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Avenida Andres Bello 2325, Piso 7,

Providencia, Zip Code 7511308 - Santiago – CHILE CALCULATION REPORT

Code: CER-S-CR-351


Client: «DATALUNA»
Project: CER1A Pucará de Chena Substation
Subject: HV Electric Control room Foundation

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval

B 11/15/21 Client Review R.A. J.A. J.A. W.R.

A 11/12/21 Coordination R.A. J.A. J.A. W.R.

TRACTEBEL ENGINEERING S.A. – registered office: Cerro Colorado, 5240, Of 1601, Las Condes Torre II - Zip Code 7560995 - Santiago - CHILE


" HV Electric Control room Foundation”

1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 4

1.1. Scope ..................................................................................................................... 4

2. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 4

2.1. Project documents ................................................................................................ 4

2.2. Chilean codes ........................................................................................................ 4

2.3. International codes ................................................................................................ 5

2.4. Project Drawings ................................................................................................... 5

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
3. DESIGN INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 5

3.1. Materials................................................................................................................. 5
3.1.1. Reinforced Concrete: ................................................................................... 5
3.1.2. Reinforcing Steel Bars: ................................................................................ 5

3.2. Ground Base .......................................................................................................... 6

3.3. Technical Information............................................................................................ 6

4. STRUCTURAL MODELING INPUTS................................................................................... 7

4.1. Load Cases ............................................................................................................ 7

4.1.1. Self-Weight (D)............................................................................................ 7
4.1.2. Roof Load (Lr) ............................................................................................. 8
4.1.3. Live Load (L) ............................................................................................... 8
4.1.4. Earthquake Loads (E).................................................................................. 8
4.1.5. Wind Load (W) ............................................................................................ 9 Wind Load in HV Electrical Control Room ..................................... 9 Wind Load in Structure ............................................................... 11

4.2. Load Combinations ............................................................................................. 13

4.2.1. Combinations for ASD ............................................................................... 13
4.2.2. Combinations for LRFD ............................................................................. 14

5. STRUCTURAL DESIGN ................................................................................................... 14


5.1. Model .................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.1. HV Electrical Control Room ....................................................................... 14 Distribution of Areas ................................................................... 15 Load Application ......................................................................... 16 System Reactions....................................................................... 19
5.1.2. Electrical Room Support Structure ............................................................. 21 Support Structure ....................................................................... 21 Load Application ......................................................................... 22 System Reactions....................................................................... 25

5.2. Foundation Design .............................................................................................. 25 Foundation Dimensions .............................................................. 25 Foundation Verification ............................................................... 26

6. ANNEXES N°1.................................................................................................................. 30

6.1. Support Structure Reactions .............................................................................. 30

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval


Inversiones y Servicios Dataluna Limitada expects to build and operate a new
Data Center located in the municipality of Cerrillos, Metropolitan Region whose
geographical coordinates are 339748.24 m E, 6289077.92 m S.

The 110/22 kV Pucará de Chena Substation (with 2 HV bays of 110 kV, GIS
technology) is to be located in Owner’s facility (PERUN), will be built to receive
incoming feeders from 110 kV Chena Substation through 2x110 kV
underground Transmission Line (designed under separate contract).

The substation will include two step down power transformer(s) 90/120/150
MVA with voltages of 110/22 KV, according Owner´s loads and as per new
current local codes and regulations.

The curren basic design includes also medium, and low voltage equipment as
needed to serve the data center electrical loads, which downstream load
distribution has changed to suit the Owner´s standard gPOR 3.1

1.1. Scope

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
This document is intended to establish the basis for designing and calculating
the foundations for the HV Electric Control room Foundation located in 110kV
Pucará de Chena Substation.


2.1. Project documents

The following drawings and documents were used as reference for the
development of the calculation report:
CER-C-RP-001 CER1A Pucará Substation - Preliminary Soil Mechanics
CER-Soil Mechanics Report (R&V) 2019
CER-S-DC-350 Civil & Structural Design Criteria
CER-C-TS-350 Technical Specifications Civil Works

2.2. Chilean codes

NCh 170 Hormigón – Requisitos generales
NCh 1537 Diseño Estructural – Cargas Permanentes y Cargas de


NCh 2369 Diseño Sísmico de Estructuras e Instalaciones
NCh 3171 Diseño Estructural – Disposiciones Generales y
Combinaciones de Carga
CIGRÉ CHILE Lecciones y recomendaciones para el sector eléctrico
derivadas del terremoto del 27 de febrero de 2010 en
CNE Norma Técnica de Seguridad y Calidad de Servicio-

2.3. International codes

ACI 318-14 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.

2.4. Project Drawings

CER-S-DW-351 Electrical Control Room Foundation

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval

3.1. Materials

3.1.1. Reinforced Concrete:

A G25 grade concrete with 90% confidence as indicated in the NCh170
standard shall be used.

f’c: 250 kgf/cm2 (compressive strength)

E: 214.334 kgf/cm2 (modulus of elasticity)

 C: 2.400 kgf/m3 (density of concrete)

3.1.2. Reinforcing Steel Bars:

Steel type A630-420H shall be used as indicated in NCh204.Of2006.

Fy: 4.200 kgf/cm2 (yield strength)

E: 2.100.000 kgf/cm2 (modulus of elasticity)


3.2. Ground Base
According to the geotechnical survey indicated above, the following properties
should be considered for the ground base:

− Static allowable bearing capacity: 40 ton/m2

− Dynamic allowable bearing capacity: 60 ton/m2

− FILL: 2000 kgf/m3 (density).

− Cohesion (C): 0 ton/m2

− Internal Friction Angle (Φ) 35°

3.3. Technical Information

The electrical room has the following dimensions and characteristics:

− Height: 3.98 m

− Width: 8.40 m

− Long: 10.70 m

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
− Gravity Center:

XCG = 0,0 m

YCG = 0,0 m

ZCG = 2,0 m CG Height

Figure 3-1 Electrical Control Room

The foundation is a footing type of reinforced concrete


Figure 3-2 Electrical Control Room Foundation

The electrical room is designed with 12 support points


This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
4.1. Load Cases
The loads considered in the design of the foundation are indicated as follow:

4.1.1. Self-Weight (D)

The self-weight of the structure is calculated according to the dimensions of
the elements indicated in the drawings considering the following unit weights:

− Reinforced concrete: 2.40 ton/m3

− Steel: 7.85 ton/m3

− HV Electrical Control room: 10.06 ton

(The weight of the structure of the Electrical Room is extracted from the
information of the MDC Room, obtaining the weight per m 2 adjusted by the
area of the HV Electrical Control Room.)

− HVAC System (#4) 0.38 ton

− Pressurization Compressor (#2) 0.30 ton

− Cabinet (#22) 0.25 ton

− Panel (#12) 0.20 ton

− Others (#1) 2.5 ton


Description Quantity Unit (kgf) Total (kgf)
HV Electrical Control room: 1 10058.2 10058.2
HVAC System 4 380 1520
Pressurization Compressor 2 300 600
Cabinet 22 250 5500
Panel 12 200 2400
Others 1 2500 2500
Σ 22578.2 kgf

Figure 4-1 HVAC System

4.1.2. Roof Load (Lr)

In accordance the Chilean regulations, the following uniform load is

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
− Uniform overload: 100 kgf/m2

4.1.3. Live Load (L)

In accordance the Chilean regulations, the following uniform load is

− Uniform overload: 500 kgf/m2

4.1.4. Earthquake Loads (E)

Seismic requirements indicated in the project design criteria are considered.

− Seismic Zone II

− R=5 Response modification factor

− Ao = 0,3 Acceleration

−  = 3% Damping


− I = 1.2 Coefficient of importance

− Ch = 0.75*0.23 = 0.173 Horizontal seismic coefficient

− Cv = 2/3*A0 = 0.2 Vertical seismic coefficient

The following shows how seismic loads have been included in the software.


To set the acceleration value in the software, the seismic coefficient is
multiplied by the force of gravity "g" (9.81 m/s2).

4.1.5. Wind Load (W)

Wind loads are calculated as follows: WIND LOAD IN HV ELECTRICAL CONTROL ROOM

3. Calculation of Wind Loads
Analytical Procedure NCh432 2010

Wind Speed Distribution (N/m2)

Punto 7.10 NCh 432 of 2010

Exposure coefficient
Roughness Category: Tipo C
Exposure Category: Exposición C
Case : 1y 2
Structure Height: 0-4.6 m
Kz : 0.85 Exposure Factor

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
Topographic Factor

x: 20 m Horizontal Distance to Structure (approx.)

z: 3.98 m Structure Height
Slope Ratio: 1/2 (1:2;V:H)
H: 0.5 m Average platform height (1: 2; V: H)
Lh : 1.0 m
Land Type: Escarpe
H/Lh : 0.5
Lhcorr : 1
x/Lh : 1.00
z/Lh : 3.98
Table Values:
K1 : 0.43
K2 : 0.33
K3 : 0
Kzt : 1.0 Topographic Factor


Directionality Factor Kd
Combination Type: NCh3171
Structure Type: Todas las demás secciones transversales
Kd : 0.95

Importance Factor (I):

Importance Category: IV NCh 3171 2010
I= 1.15

Design Wind Speed:

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
Station: Pudahuel
V= 30.3 m/seg
→ qz : 522.62 N/m
53.29 kgf/m

Equipment Classification
Structure Type : Square
G: 0.85 Burst effect factor
(Rigid Structures >1Hz)
h: 3.98 m Equipment Height
Dx : 3.70 m Equipment Width
Dy : 9.80 m Equipment Long
h/Dx : 0.95 Table 17 NCh 432 2010
h/Dy : 0.37

Cfeqx : 1.23 Coefficient of Force Equipment X

Cfeqy : 0.48 Coefficient of Force Equipment Y


Wind Force in Electrical Equipment
AT : 16.72 m2 X Area
AL : 42.59 m2 Y area

Fvx : 9147.76 N Wind Force in Electrical Equipment X

932.81 kgf
Point: 6
Fvx/Point : 155.47 kgf

Fvy : 9147.76 N Wind Force in Electrical Equipment Y

932.81 kgf
Point: 6
Fvy/Point : 155.47 kgf WIND LOAD IN STRUCTURE

Wind Speed Distribution (N/m2)

Punto 7.10 NCh 432 of 2010

Exposure coefficient
Roughness Category: Tipo C
Exposure Category: Exposición C

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
Case : 1y 2
Structure Height: 0-4.6 m
Kz : 0.85 Exposure Factor

Topographic Factor

x: 20 m Horizontal Distance to Structure (approx.)

z: 2.6 m Structure Height
Slope Ratio: 1/2 (1:2;V:H)
H: 0.5 m Average platform height (1: 2; V: H)
Lh : 1.0 m
Land Type: Escarpe
H/Lh : 0.5
Lhcorr : 1
x/Lh : 0.05
z/Lh : 2.60
Table Values:
K1 : 0.43
K2 : 0.99
K3 : 0
Kzt : 1.0 Topographic Factor


Directionality Factor Kd
Combination Type: NCh3171
Structure Type: Marcos Enrejados
Kd : 0.85

Importance Factor (I):

Importance Category: IV NCh 3171 2010
I= 1.15

Design Wind Speed:


This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
V= 30.3 m/seg
→ qz : 467.61 N/m
47.68 kgf/m

Structure Classification
Structure Type Abierta
A0X 18.44 m2 Area of Openings X
A0Y 23.39 m2 Area of Openings Y
Agx 21.84 m2 Gross Wall Area
%Agx 17.47 80% Gross Wall Area
84% Opening percentage
Agy 27.82 m2 Gross Wall Area
%Agy 22.26 80% Gross Wall Area
84% Opening percentage
G: 0.85 Burst effect factor
(Rigid Structures >1Hz)
Asx : 3.40 m2 Solid Area X
Asy : 4.43 m2 Solid Area Y
εx : 0.16 Relationship between (Solid Area / Gross Area) X
εy : 0.16 Relationship between (Solid Area / Gross Area) Y
Cfestx : 3.18 Structure Force Coefficient X
Cfesty : 3.16 Structure Force Coefficient Y


Wind Force in Structure / Frame
G: 0.85 Burst effect factor
(Rigid Structures >1Hz)
B: 0.22 m
H: 0.22 m
28.35 Kg/m Axis X
28.20 Kg/m Axis Y
B: 0.20 m
H: 0.20 m
25.77 Kg/m Axis X
25.63 Kg/m Axis Y

B: 0.20 m
H: 0.20 m
25.77 Kg/m Axis X
25.63 Kg/m Axis Y

4.2. Load Combinations

The following load combinations are considered in the design.

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
4.2.1. Combinations for ASD
The following load combinations are expressed in the Project's Structural Civil
Design Criteria (CER-S-DC-350) and NCh3171

C1 D Normal
C2 D+L Normal
C3 D + Lr Normal
C4 D + 0.75L + 0.75Lr Normal
C5 D + Wx Environmental
C6 D + Wy Environmental
C7 D + Ex + Ez Environmental
C8 D + Ex - Ez Environmental
C9 D + Ey + Ez Environmental
C10 D + Ey - Ez Environmental
C11 D + 0.75Wx + 0.75L + 0.75Lr Environmental
C12 D + 0.75Wy + 0.75L + 0.75Lr Environmental
C13 D + 0.75Ex + 0.75Ez + 0.75L Environmental
C14 D + 0.75Ex - 0.75Ez + 0.75L Environmental
C15 D + 0.75Ey + 0.75Ez + 0.75L Environmental
C16 D + 0.75Ey - 0.75Ez + 0.75L Environmental
C17 0.6D + Wx Environmental
C18 0.6D + Wy Environmental
C19 0.6D + Ex + Ez Environmental
C20 0.6D + Ex - Ez Environmental
C21 0.6D + Ey + Ez Environmental
C22 0.6D + Ey - Ez Environmental



▪ D = Weight

▪ E = Horizontal and vertical earthquake

▪ W = Wind loads

▪ Lr = Roof Loads

▪ L = Live Loads

4.2.2. Combinations for LRFD

The following load combinations are expressed in the Project's Structural Civil
Design Criteria (CER-S-DC-350) and NCh3171

CU1 1.4D Normal

CU2 1,2D + 1,6L + 0,5Lr Normal
CU3 1,2D + 1,6Lr + L Normal
CU4 1,2D + 1,6Lr + 0,8Wx Environmental
CU5 1,2D + 1,6Lr + 0,8Wy Environmental
CU6 1,2D + 1,6Wx + L + 0,5Lr Environmental

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
CU7 1,2D + 1,6Wy + L + 0,5Lr Environmental
CU8 1,2D + 1,4Ex + 1.4Ez + L Environmental
CU9 1,2D + 1,4Ex - 1.4Ez + L Environmental
CU10 1,2D + 1,4Ey + 1.4Ez + L Environmental
CU11 1,2D + 1,4Ey - 1.4Ez + L Environmental
CU12 0,9D + 1,6Wx Environmental
CU13 0,9D + 1,6Wy Environmental
CU14 0,9D + 1,4Ex + 1.4Ez Environmental
CU15 0,9D + 1,4Ex - 1.4Ez Environmental
CU16 0,9D + 1,4Ey + 1.4Ez Environmental
CU17 0,9D + 1,4Ey - 1.4Ez Environmental


5.1. Model
The structural model is made in 2 independent models, the first considering
the Electrical Room and the second the structure that supports the Room.

5.1.1. HV Electrical Control Room

The structural model of the electrical room consists of rigid bars, without weight
only for the calculation of the reactions that will be applied to the support. The
system has a height of 2m, reflecting the CG of the Electrical Room.


Figure 5-1 Electrical Control Room Model DISTRIBUTION OF AREAS

To make a representative model and generate an adequate application of
loads, a distribution of areas per node is made.
N6 3.85 N14
1.93 N10 3.43 1.50
1.05 2.02 4.04 3.60 1.58

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
2.1 4.04 N22 8.09 N23 7.19 3.15
N21 N24

2.1 4.04 N30 8.09 N32 7.19 3.15

N18 N19

2.1 4.04 N26 8.09 N27 7.19 3.15

N25 N28

1.05 2.02 4.04 3.60 1.58

N3 N7 N11 N15

Ítem Nodo Ai Ratio Ai/AT

1 2 2.02 0.022
2 6 4.04 0.045
3 10 3.60 0.040
4 14 1.58 0.018
5 21 4.04 0.045
6 22 8.09 0.090
7 23 7.19 0.080
8 24 3.15 0.035
9 18 4.04 0.045
10 30 8.09 0.090
11 32 7.19 0.080
12 19 3.15 0.035
13 25 4.04 0.045
14 26 8.09 0.090
15 27 7.19 0.080
16 28 3.15 0.035
17 3 2.02 0.022
18 7 4.04 0.045
19 11 3.60 0.040
20 15 1.58 0.018
Σ 89.88 1.00

Figure 5-2 Distribution of Areas

The following figures show the application of the different types of loads
according to the distribution of areas.
Ítem Nodo Ai Ratio Ai/AT D (kgf)
1 2 2.02 0.022 507.75
2 6 4.04 0.045 1015.49
3 10 3.60 0.040 903.39
4 14 1.58 0.018 395.65
5 21 4.04 0.045 1015.49
6 22 8.09 0.090 2030.98
7 23 7.19 0.080 1806.78
8 24 3.15 0.035 791.29
9 18 4.04 0.045 1015.49
10 30 8.09 0.090 2030.98
11 32 7.19 0.080 1806.78
12 19 3.15 0.035 791.29
13 25 4.04 0.045 1015.49
14 26 8.09 0.090 2030.98
15 27 7.19 0.080 1806.78
16 28 3.15 0.035 791.29
17 3 2.02 0.022 507.75
18 7 4.0425 0.04 1015.49
19 11 3.5963 0.04 903.39
20 15 1.58 0.018 395.65
Σ 22578.2

Figure 5-3 Self-Weight (D)

Ítem Nodo Ai Ratio Ai/AT Lr (kgf)

1 2 2.02 0.022 202.13
2 6 4.04 0.045 404.25

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
3 10 3.60 0.040 359.63
4 14 1.58 0.018 157.50
5 21 4.04 0.045 404.25
6 22 8.09 0.090 808.50
7 23 7.19 0.080 719.25
8 24 3.15 0.035 315.00
9 18 4.04 0.045 404.25
10 30 8.09 0.090 808.50
11 32 7.19 0.080 719.25
12 19 3.15 0.035 315.00
13 25 4.04 0.045 404.25
14 26 8.09 0.090 808.50
15 27 7.19 0.080 719.25
16 28 3.15 0.035 315.00
17 3 2.02 0.022 202.13
18 7 4.0425 0.04 404.25
19 11 3.5963 0.04 359.63
20 15 1.58 0.018 157.50
Σ 8988

Figure 5-4 Roof Load (Lr)

Ítem Nodo Ai Ratio Ai/AT L (kgf)

1 2 2.02 0.022 1010.63
2 6 4.04 0.045 2021.25
3 10 3.60 0.040 1798.13
4 14 1.58 0.018 787.50
5 21 4.04 0.045 2021.25
6 22 8.09 0.090 4042.50
7 23 7.19 0.080 3596.25
8 24 3.15 0.035 1575.00
9 18 4.04 0.045 2021.25
10 30 8.09 0.090 4042.50
11 32 7.19 0.080 3596.25
12 19 3.15 0.035 1575.00
13 25 4.04 0.045 2021.25
14 26 8.09 0.090 4042.50
15 27 7.19 0.080 3596.25
16 28 3.15 0.035 1575.00
17 3 2.02 0.022 1010.63
18 7 4.0425 0.04 2021.25
19 11 3.5963 0.04 1798.13
20 15 1.58 0.018 787.50
Σ 44940

Figure 5-5 Live Load (L)


Ítem Nodo Ai Ratio Ai/AT Wx (kgf)
1 2 2.02 0.022 155.47
2 6 4.04 0.045 155.47
3 10 3.60 0.040 155.47
4 14 1.58 0.018 155.47
9 18 4.04 0.045 155.47
10 30 8.09 0.090 155.47
11 32 7.19 0.080 155.47
12 19 3.15 0.035 155.47
17 3 2.02 0.022 155.47
18 7 4.04 0.045 155.47
19 11 3.60 0.040 155.47
20 15 1.58 0.018 155.47
Σ 933

Figure 5-6 Wind Load X (Wx)

Ítem Nodo Ai Ratio Ai/AT Wy (kgf)

1 2 2.02 0.022 155.47
2 6 4.04 0.045 155.47
3 10 3.60 0.040 155.47
4 14 1.58 0.018 155.47
9 18 4.04 0.045 155.47
10 30 8.09 0.090 155.47
11 32 7.19 0.080 155.47
12 19 3.15 0.035 155.47
17 3 2.02 0.022 155.47
18 7 4.04 0.045 155.47
19 11 3.60 0.040 155.47

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
20 15 1.58 0.018 155.47
Σ 933

Figure 5-7 Wind Load Y (Wy)

Ítem Nodo Ai Ratio Ai/AT Ex (kgf)

1 2 2.02 0.022 87.84
2 6 4.04 0.045 175.68
3 10 3.60 0.040 156.29
4 14 1.58 0.018 68.45
5 21 4.04 0.045 175.68
6 22 8.09 0.090 351.36
7 23 7.19 0.080 312.57
8 24 3.15 0.035 136.89
9 18 4.04 0.045 175.68
10 30 8.09 0.090 351.36
11 32 7.19 0.080 312.57
12 19 3.15 0.035 136.89
13 25 4.04 0.045 175.68
14 26 8.09 0.090 351.36
15 27 7.19 0.080 312.57
16 28 3.15 0.035 136.89
17 3 2.02 0.022 87.84
18 7 4.0425 0.04 175.68
19 11 3.5963 0.04 156.29
20 15 1.58 0.018 68.45
Σ 3906
Cshx·D 3906

Figure 5-8 Earthquake Loads X (Ex)


Ítem Nodo Ai Ratio Ai/AT Ey (kgf)
1 2 2.02 0.022 87.84
2 6 4.04 0.045 175.68
3 10 3.60 0.040 156.29
4 14 1.58 0.018 68.45
5 21 4.04 0.045 175.68
6 22 8.09 0.090 351.36
7 23 7.19 0.080 312.57
8 24 3.15 0.035 136.89
9 18 4.04 0.045 175.68
10 30 8.09 0.090 351.36
11 32 7.19 0.080 312.57
12 19 3.15 0.035 136.89
13 25 4.04 0.045 175.68
14 26 8.09 0.090 351.36
15 27 7.19 0.080 312.57
16 28 3.15 0.035 136.89
17 3 2.02 0.022 87.84
18 7 4.0425 0.04 175.68
19 11 3.5963 0.04 156.29
20 15 1.58 0.018 68.45
Σ 3906
Cshy·D 3906

Figure 5-9 Earthquake Loads Y (Ey)

Ítem Nodo Ai Ratio Ai/AT Ez (kgf)

1 2 2.02 0.022 101.55
2 6 4.04 0.045 203.10
3 10 3.60 0.040 180.68
4 14 1.58 0.018 79.13
5 21 4.04 0.045 203.10
6 22 8.09 0.090 406.20
7 23 7.19 0.080 361.36
8 24 3.15 0.035 158.26
9 18 4.04 0.045 203.10

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
10 30 8.09 0.090 406.20
11 32 7.19 0.080 361.36
12 19 3.15 0.035 158.26
13 25 4.04 0.045 203.10
14 26 8.09 0.090 406.20
15 27 7.19 0.080 361.36
16 28 3.15 0.035 158.26
17 3 2.02 0.022 101.55
18 7 4.0425 0.04 203.10
19 11 3.5963 0.04 180.68
20 15 1.58 0.018 79.13
Σ 4516
Csv·D 4516

Figure 5-10 Earthquake Loads Z (Ez)

The following table shows the reactions per base load applied as mentioned.
Table 5-1 System Reactions

TABLE: Joint Reactions

Joint OutputCase CaseType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m
1 D Combination 64.44 -188.81 1128.94 0 0 0
1 Roof Live Combination 25.65 -75.16 449.41 0 0 0
1 Live Combination 128.27 -375.81 2247.05 0 0 0
1 Wind X Combination -138.36 2.79 -109.1 0 0 0
1 Wind Y Combination 0.23 -140.94 110.49 0 0 0
1 Earthquake X Combination -256.77 21.13 -220.75 0 0 0
1 Earthquake Y Combination 7.53 -267.89 227.67 0 0 0
1 Earthquake Z Combination -8.05 37.25 -218.81 0 0 0
4 D Combination 65.05 189.22 1128.45 0 0 0
4 Roof Live Combination 25.9 75.33 449.22 0 0 0
4 Live Combination 129.48 376.63 2246.08 0 0 0
4 Wind X Combination -138.54 -3.17 -107.97 0 0 0
4 Wind Y Combination -0.23 -140.94 -110.49 0 0 0
4 Earthquake X Combination -257.16 -21.81 -218.4 0 0 0
4 Earthquake Y Combination -7.35 -267.91 -227.37 0 0 0
4 Earthquake Z Combination -8.13 -37.32 -218.76 0 0 0
5 D Combination 36.07 -273.93 1912 0 0 0

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5 Roof Live Combination 14.36 -109.05 761.14 0 0 0
5 Live Combination 71.79 -545.23 3805.69 0 0 0
5 Wind X Combination -175.49 0.98 -1.2 0 0 0
5 Wind Y Combination 0.01364 -140.85 111.07 0 0 0
5 Earthquake X Combination -342.08 2.13 -4.25 0 0 0
5 Earthquake Y Combination -0.84 -334.28 248.83 0 0 0
5 Earthquake Z Combination -1.45 55.29 -378.82 0 0 0
8 D Combination 36.41 273.42 1912.46 0 0 0
8 Roof Live Combination 14.49 108.85 761.32 0 0 0
8 Live Combination 72.47 544.23 3806.6 0 0 0
8 Wind X Combination -175.72 -0.9 -0.91 0 0 0
8 Wind Y Combination -0.01349 -140.85 -111.07 0 0 0
8 Earthquake X Combination -342.56 -1.98 -3.62 0 0 0
8 Earthquake Y Combination 0.94 -334.21 -249.25 0 0 0
8 Earthquake Z Combination -1.49 -55.18 -378.95 0 0 0
9 D Combination -36.35 -246.71 1707.15 0 0 0
9 Roof Live Combination -14.47 -98.21 679.59 0 0 0
9 Live Combination -72.35 -491.06 3397.95 0 0 0
9 Wind X Combination -168.86 -1.06 -12.73 0 0 0
9 Wind Y Combination 0.04872 -140.82 110.95 0 0 0
9 Earthquake X Combination -322.98 -1.17 -17.9 0 0 0
9 Earthquake Y Combination -15.47 -309.16 234.12 0 0 0
9 Earthquake Z Combination 8.11 57.16 -361.49 0 0 0
12 D Combination -36.85 246.32 1707.54 0 0 0
12 Roof Live Combination -14.67 98.05 679.75 0 0 0
12 Live Combination -73.34 490.27 3398.73 0 0 0
12 Wind X Combination -169.1 0.87 -13.01 0 0 0
12 Wind Y Combination -0.04854 -140.82 -110.95 0 0 0
12 Earthquake X Combination -323.47 0.83 -18.57 0 0 0
12 Earthquake Y Combination 15.34 -309.1 -234.37 0 0 0
12 Earthquake Z Combination 8.14 -57.13 -361.51 0 0 0


TABLE: Joint Reactions
Joint OutputCase CaseType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m
13 D Combination -56.52 -160.03 908.17 0 0 0
13 Roof Live Combination -22.5 -63.71 361.53 0 0 0
13 Live Combination -112.5 -318.53 1807.63 0 0 0
13 Wind X Combination -133.17 -2.66 122.93 0 0 0
13 Wind Y Combination 0.25 -140.71 111.69 0 0 0
13 Earthquake X Combination -239.33 -22.32 243.28 0 0 0
13 Earthquake Y Combination -17.03 -237.41 219.39 0 0 0
13 Earthquake Z Combination 7.54 59.56 -280.78 0 0 0
16 D Combination -57.12 160.52 907.81 0 0 0
16 Roof Live Combination -22.74 63.9 361.38 0 0 0
16 Live Combination -113.7 319.5 1806.91 0 0 0
16 Wind X Combination -133.37 3.14 121.8 0 0 0
16 Wind Y Combination -0.25 -140.72 -111.69 0 0 0
16 Earthquake X Combination -239.75 23.18 240.97 0 0 0
16 Earthquake Y Combination 16.88 -237.53 -219.02 0 0 0
16 Earthquake Z Combination 7.57 -59.62 -280.68 0 0 0
17 D Combination 113.2 0.29 2298.38 0 0 0
17 Roof Live Combination 45.06 0.12 914.95 0 0 0
17 Live Combination 225.32 0.59 4574.74 0 0 0
17 Wind X Combination -144.15 0.03487 -117.42 0 0 0
17 Wind Y Combination -0.0001392 -184.93 0.002924 0 0 0
17 Earthquake X Combination -357.02 -0.04929 -264.97 0 0 0

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17 Earthquake Y Combination 0.08134 -376.71 0.14 0 0 0
17 Earthquake Z Combination -17.03 -0.06684 -449.93 0 0 0
20 D Combination -109.61 0.41 1891.11 0 0 0
20 Roof Live Combination -43.63 0.16 752.82 0 0 0
20 Live Combination -218.17 0.81 3764.1 0 0 0
20 Wind X Combination -138.69 0.01184 130.7 0 0 0
20 Wind Y Combination -0.0001882 -184.57 -0.003047 0 0 0
20 Earthquake X Combination -333.96 0.15 289.05 0 0 0
20 Earthquake Y Combination -0.06603 -335.12 0.06839 0 0 0
20 Earthquake Z Combination 5.47 0.008415 -715.88 0 0 0
29 D Combination 59.31 -0.39 3734.13 0 0 0
29 Roof Live Combination 23.61 -0.15 1486.5 0 0 0
29 Live Combination 118.05 -0.77 7432.49 0 0 0
29 Wind X Combination -178.36 0.07575 -5.55 0 0 0
29 Wind Y Combination -0.0001614 -184.78 0.0005544 0 0 0
29 Earthquake X Combination -457.49 0.14 -10.42 0 0 0
29 Earthquake Y Combination 0.04585 -465.6 -0.13 0 0 0
29 Earthquake Z Combination -7.05 0.07594 -744.09 0 0 0
31 D Combination -78.03 -0.31 3342.04 0 0 0
31 Roof Live Combination -31.06 -0.12 1330.41 0 0 0
31 Live Combination -155.32 -0.62 6652.06 0 0 0
31 Wind X Combination -171.81 -0.12 -7.57 0 0 0
31 Wind Y Combination -0.0001797 -184.73 -0.0004313 0 0 0
31 Earthquake X Combination -433.45 -0.24 -14.41 0 0 0
31 Earthquake Y Combination -0.0528 -431.1 -0.07821 0 0 0
31 Earthquake Z Combination 6.38 -0.01752 -735.26 0 0 0


5.1.2. Electrical Room Support Structure SUPPORT STRUCTURE

The supporting structure of the electrical room is made up of the following
steel profiles:

- HE220B (Column)
- HE200B (Beam)
- UPN200 (Diagonal)

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Figure 5-11 Support Structure

Figure 5-12 Support Structure Model

The supporting structure has the same dimensions in length and width as the
electrical room with a height of 2.3m.

The following figures show the application of the loads that come from the
electrical room model in the nodes where the electrical room will be supported.

Figure 5-13 Self-Weight (D)

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Figure 5-14 Roof Loads (Lr)

Figure 5-15 Live Loads (L)


Rev. B
Figure 5-17 Wind Loads Y (Wy)
Figure 5-16 Wind Loads X (Wx)

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Rev. B
Figure 5-20 Earthquake Loads Z (Ez)
Figure 5-19 Earthquake Loads Y (Ey)
Figure 5-18 Earthquake Loads X (Ex)

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval SYSTEM REACTIONS
Structure support reactions (ASD) are mentioned in ANNEXES N°1
The Loads that control the design of the foundation correspond to those
mentioned in the following point, differentiated by their "Normal" and
Environmental "categories.

5.2. Foundation Design

The foundation of the support structure will be composed of isolated footing-
type foundations, considering the highest reactions per node. FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS

Foundation dimensions:
General parameters:

γH = 0.0024 kg/cm3
γ Hsatu = 0.0014 Kg/cm3
γ H2O = 0.0010 kg/cm3
bx Bx
γ Suelo = 0.002 Kg/cm3

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Soil Parameters bzx
σnormal = 4.0 kg/cm
bzy by bzy
σeventual = 6.0 kg/cm2
Ø= 35 º By
Foundation Predimensioning:

Bx = 140 cm Foundation Length
By = 140 cm Foundation Width
bx = 60 cm Total Pedestal Length
by = 60 cm Total Pedestal Width

Perfil hf = 155 cm Foundation Height

hc = 35 cm Free concrete height
hsf = 90 cm Backfill depth
hnapa = 0 cm Water depth
hz = 30
Foundation vol = 1038000 cm3
1.04 m3
Foundation weight without water = 2491.2 kg
Vol. Of Foundation in water = 0 cm3
Foundation weight with water = 2491.2 kg

hsf hnapa



Verification of the Stability of Foundations

Soil Parameters Concrete parameters

f= 35.0 ° Internal Friction Angle sn = 4.0 kgf/cm 2 Allowable Static Soil Pressure gh= 2.4 tf/m 3 Unit weight
c= 0.00 tf/m 2 Cohesion se = 6.0 kgf/cm 2 Allowable Environment soil pressure
gs= 2.00 tf/m 3 Unit weight of soil b= 35.0 ° Cone Angle

Foundation geometry

Pedestal Height
Z Hpt = 0.35 m Height of the pedestal
Soil Polygon without Ground level
Cone Angle Hr = 0.90 m Backfill height
Mx My Hpt Hz = 0.30 m Footing height
bx = 0.60 m Pedestal length in X
Soil Polygon with by = 0.60 m Pedestal length in Y
Cone Angle Qx b bzx = 0.40 m
Qy Hr
b bzy = 0.40 m

Hz Bx = 1.40 m Footing length in X Bx = bx + 2 · bzx

By = 1.40 m Footing length in Y By = by + 2 · bzy
Hsf = 1.20 m Foundation depth Hsf = Hr + Hz
Hp = 1.25 m Pedestal height Hp = Hpt + Hr
bx H= 1.55 m Foundation height H = Hz + Hp
by bzx
bzy Bx

Pedestal forces in the center of the foundation

Normal condition
Qx Qy C T Mx My
Fund. Comb. Descripción

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(kgf) (kgf) (kgf) (kgf) (kgf·m) (kgf·m)
9 C2 D+L -149 -1 11,779 0 0 0 Max. Compression
23 C1 D -11 14 1,286 0 0 0 Min. Compression
Max. Tracction
3 C2 D+L -149 -1 11,779 0 0 0 Max. Shear in X
9 C2 D+L 5 -240 6,476 0 0 0 Max. Shear in Y
11 C2 D+L 5 -240 6,476 0 0 0 Max. Bending in X
7 C2 D+L -149 -1 11,779 0 0 0 Max. Bending in Y

Environmental condition
Qx Qy C T Mx My
Fund. Comb. Nodos
(kgf) (kgf) (kgf) (kgf) (kgf·m) (kgf·m)
9 C11 D + 0.75Wx + 0.75L + 0.75Lr -796 -1 11,124 0 0 0 Max. Compression
23 C21 0.6D + Ey + Ez 0 -57 257 0 0 0 Min. Compression
Max. Tracction
9 C5 D + Wx -943 0 4,700 0 0 0 Max. Shear in X
15 C6 D + Wy -13 -778 4,417 0 0 0 Max. Shear in Y
15 C6 D + Wy -13 -778 4,417 0 0 0 Max. Bending in X
9 C5 D + Wx -943 0 4,700 0 0 0 Max. Bending in Y

Foundation and soil weight

Vp = 0.45 m3 Pedestal volume Vp = bx · by · Hp

Vz = 0.59 m3 Footing volume Vz = Bx · By · Hz
Vf = 1.04 m3 Foundation Volume Vf = Vz + Vp
Wf = 2,491 kgf Foundation weight Wf = gh · Vf

Without cone With cone

b= 0 35 ° Cone Angle
h= 0.9 0.9 m Backfill height
A1 = 1.96 1.96 m2 Minor base area A1 = Bx · By
A2 = 1.96 7.08 m2 Greater base area A2 = ( Bx + 2 · h · tanb ) · ( By + 2 · h · tanb )
Vpe = 0.32 0.32 m3 Volume of the pedestal on the ground Vpe = bx · by · Hr
Vs = 1.44 3.50 m3 Soil volume Vs = (1/3) · h · [ A1 + A2 + ( A1 · A2 )0.5 ] - Vpe
Ws = 2,880 7,009 kgf Soil weight Ws = gs · Vs


Verification of the maximum contact stress on the ground
For the verification of the Maximum soil tension, the Maximum load in Bending and the Minimum compression load are used.
Case 1: Vertical compression load and eccentricities less than 1/6 of its dimensions in plan.
Case 2: Compressive and resultant vertical load outside center 1/3.

Normal Condition Environmental Condition

Forces: Forces:
Max. Compression Combination = C2 Max. Compression Combination = C11
C= 11,779 kgf C= 11,124 kgf
My = 0 kgf·m Mx = 0 kgf·m My = 0 kgf·m Mx = 0 kgf·m
Qx = -149 kgf Qy = -1 kgf Qx = -796 kgf Qy = -1 kgf

Case 1 (Without cone angle): Case 1 (Without cone angle):

W= 2,160 kgf W = 0.75 · Ws W= 2,160 kgf W = 0.75 · Ws Soil weight
P= 16,430 kgf P = W + C + Wf P= 15,775 kgf P = Ws + C + Wf Compressive vertical load
ex1 = 0.009 m ex = [ My + Qx · H - ( 1 / 8 ) · Bx · W ] / P ex1 = 0.054 m ex = [ My + Qx · H - ( 1 / 8 ) · Bx · W ] / P Eccentricity vertical load in X
ey1 = 0.023 m ey = [ Mx + Qy · H - ( 1 / 8 ) · By · W ] / P ey1 = 0.024 m ey = [ Mx + Qy · H - ( 1 / 8 ) · By · W ] / P Eccentricity vertical load in Y

Case 2 (with cone angle): Case 2 (with cone angle):

W= 5,257 kgf W = 0.75 · Ws W= 5,257 kgf W = 0.75 · Ws Weight of soil
P= 19,527 kgf P = W + C + Wf P= 18,872 kgf P = W + C + Wf Compressive vertical load
ex2 = 0.082 m ex = [ My + Qx · H - ( 1 / 4 ) · Bx · W ] / P ex2 = 0.032 m ex = [ My + Qx · H - ( 1 / 4 ) · Bx · W ] / P Eccentricity vertical load in X
ey2 = 0.094 m ey = [ Mx + Qy · H - ( 1 / 4 ) · By · W ] / P ey2 = 0.097 m ey = [ Mx + Qy · H - ( 1 / 4 ) · By · W ] / P Eccentricity vertical load in Y

Eccentricities and vertical compression load: Eccentricities and vertical compression load:
ex1 < Bx / 6 = 0.233 m ex1 < Bx / 6 = 0.233 m
Caso 1 Caso 1
ey1 < By / 6 = 0.233 m ey1 < By / 6 = 0.233 m
ex = 0.009 m ex = ex1 ex = 0.054 m ex = ex1
ey = 0.023 m ey = ey1 ey = 0.024 m ey = ey1
ex / Bx = 0.006 ex / Bx = 0.039
ey / By = 0.016 ey / By = 0.017
P= 16,430 kgf P= 15,775 kgf

Contact pressure check: Contact pressure check:

Az = 1.96 m2 Az = Bx · By Az = 1.96 m2 Az = Bx · By Footing area
K= 1.10 K= 1.35 See Graphic

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ss= 0.92 kgf/cm 2 ss= K · P / Az ss= 1.09 kgf/cm 2 ss= K · P / Az Foundation soil pressure

2 2 2 2
ss= 0.92 kgf/cm < sn = 4.00 kgf/cm OK ss= 1.09 kgf/cm < se = 6.00 kgf/cm OK

Graphic. Curves for K values

ex / Bx Values
ey / By Values


Verification of the foundation's resistance to overturning
To verify the resistance to overturning, the Maximum Force in Moment and the Minimum Compressive Load are used.
Case 1: Vertical compression load and eccentricities less than 1/6 of its dimensions in plan.
Case 2: Compressive and resultant vertical load outside center 1/3.
Case 3: Vertical traction force.

Normal Condition Environmental Condition

Forces: Forces:
Max. Shear in Y Combination = C2 Max. Shear in X Combination = C5
C= 6,476 kgf C= 257 kgf
My = 0 kgf·m Mx = 0 kgf·m My = 0 kgf·m Mx = 0 kgf·m
Qx = 5 kgf Qy = -240 kgf Qx = -943 kgf Qy = 0 kgf
My + Qx · H = 7 kgf·m Mx - Qy · H = 373 kgf·m My + Qx · H = -1,461 kgf·m Mx - Qy · H = 1 kgf·m
Direction of forces: XeY Direction of forces: XeY

Case 1 (Without cone angle): Case 1 (Without cone angle):

W= 2,160 kgf W = 0.75 · Ws W= 2,160 kgf W = 0.75 · Ws Weight of soil
P= 11,127 kgf P = W + C + Wf P= 4,908 kgf P = W + C + Wf Compressive vertical load
ex1 = 0.033 m ex = [ My + Qx · H - ( 1 / 8 ) · Bx · W ] / P ex1 = 0.221 m ex = [ My + Qx · H - ( 1 / 8 ) · Bx · W ] / P Eccentricity vertical load in X
ey1 = 0.000 m ey = [ Mx + Qy · H - ( 1 / 8 ) · By · W ] / P ey1 = 0.077 m ey = [ Mx + Qy · H - ( 1 / 8 ) · By · W ] / P Eccentricity vertical load in Y

Case 2 (with cone angle): Case 2 (with cone angle):

W= 3,505 kgf W = 0.5 · Ws W= 3,505 kgf W = 0.5 · Ws Weight of soil
P= 12,472 kgf P = W + C + Wf P= 6,252 kgf P = W + C + Wf Compressive vertical load
ex2 = 0.065 m ex = [ My + Qx · H - ( 1 / 6 ) · Bx · W ] / P ex2 = 0.103 m ex = [ My + Qx · H - ( 1 / 6 ) · Bx · W ] / P Eccentricity vertical load in X
ey2 = 0.036 m ey = [ Mx + Qy · H - ( 1 / 6 ) · By · W ] / P ey2 = 0.131 m ey = [ Mx + Qy · H - ( 1 / 6 ) · By · W ] / P Eccentricity vertical load in Y

Eccentricities: Eccentricities:
ex1 < Bx / 6 = 0.233 m ex1 < Bx / 6 = 0.233 m
Caso 1 Caso 1
ey1 < By / 6 = 0.233 m ey1 < By / 6 = 0.233 m
ex = 0.033 m ex = ex1 ex = 0.221 m ex = ex1
ey = 0.000 m ey = ey1 ey = 0.077 m ey = ey1

Verification of resistance to overturning: Verification of resistance to overturning:

Case 1: APLICA Case 1: APLICA

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ex = 0.22 m < Bx / 6 = 0.233 m OK
0.024 < 1/6 OK
ey = 0.08 m < By / 6 = 0.233 m
El área comprimida es 100% El área comprimida es mayor a 80%

Caso 2: NO APLICA ( Forces in XeY ) Caso 2: NO APLICA ( Forces in XeY )

Forces in X: NO APLICA Forces in X: NO APLICA

W= 3,505 kgf W= 3,505 kgf

W > W >

Forces in Y: NO APLICA Forces in Y: NO APLICA

W= 3,505 kgf W= 3,505 kgf

W > W >

Forces in X and Y: NO APLICA Forces in X and Y: NO APLICA

Verification of the safety factor when overturning: Verification of the safety factor when overturning:

Ws = 7,009 kgf Ws = 7,009 kgf

Wf = 2,491 kgf Wf = 2,491 kgf
Mvx = 373 kgf·m Mvx = Mx - Qy · H Mvx = 1 kgf·m Mvx = Mx - Qy · H Overturning Bending around X
Mrx = 11,183 kgf·m Mry = ( C + Ws + Wf ) · By / 2 Mrx = 6,830 kgf·m Mry = ( C + Ws + Wf ) · By / 2 Resistant Bending around X
Mvy = 7 kgf·m Mvy = My + Qx · H Mvy = -1,461 kgf·m Mvy = My + Qx · H Overturning Bending in Y
Mry = 11,183 kgf·m Mry = ( C + Ws + Wf ) · Bx / 2 Mry = 6,830 kgf·m Mry = ( C + Ws + Wf ) · Bx / 2 Resistant Bending at Y

FSvx = FSvx = Mrx / Mvx FSvx = N/A FSvx = Mrx / Mvx Safety factor to overturn in X
FSvy = 1582.2 FSvy = Mry / Mvy FSvy = 4.7 FSvy = Mry / Mvy Safety factor to overturn in Y

FSvx > FSv.adm = 1.5 FSvx > FSv.adm = 1.5

FSvy > FSv.adm = 1.5 FSvy > FSv.adm = 1.5


Verification of foundation resistance to displacement

Case 1: Vertical compression load and eccentricities less than 1/6 of its dimensions in plan.
Case 2: Compressive and resultant vertical load outside center 1/3.
Case 3: Vertical traction force.

Normal Condition Environmental Condition

Pedestal level forces: Pedestal level forces:

Max. Shear in Y Combination = C2 Max. Shear in X Combination = C5
C= 6,476 kgf C= 4,700 kgf
My = 0 kgf·m Mx = 0 kgf·m My = 0 kgf·m Mx = 0 kgf·m
Qx = 5 kgf Qy = -240 kgf Qx = -943 kgf Qy = 0 kgf

Case 1 (Without cone angle): Case 1 (Without cone angle):

W= 1,440 kgf W = 0.5 · Ws W= 1,440 kgf W = 0.5 · Ws Weight of soil
Wf = 2,491 kgf Wf = 2,491 kgf Weight of Foundation
P= 10,407 kgf P = W + C + Wf P= 8,631 kgf P = W + C + Wf Compressive vertical load
ex1 = 0.032 m ex = [ My + Qx · H - ( 1 / 6 ) · Bx · W ] / P ex1 = 0.130 m ex = [ My + Qx · H - ( 1 / 6 ) · Bx · W ] / P Eccentricity vertical load in X
ey1 = 0.004 m ey = [ Mx + Qy · H - ( 1 / 6 ) · By · W ] / P ey1 = 0.039 m ey = [ Mx + Qy · H - ( 1 / 6 ) · By · W ] / P Eccentricity vertical load in Y

Case 2 (with cone angle): Case 2 (with cone angle):

W= 3,505 kgf W = 0.5 · Ws Ws = 3,505 kgf W = 0.5 · Ws Weight of soil
Wf = 2,491 kgf Wf = 2,491 kgf Weight of Foundation
P= 12,472 kgf P = W + C + Wf P= 10,696 kgf P = W + C + Wf Compressive vertical load
ex2 = 0.131 m ex = [ My + Qx · H - ( 1 / 3 ) · Bx · W ] / P ex2 = 0.016 m ex = [ My + Qx · H - ( 1 / 3 ) · Bx · W ] / P Eccentricity vertical load in X
ey2 = 0.101 m ey = [ Mx + Qy · H - ( 1 / 3 ) · By · W ] / P ey2 = 0.153 m ey = [ Mx + Qy · H - ( 1 / 3 ) · By · W ] / P Eccentricity vertical load in Y

Eccentricities: Eccentricities:
ex1 < Bx / 6 = 0.233 m ex1 < Bx / 6 = 0.233 m
Caso 1 Caso 1
ey1 < By / 6 = 0.233 m ey1 < By / 6 = 0.233 m
ex = 0.032 m ex = ex1 ex = 0.130 m ex = ex1
ey = 0.004 m ey = ey1 ey = 0.039 m ey = ey1

Verification of foundation resistance to displacement Verification of foundation resistance to displacement

· Data

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
N= 10,407 kgf N=P N= 8,631 kgf N=P Compression
vertical load
x= 1.40 m x = Bx x= 1.40 m x = Bx Long in compression
y= 1.40 m y = By y= 1.40 m y = By Width in compression
A= 1.96 m2 A= x · y A= 1.96 m2 A= x · y Compression area
Fd = 240 kgf Fd = ( Qx2 + Qy2 )0,5 Fd = 943 kgf Fd = ( Qx2 + Qy2 )0,5 Displacement force
φ - 3° = 32 ° φ - 3° = 32 °

· Friction resistance
Fr f = 6,503 kgf Vr f = N · tan( f −  ) Fr f = 6,044 kgf Fr f = N · tan( f −  ) Frictional resistance force
Ψ1 = 0.77 Ψ1 = 1 / FS 1 Ψ1 = 0.77 Ψ1 = 1 / FS 1 Reduction factor (FS: 1.3)

· Adhesion resistance
Fr a = 0 kgf Fr a = A · c Fr a = 0 kgf Fr a = A · c Resistant strength by adhesion
Ψ2 = 0.33 Ψ2 = 1 / FS 2 Ψ2 = 0.33 Ψ2 = 1 / FS 2 Reduction factor (FS: 3)

Fr = 5,002 kgf Fr = Ψ1 · Fr f + Ψ2 · Fr a Fr = 4,649 kgf Fr = Ψ1 · Fr f + Ψ2 · Fr a Resistant force

FSd = 20.81 FSd = Vr / Fd ⟹ OK FSd = 4.93 FSd = Vr / Fd ⟹ OK Security factor



6.1. Support Structure Reactions

TABLE: Joint Reactions
Joint OutputCase CaseType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m
1 C1 Combination 20.04 -14.41 1535.86 0 0 0
1 C2 Combination 24.73 -16.5 3792.39 0 0 0
1 C3 Combination 20.98 -14.83 1987.17 0 0 0
1 C4 Combination 24.26 -16.29 3566.74 0 0 0
1 C5 Combination -168.04 -14.64 1240.09 0 0 0
1 C6 Combination 20.71 -182.19 1783.87 0 0 0
1 C7 Combination -91.96 -14.44 1024.25 0 0 0
1 C8 Combination -93.4 -14.83 1287.75 0 0 0
1 C9 Combination 15.22 -124.89 1757.38 0 0 0
1 C10 Combination 13.78 -125.29 2020.88 0 0 0
1 C11 Combination -116.8 -16.46 3344.91 0 0 0
1 C12 Combination 24.76 -142.12 3752.74 0 0 0
1 C13 Combination -60.45 -15.99 2844.55 0 0 0
1 C14 Combination -61.52 -16.29 3042.18 0 0 0
1 C15 Combination 19.94 -98.83 3394.4 0 0 0
1 C16 Combination 18.86 -99.13 3592.02 0 0 0
1 C17 Combination -176.06 -8.88 625.75 0 0 0
1 C18 Combination 12.69 -176.42 1169.52 0 0 0
1 C19 Combination -99.98 -8.67 409.91 0 0 0
1 C20 Combination -101.41 -9.07 673.41 0 0 0
1 C21 Combination 7.2 -119.13 1143.03 0 0 0
1 C22 Combination 5.77 -119.52 1406.53 0 0 0

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
3 C1 Combination 92.73 0.21 2958.14 0 0 0
3 C2 Combination 130.57 0.63 7522.82 0 0 0
3 C3 Combination 100.3 0.3 3871.08 0 0 0
3 C4 Combination 126.79 0.59 7066.35 0 0 0
3 C5 Combination -351.09 0.17 2291.01 0 0 0
3 C6 Combination 91.72 -259.66 2958.34 0 0 0
3 C7 Combination -203.23 0.01535 1927.24 0 0 0
3 C8 Combination -231.39 0.09534 2559.22 0 0 0
3 C9 Combination 105.5 -155.34 2642.25 0 0 0
3 C10 Combination 77.34 -155.26 3274.23 0 0 0
3 C11 Combination -206.07 0.56 6566.01 0 0 0
3 C12 Combination 126.03 -194.31 7066.5 0 0 0
3 C13 Combination -100.86 0.38 5608.47 0 0 0
3 C14 Combination -121.98 0.44 6082.45 0 0 0
3 C15 Combination 130.69 -116.14 6144.73 0 0 0
3 C16 Combination 109.57 -116.08 6618.71 0 0 0
3 C17 Combination -388.18 0.08991 1107.76 0 0 0
3 C18 Combination 54.63 -259.74 1775.08 0 0 0
3 C19 Combination -240.32 -0.06899 743.98 0 0 0
3 C20 Combination -268.48 0.011 1375.96 0 0 0
3 C21 Combination 68.41 -155.43 1458.99 0 0 0
3 C22 Combination 40.25 -155.35 2090.97 0 0 0
5 C1 Combination 20.04 14.67 1535.64 0 0 0
5 C2 Combination 24.71 17.26 3791.74 0 0 0
5 C3 Combination 20.97 15.19 1986.87 0 0 0
5 C4 Combination 24.24 17 3566.14 0 0 0
5 C5 Combination -168.13 14.8 1240.8 0 0 0
5 C6 Combination 19.37 -153.1 1287.64 0 0 0
5 C7 Combination -92.18 14.42 1025.88 0 0 0
5 C8 Combination -93.6 14.92 1289.4 0 0 0
5 C9 Combination 26.29 -96.26 1050.92 0 0 0
5 C10 Combination 24.87 -95.76 1314.44 0 0 0
5 C11 Combination -116.88 17.1 3345 0 0 0
5 C12 Combination 23.74 -108.83 3380.14 0 0 0
5 C13 Combination -60.62 16.43 2845.4 0 0 0
5 C14 Combination -61.69 16.8 3043.04 0 0 0
5 C15 Combination 28.23 -66.58 2864.17 0 0 0
5 C16 Combination 27.16 -66.21 3061.81 0 0 0
5 C17 Combination -176.15 8.93 626.54 0 0 0
5 C18 Combination 11.35 -158.97 673.39 0 0 0
5 C19 Combination -100.2 8.56 411.63 0 0 0
5 C20 Combination -101.62 9.05 675.15 0 0 0
5 C21 Combination 18.27 -102.12 436.66 0 0 0
5 C22 Combination 16.85 -101.63 700.18 0 0 0


TABLE: Joint Reactions
Joint OutputCase CaseType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m
7 C1 Combination -0.4 -144.28 2593.84 0 0 0
7 C2 Combination 4.56 -240.33 6475.71 0 0 0
7 C3 Combination 0.59 -163.49 3370.22 0 0 0
7 C4 Combination 4.06 -230.72 6087.52 0 0 0
7 C5 Combination -306.31 -142.35 2644.4 0 0 0
7 C6 Combination 1.21 -502.19 3101.75 0 0 0
7 C7 Combination -171.13 -149.79 2372.83 0 0 0
7 C8 Combination -173.66 -135.7 2893.03 0 0 0
7 C9 Combination -6.93 -407.25 2930.46 0 0 0
7 C10 Combination -9.46 -393.16 3450.66 0 0 0
7 C11 Combination -225.37 -229.28 6125.44 0 0 0
7 C12 Combination 5.27 -499.16 6468.45 0 0 0
7 C13 Combination -124.73 -220.45 5339.48 0 0 0
7 C14 Combination -126.63 -209.88 5729.64 0 0 0
7 C15 Combination -1.58 -413.55 5757.7 0 0 0
7 C16 Combination -3.48 -402.98 6147.86 0 0 0
7 C17 Combination -306.15 -84.64 1606.86 0 0 0
7 C18 Combination 1.37 -444.48 2064.21 0 0 0
7 C19 Combination -170.97 -92.08 1335.29 0 0 0
7 C20 Combination -173.5 -77.99 1855.5 0 0 0
7 C21 Combination -6.77 -349.54 1892.92 0 0 0
7 C22 Combination -9.31 -335.45 2413.12 0 0 0
9 C1 Combination -68.29 -0.37 4618.28 0 0 0
9 C2 Combination -148.54 -1.08 11778.7 0 0 0
9 C3 Combination -84.34 -0.51 6050.36 0 0 0
9 C4 Combination -140.52 -1.01 11062.66 0 0 0
9 C5 Combination -942.78 -0.37 4700.09 0 0 0
9 C6 Combination -69.12 -756.26 4617.88 0 0 0

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
9 C7 Combination -621.04 -0.38 4164.96 0 0 0
9 C8 Combination -647.2 -0.52 5195.71 0 0 0
9 C9 Combination -54.42 -509.1 4102.85 0 0 0
9 C10 Combination -80.58 -509.24 5133.61 0 0 0
9 C11 Combination -796.39 -1.01 11124.02 0 0 0
9 C12 Combination -141.14 -567.93 11062.37 0 0 0
9 C13 Combination -543.04 -0.92 9648.61 0 0 0
9 C14 Combination -562.66 -1.02 10421.67 0 0 0
9 C15 Combination -118.08 -382.45 9602.03 0 0 0
9 C16 Combination -137.7 -382.56 10375.1 0 0 0
9 C17 Combination -915.46 -0.22 2852.78 0 0 0
9 C18 Combination -41.81 -756.12 2770.57 0 0 0
9 C19 Combination -593.72 -0.24 2317.65 0 0 0
9 C20 Combination -619.88 -0.37 3348.4 0 0 0
9 C21 Combination -27.1 -508.95 2255.54 0 0 0
9 C22 Combination -53.26 -509.09 3286.3 0 0 0
11 C1 Combination -0.4 143.95 2593.88 0 0 0
11 C2 Combination 4.54 239.35 6475.84 0 0 0
11 C3 Combination 0.58 163.03 3370.28 0 0 0
11 C4 Combination 4.04 229.81 6087.65 0 0 0
11 C5 Combination -306.43 141.99 2644.73 0 0 0
11 C6 Combination -2.01 -214 2085.96 0 0 0
11 C7 Combination -171.46 149.44 2373.42 0 0 0
11 C8 Combination -173.97 135.22 2893.72 0 0 0
11 C9 Combination 8.65 -104.87 1736.61 0 0 0
11 C10 Combination 6.14 -119.08 2256.91 0 0 0
11 C11 Combination -225.48 228.34 6125.79 0 0 0
11 C12 Combination 2.84 -38.65 5706.7 0 0 0
11 C13 Combination -124.99 219.62 5340.01 0 0 0
11 C14 Combination -126.88 208.95 5730.23 0 0 0
11 C15 Combination 10.09 28.89 4862.4 0 0 0
11 C16 Combination 8.21 18.22 5252.62 0 0 0
11 C17 Combination -306.27 84.41 1607.18 0 0 0
11 C18 Combination -1.85 -271.58 1048.4 0 0 0
11 C19 Combination -171.3 91.86 1335.87 0 0 0
11 C20 Combination -173.81 77.64 1856.17 0 0 0
11 C21 Combination 8.82 -162.44 699.05 0 0 0
11 C22 Combination 6.3 -176.66 1219.35 0 0 0


TABLE: Joint Reactions
Joint OutputCase CaseType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m
13 C1 Combination -3.88 -139.66 2354.65 0 0 0
13 C2 Combination -3.44 -226.1 5821.92 0 0 0
13 C3 Combination -3.79 -156.95 3048.11 0 0 0
13 C4 Combination -3.48 -217.46 5475.2 0 0 0
13 C5 Combination -320.23 -141.84 2211.88 0 0 0
13 C6 Combination -1.73 -505.65 2874.19 0 0 0
13 C7 Combination -183.05 -148.19 1979.48 0 0 0
13 C8 Combination -186.31 -134.32 2473.8 0 0 0
13 C9 Combination -10.31 -398.24 2677.94 0 0 0
13 C10 Combination -13.57 -384.37 3172.26 0 0 0
13 C11 Combination -240.74 -219.09 5368.11 0 0 0
13 C12 Combination -1.87 -491.95 5864.85 0 0 0
13 C13 Combination -137.92 -210.89 4673.72 0 0 0
13 C14 Combination -140.37 -200.49 5044.47 0 0 0
13 C15 Combination -8.37 -398.42 5197.57 0 0 0
13 C16 Combination -10.82 -388.02 5568.31 0 0 0
13 C17 Combination -318.67 -85.98 1270.02 0 0 0
13 C18 Combination -0.18 -449.79 1932.33 0 0 0
13 C19 Combination -181.5 -92.32 1037.62 0 0 0
13 C20 Combination -184.76 -78.45 1531.94 0 0 0
13 C21 Combination -8.76 -342.37 1736.08 0 0 0
13 C22 Combination -12.02 -328.51 2230.4 0 0 0
15 C1 Combination -15.38 -0.11 4417.16 0 0 0
15 C2 Combination 18.75 -0.3 11172.33 0 0 0
15 C3 Combination -8.55 -0.15 5768.19 0 0 0
15 C4 Combination 15.34 -0.28 10496.81 0 0 0
15 C5 Combination -929.84 -0.12 4477.71 0 0 0

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
15 C6 Combination -13.45 -778.39 4417.38 0 0 0
15 C7 Combination -632.55 -0.01896 3895.53 0 0 0
15 C8 Combination -557.78 -0.01383 5044.37 0 0 0
15 C9 Combination -52.17 -504.94 3842.6 0 0 0
15 C10 Combination 22.59 -504.94 4991.45 0 0 0
15 C11 Combination -670.51 -0.28 10542.23 0 0 0
15 C12 Combination 16.79 -583.99 10496.98 0 0 0
15 C13 Combination -452.66 -0.18 9092.32 0 0 0
15 C14 Combination -396.59 -0.18 9953.95 0 0 0
15 C15 Combination -17.38 -378.87 9052.62 0 0 0
15 C16 Combination 38.69 -378.87 9914.26 0 0 0
15 C17 Combination -923.69 -0.07038 2710.84 0 0 0
15 C18 Combination -7.29 -778.35 2650.52 0 0 0
15 C19 Combination -626.4 0.02611 2128.66 0 0 0
15 C20 Combination -551.63 0.03124 3277.51 0 0 0
15 C21 Combination -46.02 -504.9 2075.74 0 0 0
15 C22 Combination 28.74 -504.89 3224.58 0 0 0
17 C1 Combination -3.9 139.62 2354.96 0 0 0
17 C2 Combination -3.5 225.92 5822.8 0 0 0
17 C3 Combination -3.82 156.88 3048.53 0 0 0
17 C4 Combination -3.54 217.29 5476.02 0 0 0
17 C5 Combination -320.37 141.76 2211.79 0 0 0
17 C6 Combination -6.04 -226.37 1835.42 0 0 0
17 C7 Combination -183.41 148.19 1978.98 0 0 0
17 C8 Combination -186.65 134.34 2473.37 0 0 0
17 C9 Combination 5.78 -105.09 1537.08 0 0 0
17 C10 Combination 2.55 -118.94 2031.47 0 0 0
17 C11 Combination -240.89 218.89 5368.64 0 0 0
17 C12 Combination -5.14 -57.2 5086.36 0 0 0
17 C13 Combination -138.23 210.77 4673.85 0 0 0
17 C14 Combination -140.66 200.39 5044.65 0 0 0
17 C15 Combination 3.67 20.81 4342.43 0 0 0
17 C16 Combination 1.24 10.42 4713.22 0 0 0
17 C17 Combination -318.81 85.91 1269.81 0 0 0
17 C18 Combination -4.48 -282.22 893.44 0 0 0
17 C19 Combination -181.85 92.34 1036.99 0 0 0
17 C20 Combination -185.09 78.5 1531.39 0 0 0
17 C21 Combination 7.34 -160.94 595.09 0 0 0
17 C22 Combination 4.11 -174.79 1089.48 0 0 0


TABLE: Joint Reactions
Joint OutputCase CaseType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-m Kgf-m Kgf-m
19 C1 Combination -10.5 -14.27 1286.44 0 0 0
19 C2 Combination -11.45 -15.96 3098.72 0 0 0
19 C3 Combination -10.69 -14.61 1648.9 0 0 0
19 C4 Combination -11.36 -15.79 2917.5 0 0 0
19 C5 Combination -216.45 -14.24 1676.95 0 0 0
19 C6 Combination -8.71 -143.34 1490.54 0 0 0
19 C7 Combination -137.07 -13.83 1555.55 0 0 0
19 C8 Combination -139.48 -14.57 1959.51 0 0 0
19 C9 Combination -14.69 -79.57 1398.1 0 0 0
19 C10 Combination -17.1 -80.31 1802.06 0 0 0
19 C11 Combination -165.82 -15.77 3210.37 0 0 0
19 C12 Combination -10.02 -112.6 3070.57 0 0 0
19 C13 Combination -106.14 -15.21 2847.48 0 0 0
19 C14 Combination -107.95 -15.77 3150.45 0 0 0
19 C15 Combination -14.36 -64.51 2729.4 0 0 0
19 C16 Combination -16.17 -65.07 3032.36 0 0 0
19 C17 Combination -212.25 -8.53 1162.37 0 0 0
19 C18 Combination -4.51 -137.63 975.96 0 0 0
19 C19 Combination -132.87 -8.12 1040.98 0 0 0
19 C20 Combination -135.29 -8.86 1444.93 0 0 0
19 C21 Combination -10.49 -73.86 883.53 0 0 0
19 C22 Combination -12.9 -74.6 1287.48 0 0 0
21 C1 Combination -19.55 0.17 2401.78 0 0 0
21 C2 Combination -29.44 0.5 6025.64 0 0 0
21 C3 Combination -21.53 0.24 3126.55 0 0 0
21 C4 Combination -28.45 0.46 5663.25 0 0 0
21 C5 Combination -58.81 0.24 2921.48 0 0 0
21 C6 Combination -19.66 -165.9 2401.77 0 0 0

This document is the property of Tractebel Engineering S.A. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
21 C7 Combination -8.1 0.31 2432.33 0 0 0
21 C8 Combination -9.35 0.33 3562.19 0 0 0
21 C9 Combination -18.99 -95.4 1836.91 0 0 0
21 C10 Combination -20.24 -95.37 2966.78 0 0 0
21 C11 Combination -57.89 0.52 6053.03 0 0 0
21 C12 Combination -28.53 -124.09 5663.24 0 0 0
21 C13 Combination -18.38 0.52 5142.58 0 0 0
21 C14 Combination -19.32 0.53 5989.98 0 0 0
21 C15 Combination -26.55 -71.26 4696.02 0 0 0
21 C16 Combination -27.48 -71.24 5543.42 0 0 0
21 C17 Combination -50.99 0.17 1960.77 0 0 0
21 C18 Combination -11.84 -165.97 1441.06 0 0 0
21 C19 Combination -0.28 0.24 1471.61 0 0 0
21 C20 Combination -1.53 0.26 2601.48 0 0 0
21 C21 Combination -11.17 -95.47 876.2 0 0 0
21 C22 Combination -12.42 -95.44 2006.07 0 0 0
23 C1 Combination -10.51 14.49 1286.31 0 0 0
23 C2 Combination -11.49 16.63 3098.36 0 0 0
23 C3 Combination -10.7 14.92 1648.72 0 0 0
23 C4 Combination -11.39 16.42 2917.16 0 0 0
23 C5 Combination -216.55 14.59 1676 0 0 0
23 C6 Combination -12.3 -114.58 1082.22 0 0 0
23 C7 Combination -137.32 14.27 1553.83 0 0 0
23 C8 Combination -139.72 15.03 1957.59 0 0 0
23 C9 Combination -3.91 -51.56 771.16 0 0 0
23 C10 Combination -6.31 -50.79 1174.92 0 0 0
23 C11 Combination -165.93 16.5 3209.42 0 0 0
23 C12 Combination -12.73 -80.38 2764.08 0 0 0
23 C13 Combination -106.36 15.93 2845.99 0 0 0
23 C14 Combination -108.15 16.51 3148.81 0 0 0
23 C15 Combination -6.3 -33.44 2258.99 0 0 0
23 C16 Combination -8.1 -32.87 2561.81 0 0 0
23 C17 Combination -212.35 8.8 1161.47 0 0 0
23 C18 Combination -8.09 -120.37 567.69 0 0 0
23 C19 Combination -133.12 8.47 1039.3 0 0 0
23 C20 Combination -135.52 9.24 1443.06 0 0 0
23 C21 Combination 0.29 -57.36 256.64 0 0 0
23 C22 Combination -2.11 -56.59 660.4 0 0 0


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