Meeting 22 W/C 21st March

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The East Northamptonshire Initial Teacher Training College: Graduate Teacher

Training Programme
Subject Mentor Meeting Proforma

This is a compulsory element and this proforma should be used.

Date Friday 25th March 2011

Core topic Diploma and Vocational Courses; including BTEC diplomas

Review of previous week’s targets and progress made Standards

1) Observe AW teaching, with focus on plenaries and linking the L.I. Q2, Q9, Q32
2) Team-teach with SB (planning the children’s ‘end product’).
3) Arrange a time to observe MFL at Higham Juniours.

 Observation of AW pushed to next week due to GB visiting Maplefields on the

day it was scheduled for. The idea of a child’s end product of work has been
discussed with SB. GB highlighted that his philosophy is to let the children have
ownership of their work and see what they can really do, as apposed to seeing if

the children can copy from a teacher model. GB acknowledged that in a culture
where evidence and levels are so important, teacher modelling takes a lead role
in the lessons.

Review of previous week’s observations, and adapting future planning in light of the
lesson observation feedback
As expected, the majority of lesson obs have returned to ‘satisfactory’ results this N/A
term. With a limited time in the classroom teaching, this week was no different.
GB has taught and been formally observed in Numeracy this week, and at the
time of typing, is still awaiting feedback. Following on from feedback so far this
term, GB will be sure to implement a focus on modelling the desired outcome for
each lesson from now on.

Discussion of core topic and recommended academic reading and research related to this
This week’s core topic for discussion led into the topic of next week where GB Q1, Q2, Q4,
will return to his old upper school to give a talk to the 6 th form co-hort. GB cited Q6, Q18,

the college training on ‘Post 16’ before Christmas, and stated that he felt many Q19, Q20
people, even those directly involved with the courses, were either confused by
the options and routes available, or had a vested personal interest to steer
students down a particular path. GB to document his visit, talk and any
conversations with the post 16 students.
Planning for next week’s two Subject Mentor observations

1) KD to observe GB teaching English on Weds 30th March. N/A

2) SW to come and observe GB teaching English on Thurs 31 March.

General review of the week

A short week in school with just 2 days at HFNIS. The visit to Maplefields was a Q1, Q2, Q7a,
definite highlight and very enjoyable. GB stated that the majority of highlights this Q7b, Q15,

year have been visiting other schools and observing practice, not necessarily Q32
expert practice or AST teaching, but generally other schools at work. It might be
a bit late in the day for it, but GB stated it would be great to schedule in some
more of these visits in the remaining terms.
The East Northamptonshire Initial Teacher Training College: Graduate Teacher
Training Programme
Targets for next week (please also refer to the trainee’s personal targets in the Academic
Theory and Practice

Targets Date for
and review
1) Observe AW teaching, with focus on plenaries and LI. 1st April
2) Make arrangements with JH to attend Governors Meeting 8th April
3) Arrange a time to visit Higham Juniors to observe MFL. 8th April

Subject Mentor’s Karen Draper Trainee’s Glenn Billingham

Signature: Signature:

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