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1.Feral children are those human children who have lived isolated from human contact from a
very young age through either accident or deliberate isolation, and so has had little or no
experience of human care behavior or human language.

2.The reasons why these children became feral are because they have been abandoned,
isolated, or raised by animals.At a young age, their traumatic experiences lead them to it and in
some cases, no one took care of them but only themselves.

3.The habitats of these feral children are dangerous places because in some cases they consider
the jungle, the single room or the streets as their habitats. However, no matter how we found it
uncomfortable, they found peace and comfort at it. That is why in some cases, they always go
back to their place after they were rescued.

4. No, I haven't encountered it yet.

5.I haven't encountered it yet but of course at first, I will feel scared because they're not normal
and I don't know what he or she is thinking. But I will also feel sad for I know that he or she
underwent some traumatic experiences and that he or she needs help. Understanding is what I
should do first to help them in the way I know and can.


Socialization for a student like me is so important for it helps me develop my social skills that
prepares me for the world of work. Through socialization, I can learn a lot from others'
experiences and advises that I can use for my better learning. It also staves me from loneliness
and change my individual behavior that helps me adapt into current society.

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