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Title of assignment Summary

Tutor Name Bram Schmitz
Course Title Skills
Student Name Alberto Mario Pertuz
Academic Year 21-22
Number of Words 900
In the society we are presently witnessing, teamwork has become a fundamental tool of
student assessment during a wide variety of university courses. It could be said that
teamwork is highly effective as it involves taking advantage of the knowledge and skills
of each member of the group and compensating for deficiencies. Using this logic, it is
hoped that an exceptional and better final result will be achieved than would have been
the case if the parties had worked separately. Successful interactions between the
individuals involved is vitally important as factors such as group size, roles,
responsibilities, structure, cohesion, and goals must be defined in order for it to be a
successful experience. These factors are commonly referred to as 'group dynamics'. It is
worth mentioning that a group will change over time due to the development of the
activity, the interaction between its members, the challenges they will face and of
course the group will have to learn how the members interact in a coordinated
way.Returning to the factors which are fundamental for a group to function efficiently is
the fact that each group has a goal or goals.Goals help when it comes to prioritizing
tasks, organizing activities and achieving an adequate administration of time and
resources, thus seeking to achieve objectives effectively.objectives can be both product
or result.Some sub-goals may include enjoying meetings and making new friends but
the main goal is likely to be about being evaluated individually or as a group and to
make sure that the result obtained is the best possible compare the way a group operates
using a model and use the dialogue to establish the best proposals and the best decisions
for the group.the next factor would be organization and structure.Procedures define the
means to achieve the long-awaited goal. Therefore, the procedures may influence the
performance of the activities that will have to be carried out to meet the goals. The more
formal rules that are established, the more consistent the group will become and the
more predictable the behavior of the members of the work group will become. Also,
authority structures must be defined, basically who reports to whom, who has to report
to whom, who makes decisions and what powers people have to contribute to the
teamwork.Group tasks will be assigned depending on the faculties of the individual,
some individuals spontaneously assume roles such as initiator, contributor, information
gatherer, giver of information and opinion and many more.

Some behaviors that students typically assume are such as the idea generator who as his
name suggests creativity is his thing, on the other hand the information giver will share
vital data with the group, research and information gathering is his specialty, the
evaluator will be the voice of reason and the judge of all proposed ideas and information
presented and last but not least is the coordinator whose job is mainly to coordinate the
activities in the group. The cohesion of a work team is nothing more than the good
integration or chemistry of a team; it is important to say that if the members of the
group have similar backgrounds and interests, this will contribute to achieve cohesion in
an easier way. A correlation can be observed between the conformity of the members
with the established norms, since the lower the frequency of occurrence of conflict and
its severity and the higher the level of commitment to the shared objectives. But
cohesion can become detrimental if there is no room for different criteria because if a
group agrees on everything, they will not have the opportunity to judge and try to find
different alternatives. It is also essential to talk about stages of group development and
those are forming: this phase is basically about breaking the ice, the interactions will
have the motive of socializing and creating a good social atmosphere, storming:
norming, performing adjourning. As the name suggests, a storm is approaching. Tension
and disagreement will be commonplace, while at the same time there will be resistance
to social pressure and influence from others. But if the tension is relieved the next stage
will be very easy.
In this phase the rules will be established, and harmony and dynamics will emerge, thus
starting an ideal cooperation that will lead the group to success. Performing: The
execution of the task has been successful: having concentrated energy and resources on
the task, the group has reached such a point that it has been able to succeed. Adjourning:
The last phase is the farewell. Where the group members will have to deal with the fact
that the work is over, and life goes on. Finally, I would like to conclude by
acknowledging the differences between groups and teams. In essence it could be said
that both share characteristics such as goals, but it is a fact that they are not synonymous
since a group lacks the characteristics that a team possesses. The two words may
provoke thoughts in similar contexts but there are clear differences: in the first instance,
a team works together to achieve a common goal, whereas in a group the primary focus
is on individuals. Members are accountable for a specific task even if they have a shared
goal. The emotional aspect is also a big difference as a team usually has an emotional
attachment among its members. In a team there is a bond beyond the activity, but the
same cannot be said of a group.

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