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Diploma in Banking Studies

( BA119 )

Study Skills
( UED102 )

Nur Ain Sofea Binti Zainudin
Class : KBA1191B

Prepared For :
Madam Ida Normaya Mohd Nasir

28 NOVEMBER 2020











My name is Nur Ain Sofea Binti Zainudin. I’m from Besut, Terengganu and I was born at
Hospital USM Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. Currently, I have 3 siblings and I am the eldest. I went to
Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Puteri and continued my high school education at Sekolah Menengah
Kebangsaan Pelagat. The course that I’m taking is Diploma in Banking Studies. This course is not the
first choice for me to further my study but I’m very glad that I have been chosen to be a part of
University Teknologi MARA Merbok. Now, I am called as an UiTM Sungai Petani Campus student.

This portfolio is created for the purpose of my study skill assignment under the subject of
study skill (UED102). In this portfolio, I will present notes from every topic that I have learned with
the help of Madam Ida Normaya Mohd Nasir, who taught me during this very subject.

What is UED102? Basically, UED 102 is like a course where it opens up a student’s mind
towards basic academic skills like setting the right goals, memory strategies, how to take lecture
notes, etc. After taking this course, students should begin their personal study skills portfolio like


Characteristics of Successful Students :

First, collage success, attend all classes. Attending all classes is one of the best ways to be
successful in college. Most of the questions on the exam will come from lectures. Managing your
time. The first step in good time management is to evaluate how you use your time now. Write down
how you spend your time every hour, every day for one week. Then go back and count how many
hours you spent studying, attending class, eating, sleeping, commuting, getting ready for class,
watching TV, surfing the net, chatting, reading and writing e-mail, socializing, and so on. Taking
lecturer notes, read the chapter before the lecture. You’ll get more out of attending class lectures if
you read the chapter before the lecture. It will help you better understand the lecture and take better
notes. Quiz yourself to test your understanding and memory. After you finish reading, go back and
quiz yourself on the material. Recite the answers to the questions that you wrote or cover your
marking or notes and, using the heading as a cue, try to recite the details. Preparing for exams. Plan
daily reviews. After studying a new chapter, go back and review the material that you created for the
previous chapters. Daily repetition will help you learn the information, form more cues to remember
it, and keep it fresh in memory. Taking exams, reduce your anxiety. Take a minute or two at the
beginning of the exam to calm down. Take a deep breath, do a few relaxation exercises, and tell
yourself you will do well because you’re well prepared.

Why is it important to know your learning style? Because its helps you capitalize on your
strengths and improve weaknesses. Improves performance on tests when study habits are consistent
with styles. Your learning style may be the single most important key to improving your grades.
Helps you work more effectively in groups.

This diagram shown us 3 types of learning basics that usually students use in daily life to
improve their learning. Many student prefers different learning styles and techniques.

Visual - Student prefer to use images, maps and graphic organizers to access and
understand new learning. Audio - Student prefer using sound and music while they understand new
learning. Kinesthetic - Student prefer using their body, hands and sense of touch. My Learning Style.
I learnt learning style in my second week of interim. So, I prefer to use auditory and kinesthethic in
my learning but I more to visual style. This is a few of skills I do in my learning. I prefer to watching
someone task before I try it. Next, I also need to take time to understand what lecturer said and I like
to make a short note.

Get Motivated to Learn, Strategies for Increasing Motivation. Set challenging but realistic
goals. We are more motivated to complete tasks when we feel that they are challenging and yet
attainable within our reach. You may also find that thinking of each task as a step toward achieving
your longterm personal or career goals can also help keep you motivated. Set learning goals. Decide
what facts, concepts, or ideas you want to learn before you begin working on a task. Setting learning
goals can help motivate you to put more effort into the task.Make the Transition to Learn. Manage
Stress. Attending college can be stressful for many students because they are forced to deal with so
many new responsibilities, opportunities, challenges, and decisions. Stress can be described as feeling
tense, overwhelmed, or under pressure. Identifying the causes of stress and learning some strategies
for coping with it can help students manage the stress in their lives.


What Are Goals?

Definition of goal : A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of
people envisions, plans and commits to achieve. People endeavor to reach goal within a finite time by
setting deadlines.

When it comes to setting career goals, it is always advisable to obtain input, guidance and
assistance from your manager or mentor. Career goals should be carefully aligned to your desired career
path. Never limiting, aspirations should, nevertheless, be realistic and should match your aptitude,
ability and personality. Your career goals should include a level of personal development which could
include external training or tertiary education. As indicated these are personal development goals in
order for you to achieve your personal career goals. So take accountability for your upskilling without
blaming your company for not training you. The same approach should be used when setting personal
goals. Personal goals are as important as career goals. Top performers in both the workplace and
home are people who have managed to achieve a good work-life balance focusing on both sets of
goals. Proper goal setting and implementation has made this possible. Setting goals gives you long-
term vision and short-term motivation.

Set Goals for the New Semester :

Early success leads to more success because success increases motivation,success builds self-
efficacy and success lets you know that your strategies are working.

Tips to Get off to the Right Start This Semester. Be selective in choosing classes. Go to all
classes and take notes. Keep up with your reading assignments. Learn to say no. Create a good study
environment. Set realistic grade goals. Study for exams by writing and reciting out loud. Learn to predict
exam questions. When taking exams, relax and be sure to read the directions. Go to your college
learning center when you need help.

Goals Should Be S.M.A.R.T

S – SPECIFIC. Your goal should be clear and specific, otherwise you won’t be able to focus
your efforts or feel truly motivated to achieve it. M – MEASURABLE. It’s important to have
measurable goals, so that you can track your progress and stay motivated. Assessing progress helps
you to stay focused, meet your deadlines and feel the excitement of getting closer to achieve your
goal. A – ACHIEVABLE. Your goal also need to be realistic an attainable to be successful. In other

words, it should stretch your abilities but still remain possible. When you set an achievable goal, you
may be able to identify previously overlooked opportunities or resources that can bring you closer to
it. R – RELEVANT. This step is about ensuring that your goal matters to you and that is also aligns
with other relevant goals. We all need support and assistance in achieving our goals, but it’s important
to retain control over them. T – TIME-BOUND. Every goal needs a target date, so that you have a
deadline to focus on and something to work forward. This part of the SMART goal criteria helps to
prevent everyday tasks from taking priority over your longer-term goals.


STEP 1 : Tentative Goal Statement

I want to graduates with Anugerah Dekan in Diploma in Banking Studies.

STEP 2 : List of Obstacles

I can't study in a noisy environment.
I’m don’t like studying in groups.

STEP 3 : List of resourses

I will study in a quiet place.
I will do more activities in groups.

STEP 4 : List Your Motivation

My family and friends

STEP 5 : Revised Goal Statement

I will achieve Anugerah Dekan in Diploma Banking Studies





1- Please scan the QR code provided at the entrance.

2- Undergo body temperature screening for students and visitors before entering the library.
3- Physical distance of at least 1 meter.
4- Wear face mask while in the library.
5- Wash your hands with soap, water, or hand sanitizer before entering the library room.
6- Practice 3W which is Wash (cuci), Wear (pakai) and Warn (amaran) and avoid 3S (sesak,
sempit, dan sembang dekat)


1- Check the frequency of visitors according to faculty / students.

2- Facilitate application for any allocation (addition of building / library facilities).
3- For ease of statistical data (see visitor peak times).



- Membership registration / termination.

- Borrow / return books.
- Renewal of book loans.
- Book reservations.
- Loans between libraries.
- Use / booking of discussion room.
- Fines are imposed on anyone who submits a book late.
- Book report missing.
- Material is undetectable on the shelf.
- Outdoor tour.
- Use of locked lockers.


Green sticker - reference shelf material (cannot be borrowed)

Orange sticker - open shelf material (can be borrowed)



- Search for materials in the library using the OPAC web.

- Students need to enter student number and IC number without -.


- Colour black and white prints (paid).

- Scan
- Free use of computer and internet.
- Value-added service (TOPUP).
- Complaints of computer hardware damage.
- IT system maintenance.


- Library orientation.
- Reference / helpdesk service.
- Collection of reserves, acts, student projects, seminars, prospectuses, annual reports and
- Library promotion.
- Information skills class.
- Direct research and learning services to lecturers and students.


This diagram shown us fixed commitment calendar :

Time management and organization skill – it was defined by the ability for student or
someone use their time,energy or resources their time effective with do a schedule for reference to
them on everytime for what they must to do.

Analyze Your Use of Time. You can establish a good time plan once you know how you
actually spend your time. Identifying how much time you have available for study and how much time
you need for study can help you decide whether or not you should make any changes in your current
time plan.

Time management is important because time management is the way you regulate or schedule
your time. You can make more efficient use of your study time and complete your work in less time
by using good time-management skills. The key to successful time management is allowing enough
time to complete your work while still finding time to complete all of your other responsibilities. If
you have additional time, you can take advantage of the other opportunities for growth and
development that occur in college.

Organize Your Study Time :

Ways For Your Study Systems. First, we always heard about this things. But we take this
thing easy and ignore it,while this thing can make us success in our future. Make a weekly schedule.
Now a days ,we have a smartphones. We can use a calendar in android smartphones to list what to do
activities in a whole week. Make a daily planner. Calendar in android smartphones also can list
activities to do in a whole day. Have a semester calendar. As a student we have been provided a
semester calendar. Balanced personal needs and academic. Here is a priotitized task list and we can
classified what the things should be high ,medium and low prioritized and we can have some
additional tasks. Like an example,we can list a assignment which is near to dateline in high priotitized
tasks. Escape from procrastination.This thing can make us failed to submit our assignment or study
for final exams. What is the meaning of procastination? Procastination is the action of delaying or
postponing something.

Managing Multiple Projects :

Multiple projects can cause problems because you may be used to preparing for one paper,
project, or exam at a time. In fact, many students feel most comfortable finishing one task before
beginning another. It’s not easy to work on two or three or more projects at a time.

How to manage multiple projects. First, make a plan. The first step in dealing with multiple
projects is to make a plan for each. You may find it helpful to create a project sheet. Put the name of
the project on the top and put the due date right underneath or in the top corner. Then jot down what
you have to do. Next, break the project down into smaller pieces by listing each step on your sheet.
Then create an action plan for your project. Set Priorities. Sometimes it’s smart to sacrifice one
project to do well on another. One of the biggest mistakes some of my students make is studying for
one exam and letting the other go (and hoping for the best). Develop a system. One of the things you
need to do is create a system to keep track of your materials, what you’ve done, and what you still
need to do. Monitor your progress. Making up a plan and developing a system are good ways to start
working on your projects, but they won’t guarantee that you’ll get your projects done. You need to
monitor your progress on each task on a regular basis. Set up a regular time during the week to review
each of your projects. Pull out your action plans and check off the tasks you’ve completed and then
add the next step to your Running List or daily “To Do” list.

Use Time-Management Strategies to Stay Motivated :

Time management tips. First, plan for rewards after unpleasant tasks. Do the most
unpleasant tasks first. Learn to say no. Plan for change (involve others and ask for help if needed). If
you are too busy, ask, “What is essential?” When you are indecisive or unsure, remember that you can
rarely be 100 percent sure. Waiting is inevitable; plan for it. Let someone else do when possible
(delegate). Finish fully. It leaves you energized and motivated. Do one thing at a time. Once you have
found the extra time, enjoy it!

Job Task Analysis. Have you ever heard of work assignment analysis? If not, well, you're
lucky, because I'm going to talk about work role analysis this time. Currently, work task analysis is a
kind of list made to distinguish what kind of task we need to emphasise first to do it. This way, in
deciding which tasks should first be stressed, you will avoid being confused. Since we have a great
dream of course that we hate to waste our precious time, just note that time is like a sword blade, it
will cut us if we don't conquer it, so here's the example of my work assignment review, hope this will
help you. You can discern which operation you should place on top priority by using the scale. The
consequence is that you'll never waste your time doing pointless things again.

This diagram shown us student job task analysis. With this analysis table, students
can prioritize what really important activities first. Additionally, we can spend our time with
the correct activities.

Students should know to organise their job task according to the important and frequency.
By organising their job task, students will be able to make their task systematic and it helps their
learning process. Task analysis very important in maintaining the quality of our time. This is because,
without any analysis, the time will be wasted just by doing something that is not important. For
example, we will spend more time on sports activities than the time to make revision and study. This
analysis can be done in several ways.

Prioritized To Do List. Prioritized to-do list is a kind of list focused on its priority to
separate our project and plans. It was designed to formulate the tasks and strategies we need and want
to do. It will ensure that we will not neglect our tasks and plans. In addition, it will also allow us to
distinguish between tasks and plans that are not very relevant. Here is an overview of my to-do list.
The most significant reason for maintaining a to-do list is the organization. It will make everything
much more manageable and make you feel grounded by organising your assignments with a list. It
will help you feel organised and remain mentally concentrated by seeing a simple overview of your
completed and uncompleted tasks.

Example of Prioritized Task List. My high priority task is to do an assignment and video,
have a group discussion, pray, attend UED class, register for the student portal / counselling edu site
and upload group video. .My medium priorityjob is to wash laundry, iron clothes, recite al- quran
every day, engage in sports and study in library. Watching movies, playing games and hanging out
with roomates were my low priority activities.

This diagram shown us prioritized task list :

Reduce Your Procrastination.

Procrastination is the act of putting of intentionally the doing that should be done.

Reason why students procrastinate.

Overscheduling. When you plan more tasks than you can actually complete, you won’t get
them all done. This leads to putting some of them off to the next day. Then you have those tasks to
complete along with new tasks, and that leads to even more overscheduling. Lack of clear, specific
goals. When you haven’t set clear, specific goals when you haven’t decided exactly what you want to
accomplish it’s easy to decide to do it later. Not planning ahead. If you don’t work on long-range
assignments in advance, you may find that you’re in a time crunch when the deadline is approaching.

Getting behind in your work. Once you begin to put work off, things pile up. As your
workload increases, it becomes even harder to get it all done. The task isn’t relevant. Many students
have difficulty getting started on tasks that they think are not relevant to their own lives. The task
lacks value. Some students have difficulty seeing the value in some of the assignments they are given.
When students see tasks as busy work or decide that they have no or little value, it’s easy to put them
off. Lack of motivation. Some students just can’t get motivated to start a particular assignment. They
may think it’s irrelevant, unimportant, boring, too difficult, too big, or they just may not want to do it
because they got a low grade on the last assignment in that class.

Unclear about what to do. Many students procrastinate on an assignment when they’re
confused about what they need to do to correctly complete the assignment. They’re tired or don’t feel
well. When students are tired or aren’t feeling well, it’s easy to put off completing or even starting
some of their work. A common thought is, “I’ll work on it when I’m feeling better.” There are better
things to do. Many students procrastinate because they seem to find better things to do with their time.
Have you ever decided to clean your room, catch up on your e-mail, pay bills, or go out with friends
instead of doing your work? They’re waiting for the perfect time, place, or mood. Some students have
difficulty starting an assignment because they are waiting for the perfec t time or place to do it or
aren’t in the right mood. Have you ever felt that way about an assignment?


Understanding Memory Strategies :

The diagram shown us average student retention rates :

The claims made are quite clear. Using different methods/strategies of presenting material
to students, or students presenting material to each other, results in differing average rates of
retention. On the surface, this seems to fit in with modern education philosophy. A lot of chats I
participate in and professional development lauds classroom strategies that advocate for a more
student-centered or student-led classroom. This pyramid appears to support that
movement. According to the pyramid, a student will only retain, on average, 5% via lecture but will
retain 90% of what they teach others. That sounds correct. It follows what many teachers hear about
how our classroom should be run.

Why You Need Memory Strategies

What is memory? The retention of information over time (Santrock, 2011) or the mind stores
and remember information (mental processes / cognition), like computer software. What is brain?
The brain is the organ, like computer hardware.

The human memory were divided into three (3) parts :

• Sensory Memory
• Short-Term Memory
• Long-Term Memory

SENSORY MEMORY (SM). Numerous incoming information from 5 senses will be stored
in the sensory memory for an instant. If one PAY ATTENTION to the stimuli, it will go to the
short-term memory (STM). The information will be lost if one does not pay attention. SHORT –
TERM MEMORY. Very limited storage and information will be relayed to STM from the SM. While
in the STM, the information must be repeated or use SOME ACTIVE LEARNING strategies in order
to get information to LTM. LONG – TERM MEMORY. This is unlimited and large storage. From
STM, the information will moved to LTM and stored here for later use. If the information is not being
used for some time, forgetting may occur. MEMORY STRATEGIES. Memory strategies will help
students in their encoding, storing, and retrieving the information (help to remember and recall)

“Memory is the process of maintaining information over time.” (Matlin, 2005)

“Memory is the means by which we draw on our past experiences in order to use this
information in the present’ (Sternberg, 1999).

The diagram shown us types of human memory :

Specific Memories Strategies :

How to improving your memory. First, focus your attention. Attention is one of the major
components of memory. In order for information to move from your short-term memory into your
long-term memory, you need to actively attend to this information. Try to study in a place free of
distractions such as television, music, and other diversions. Getting rid of distractions might be a
challenge, especially if you are surrounded by boisterous roommates or noisy children. Utilize
mnemonic devices. Mnemonic devices are a technique often used by students to aid in recall. A
mnemonic is simply a way to remember information. For example, you might associate a term you
need to remember with a common item that you are very familiar with. The best mnemonics are those
that utilize positive imagery, humour, or novelty.

Elaborate and rehearse. In order to recall information, you need to encode what you are
studying into long-term memory. One of the most effective encoding techniques is known as
elaborative rehearsal. An example of this technique would be to read the definition of a key term,
study the definition of that term, and then read a more detailed description of what that term means.
After repeating this process a few times, you'll probably notice that recalling the information is much
easier. Get some sleep. Researchers have long known that sleep is important for memory and learning.
Research has shown that taking a nap after you learn something new can actually help you learn faster
and remember better. In fact, one study published in 2014 found that sleeping after learning
something new actually leads to physical changes in the brain. Sleep-deprived mice experienced less
dendritic growth following a learning task than well-rested mice.


Lecture notes is about taking notes during lecture worth your time and your concentration?
Are they important as our carry marks? The answer is yes! they are absolutely important. Taking
notes is not only about having a ‘set of notes’ to study from.

Here are the important reasons why we should taking our own lecture notes. First, keeps you
alert. Notetaking keeps your body active and involved and helps you avoid feelings of drowsiness or
distraction. Engages your mind. Listening carefully and deciding what to include in notes keeps your
mind actively involved with what you hear. Emphasizes and organizes information. As you take
notes, you’ll decide on and highlight the key ideas you hear, identifying the structure of a class
presentation. You’ll also be able to indicate the supporting points of a presentation, making study and
understanding easier after class. Such organized notes also make it easier for you to link classroom
learning to textbook readings. Creates a condensed record for study. A set of concise, well-organized
notes from each class session gives you what you need for study, learning, and review after class.

How to take lecture notes. First, prepare before taking notes. The best way to prepare your note-
taking activity is to read the text assignment before class. By reading the text assignment before the
lecture, it will allow you to build up some background about the topic and have some idea what the
lecture is about. Next, identify main ideas of the lecture and organize your notes easier and be familiar
with the key terms and names related to the topic. As you walk into the lecture classroom, GET
READY to take notes. Sitting in front of the classroom, allows you to see and hear better. You will
probably find that other interested and motivated students also tend to sit in the first few rows of the
class. While waiting for class to begin, review the notes that you took during the last class meeting.
Become an active listener. Strategies for improving listening skills are read the text assignment before
the lecture to build background on the topic and review your last set of notes before the lecture begins.
Next, Sit in the lecturer’s line of vision and decide what you want to listen and focus your attention
physically by sitting up and making eye contact with the speaker. Focus your attention mentally by
eliminating and avoiding distractions. Listen with an open mind, setting aside your own biased.
Control your emotional responses and listen for the main points and related details as well as taking
notes. Ask and answer questions. Monitor your listening. Check with the lecturer or a classmate (at
the end of the lecture) if you are unsure of some of the information.



Many students are unintentionally guilty of plagiarism when write reports, assignments, and
research paper. What is plagiarism?? Plagiarism is an act of using of closely imitating the language
and thought of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as
one's own, as by not crediting the original author. It is like we are stealing another person's idea. It's
totally wrong. The owner must feel so bad about it. For me, it is a crime in the world of cyber. Here
are some example of plagiarism, turning someone else work as your own, copying works or ideas
from someone else without giving credit, giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
and changing the word but copying the sentences structure without giving credit.

When talk about prevent plagiarism. Actually, there are a few ways to prevent it. First, you have
to planning your paper. If you have any problem, it's better if you consult your lecturer. You also need
to take an effective notes so you will have enough and a complete information. It will easy for you to
do your assignment. Second is writing your paper. When you refer to any source, you have to make it
clear who said what and you can include a reference page if you get the information from books,
novels or magazines. you also need to know how to paraphrase so you will not involved in plagiarism.
Evaluate your source, it is important.

What is GPA (Grade Point Average). The total credit value registered and attempted in the
assessment of a semester. The total credit units acquired in the same semester. GPA refers to the
calculated average of the letter grades a student earns in each semester following a 0 to 4.0 scale. This
is GPA calculation table.

This is the Grading Evaluation Table

Every semester, students receive a GPA based on the grades they earned in all their courses
during that semester. The formula used for the calculations of the Grade Point Average (GPA) is as

To find GPA weighted by credit hours, follow these steps: Multiply each numeric grade
value by the number of credits the course was worth. Next, add these numbers together. Then, divide
by the total number of credits you took

Example :

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) The total credit value registered and attempted
in the assessments of a semester. The total unit acquired in all semester. ICGPA is a reported value
at the end o the semester or the period of study. This value show the achievement of students in
mastering eight domains of learning outcomes. Students achievement for each program learning
outcomes is shown through a reporting form “spider web”. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
refers to the overall GPA, which includes dividing the number of quality points earned in all courses
attempted by the total credit hours in all attempted courses.

Example :


TOTAL 15 52

GPA 3.47

CGPA 3.47


My plan to achieve to GPA and CGPA above 3.5 . I do revision after every lecture. Revise
my note every day. I will manage my time wisely by making schedule. I will actively in lecture to get
the information efficiently. I will ask the lecturer or academic advisor when have question regarding
to my academic matters.

Failure and Dismissal. Students with extremely unsatisfactory academic performance

will/can be dismissed from his/her study. The status of Dismissed (D) that can be given to students


From this assignment, I can learn how to improve my study skills. As a student, I need
improve my knowledge. By finding my learning style, now I can study the right way. This matters
because by knowing to do so it will help me to amplify my study and retain the information in my
memory longer. I also managed to make wonderful new friends. We still able to socialize even though
we all have different dreams and course. It is interesting to know where they come from. Then, we
just know each other but I feel like a family. All the topic in this subject are awesome to learn. Last
but not least, I love my new journey in Universiti Teknologi Mara Cawangan Kedah.

References :

i. https://ainashkn.blogspot.com/2019/02/ued102-ba118.html
ii. https://medium.com/@mmushalina/e-portfolio-ued-102-8450994d11c4
iii. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-DCuL5oWJqnPAkcNpXTMZ4DcpnN-ash9/view
iv. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftheeffortfuleducator.com%2F
v. https://farisyaaqilahblog.wordpress.com/2017/07/12/161/

vi. https://www.verywellmind.com/great-ways-to-improve-your-memory-2795356
vii. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fassessmentued102.wordpress.
viii. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fassessmentued102.wordpress.
ix. https://faqihaaqila.wordpress.com/2017/07/20/academic-integrity-and-performance/
x. http://nurinalaani.blogspot.com/2017/06/academic-integrity-performance.html


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