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(ponencia submetida WOMAN IMPACT SUMMIT)


1-Top 5
2-Atlantico Norte:
A-Cabo Verde.1-4 Rectoras.2-2 Matematicas y1 Filosofa;.3-2 Catedras y
Academia das Letras
B-San Tome y Principe;.1Principe;.2San Tome
A-Moçambique;.1-Matematica;.2-Madre de 2 Filosofos
A-Naciones del Mekong; B-Timor
Top 5

Benedicte Letellier 
nº 2 escuela CIRET Basarab Nicolescu
Title: Lecturer in Comparative Literature
Affiliation: Université de La Réunion, France
Department: Literature
Research centers:
-DIRE, Déplacements, Identités, Regards, Ecritures (Displacement,
Identity, Revision, Expression),
-CIRET, Centre International de Recherches et Etudes
Transdisciplinaires (International Center for Transdisciplinary
Fields: Arabic literature and criticism, literary theory, translation
studies, poetry, comparativism, transdisciplinarity, philosophy of
science, sufism.
 Research interest:
My current research is focused on the transdisciplinary aspects in
literature. It involves many general questions: Can literature be
considered as a science? Why does science need literature to
progress? How does literature support the process of scientific
inquiry? More precisely, I study the transdisciplinary links between
literature and science through the concept of the universe. How do
science and literature see and understand the universe? How do
they say and prove what they observe about the universe? This
research is part of the Third International Congress of
Transdisciplinarity organized by CIRET, UNESCO and ENAH
(Mexico) and will be the subject of a book co-written with Hélène

 Doctorate in Comparative Literature, University of Paris 3,

Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2007
 CAPES in Literature, 2007 (national competitive exam for
secondary-school teaching)
 MA in Arabic, INALCO, Paris, 2004
 MA in Comparative Literature, University of Paris 3, Sorbonne
Nouvelle, 2001.

 Related professional experience and appointments, Université

de La Réunion and CIRET:

 Vice President of CIRET, since 2018

 Member of the DIRE Unit Council - EA 7387, since 2016
 Chair, Dept. of Literature, 2018-2020
 Chair, Dept. of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, 2011-

Peer reviewer for academic journals:
Middle Eastern Literatures, Nouvelles Études Francophones, Les
cahiers du Cerfee, Al-tawâsul al-adabî, TrOPICS.
Current courses:
Undergraduate level

 French literary theory and criticism

 Literary history
 Introduction to comparative literature
 Arabic literature
 Arabic criticism
 Arabic and French poetry
 Literature and science
 Arabic language
Graduate level

 Transdisciplinarity and poetry

 Translation studies
 Mystical poetry


 Bénédicte Letellier. Displacement in the Poetry of 'Exiliance':
Three Refugee Poets from the Indian Ocean and
Asia. Cosmopolis, A Review of Cosmopolitics, Paul Ghils,
2019. ⟨hal-02263838⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Voir le poème en toute chose. Nunc,
Editions de Corlevour, 2018. ⟨hal-01882745⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Prolongements du poème dans l’art visuel
d’Adonis. TrOPICS, Université de La Réunion, 2016, La
réécriture au XXIe siècle : études cartographiques des
passages entre les oeuvres. ⟨hal-01376961⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. La réécriture à tort et à
travers ?. TrOPICS, Université de La Réunion, 2016, La
réécriture au XXIe siècle : études cartographiques des
passages entre les oeuvres . ⟨hal-01376964⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. La bibliothèque de Shéhérazade : enquête
sur les lectures assassines. Fabula LHT (Littérature, histoire,
théorie), Fabula, 2014, La bibliothèque des textes fantômes :
œuvres perdues, textes absents, récits troués. ⟨hal-01371657⟩

Bénédicte Letellier. La science de l'imagination : poésie

mystique et théorie quantique. TrOPICS, Université de La
Réunion, 2013, Fictions et sciences, pp.n.c. ⟨hal-01212641⟩

 Bénédicte Letellier. Le roman d’un auteur à deux têtes: Jabrâ

et Munîf, Un Monde sans Carte. Canadian Review of
Comparative Literature/ Revue Canadienne de Littérature
Comparée, University of Alberta, 2012, 39 (2), pp.202--
209. ⟨hal-01212643⟩

Bénédicte Letellier. L’en-vers du corps dans la poésie

d’Adonis ou le corps soi-disant. Travaux & documents,
Université de La Réunion, Faculté des lettres et des sciences
humaines, 2011, Langages, écritures et frontières du corps,
pp.73-85. ⟨hal-01143217⟩

Bénédicte Letellier. "Cela dont je ne peux disposer" ou l’amour

soluble dans les œuvres de Gibran et Rilke. Le Bateau
Fantôme, 2010, pp.n.c. ⟨hal-01212659⟩

 Bénédicte Letellier. Adonis et le soufisme : Comment penser

autrement le renouvellement poétique ?. Itinéraires et contacts
de culture, 2008, pp.1--13. ⟨hal-01156434⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. ‫الخطاب االدبي وحالة االستثناء‬. Actes de colloque,
2006. ⟨hal-01371546⟩


 Bénédicte Letellier, Zé Carlos Tiago. Fiction As a Scientific
Method. Society, Health and Economics, Effect of vector-
borne diseases, May 2021, Futureventura, Spain. ⟨hal-
 Bénédicte Letellier. "Le féminin dans l'oeuvre poétique et
visuelle du poète syrien Adonis.". Séminaire GenderMed, Jun
2018, Aix-en-Provence, France. ⟨hal-01913432⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. "Architecture et poésie : Comment se
situer dans le monde ?". Architecture et poésie, Apr 2018, Le
Port, La Réunion. ⟨hal-01913438⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. La barbarie du poème moderne chez
Leconte de Lisle selon Sri Aurobindo. L'école parnassienne,
Feb 2018, Saint-Denis, La Réunion. ⟨hal-01915745⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. "What Does Poetry Reveal to
Science?". "Being Transdisciplinary", Jun 2018, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania. ⟨hal-01913441⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. "La poésie de l'exil dans l'océan Indien :
Salah Faik, Adeeb Kamal Ad-Deen et Ahmatjan
Osman". "Refugee Literature" - GIS-MOMM, Jul 2017, Paris,
France. ⟨hal-01913463⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. L’amour dans le Thirukkural lu à la lumière
des poèmes de Sri Aurobindo et Kamala Das. Thirukkural,
Ethique et Représentations : la Vertu, la Fortune et l’Amour,
Florence Callandre-Barat, Apr 2016, Saint-Denis, La
Réunion. ⟨hal-01371702⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. À quoi bon lire des
poèmes ? . Conférence, Apr 2016, Saint-Denis, La
Réunion. ⟨hal-01371705⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. De la “littérature de terrain” à la littérature
générale : méthodes et perspectives de recherche en
littératures arabes. La littérature comparée : multiples langues,
multiples langages, AILC, Jul 2016, Vienne, Autriche. ⟨hal-
 Bénédicte Letellier. "Centres et périphéries : le cas des
littératures arabes contemporaines dans l'océan
Indien". Centers and Peripheries: Literatures and Literary
Issues, Dec 2016, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique. ⟨hal-

Bénédicte Letellier. L'amour dans le Thirukkural lu à la lumière

des poèmes de Sri Aurobindo et Kamala Das. Colloque
international "Thirukkural, éthique et représentations : La
Vertu, la Fortune et l'Amour", Université de La Réunion;
INALCO, Apr 2016, Saint Denis, La Réunion. pp.89--96. ⟨hal-

 Bénédicte Letellier. Le sacrifice amoureux des mots et des

choses : Adonis et Sadequain. Témoins d’amour, témoins de
vie : objets et images de l’intime, Oct 2015, Saint-Denis, La
Réunion. ⟨hal-01371700⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier.  Le soufisme dans quelques poèmes de
l’océan Indien. Conférence, Apr 2015, Saint-Denis, La
Réunion. ⟨hal-01371695⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. L’enjeu de la transdisciplinairité pour
l’évolution des sciences. Journée de recherche
interdisciplinaire, Laurent Sermet et Jean-Philippe Watbled,
Jun 2014, Saint-Denis La Réunion. ⟨hal-01371682⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Le sentimentalisme arabe de Paul et
Virginie. Emergence d'une littérature de l'océan Indien au
tournant des Lumières : Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Parny et
Bertin, Sep 2014, Saint-Denis, La Réunion. ⟨hal-01371687⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Lire en dépit du bon sens. XXe Congrès
International de Littérature Comparée , AILC, Jul 2013, Paris,
France. ⟨hal-01371681⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Les chants mystiques ou la récriture du
silence : Pierre Jean Jouve, Salah Stétié. Écrire le silence,
Mar 2010, Kairouan, Tunisie. ⟨hal-01217735⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Si traduire coule de source. Traduire les
figures de l’amour dans les poésies de l’Asie orientale, de
l’Inde et de la Perse, Dec 2010, Paris, France. ⟨hal-01167449⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Les frontières floues dans les autres
sciences : état des lieux. Journée d’études : "Les frontières
floues dans l’océan Indien : approches pluridisciplinaires et
comparatistes des cultures, espaces et sociétés", Nov 2009,
Valenciennes, France. ⟨hal-01217756⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Peut-on juger de la valeur esthétique des
œuvres en traduction ?. Atelier de traduction L’étude
comparée des traductions en poésie, Dec 2009, Paris,
France. ⟨hal-01167450⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Lecture soupçonneuse du Moi,
Toutankhamon, reine d’Egypte de Nabil Naoum. Journée
d’études : "Derrière les momies : fictions du monde arabe",
Jan 2008, Valenciennes, France. ⟨hal-01217768⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier, Ali Ahmad Esber Adonis. Adoniada.
2021. ⟨hal-03301748⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier, Ali Ahmad Esber Adonis. Soufisme et
surréalisme. 2016, 978-2-7291-2240-9. ⟨hal-01371507⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Penser le fantastique en contexte arabe.
Honoré Champion, 2012, Bibliothèque de littérature générale
et comparée, 9782745323538. ⟨hal-01147988⟩


 Bénédicte Letellier, Pascale Lahoud. « Le rapt de la
poésie ». 2019 ,k‫أدونيسجمعبصيغةالمفرد‬. ⟨hal-02451366⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Le rapt de la poésie. ,k‫جمعبصيغةالمفرد‬،‫أدونيس‬
2019. ⟨hal-02196284⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. "Quantum Physics and Poetry: Towards
the Same Realism?". Being Transdisciplinary, 2019. ⟨hal-
 Bénédicte Letellier. Centres et périphéries : le cas des
littératures arabes contemporaines dans l'océan
Indien. Centres et périphéries de la littérature mondiale, Une
pensée connectée de la diversité, 2018. ⟨hal-01882743⟩

Bénédicte Letellier. Traduire "le style d'être et d'existence"

dans les poèmes d'Adonis. Florence Lautel-Ribstein. Traduire
le sacré, Classiques Garnier, 2017. ⟨hal-01371675⟩

 Bénédicte Letellier. Paul et Virginie en arabe ou la vertu de la

littérature selon Manfalûtî .Chantale Meure et Guilhem
Armand. Emergence d’une littérature de l’océan Indien au
tournant des Lumières, Classiques Garnier, 2017. ⟨hal-

Bénédicte Letellier. Le mot des fables indiennes : comment se
faire entendre sans hurler avec les loups ?. Zsuzsa Simonffy;
Márta Kóbor. Pouvoir des mots, mots du pouvoir, Editions
Universitaires Européennes, 2016. ⟨hal-01371679⟩

 Bénédicte Letellier. Si traduire coule de source. Julie

Brock. Les Tiges de mil et les pattes du héron II, Traduire
l’expression de l’amour dans les poésies orientales,,
2013. ⟨hal-01452559⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Des univers infinis: jusqu’où lire le roman
arabe contemporain. Denooz, Laurence and Abi-Rached,
Nehmettalah. En-deça et au-delà des limites, 1, Editions
Classiques Garnier, pp.153--164, 2013, 978-2-8124-1785-
6. ⟨hal-01212640⟩
 Bénédicte Letellier. Penser l’incomparable. Hubert Roland &
Stéphanie Vanasten. Les nouvelles voies du comparatisme,
Cahier voor Literatuurwetenschap, Academia Press, pp.15--
26, 2010. ⟨hal-01217730⟩


 Bénédicte Letellier, Marc Arino. La réécriture au XXIe siècle :
études cartographiques des passages entre les oeuvres. Marc
Arino et Bénédicte Letellier. France. 2016, TrOPICS. ⟨hal-


 Bénédicte Letellier. Lyrical Poems as an Offering to
Peace. Song of Peace, 2019. ⟨hal-02307822⟩

Leida Tolentino
- en Praia, 
Professor Santa Barbara , online hoy,

despues de Raimundo Panikkar y Jorge de Sena


"Using the mind to gain insight into itself is one of the most fascinating of
human undertakings.”


 Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology & Neuroscience, University of

 B.S., Management Science & Information Systems, University
of Massachusetts at Boston

Professor Leida Tolentino is a multilingual educator with a doctorate
in psychology and neuroscience. She has conducted research in the
biotech, nonprofit, and academic sectors, including studies ranging
from evaluating the effectiveness of pharmaceutical compounds to
the effectiveness of educational programs.
Professor Tolentino's main areas of research are the brain
mechanisms of language learning and bilingualism, in which she has
published studies using neuroimaging (EEG/ERPs) and behavioral
She is currently co-chair of the psychology department; faculty
facilitator in the Affective Learning Institute (ALI) at SBCC; and
the former adviser of the SBCC NeuroClub. 

Courses Taught at SBCC

 Psych 100: General Psychology

 Psych 110: Introduction to Physiological Psychology
 Psych 145: Human Development
 Psych 200: Research Methods & Experimental Design

Tolentino, L. C., & Tokowicz, N. (2014). Cross-language similarity
modulates effectiveness of second language grammar
instruction. Language Learning, 64(2), 279-309.
Tolentino, L. C., Rudo, Z., & Wilson, A. (2012). Louisiana
Department of Education after-school programs: Evaluation report
school year 2010. SEDL.
Tolentino, L. C., & Tokowicz, N. (2011). Across languages, space,
and time: A review of the role of cross-language similarity in L2
(morpho)syntactic processing as revealed by fMRI and
ERP. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33(1), 91-125.
Tolentino, L. C., & Tokowicz, N. (2009). Are pumpkins better than
heaven? An ERP investigation of order effects in the concrete-
word advantage. Brain and Language, 110(1), 12-22.

Academic Interests

 Psycholinguistics & Neurolinguistics

 Educational Neuroscience
 Bi-/multilingualism
 Neuroscience of dance

Other Interests
Dr. Tolentino is a dancer with a passion for West African styles and
their forms in the diaspora (Afro-Brazilian and Afro-Cuban). She
currently teaches, choreographs, and performs in the Santa Barbara

Sandra Pinelas
en Açores hasta 2012
su libro entonces
Ravi P. Agarwal, Kanishka Perera, Sandra Pinelas, An Introduction
to Complex Analysis, Springer (2011). DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-
su ultimo paper hoy
134. Vediyappan Govindan, Sandra Pinelas, Jung Rye Lee e Choonkil
Park, Stability of an ℓ-Variable Cubic Functional Equation, Kragujevac
Journal of Mathematics, Volume 47(6) (2023), Pages 851–864.
Em 1 de Outubro de 2017 iniciou funções de Investigadora Sénior no S. M.
Nikol’skii Institute of Mathematics da RUDN University, Moscovo.
Orcid: :
Works (50 of 187)
links to India and Russia

Investigadora Matematica nº 3 Portugal -seguida a Adelia

Sequeira y Ivette Centeno

Hourya Benis Sinaceur -nos encotramos en
Labyrinthe du Continu, 1990 Cerisy

Hourya Sinaceur
Directrice de
recherche au CNRS

Naissa 11 octobre 1940  (81 ans)

nce Casablanca


École normale supérieure

de jeunes filles (1962-1966)

Philosophe, professeure

d’université, mathématicien

ne, enseignante-
chercheuse, directrice de
collection, philosophe des

sciences, historienne des

Hourya Benis Sinaceur est
une philosophe et mathématicienne franco-marocaine née en 1940
à Casablanca.


 1Biographie
 2Travaux
 3Distinctions
 4Publications
 5Références
 6Liens externes
Hourya Sinaceur est historienne et philosophe des mathématiques
et de la logique. Son ouvrage le plus connu est Corps et
modèles publié en 1991 en français et 2003 en anglais.
Elle a été maîtresse de conférences à l'université Panthéon-
Sorbonne puis directrice de recherche au CNRS. Sa carrière s'est
effectuée en grande partie au sein de l'Institut d'Histoire et
Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST), unité mixte
de recherche commune à l'université Panthéon-Sorbonne et au
CNRS. Elle y est toujours directrice de recherche émérite, rattachée
à l'équipe « Logique, langage, philosophie des mathématiques »1.
Elle a également travaillé au sein de l'université Internationale de
Elle co-dirige avec Michel Blay la collection de Logique et
Épistémologie « Mathesis », fondée en 1990 chez J. Vrin.
Ses travaux portent notamment sur l’école allemande de
mathématique structurale réunie autour de David
Hilbert à Göttingen dans le premier tiers du XXe siècle, sur la
constitution et les problèmes de la théorie des modèles et de
la sémantique formelle. Elle s'est notamment focalisée sur l’œuvre
d’Alfred Tarski, sur la fécondité opératoire des démarches faisant
jouer l’analogie et l’interprétation. Parallèlement, elle mène des
travaux sur les œuvres des tenants de l’épistémologie française qui
ont principalement appliqué leur réflexion aux mathématiques et à la
logique : Jean Cavaillès, Jean-Toussaint Desanti et Gilles-Gaston
Granger en particulier2.

Distinctions[modifier | modifier le code]
Hourya Sinaceur est membre associée de l'Académie tunisienne
des sciences, des lettres et des arts, elle fait partie du conseil
scientifique qu'elle a intégré en 2012 avec Abdeslam Cheddadi 3.
Elle est actuellement membre du Comité National Français
d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences (CNFHPS). Elle est
également membre du Comité National d'Histoire et Philosophie des
Sciences de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, vice-présidente de
l’Institut International de Philosophie (IIP), membre du Conseil
d'administration du Collège International de Philosophie (CIPH).
Elle reçoit le Prix du Maroc du livre en 1991 dans la
catégorie Sciences exactes et expérimentales avec Assad Chaara
et Layla Zniber.
« La philosophe marocaine [Hourya Sinaceur] a énormément enrichi
la recherche et la réflexion féminine marocaine » a indiqué la
secrétaire générale de la commission marocaine pour l'UNESCO,
Mina El Maghri, en marge du colloque Cheminements
philosophiques: les femmes philosophes et leurs œuvres à
l'occasion de la journée mondiale de la philosophie 4.

 Hourya Sinaceur, Corps et modèles : essai sur l'histoire de

l'algèbre réelle, Vrin, 1991, 496 p. (ISBN 978-2-7116-1038-9, lire
en ligne [archive])
o publié en anglais Fields and Models - From Sturm to
Tarski and Robinson, 2003, ed. Birkhauser
Boston, (ISBN 978-0-8176-4114-6).
 Hourya Sinaceur « Le langage des idéalités »,
dans Hommage à Jean-Toussaint Desanti, ouvrage collectif avec
les contributions de Simone Debout, Sylvain Auroux, Bernard
Besnier, Maurice Caveing, Gérard Granel, Pierre
Jacerme, Patrice Loraux, Pierre-François Moreau, Jean
Petitot, René Schérer, Bernard Sichère, Trans Europ Repress,
 Jean-Toussaint Desanti. Une pensée et son site, ouvrage
collectif sous la direction de Georges Ravis-Giordani, avec
notamment les contributions de Sylvain Auroux, Maurice
Caveing, Jean-Paul Dollé, Roger-Pol Droit, Maurice
Godelier, Pierre Guenancia, Hourya Sinaceur, Jean-Jacques
Szczeciniarz, ENS Éditions, Paris, 2000.
 Jean-Michel Salanskis (dir.) et Hourya Sinaceur (dir.), Le
Labyrinthe du continu : colloque de Cerisy, Springer-
Verlag, 1992, 452 p. (ISBN 978-2-287-00389-9)
 Jean Cavaillès Lettres à Étienne Borne (1930-1931).
Présentées et commentées par Hourya Sinaceur,
dans Philosophie no 107 (2010), p. 3-45.
 Hourya Sinaceur, Jean Cavaillès. Philosophie mathématique,
Paris, PUF, 1994, (ISBN 2 13 046550 1).
 Hourya Sinaceur, Cavaillès, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2013.
 Hourya Sinaceur, « La pensée mathématique de
l’infini » [archive], sur Lycée Henri-IV, conférence du 2 février
 Hourya Sinaceur, « Roshdi Rashed, Les Mathématiques
infinitésimales du IXe au XIe siècle (London : Al-Furqân islamic
heritage foundation), 21,5 x 29 cm, vol. I : Fondateurs et
commentateurs : Banu Musá, Ibn Qurra, Ibn Sinân, al-Khâzin, al-
Quhi, Ibn al-Samh, Ibn Hud (1996) », Revue d'histoire des
sciences, vol. 54, nos 54-3, 2001, p. 405-409 (lire en
ligne [archive])
 La pensée de Gilles-Gaston Granger, sous la direction
d'Antonia Soulez, avec la collaboration d'Arley R. Moreno, avec
les contributions de Hourya Sinaceur, Guilherme Carvalho,
Philippe Lacour, Arley R. Moreno, Michel Paty, Joëlle Proust,
Antoine Ruscio, Anne Sédès, Antonia Soulez, Horacio Vaggione,
Norma Claudia Yunes Naude, Éditions Hermann, 2010
 Richard Dedekind (trad. Hourya Sinaceur), La création des
nombres, Paris, Vrin, coll. « Mathesis », 2008, 352 p. (ISBN 978-
2-7116-2146-0, lire en ligne [archive])

Traduction de Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen (1872) [archive] et

de Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? (1893) [archive].

 Georg Cantor : Über eine elementare Frage zur

Mannigfaltigkeitslehre, Jahresbericht der Deutschen
Mathematiker-Vereinigung 1, 1891 (fr) Traduction et introd. H.
Sinaceur : Sur une question élémentaire de la théorie des
ensembles, in « Logique et fondements des mathématiques,
Anthologie (1850-1914) », Paris, Payot, p. 197-203.
 Alfred Tarski Life and Logic, Recension par Hourya Sinaceur 5
 Hourya Sinaceur : "Alfred Tarski: Semantic shift, heuristic shift
in metamathematics", Synthese 126: 49-65 (2001)

1. ↑ Page de l'équipe "Logique, langage, philosophie des

mathématiques" à l'IHPST. [archive]
2. ↑ « BENIS SINACEUR Hourya » [archive], sur ihpst (consulté
le 7 mars 2016)
3. ↑ « Conseil scientifique de l'Académie tunisienne: Hourya
Sinaceur et Abdeslam Cheddadi intègrent “Beït El
Hikma" » [archive], sur, Libération, 1er octobre
2012 (consulté le 7 mars 2016)
4. ↑ Driss Ouchbab, « Hommage à Rabat à la philosophe
marocaine Hourya Benis Sinaceur » [archive], sur Vivre
Femme, 16 novembre 2007 (consulté le 7 mars 2016)
5. ↑ Notices of the AMS Volume 54, Number 8 [archive]

Mar de Marmara-
Yagmur Denizhan
nos encontramos en Fractal 90, Gulbenkian

Prion-Like Phenomena Mediating Between Modes of Individuation
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my personal interdisciplinary wanderings

Cabo Verde
A -4 rectoras
Doutora em Geografia, Gestão de Espaços e Urbanismo pela
Universidade de Rouen (França)

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 UNICV ha sido inciada como EFPES hace 40 anos


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 En Mindelo la continuidad del Poeta João Vário y
 Professor João Varela es assumida por

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 Rectora Universidade Tecnica Atlantico - polos Sal, Santo
 ;
   Iva Cabral, hija Amilcar Cabral
 Rectora Universidade Lusofona
 ;
 Joanita Rocha
 Rectora Universidade Jean Piaget, 
 polo en Mindelo
  trabaja con
 -Lara Ferrero Gomez
  -Vector Borne Diseases

-2 matematicas
Doctora en Biomatematica con Adelia Sequeira

Telma SILVA | Professor (Assistant) | PhD in Mathematics |

University of Cape Verde, Praia | Faculdade de Ciências e
Tecnologia (FCT)

Telma SILVA | Professor (Assistant) | PhD in Mathematics |

University of...
Telma SILVA, Professor (Assistant) | Cited by 42 | of University of
Cape Verde, Praia | Read 5 publications | Co...

coautora, (en los

Top 25 Advisors "Mathematical Genealogy":

 C.-C. Jay Kuo 160 Roger Meyer Temam 124 Pekka Neittaanmäki
119 Shlomo Noach (Stephen Ram) Sawilowsky 110 Andrew
Bernard Whinston 108 )

 Willi Jäger      101 doctorados + coautor Telma 

unica Lusofona en Heidelberg con

Sir Michael Attyah -Fields Medal


 Ivanilda Cabral

Erdos Number 4 , estadistica extremos

doctorado con Ivette Gomes

Maria GOMES | Research Director | Habilitation | University of

Lisbon, Lisbon | UL | Statistics and Operations Research    

Erdos number 3



Erdos number 2 via Paul Deheuvels

Numero 4 tambien como Generacion Estadistica de
Extremos, iniciada con Emil Julius Gumbel
 Irene Cruz
Prémio Nacional de Direitos Humanos em Cabo Verde pelo seu
trabalho ‘Filosofias da Imigração - cosmopolitismo versus
C-2 Catedras
Amilcar Cabral

Euridice Furtado Monteiro Secretaria Estado Ensino Superior

Eugenio Tavares

Amalia Vera-Cruz Melo Lopes

Vera Duarte Pina

Presidente Academia das Letras

San Tome y Principe

A la independencia (1975) esta Republica tenia 4
Licenciados- 2 Medicos y 2 Professores
hoy se desarrolla de forma independiente en las 2

de nuevo 

ahora en astronomia, desde Madeira - escuela Bryce de Witt

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Development — was established in 2015 by the Inter...
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Etnofisica/Etnomatematica de los pescadores en Sines

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Joana LATAS | PhD

Student | University
of Coimbra, Coimbra
| UC
Joana LATAS, PhD
Student | Cited by 3 |
of University of
Coimbra, Coimbra
(UC) | Read 7
publications | Contact


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100 anos eclipse centenario ayer investigacion hoy

liderada por

Ana SIMÕES | Full Professor | PhD, Agregação | University of

Lisbon, Lisbon | UL | Faculty of Science

Ana SIMÕES | Full Professor | PhD, Agregação | University of

Lisbon, Lis...
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 polo Evora 50 doctorandos+mestrandos management 

M. Raquel Lucas

Professor Associado c/ Agregação (Departamento de Gestão)


(tiene bibliotecas  Fogo , Principe, Bissau)

Sara Maria de Azevedo e Sousa Marques Pereira

Professor Auxiliar (Departamento de Pedagogia e Educação)


Sara Marques Pereira

Coordenadora da Universidade de Évora em S. Tomé e Príncipe
Universidade de Évora – Edifício Equador -2º piso
Centro Cultural Português – S. Tomé

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Inocencia Matta


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Honoris Causa

Professora Macau Lisboa


maths 1 unica autora en congresso local

 Forma¸c˜ao de Professores de Matem´atica do Ensino Secund´ario em Mo¸cambique . . . . . . . .

. .35

Sarifa Fagilde   

    2 textos San Tome y Principe Dulce Gomes

TOPIA? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 47 Dulce Gomes and Bruno de Sousa O ENSINO DA ESTAT´ISTICA EM SAO TOM ˜ E E PR ´
´INCIPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Dulce Gomes, Carlos Esp´ırito Santo and Ilv´ecio
Fernandes Ramos

mas que todos, los hijos de la 
Poetisa Irene Mendes Gil

Documentário sobre a poetisa e escritora Irene Mendes Gil  


Documentário sobre a poetisa e escritora Irene Mendes Gil

Sou a filha de José Gil* (o meu nome é Inês Mendes Gil)

e estou a preparar um documentário sobre os meus avós, Irene Mendes Gil e Abílio
Mendes Gil que viveram em Muecate, Quelimane e Lourenço Marques (Maputo)
durante muitos anos.
Tenho pouca informação acerca da vida dos meus avós em Moçambique, apesar de
ter ido visitá-los três vezes e de ter lido “Uma Página por Dia” da minha avó.
Procuro entrar em contacto com quem os conheceu e privou em Moçambique, ou com
quem esteve em contacto com a minha avó quando viveu em Lisboa.
O meu contacto é:
*Filósofo e Professor Universitário
Madre de los  2 mayores Filosofos en la Historia Lusofona

  Fernando Gil: uma evocação   

Fernando Gil: uma evocação

Manuel Villaverde Cabral
Manuel Villaverde Cabral recorda o legado do filósofo para a
actualização, racionalização e modernização da soci...

diaspora in illo tempore

a ver sus libros:     

en diaspora hoy

la absencia de intelectuales femininos se explica con los campos de

reeducacion determinados por Armando Guebuza que han
molestado 2 generaciones


Kalpana Nehere
Editora de livros universitarios; ha publicado 2 Professores
portugueses y edita Feminine Journal. Presente en Summit


 28/01/19

247 VIMALA DEVI (1932)


Nome completo: Teresa da Piedade de Baptista Almeida

Nascimento: Penha de França, Goa, Estado Português da Índia.
Nacionalidade: Portuguesa.
Ocupação: Contista, Poeta, Tradutora.

Vimala Devi é o pseudónimo literário de Teresa da Piedade de Baptista

Almeida, escritora e poetisa portuguesa nascida em Goa, em 1932,
sendo sua obra marcada inicialmente pelo Simbolismo de Camilo
Pessanha e posteriormente pelo Modernismo de Fernando Pessoa e,
finalmente, pelo Concretismo brasileiro e pelo Surrealismo.

Em Lisboa em 1957, casada com o jornalista Manuel Seabra, vive

actualmente em Barcelona.

Obras publicadas

*Monção Lisboa: Dédalo, 1963 (Lisboa: Escritor, 2003)
Musono: novelaro Skövde: Al-fab-et-o, 2000. (em Esperanto)
Monsó. Vilanova i La Geltrú: El Cep i La Nansa, 2002) (em Catalão)
*A Cidade e os Dias. Lisboa: Leitor, 2008
La Ciutat i els Dies. Vilanova i La Geltrú: El Cep i La Nansa, 2008) (em

*Súria: poemas Lisboa: Agência-Geral do Ultramar, 1962.
*Hologramas Coimbra: Atlântida Editora, 1969
*Telepoemas Coimbra: Atlântida Editora, 1970
*Hora. El ojo de Polifemo, Barcelona, 1991. (em Espanhol).
*Rosa secreta. El ojo de Polifemo, Barcelona, 1992. (em Espanhol).
*El temps irresolt. L'ull de Polifem, Barcelona, 1995. (em Português e
*Pluralogo. La Kancerkliniko, Thaumiers, 1996. (em Esperanto).
*Speguliĝoj. La Kancerkliniko, Thaumiers, 1998. (em Esperanto).
*Éticas-Ètiques. Vilanova i La Geltrú: El Cep i La Nansa, 2000. (em
Português e Catalão).

Obras de referência
A Literatura Indo-Portuguesa (Manuel de Seabra), Lisboa: Junta de
Investigações do Ultramar, 1971.
A Literatura Indo-Portuguesa 2. Antologia (Manuel de Seabra), Lisboa:
Junta de Investigações do Ultramar, 1971.
Diccionari portuguès-català (Manuel de Seabra), Barcelona:
Enciclopèdia Catalana, 1985.

em Wikipédia



Dr. Saira Rahman Khan joined the School of Law, BRAC

University in February 2005. Prior to her appointment, she was
Programme Director at the Acid Survivors Foundation (Legal and
Rehabilitation Units) and Human Rights Adviser for CIDA-PSU.
Dr. Khan earned a PhD. in Socio Legal Studies from the
University of Kent at Canterbury and is a British Chevening
Scholar. She has been involved in human rights-based activism
and research since her undergraduate years; and has been a
contributor to newspaper columns, relating to law and human
rights issues, for more than 20 years. She is a member of the
international coalition ‘Everywoman Everywhere’ under the Carr
Centre for Human Rights at Harvard University and a member of
the Bangladesh Supreme Court Bar Association.

School of Law

 Room: UB 40502
 Building: 04
 Postal Address: School of Law
BRAC University, 66 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212
Fue Coordenadora en mi Erasmus Mundus EMMA WEST 2013

Naciones del Mekong:


Becaria com Joaquim Correia

"Contagion Worm Diseases in Rice Fields"

Tubie el Honor de Visitar

Hoàng Xuân Sính


Thesis of Hoàng Xuân Sính


Scans (pdf)

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III (part a)
Chapter III (part b)

"Gr-catégories strictes", Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 3 (2), p. 47-59,

1978, scans (pdf)

"Catégories de Picard restreintes", Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 7 (1), p.

117-122, 1982, scans (pdf)

Documents from the Grothendieck Archive in Montpellier:

Summary Sinh pdf.

Summary Grothendieck pdf.

A letter from Grothendieck to Deligne, Giraud and Illusie pdf.

A letter from Grothendieck to Deligne pdf.

Grothendieck comments in a letter to R. Brown (5.5.82) :

"Also he [Quillen] had a promising approach to higher

K-invariants, which, he told me, was more or less
equivalent to a more computational transcription
of a somewhat abstract definition I had in mind
in terms of "enveloping n-Picard categories"
of a given additive category C, say, whose invariants
pi_i should yield the invariants K^i(C). (The
case n = 1 was worked out by a Vietnamese woman
student of mine around that time, Mme Sinh...)"

In "Récoltes et Semailles", Grothendieck writes :

"Un autre cas assez à part est celui de Mme Sinh,

que j'avais d'abord rencontrée à Hanoi en décembre
1967, à l'occasion d'un cours-séminaire d'un mois
que j'ai donné à l'université évacuée de Hanoi.
Je lui ai proposé l'année suivante son sujet de thèse.
Elle a travaillé dans les conditions particulièrement
difficiles des temps de guerre, son contact avec moi
se bornant à une correspondance épisodique.
Elle a pu venir en France en 1974/75 (à l'occasion
du congrès international de mathématiciens à
Vancouver), et passer alors sa thèse à Paris (devant
un jury présidé par Cartan, et comprenant de plus
Schwartz, Deny, Zisman et moi)."
Sinh's approach is also mentioned in a letter
of Grothendieck to Knudsen of 1973, see here, p. 41.

A subtle problem with traces and determinants in triangulated categories

has originally been discovered by Daniel Ferrand; cf. arxiv.

Determinant functors appear in this article of Knudsen and Mumford of

1975, see here, p. 23.

Cf. also P. Deligne, "Le déterminant de la cohomologie", §4,

in: Current trends in arithmetical algebraic geometry
(Arcata, Calif., 1985), AMS Contemp. Math. 67, p. 93-177, 1987.

Grothendieck reports on his stay in Vietnam, Dec. 1967, scans (pdf)

According to the web page of Thang Long University, Mrs Hoàng Xuân Sính
remembers two main impressions from her contacts with A. Grothendieck:

(1) A good teacher is a teacher who turns something difficult into something

(2) We should always avoid anything that is fictitious, live in accordance to

our own feelings and value simple people.

Illusie relates the following (Notices AMS, Oct. 2010, p. 1111 f.).

"Once, Grothendieck told me, it must have been in 1969:

«We have the K-groups defined by vector bundles,
but we could take vector bundles with a filtration of
length one (with quotient a vector bundle), vector bundles
with filtrations of length 2, length n, with associated
graded still vector bundles... Then you have operations
such as forgetting a step of the filtration, or taking
a quotient by one step. This way you get some simplicial
structure, which should deserve to be studied and
could yield interesting homotopy invariants.»"
Hoàng Xuân Sính (Vietnã, 8 de setembro de 1933) é uma
matemática vietnamita, uma estudante de Alexander Grothendieck,
 a primeira matemática vietnamita do sexo feminino, fundadora da
Universidade de Thang Long, e a destinatária da Ordem das
Palmas Académicas.[2]


 1Inicio da vida e carreira

 2Trabalho com Grothendieck
 3Realizações posteriores
 4Reconhecimento
 5Referências
Inicio da vida e carreira
Hoàng nasceu em Cót, no distrito de Từ Liêm, no Vietnã, uma das
sete filhas do comerciante de tecidos Hoàng Thuc Tan. Sua mãe
morreu quando ela tinha oito anos e foi criada por uma madrasta.
Ela também tem sido freqüentemente citada como a neta do
matemático vietnamita Hoàng Xuân Hãn. Obteve seu primeiro
diploma de bacharel em 1951 em Hanói, estudando inglês e
francês, e depois viajou para Paris para um segundo bacharelado
em matemática.[3] Ela ficou na França para estudar para uma
agrégation na Universidade de Toulouse, que concluiu em 1959,
antes de retornar ao Vietnã para se tornar professora de
matemática na Universidade Nacional de Educação de Hanoi.
Hoàng tornou-se a primeira matemática do sexo feminino no Vietnã
e naquela época era uma dos poucos matemáticos de lá com uma
educação estrangeira.[4][5]
Trabalho com Grothendieck
O matemático e pacifista francês Alexander Grothendieck visitou o
Vietnã do Norte no final de 1967, durante a Guerra do Vietnã, e
passou um mês ensinando matemática na equipe de matemática da
Universidade de Hanoi, incluindo Hoàng, que tomou as notas para
as palestras. Por causa da guerra, as palestras de Grothendieck
foram realizadas longe de Hanói, primeiro no campo próximo e
depois em ừi Từ. Depois que Grothendieck retornou à França, ele
continuou a ensinar Hoàng como um estudante de correspondência.
Ela obteve seu doutorado sob a supervisão de Grothendieck da
Universidade Paris Diderot em 1975, com uma tese manuscrita.
 Sua pesquisa de tese, sobre estruturas algébricas baseadas em
grupos categóricos, mas com uma lei de grupo que se aplica
apenas ao isomorfismo, prefigurou grande parte da teoria moderna
de dois grupos.[7]
Realizações posteriores
Quando foi promovida a professora titular, Hoàng tornou-se a
primeira professora titular do sexo feminino no Vietnã em qualquer
campo científico ou técnico.[8] Em 1988, fundou a primeira
universidade privada no Vietnã, a Universidade Thang Long,
em Hanói, e tornou-se presidente de seu conselho de
Em 2003 foi premiada com a Ordem das Palmas Académicas da
França por suas "contribuições para impulsionar a cooperação em
cultura e ciência entre as duas nações" da França e do Vietnã.

1. ↑ Hoàng Xuân Sính (em inglês) no Mathematics

Genealogy Project
2. ↑ «0000 0000 0654 0623». Consultado em 20
de junho de 2019
3. ↑ «Chuyện nhà nữ toán học đầu tiên ở Việt Nam». antg.
Consultado em 20 de junho de 2019
4. ↑ «Hoàng». Consultado em 20 de junho de
5. ↑ «Randon Curves». Gppgle Livros. Consultado em 20
de junho de 2019
6. ↑ «Hoang Xuan Sinh». nodak. Consultado em 20 de
junho de 2019
7. ↑ «Higher-DimensionalAlgebraV:2-Groups» (PDF). Consultado em 20 de junho de 2019
8. ↑ «Mathematics and Gender: Some Cross-Cultural
Observations». springer. Consultado em 20 de junho de 2019
9. ↑ «Higher Education in Vietnam». springer. Consultado
em 20 de junho de 2019

Familiar del Filosofo Nguyen Van Minh, que secretarió Gilles-

Gaston Granger, y de quien yo fui Assistente en Logica

y del Embajador

Pham Tien Tu (Comite Central del Partido Comunista, que ha

mantenido viable la Universidad de Moçambique en 1976)

Exponientes Espiritual y Diplomatico


Zulmira Ximenes

Dean Professor Computer Science

Coordinator Erasmus Mundus

Secrearia Fundacion Universidades Portuguesas

Primera Mestra Estadistica Universidad Evora

(dimos classes conjuntas en la Fundacion de Universidades

Portuguesas, 2006-2007)

Madre Guilhermina Marçal

Guilhermina Marçal
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Guilhermina Marçal (also known as Sister Guilhermina ) is a humanitarian

activist from Same, East Timor.  She is the Provincial superior of the Canossian


Sisters in East Timor.  She was active in support for East Timor independence

and would smuggle messages into prisoners. She was appointed, in 2010, to
the Commission for the National Police of East Timor Promotion by the East
Timor State Secretary for the Council of Ministers, Isabel da Costa Ferreira. [5]

Guilhermina Marçal is a Roman Catholic Canossian sister. She was born in
Same (East Timor) and has been working for the promotion of independence,
as well as social, economic and cultural rights in that country.  When the first

President of East Timor, Xanana Gusmão, was in prison during the struggle for
independence, he was visited by Marçal. Marçal would smuggle messages in
and also smuggle replies out to Falintil supporters.

The Catholic Church in East Timor has been at the heart of the humanitarian
operations in the wake of the country's political crises and ethnic violence.
Sister Guilhermina's story of bravery and outstanding service to the people is
one of many. [6]

When people fled violence, looting and arson attacks between April and June
2006, they sought shelter in a convent run by the Canossian Sisters. More than
8,000 people were formally registered at the site, but convent head Sister
Guilhermina Marcal said the number swelled to up to 13,000 at night.  She

administered the supply of food provided by the World Food Programme. [1]

Sister Guilhermina visited New Zealand to brief NZ Parliamentarians in 2007

telling them that Security was still the most pressing problem for Timor-Leste.
She and other convent nuns ran the camp by themselves for the first four
months. Sister Guilhermina said the convent camp had problems with malaria,
dengue fever, and diarrhea. She also said 1 in 7 of the IDP's in her camp had
HIV or AIDS. [8]

As of 2011, Sister Guilhermina serves on the Counsel of Ministers of

the National University of East Timor as a representative of the religious
community. [9][10]

(Tesis de Mestrado en Vaticano;la he secretariado 2007)


Meetings with Remarkable Men

122 997 visualizações

Meetings with Remarkable Men (book) is the second volume of the All and
Everything trilogy written by the Greek-Armenian mystic G. I. Gurdjieff. A book
of autobiography, it was originally published in 1963 and tells the tale of the
young Gurdjieff growing up in a world torn between his unexplainable
experiences and the developing modern sciences. The book takes the form of
Gurdjieff's reminiscences about various "remarkable men" that he has met,
beginning with his father. They include the Armenian priest Pogossian; his
friend Soloviev, Prince Lubovedsky, a Russian prince with metaphysical
interests, and a couple of others. In the course of describing these characters,
Gurdjieff weaves their stories into the story of his own travels, and also into an
overarching narrative which has them cooperate in locating spiritual texts and/or
masters in various lands (mostly Central Asia). Gurdjieff calls this group the
"Seekers of Truth". Most of them do in fact find "truth" in the form of some
suitable spiritual destiny. The underlying philosophy, especially as articulated in
an appendix, amounts to the assertion that people generally live their lives
asleep, are unconscious of themselves, and accordingly behave like machines,
subject to outside causes and pressures. Also, one of the chief assessments of
the novel is that the people of the past epochs lived in more suitable outer
conditions and at higher inner levels than the people today. Many additional
hidden harmonies are noted or alluded to. Meetings with Remarkable Men
(movie) is a 1979 British film directed by Peter Brook and based on the book of
the same name. Shot on location in Afghanistan (except for dance sequences,
which were filmed in England), it starred Terence Stamp, and Dragan
Maksimovic as the adult G. I. Gurdjieff. The film was entered into the 29th Berlin
International Film Festival.



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