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ABS Total Quality Management

Define the concept of Quality and relate it to Manufactured & Service products

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Can TQM give a distinct competitive advantage to your organization? Discuss with
examples from the Company in which you are working.
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“Quality Assurance is better than Quality Control”. Critically discuss.

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Scatter Diagrams is a tool for:-
Quality Design
Continuous Improvement
Quality Planning
None of the above

The correct option is "Continuous Improvement"Score:- 2

Control Chart is a tool for:-
Quality Design
Quality Planning
Continuous Improvement
None of the above

The correct option is "Continuous Improvement"Score:- 2

Which of the following is not a SPC tool?
P Chart
Flow Chart
R Chart
Q Chart

The correct option is "Flow Chart"Score:- 2

Creativity is hindered by:-
Enhanced self esteem
Multiple levels in decision making
Matching individual's abilities with job
Tolerating failures

The correct option is "Multiple levels in decision making"Score:- 2

Empowerment of an employee is:-
Give decision making power
Trusting an employee
Involve in decision making
All of the above

The correct option is "All of the above “Score:- 2

The Quality Award given in the U.S is:-
Deming Prize
Rajiv Gandhi Award
Malcom Balridge Award
None of the above

The correct option is "Malcom Balridge Award"Score:- 2

Which of the following is not a criteria for team effectiveness?
Clarity of team goals and clear role definitions
Positive team behavior
Size of the team
A plan of action and clear communication

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