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You: hello

Stranger: HELLO

You: how are you. i'm fine

Stranger: fine and you

You: i'm fine

You: what county you from?

Stranger: why you hide ?

Stranger: from madagascar

You: alright

Stranger: and you

You: malaysia

You: so, what are your hobbies

Stranger: basketball. about you ? your male or femal ?

You: male. and my hobbies are playing drums

You: what's your gender? just saying

Stranger: you have your camera ?

You: yes. what about you?

Stranger: if you see me why you asking ?

Stranger: i'm male kkkkk

You: alright. I can't see you so, sorry

You: i can only see my camers

Stranger: but for me i can't see you also

You: oh wow.

You: what's your age? just curious

Stranger: 25

You: 15

Stranger: AND you

You: 15
Stranger: very young

Stranger: i have to leave you

You: oh okay goodbye and have a good day

Stranger: thanks and have a good day also

Stranger has disconnected.

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