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 Job design integrates work content, rewards and the

qualifications required for each job in a way that meets

the needs of employees and the organization.
Traditional Job design
 Taylors’ scientific management
1. Time study
2. Motion study
3. Fatigue study
Motivational Job Design
 Core job characteristics
Skill variety, Task identity, Task significance
Autonomy, Feedback
 Psychological characteristics
Meaningfulness, Responsibility, Knowledge of result
 Personal and work outcomes
MPS = skill variety + task identity + task significance
Mechanism of Job Design

No of Variety of task of Variety of tasks of

Tasks similar nature different nature

Few tasks of similar Few tasks of different

nature nature

Task complexity
 Job Simplification

 Job Rotation

 Job Enlargement
Job Enrichment

Job Enrichment Job Enrichment + Job

Focus of Enlargement
Routine Job Job Enlargement

No. of Task
Difference b/w enlargement and
enrichment is based upon
 Nature of job
 Objective
 Skill Requirement
 Direction and Control

 To give the means, ability and authority

Various approaches:
1. Helping
2. Allowing more control
3. Providing success role model
4. Social role model
Empowerment process
 Recalling Depowering and empowering experiences

 Discussing reasons for depowerment

 Choosing one issue at a time

 Identifying potential power bases

 Developing and implementing action plans

Barriers of empowerment

 Organizational structure

 Tight control system

 Inadequate delegation of authority

 Degree to which members of an organization are able
to satisfy important personal needs through their
experiences in the organization
Common approaches

1. Flexibility in work schedule

2. Autonomous Work Group
3. Job Enrichment
4. Opportunity for growth
5. Participation
6. communication
Effects of QWL
 Job involvement
 Sense of competence
 Job satisfaction
 Job performance and productivity
 The amount of pleasure associated with a job
Determinants of job satisfaction
 Individual factors
level of education, age
 Nature of job
occupational level, job content
 Situational variables
fair rewards, opportunity, working environment
Effects of Job Satisfaction
 Physical and mental health
 Productivity
 Absenteeism
 Employee turnover

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