice their

beliefs and traditions without judgment. It can open you up to a whole world of experience.

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