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Ali Samar, Talal Saleem, MUNIR AHMED

STUDENT ID: 25256, 25369, 25422, 23840


Project Phase 05: 

Over Speeding
It is a natural human psychology to excel, to speed up the accelerator and go berserk,
probably the main cause behind most of the road accidents. Our youngsters really need
to understand this with over speeding you might reach home 5 minutes early, but there
is unprecedented risk involve in it, or in some cases you might never reach home.

Be it the pedestrian crossing the road, or a driver violating all sorts of traffic rules, we
can clearly see lack of responsibility from both the parties, it’s often the “I don’t care”
ideology which destroy households and other affected parties.

Lack of awareness
In a country like Pakistan we can safely say that more than 90% of the people are
unaware about the traffic rules and norms which they have to follow, people are
unaware about the consequences an accident can create, unaware about the
importance of wearing road safety equipment and its effectiveness when it comes to
preventing accidents or declining the intensity of severe injuries.
Issues in infrastructure
How often we see ourselves that due to wrong sign boards, or No sign boards a major
accident occurred. How often we see due to poor and bumpy roads innocent citizen
suffers. We have to be honest this is not something extraordinary which we can’t do
ourselves. Waiting for resources, blaming on each other, feeling helpless won’t do any
good for us and neither for the society.

Distractions on Road
This phenomenon is vastly growing in our society, drivers/riders can easily get
distracted of what’s happening on road, and lose all the focus they have, there is
another very common thing which we notice is using electronic gadgets. From
responding to messages to receiving phone calls or looking at your favorite T.V shows
on the LCD of your car, due to these negligence’s we have seen some terrible incidents
taking place on roads over the years.

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