Reliability On Qualitative Research

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Reliability of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is more to phenomenology and focus the reality of a process

or an actual event. Qualitative research is eventually connecting to the real world where
it exposes more information from a dynamically real situation. The qualitative analysis is
based on thematic analysis where it focuses from common to specific objective of a
research. Qualitative research requires more reliability on data and facts. Reliability that
mentions here is about the details or information gathers should be genuine, truth and
actual. Reliable research helps us to understand a situation and make a decision or
conclusion without any confusion. There are few strategies to collect reliable data and
facts in qualitative research.

Firstly, triangulation method. This method can be used to collect the same details
of a research by using different ways. Differentiation of researchers, differentiation of
timing and places helps to evaluate the reliability and validity of the research. This method
can be used to collect data from interviews, observations and questionnaire where
researchers ask the same questions in different ways. Using this way also determine the
reliability of a fact when it is repeated. Secondly, engaging with well trained and
experienced researchers could be able to increase the level of reliability in research.
Since, experienced researchers have wise thinking, better knowledge and expert on
specific field, they can collect details and complete the research report systematically.
Thirdly is by referring and comparing data with peers. This method helps to analyses the
reliability on collected study data of the same research subject by researcher and peers.

Lastly, evidence and instruments that used to record data is also increase the level
on reliability of a research. During research, the researcher can use questionnaire, tape
recorder, audio, video or checklist to record the data. Using variety of device help the
researcher not to miss any of information given by the research subject. Moreover,
researcher could ensure the reliable details that recorded in each device that used during
the research.

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