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Learning Area: English for Academic and Professional Purposes Weeks:

Date Covered:
 Uses appropriate critical approaches in writing critiques
Objectives: At the end of this module, the learner is expected to:
1. define what critique is;
2. differentiate the critical approaches; and
3. determine the usage of the different critical approaches.
 Wake up! It is a new day for new learning opportunities. Get ready for a fun yet
productive day ahead.

Note: Kindly use a separate sheet of paper or use the one provided by the school as the answer sheet for
all of the activities in this module. Any form of writing in the module is strictly prohibited.
Preliminaries/Introduction (What I Need to know)
 Before proceeding straight to the discussion, explain to the learner that it is
important that he/she has an idea on the learning outcomes expected at the end
of the module. This will make him/her have a goal in mind as he/she interacts
with and accomplishes the material.  
 Afterwards, let the learner read and understand the What I Need to Know part
on page 3.
Pre assessment (What I know)
 Let the learner answer the 15-item Multiple Choice (What I Know) on pages 3 and
Note: Give the learner enough time to analyze the pre-test. Only the letter of the
correct answer shall be written on the answer sheet.
1. Review/Motivations (What’s In)
 Ask the learner to transform the phrase puzzle on page 5 into a topic outline.
Note: The phrases on the puzzle shall be categorized first before the learner can
transform them into an outline, which cannot be done without knowing what they
mean. Hence, use this opportunity to help the learner recall these concepts.
2. Initial Activity/Discovery (What’s New)
 Give enough time for the learner to read and analyze the song, “Paraiso” by
Smokey Mountain on page 6. Afterwards, ask the learner to answer the questions
on page 7.
Note: If the resources are available, let the learner listen to the song. You may ask
the learner to sing, or you may also sing with him/her.
3. Discussion of the Topic (What is it)
 Let the learner read and study What is a Critique and the Critical Approaches in
Writing a Critique on pages 8 to 13. Definitions and examples of the critical
approaches in critique writing are also provided for a more insightful
understanding of the lesson.
Note: The key to understanding the critical approaches in critique writing better is
by getting exposed to several examples. Therefore, it is highly encouraged that you
provide additional examples to the learner, particularly those that he/she can
relate to the most. In this part, the learner may also arrive at several questions.
For further clarifications, you may contact the subject teacher.
4. Enrichment Activities (What’s More)
This part contains 3 Independent Activities and 3 Independent Assessments
which aim to help the learner understand the topic further.
 Independent Activity 1: Ask the learner to categorize the given statements on page 14 by
writing them under “Agree” if the statements are correct and under “Disagree” if they are
 Independent Assessment 1: Ask the learner to identify the form of criticism being described
in the given statements on page 14.
 Independent Activity 2: Allow the learner to read and analyze the given scenarios about a
group of friends talking about the film that they have watched on page 15. Afterwards,
determine the critical approach implied in each of the characters’ dialogues.
 Independent Assessment 2: Ask the learner to complete the crossword puzzle on page 16 by
identifying the critical approach being defined by the given clues.
 Independent Activity 3: Ask the learner to match the most applicable critical approaches to
the given works of art on page 17. Only the letter of the correct answer shall be written on
the answer sheet.
 Independent Assessment 3: Let the learner read the given situations on page 17.
Afterwards, ask him/her to identify the most appropriate critical approaches for them.
5. Generalization (What I Have Learned)
 As explained on page 18, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, ask the
learner to rate his/her understanding of the given topics.
 Note: For the topic to which the learner gave the lowest rating, you may further
clarify the its concepts which he/she specifically finds confusing.
6. Application (What I Can Do)
 Ask the learner to write a 3-paragraph essay about how he/she handles other
people’s criticisms. Refer to the rubrics on page 18.
7. Post-test (Assessment)
 Let the learner answer the 5-item Identification, 5-item True or False, and 5-item
Word Bank Post-tests (Assessment) on page 20.
 Note: Give the learner adequate time for the assessment. On the first part, ask the
learner to identify what is being described in each item. On the second part, ask
the learner to write “True” if the statement is correct and “False” if not. On the last
part, ask the learner to choose the correct answers from the given box.
8. Additional Activity
 Allow the learner to choose a story that he/she is familiar with, then ask him/her
to write a critique about it by answering the given guide questions on page 22.
Refer to the given rubrics on page 21.
Modular: The parent/guardian/authorized representative shall personally submit the printed module
and activity sheets in the respective LGUs. A proof of identity shall be presented upon the
submission/claim of the materials.
Online Distance Learning: The learner can send outputs to the Google Classroom account provided by
the teacher or to any other platform recommended by the school.

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