Google in China

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Analytical Report of Google including SWOT and Pestel

Financial analysis (University of Nairobi)

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Student Name:
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Assignment Title: Analytical Report of Google

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1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Google LLC...............................................................................................................................5
1.2. Google Operations in China.....................................................................................................5
2. Google's Mission, Vision, Goals, Objectives, and Business Model Review....................7
2.1. Mission and Vision Statement Review...................................................................................7
2.2. Goals and Objectives.................................................................................................................8
2.3. Google LLC's Business Model.................................................................................................8
3. Strategic Management Concepts, Internal, and External Environment............................8
3.1. Strategic Management Concepts............................................................................................8
3.1.0. Swot analysis of Google LLC............................................................................................9
3.1.1. Market penetration strategy............................................................................................10
3.1.2. Product development strategy.......................................................................................11
3.1.3. Market development strategy.........................................................................................11
3.1.4. Diversification strategy....................................................................................................11
3.2. Internal Environment................................................................................................................12
3.3. External Environment..............................................................................................................12
3.3.0. Political factors..................................................................................................................12
3.3.1. Economic factors...............................................................................................................13
3.3.2. Socio-Cultural factors.......................................................................................................13
3.3.3. Technological factors.......................................................................................................14
4. Alternative Competitive Strategies to Address Google China's Scenario......................14
4.1. Rivalry..........................................................................................................................................15
4.2. Customers..................................................................................................................................15
4.3. Suppliers.....................................................................................................................................16
4.4. Substitutes..................................................................................................................................16
4.5. Exit/Entry Obstacles.................................................................................................................16
5. Ethical Principles and Socially Management Values...........................................................17
5.1. Google's Socially Responsible Management Values.......................................................17
5.2. Google's Ethical Principles....................................................................................................19
6. Key Elements in the Execution of the Recommended Strategic Plan.............................19

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7. Action Plan to Google LLC's Management.............................................................................20


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1. Introduction

The government of China manages the internet and social media use through a broad

range of regulations and very advanced filtering technologies (Cartwright, 2020). In

addition to that, the government enforces several restrictive measures to be followed by

both local and foreign internet companies in an attempt to attain total control over

internet and technology use across the country. Internet companies have to adhere to

the outlined regulations and answer to an arguably decentralized information system

that comprises several government bodies. To operate smoothly in China, internet

companies have to comply with regulations and measures from quite a number of

regulatory agencies such as the Ministry of Culture, the State Administration of Press

and Publication, Radio, Film and Television, the Ministry of Industry and Information

Technology amongst other government authorities. The great number of regulations,

restrictions, and agencies an internet company has to adhere to brings out the question

of whether it is logical and economical for foreign internet companies to start or continue

with their operations and businesses in China, despite the country boasting a great and

a fast-growing market in the internet and social media industry.

This analytical report aims at providing a choice to the dilemma of whether Google, a

multinational American internet and social media service provider, should continue with

its operations in China or withdraw its operations from the country. By reviewing the

company's mission and vision statements, the report will relate the question at hand

with the company's goals and objectives. This will be followed by a review of the

strategic management concepts used by Google, their impact on the situation in China,

and any alternative strategies that can be applied to better solve the dilemma. Putting

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into considerations the ethical issues and socially management values and policies

employed by Google LLC, the report will recommend a management strategic plan and

the elements that are necessary for the execution of the plan.

1.1. Google LLC

Google LLC is an American multinational search engine company, that was founded in

1998 by two Stanford University students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The company,

formally Google Inc., is a subsidiary of the Alphabet Inc. holding company. In a very

competitive environment, Google handles over 70 percent of online search requests

across the world, edging out competitors such as Apple Inc. and Microsoft.

The company was initially started to serve the purpose of online searching but has

grown to provide over 50 internet services and products. Ranging from e-mail services,

online document creation, online advertising, google videos, apps, maps, social

networks to mobile and tablet computer software amongst other several Google

products and services, this wide range has been pivotal for success rapid growth of

google over the last three decades. However, the road hasn't been smooth for google

as stiff competition, allegations for violations of competitors' patent rights leading to

series of lawsuits, conflicts with specific countries (such as China) over operation

regulations, amongst other operation challenges, have been facing the company.

1.2. Google Operations in China

Google China, a subsidiary of Google LLC, is tasked with the provision of Google

services and products in China, was founded in April 2006, and has its headquarters in

Beijing. However, quite a number of factors have hindered the success and growth of

Google in China. These hindrances range from stiff competition, especially by China's

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greatest search engine Baidu, to strict government regulations and restrictions on the

provision of internet services. A series of conflicts between the Chinese government and

Google have seen google fail to secure a great percentage of China's internet market


In 2009, the Chinese government blocked Google's YouTube as a punishment for

displaying footage that showed Chinese security officers unlawfully beating Tibetans.

The blocking was responsible for a decrease in Google's Chinese market share, which

was lost to their fiercest rival, Baidu. In 2010, a hacking attack originating from China

and targeting Google, together with other American information technology companies,

saw Google give up on their online search services in China. Google has not been able

to provide services such as Gmail, Chrome, and search engines in mainland China

since 2014.

Despite these many challenges Google has faced in its China's operations, they have

always vowed to continue with research and office developments in China without

giving up. One of the reasons for not giving up is due to the vastness of the Chinese

market and the growth opportunities the market offers. Google LLC has made several

attempts in trying to get back to mainland China and also grab a greater percentage of

China's internet market share. It held Google Development days annually in China in

2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, as well as a Future of Go Summit with the Chinese

government. All these have been in great vain as Google's market share remains to be

3.42 percent, far much shy of Baidu's 71.13 percent (Cartwright, 2020). Google suffered

a blow in its efforts to launch a search engine in Mainland China in 2018 when their

dragonfly project was shut down following allegations that it would use spying tools on

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users. Following the Hongkong national security law's enactment, Google has resolved

not to respond to any data requests by Hongkong authorities. Google China stated that

they would have Hongkong authorities go through the Mutual Assistance Treaty with the


2. Google's Mission, Vision, Goals, Objectives, and Business Model Review

2.1. Mission and Vision Statement Review

A company's mission and vision statements represent a powerful position of the specific

company in the global market. Google LLC's mission is to organize the world's

information and make it universally accessible and useful. The company has been

putting efforts and focus on the development of its proprietary algorithm to maximize

effectiveness and efficiency in the organization of online information. Despite the

challenges and woes google faces in China, it has fought battles in ensuring and

emphasized on the effectiveness of its online information. In 2009, when words

prohibited by the Chinese government could not be found in the google search engines,

google argued against the prohibition stating that removing search results and showing

no information was inconsistent with their mission. Google's mission statement creates

a base for the foundation of their strategies, which are majorly needed in determining

their future operations in China and the entire world at large.

Google LLC's vision is to provide an important service to the world-instantly delivering

information relevant at any topic at question. The statement shows the company's goal

of service and product provision to the whole world. Thus, entering and succeeding in

the Chinese internet market is driven by the corporate vision of Google. The vision

statement pushes the company to venture and achieve new heights by employing

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different strategies. For instance, Google China has been venturing and trying new and

rapid innovations in attempts to secure a greater percentage of the total Chinese market


2.2. Goals and Objectives

Google LLC's primary goal is to provide its users with the most relevant and the highest

attainable quality of results based on the users' searches while still maintaining their

desired profit margin. The company seeks to meet the needs of its users and their

advertisement clients. However, Google has not succeeded in meeting its service users'

needs in China due to the strict regulations and restrictions by the Chinese government.

The fourth chapter of this report will seek to provide and recommend strategies that

Google LLC can put in place to achieve their goals and objectives in China.

2.3. Google LLC's Business Model

Google is a leading online internet service and product provider. The major source of

revenue for the company is advertisements. In 2010, Google generated about $21

billion, 95 percent of which came from advertisements made through its search engine

and the AdSense program (Wirtz, 2011). With only around 3.5% share of the total

Chinese internet market, Google's business model hasn't been successful in the

country. To lead in earning revenue from online advertisements in China, the company

has to own a remarkable share of China's overall internet market.

3. Strategic Management Concepts, Internal, and External Environment

3.1. Strategic Management Concepts

Strategic management refers to a process of decision making that leads to the

development of an organization's strategic position that is essential for the future

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sustainability and profitability of the organization (Rothaermel, 2016). The decision-

making process puts into consideration the managerial capabilities, responsibilities,

reward system, and motivation, as well as the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,

and threats of the organization (Helms & Nixon, 2010).

3.1.0. Swot analysis of Google LLC


Google LLC boasts of the following strengths:

1. The company has a strong brand image and of high value

2. The company has a high capability for rapid growth and technological innovation

3. Google LLC has invested much in the diversification of products, services, and


4. The company enjoys a large organizational structure and size.


The following are the weaknesses of Google LLC;

1. The company depends highly on online technologies

2. The company does not have enough control over consumer electronics that use

Android operating systems.


Opportunities are the external factors that enable or provide an organization with the

potential to grow and improve. Google has the following opportunities to exploit;

1. With its innovative strength, it has the ability to develop new products and

services, complementing the existing online services.

2. The ability to develop brick-and-mortar stores.

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3. Expand the use of Chromebooks across the world, together with other consumer


Threats facing Google

These are the external business factors that hinder the operations and the ability of an

organization to grow. Google is faced with the following threats;

1. Stiff competition from large and more innovative businesses

2. Strict regulations and restrictions that hinder the company's growth and


3. Imitation of products and counterfeiting by malicious businesses.

3.1.1. Market penetration strategy

Google LLC relies much on market penetration as the core and primary growth strategy.

This strategy helps in keeping and maintaining the company's position as one of the

valuable brands in online services across the world. The strategic goal is to acquire as

many customers as possible from the current markets of the company. The company

has already attained a leadership position in the market share owned in some countries

such as the United States. In other countries such as China, the company faces stiff

competition and has to relentlessly put more effort and strive to attain bigger market

shares. The intensive growth strategy determines how the company uses its marketing

mix to grow.

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The company also relies on the generic strategy to create great influence in the

competitive landscape and in the development of the online advertising industry, and

other services depended on the use of the internet. The generic strategy ensures

differentiation in products and services from those of competitors so as to acquire a

competitive edge. The competitive advantage ensures entry into new markets, thus

increasing the company's market share.

3.1.2. Product development strategy

The product development strategy is a secondary strategic approach for growth used by

Google LLC. Its objective is to develop products and services which, when sold,

increase the revenues of the company. Innovation is key to developing products and

providing services. In Google, innovation is evident, considering the technological

nature of google. The strategy involves new product lines and new services, such as the

introduction of new mobile or computer tablet apps. Google creates more products and

avenues for service provision for more revenue generation and also for rapid market

penetration. For instance, the plan to introduce the dragonfly search engine in China

was innovative, despite the external environment's prejudgment, which led to the failure

of launching the project.

3.1.3. Market development strategy

Market development strategy is used to attract customers in new markets by providing
them with new products and services. Google aims at distributing its products to all
sections of the world. This strategy is used for growth purposes by acquiring new
markets. For instance, Google offers new uses for current online services to customers.
3.1.4. Diversification strategy

The diversification strategy's major objective is to achieve growth in new businesses,

especially in areas or industries where the company's operations are absent or of less

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significance. For instance, Google acquired YouTube in attempts to increase their

significance in the online video industry.

3.2. Internal Environment

The internal environment consists of the factors or events that affect the employees,

management, and organizational culture within the organization (Chen & Mohamed,

2008). From the mission statement of Google, it is evident that the company's primary

interest is not profit maximization. The company has its interest in meeting the needs of

its customers by the provision of high-quality products and services at speed desired by

customers and efficiently. It is the people employed by and working within the company

who ensure that the goal to satisfy customer needs is met.

Google strives to maintain an open culture within the organization. The company serves

a very diverse customer base in terms of culture, and thus to be able to meet their

needs comfortably, the company has to maintain an internal open culture.

3.3. External Environment

External environment factors are factors not found within the organization but influence

the activities and performances of the organization (Kefalas, 1980). The external

environmental factors of Google LLC include political factors, economic factors, socio-

cultural factors, and technological factors.

3.3.0. Political factors

One of the major aspects of Google's strategy is government stability. During times of

good political stability, businesses receive backing and help from the governments.

Hence, businesses do more advertising to increase their market share and grow. Lots of

advertising benefits Google. In China, the government has created barriers for google

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by implementing regulations that deny Google the right to operate in the country. This

affects the performance of Google in China, though its impact on its general

performance across the world is minimal.

3.3.1. Economic factors

The rise in the gross domestic products (GDP) over the years across the world is an

indication of good economic conditions. The world's GDP has been on the rise at an

annual average of 3.2 percent, and at times reaching a high level of 17.70 percent

(Garrett, Donald & Gaston, 2020). With continued growth of the GDP, the internal and

external investments of Google will always be high in number. It will be expected that

internet users will search more, and thus more adverts will be put on the available

search engines. In china, the GDP has as well been on the rise over the past few

decades. Entry into the Chinese internet market with a greater owning a greater market

share will be of a positive impact on the growth of Google.

3.3.2. Socio-Cultural factors

Google's success has made it a leader. Its mission is to organize the information of the

world and make it accessible universally, as well as useful to everyone. Factors such as

traditions, values, expectations of the society on businesses, and societal trends

comprise Google's socio-cultural factors. Different categories of people in the society

with different expectations of businesses are based on income distribution, lifestyle,

education level, and population demographic. However, Google has no restrictions or

boundaries on which category to serve or not. Thus, its operations are guided by its

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mission to make information available universally available to everyone. Anyone

anywhere can advertise with Google, and that increases the company's profitability.

3.3.3. Technological factors

These are the factors that determine an organization's response to the fast advancing

technology, and thus their impact on the performance of the organization. Google's

innovative concepts and technologies are core to its success. Google has been on the

frontline in making technological innovations and evolution, an aspect that has helped it

become the leading company in the online internet industry across the world. Tools such

as the AdSense program, Google map, Google talk, among other technological

innovations, are proposed to make users' lives easier, practical, entertaining, and

efficient. However, Google's technological factors have not had a great impact on

China's online market due to government regulations that forbid Google from conducting

many of its operations.

4. Alternative Competitive Strategies to Address Google China's Scenario

Google has been faced with several backs in their attempts to remain competitive in the

Chinese internet market. Several attempts and strategies have also been initially put in

place but did not bear substantial fruits, especially due to threats from stiff competition

from Baidu, the Japanese market, and also strict government regulations hindering its

growth. However, more efforts could be put in place, and using new competitive

strategies, Google can still attain their goals in the Chinese market.

Based on the analysis of the strategies Google has been using, this report recommends

Google to apply Porter's five forces in evaluating their rivals, opportunities, and other

market conditions.

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4.1. Rivalry

One of the reasons behind Google's extension of its services and products to China was

to reduce its competitors' potential market, as well as to accomplish the guidelines of

the company's mission statement. To fight the stiff competition in China, Google aimed

at acquiring Baidu, an attempt that never succeeded, resulting in the sale of all the

Baidu shares Google had owned. The failed acquisition meant that Google missed on

close to 80 percent of China's internet market. In addition to the competition, the

regulations put in place by the Chinese government makes the survival of Google in the

country even more difficult. These regulations could be attributed to Baidu's close

relationship with the Chinese government. However, Google can capitalize on the

collaboration of Baidu and Chinese government, in controlling the Chinese market if it

can succeed in acquiring Baidu once more. A partnership with Baidu for internet service

provision in China can also be of great help. Thus, this report recommends Google to

try acquiring Baidu once more.

4.2. Customers

In 2002, Google expanded its market coverage to China, Korea, and Japan, targeting

share domination in the three countries. Despite the move, Baidu still dominates the

Chinese market. In 2010, Google raised concerns over hacked websites and accounts

by the Japanese (Long, Gardner & Brown, 2011). Such concerns were of great

magnitude and posed the threat of losing customers due on the grounds that there is a

lack of privacy within Google accounts. The hacking also led to Google withdrawing

some of its services and products from, and thus a negative impact on the attempts to

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acquire a greater market share in China. The report recommends advanced security

encryptions so as to avoid a repetition of the hacking of the accounts.

4.3. Suppliers

The latest developments in the Chinese government can have tremendous and

negative impacts on Google supplies Google in the country. Threats concerning the

privacy of google products can lead to a decrease in customer numbers and hence a

decline in the number of supplies and suppliers. This will drawback all the attempts by

Google to acquire a more significant share of the Chinese market. Thus, Google needs

to ensure a continued supply of its products in China and maintain high privacy


4.4. Substitutes

The Chinese political environment is unfavorable for foreign companies and

discourages the growth of Google LLC by directing it to quit and cease its operations in

China. The adverse business environment on Google reduces the competition for the

local companies. Thus, Google risks seeing its products substituted for the local

companies' products. For Google to mitigate the risk of product substitution, it has to

avoid quitting the provision of its services and products.

4.5. Exit/Entry Obstacles

The company has been facing several obstacles upon entering the Chinese market,

basically because the Chinese government practices compromise Google's principles,

as well as its mission and vision statement guidelines. Google stated that it was

unreasonable for the government of China to sensor some of its websites, accounts and

information (Quelch & Jocz, 2010). This discourages and even threatens other

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companies that may have an interest in venturing into the Chinese market. The

discouragement protects the local companies from new foreign competitor companies.

Thus, it would be indecisive for Google to quit the Chinese market, as re-entering will be

too difficult due to the protective regulations imposed by the Chinese government to

protect their local companies.

5. Ethical Principles and Socially Management Values

Ethical principles are one of the ways through which an organization can put its values

into practice (Hamilton, Knouse & Hill, 2009). Ethical principles are usually built around

the recognition that anything an organization does well and should be measured against

the highest standards of ethical business conduct. Management values refer to a set of

moral standards that have been set by society dynamics, traditions, institutions, and

cultural beliefs. Values provide guidelines that are essential for the orientation of

individuals and corporations to conduct themselves properly (Likert, 1967).

5.1. Google's Socially Responsible Management Values

i. Integrity

Google LLC upholds its reputation that its customers can have trust in the company. To

the company, trust by customers is the most valuable asset, and it's a company's duty to

ensure it earns trust from customers. Communication with customers is essential for

earning trust. Trust by customers is essential in their endless efforts to earn a greater

share of the Chinese market.

ii. Usefulness

Google LLC operates on the principle that its products, services, and features should

make the company more useful to the users. The guiding principle is 'Is whatever

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Google is offering useful?'. The usefulness of Google's products, services, and features

significantly in China could be a determinant of its success in its venture into the

Chinese online services market.

iii. Responsiveness

Responsiveness determines how Google recognizes relevant user feedback once

received and what action does the company takes. Responsiveness is part of being

useful and honest. How the company responds to customer queries and concerns is

influential to the company's customer retention rate. To enter and succeed in the

Chinese market, Google must be responsive enough to customer feedback, queries,

and concerns.

iv. Privacy, security, and freedom of expression

Google LLC is a company that has a lot of personal customer information entrusted to it.

For customers to entrust Google with such confidential information, they must have trust

that their information will be kept confidential and secure. Google's privacy and security

policies strictly prohibit the access of users' personal information and require that the

company ensures measures to protect user data from unauthorized access are always

kept in place. However, in 2010 the company's privacy and security were potentially put

to the test in China when the company's user accounts were hacked.

The company is committed to advancing the freedom of expression to its users across

the world. At times when user privacy and freedom face government setbacks, like the

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situation in China, the company should seek to implement the internationally recognized

standards as it develops its products or services.

v. Action Taking

Google management operates on the value of taking the appropriate action to better

their services whenever they feel that users are not well served. This leads to

continuous improvement in the company's products and services.

5.2. Google's Ethical Principles

i. Commitment

Google is committed to ensuring the usefulness of its products and services to its users,

a principle that could be more helpful in increasing its market share in China.

ii. Fairness and Consistency

The company ensures fairness and consistency in how it treats its employees and users

in all aspects of Google's interactions, policy establishments, service provisions, and all

other company activities.

iii. Transparency

Google LLC is open and transparent concerning all its activities and operations in all its

sectors. It ensures transparency regarding the frequency with which concerns and user

complaints arise and takes the appropriate approach in investigating and responding to

the received allegations.

iv. Accountability

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The company holds any individual responsible for their actions and ensures that where

possible, those individuals hold others deemed responsible too.

6. Key Elements in the Execution of the Recommended Strategic Plan

The report has recommended Google to apply Porter's five force strategy in their

attempts to attain a considerable market share in China. The key forces in the strategy

are rivalry, customers, and the consideration of the exit/entry obstacles. Google has to

put more effort into fighting rivalry and in acquiring new customers in the competitive


There are several key elements in the execution of the recommended plan. Google LLC

has to ensure that consistency and commitment are upheld when facing a rivalry

challenge. Consistency in persuasion efforts to acquire Baidu will bear the desired fruits.

These elements are also vital in obtaining new customers in the target market and

maintaining the current number of customers.

7. Action Plan to Google LLC's Management

i. The management goal is to increase its percentage of its market share

from 3.5 percent to above 20 percent.

ii. Steps to be followed: a) Consistent supply of the company's products

and services to reduce the risk of product substitution and avoid the

obstacles attributed to a new entry to the market once the company

has stopped its supply of services.

iii. Ensure high levels of privacy and security for user information to avoid


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iv. The management has to ensure consisted of persuasion to acquire the

largest competitor in China, Baidu.

v. Required resources: A lot of investment has to be done, especially in

acquiring Baidu. The company should not expect instant profitability

after investing.

vi. Evaluation Strategy: The company will evaluate the strategy's success

by the use of the statistics of the company's market share in China and

consider the annual increase or decrease of its customer base a year

after implementing the strategy.

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