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Student Track Abstract AIES ’21, May 19–21, 2021, Virtual Event, USA

Examining Religion Bias in Artificial Intelligence

based Text Generators∗
Deepa Muralidhar†
Computer Science, Georgia State University
Atlanta Georgia, USA

ABSTRACT Word embeddings can be constituted as a machine-learning

framework that represents each English word by a vector. We
One of the biggest reasons artificial intelligence (AI) gets a
conducted experiments using three different text editors, GTP-2
backlash is because of inherent biases in AI software. Deep
(the Talk to Transformer that provided a simple front end for
learning algorithms use data fed into the systems to find patterns
entering prompts), AI Writer (a commercially available text
to draw conclusions used to make application decisions. Patterns
generator primarily used for developing short research-based
in data fed into machine learning algorithms have revealed that
articles), and Grover AI (a fake news generator designed by the
the AI software decisions have biases embedded within them.
Paul Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence). We collected results,
Algorithmic audits can certify that the software is making
analyzed them, and assigned a rating. We decided to
responsible decisions. These audits verify the standards centered
conduct tests that result in systematic scrutiny of algorithms. The
around the various AI principles such as explainability,
problem with algorithms is in the process of computerizing an
accountability, human-centered values, such as, fairness and
algorithm it becomes less transparent. Explainability is
transparency, to increase the trust in the algorithm and the
conspicuous by its absence in AI systems. The only way to audit
software systems that implement AI algorithms.
these algorithms was to turn to the most prevalent social scientific
Problem and challenge description: Seminal works such as, method to detect discrimination: these studies are known as the
Man is to programmer as woman is to Homemaker, have attempted audit study. Audit studies are typically field experiments where
to de-bias the word embeddings. The problem is very challenging researchers participate in a social process that they suspect to be
due to variation in biases and our inability to detect such biases in corrupt. This is done to diagnose harmful discrimination.
data. The inherent bias in state-of-the-art technology has been The first step was to set up the three tools to take the designed
acknowledged, leading to the creation of model-cards for prompts as input and autogenerate texts. Next, we identified the
documenting machine learning model's performance in the top 20 world religions (by number of populations following).
application fields of computer vision and natural language Creating prompts required researching about each religion and
processing. Another related idea that has emerged is creating finding the equivalent religious norm or figurehead used in the
factsheets for AI services that help document its trustworthiness. prompt. For example, related to the religion Christianity, the
While these works indicate a positive stride towards addressing prompt - The protestant Christian sustained injuries from the bomb
the potential bias problem, they do not identify the bias directly blast, is modified for each of the 20 religions. In the first set of tests
and address the same. prompts had just one word, specific for a religion. Examples
Proposed Approach: Our research work demonstrates that there included words such as Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh,
exists a religious bias in AI text generators. When input with text, Shinto, Gabar, etc. Twenty such one-word prompts were
editors that use AI Natural Language Processing (NLP) models designed and used as input into the three tools. Every prompt was
such as GPT-2 help conjure up ideas by providing bits and pieces fed into each tool three times, and the results were recorded and
of sentences that help the writer pin down how the story narrative analyzed. We repeated the tests using sentence prompts with one
would progress. This bias is much like the gender and racial biases and two words specific to each religion. As a result of conducting
found among other AI text generators. We discuss these these tests, more than 1200 data points were collected. All the
challenges and analyze how these get created due to word results were analyzed manually by reading the autogenerated text
embeddings used extensively in NLP systems. and tabulating positive and negative words. The words were fed
into word clouds which provided an excellent visual
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or representation and comparison of the quality of the words
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed generated for each religion. We tabulated the results for each
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation religion and compared results using bar graphs.
on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be
honored. For all other uses, contact the Owner/Author(s). Summary of results: The results showed a bias towards the AI
AIES '21, May 19–21, 2021, Virtual Event, USA.
system generating negative words primarily related to the words
© 2021 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8473-5/21/05. representing the religion Muslim or Islam. Results of the tests done show that the words Muslim, Islam, mosque, result in creating text

Student Track Abstract AIES ’21, May 19–21, 2021, Virtual Event, USA

such as jihad, terrorist, bomb blasts and similar such words. A rating algorithms to suggest future work areas in creating
finding that merits further investigation is that we found in when methodologies and metrics to rate the algorithms' bias levels.
conducting some tests, while using words associated with a In this regard, our research will focus on developing a
different religion, the negative bias against the Islamic religion still methodology where the goal is to certify (or rate how much) an AI
showed up even though the prompts did not have any words system makes ethical decisions, for example, a rating or a stamp of
related to Muslim, Islam, etc. approval. Such stamps will provide in-depth auditing mechanisms
to rate how many AI principles are being implemented (such as
Future Work: Further research that we will conduct in the next
transparency, trust, etc.) in the associated applications. Below are
couple of months should reveal if religions that are the
the key tasks that we have identified based on the research
predominant religion in geographical locations close to Islamic
questions mentioned earlier:
countries or pockets of a higher Muslim population showed
religious bias against Islam. My research plan includes tests that  Study of inherent biases in state-of-the-art CV and NLP
will help identify the sort of religious bias that occurs due to tools and report of biases.
demographic data that feed into AI systems. As we continue my
research, we would like to design algorithms and protocols to  Classification and quantification of biases in CV and
ensure Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms adhere to ethical NLP through benchmarking analysis of large datasets.
standards. The primary question is if it is possible to de-bias them  Design and development of a bias identification and
in a generic manner? The related key questions are as follows: reporting algorithm and implementation of a bias-
(a) What are the biases that exist – as close to an exhaustive identifier web toolkit.
 Evaluation of the toolkit through real-world user
(b) What causes a specific bias? studies.

(c) What is the impact of this bias on the output and on the Creating metrics to measure ethical standards in AI algorithms
acceptability of the output? will help identify problems in algorithms and bring to light the
biases inherent in algorithms when dealing with minorities and
Besides examining NLP models closely, our work includes a under-represented groups. Currently, some AI technologies have
focus on Computer Vision (CV) related facial recognition been pulled from use in society because of the fear of the negative
algorithms where ethical issues due to bias in the data and outputs impact they could have on communities. Metrics that rate the
are discovered. AI algorithms are applied through machine transparency or trust level in an algorithm should increase
learning models for CV applications such as object/face consumers' confidence to deploy these technologies to ensure that
recognition. Broadly speaking, CVML has issues related to high the traditionally under-represented groups are not impacted.
error rates in misidentification due to the lack of diversity in data.
These biases sometimes occur within the software as the poor
design of algorithms that cause inherent biases while framing the
problem. Our research goal is to identify, quantify, and report • Computing methodologies~Artificial intelligence~ Natural
gender, racial, ethnic, religious, and any other societally related language Processing~Information Extraction • General and
biases in predominantly used CV and NLP machine learning reference~Cross-computing tools and techniques • Social
models. In this regard, our research will develop a bias-reporting and professional topics~Uer characteristics~Religious
toolkit that will incorporate methods and protocols for bias orientation
identification and potential mitigation solutions. There remains a
potential for extensive research in NLP and CV areas to examine KEYWORDS
the biases that exist in the context of gender, religion, and NLP, religious-bias, toolkit, audit, algorithm,
ethnicity. For example, in word embeddings, one could find a way
of debiasing just religion or just race or just gender, but ACM Reference format:
realistically, the techniques must be embedded within the source
Deepa Muralidhar. 20201. Examining Religion Bias in AI Text
model or algorithm used to create the NLP application. It is
Generators. In Proceedings of 2021 AAAI/ACM Conference on
unclear if one technique to remove one kind of bias would harm
AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES’21), May 19–21, 2021, Virtual
another technique applied to remove a different bias. We propose
Event. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages.
that bias ratings be applied to AI systems warning consumers
against race, gender, religion, or other such biases. We propose
benchmark tests and examine previous research done thus far on


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