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• To gain an insight into all functional areas of management
• To gain a thorough knowledge of organizational administration
• To study HR practices in detail
• To be aware of the theoretical component of each of the areas listed below and
match the theoretical knowledge with the actual practices at the organization.

Tools of the fieldwork process

• Observation
• Interview with workers, officers, union office bearers
• Study of reports, records, books charts, pamphlets etc.
• Participation in possible work situations like collective bargaining, domestic
enquiries selection process as an observer.
• Recording an maintaining a field work diary
• Reporting the findings back in class presentation

The student shall follow the timings of the respective organizations on the days of
They shall follow the working days of the organizations during the period of fieldwork
and any holidays of the college are not applicable.
No leave is permitted during fieldwork days.
Students shall wear formals and adhere to the dress code, if any, of the organization
during fieldwork days.
The rules and regulations of the organization are applicable to the students while on

The organizational study shall be of approximately 30 days duration. The student shall be
with the organization on two days Thursdays and Fridays every week.

The students shall prepare a report of his/her fieldwork. A weekly report that shall
comprise day to day activities of the student for the previous week. It shall be day-wise
report written in the Fieldwork Record book provided to the students. Each report shall
include the following information in the following order.
Report No:
Topic/Area of study:
Source of information:
Material used:
Activity Report:
Learning points/observation:
There shall also be a time sheet provided to the students, which shall be filled in
countersigned by the organization guide/supervisor that would have to be attached with
each day-report.
The report shall be submitted to the respective faculty guides before 2.00 p.m. on the
following Monday or in accordance with specific instructions from the faculty guide.

The student is required to make a powerpoint presentation based on the consolidated
report for a duration of 15 minutes after the organizational study on a date notified by the
PGP office.

Areas of study:
The following is a list for ease of topic coverage. The same is indicative and not
exhaustive and needs to be read in conjunction with the type of industry and the
particular organization.

Industry analysis
General information about the organization which may contain information such as
history and milestones, market share, turnover, financial details and ratios, promoters,
investors, collaborators, competitors, products/services, number and classification of
employees, departmentation, other offices/branches if any, group companies if any,
organization chart, certifications, mergers/acquisitions, etc.
Other functional areas/departments, their composition/department structure their
interaction with HR department etc. Included should be the production process in a
manufacturing or engineering industry, the services provided in a service industry,
objectives and responsibilities/key functions of each department, sales and promotion
strategies, financial ratios, analysis of financial statements, MIS and its administration,
HR department and its activities. Information here would typically include the structure
of HR department, the different HR functions in the organization, strategic role of HR,
HR budget, manpower planning and sourcing, employee advancement/promotions,
human resource development, separation, absenteeism rates, employee turnover etc.
Welfare measures/employee assistance programs (EAP). Information here would
include statutory and non-statutory welfare measures, incentive schemes, allowances,
awards and recognition, safety and health, environment concerns, employee cooperatives,
community participation/extra mural welfare measures, canteen, transportation, wage and
salary administration;
Employee/industrial relations. Information pertaining to unions/associations, procedure
for recognition, collective bargaining/negotiations, history of industrial unrest
(strikes/lockouts), approach to discipline, grievance handling, employee
participation/involvement, employee commitment, job satisfaction, work environment,
Legal issues like legislations applicable to the organization, statutory compliances;
statutory provisions, statutory authorities, statutory positions, and reports etc. should be
Human Resource Development (HRD) activities that includes the HRD culture,
induction program, training need identification (TNI), training budget, training policy,
types of training, management development, evaluation of training programmes, career
and succession planning, employee advancement/promotion etc.
Performance Management issues including performance planning, performance
appraisal/review, development planning, performance related pay, potential appraisal,
different types of appraisal methods used, etc.
Reward Management includes structure of the reward system, components,
administration of reward system, differences between levels, cost to company
concept/manpower cost, HR accounting etc.
Unique or innovative practices or recent developments that have been adopted by the
organizations and their impact. Self-managed work teams, competency based HR
systems, learning organizations, HR audit, HR scorecard, flexi-time, telecommuting,
HRIS, profit sharing, innovative compensation packages, ESOPs, mentorship, TQM,
BPR, 5S, Six sigma, PCMM etc. are a few.
Ethical and Environmental issues including the policies and practices of the
organization in this regard, OSHAS and ISO standards and certification evaluation of
ethical standards followed by the organization, history of conformance or non-conformity
SWOT analysis. A logical presentation of each of the elements of the SWOT based on
facts and the future outlook of the organization is to be presented. Students may attach
relevant photographs or newspaper clippings in their reports to make it more informative.

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