3 X 10 30 Marks (Each Part Carries 10 Marks Respectively)

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3 x 10 = 30 Marks (each part carries 10 Marks respectively)

 Write a paragraph introducing yourself to your instructor and your class. Address
such areas as your background, interests, achievements, and goals. You are
advised to consider all the components of an effective communication model
(such as sender, receiver, key message, encoding, decoding, noise, etc., while
crafting your introduction.

 Write four effective messages of no more than 140 characters each (short
enough to work as tweets, in other words) to persuade other college students to
take the business communication course. Think of the first message as the
“headline” of an advertisement that makes a bold promise (value proposition)
regarding the benefits this course offers every aspiring business professional.
The next three messages should be support points that provide evidence to back
up the promise made in the first message.

 In less than a page, explain why you believe each of the following is or is not
ethical, from a business communication perspective:
a. Keeping quiet about a possible environmental hazard you’ve just discovered in
your company’s processing plant
b. Overselling the benefits of instant messaging to your company’s managers;
they never seem to understand the benefits of technology, so you believe it’s the
only way to convince them to make the right choice
c. Telling an associate and close friend that she needs to pay more attention to
her work responsibilities, or the management will fire her
d. Recommending the purchase of equipment that your department doesn’t
really need in order to use up your allocated funds before the end of the fiscal
year so that your budget won’t be cut next year—when you might have a real
need for the money

Note :

o All assignment submissions should be original in content. Plagiarism from public

sources or from other submissions will categorically disqualify your submission.

o If essential, students are encouraged to make references to reliable sources*

(such as business books, academic texts, research papers, industry articles, etc.)
but the content of the same should not be plagiarized while creating your

* Students are expected to give credit for such references, by citing the specific
sources in the reference list (to be provided towards the end of the assignment file).

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