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Seen Passage Time 1 hour 30 minute

[Read the text carefully and answer questions]

Mother: Reza, will you come here, please?
Reza: Yes, Mum.
Mother: Look. The kitchen is very untidy. I want to make it neat and tidy. Would you give me a hand?
Reza: Sure.
Mother: Could you take the pots and plates from the table and put them in the cupboard?
Reza: Ok.
Mother: First, I'll sweep the floor. Will you bring me a broom, please?
Reza: Here it is.
Mother: Thank you. Now I’m going to mop the floor. Could you get me a mop and bucket and some detergent?
Reza: No problem. Here they are.
Mother: Thanks, dear.
Reza: Welcome.
1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 15=5
a. Who will wash the kitchen?
(i) father (ii) mother
(iii) sister (iv) grandmother
b. What does the phrase ‘give a hand’ mean?
(i) to give one hand (ii) to give a handful
(iii) help (iv) handle
c. Who will put the pots and plates in the cupboard?
(i) Reza (ii) mother
(iii) sister (iv) father
d. A — is used to sweep the floor.
(i) broom (ii) duster
(iii) eraser (iv) washing machine
e. Reza’s mother will wash the floor with—.
(i) a soap (ii) detergent (iii) savlon (iv) dettol
2. Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 =10
a. Why does Reza’s mother call him?
b. What does she tell Reza to put and where?
c. What is a broom used for?
d. Who will mop the floor?
e. How will he/she do that?
Unseen Passage
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions.
Jibanananda Das was born in a small town of Barisal in 1899. He took his Master's Degree in English at the age of 22.
The next year he started his teaching career as a Professor of English at the Calcutta City College. He lost the job in
1928 on the charge of publishing a poem in the Parichaya Patrika. But two years after he joined the Ramjash College,
Delhi but returned to his place of birth the next year. He got an appointment in Brajamahan College, Barisal in 1935. In
1947 when the partition was made, Jibanananda Das left Bangladesh for India. In West Bengal he started editing the
Swaraj Patrika. In 1951 he joined the Khargpur College. He was awarded Rabindra Purashkar in 1953. He met with a
tram accident on the 14th October, 1954. He was hospitalized. After a few days he passed away on October 22, 1954.
3.Complete the table below with information from the above passage. 1×5=5

Who/What Event/Activity Where When

Jibanananda Das born (i) ...................... in 1899

Jibanananda M. A English (ii) ...................

Career (iii) .................. Calcutta City College in 1922

Migration (iv) ....................... in 1947

(v) .................. award in 1953

4.Write a paragraph about “Traffic Jam” 10

Grammar Part [Marks 20]

1.Fill in the gaps with a, an or the and put a cross (×) where no article is needed. 0.6 × 8 = 5
Honesty is (a) —— great virtue. (b) —— honest man shines in life. On (c) —— other hand, a dishonest (d)
—— man faces difficulties in life. For (e) —— development of an organization honesty is (f) —— must. If the
citizens of a country are (g) —— honest it develops rapidly. A country lags (h) —— behind because of
dishonest citizens.

2.Fill in the gaps with the right form of verbs in the brackets. Question e has special instruction in
the bracket for the use of verb. 0.6 × 8 = 5
A true friend (a)― (be) an asset. He (b)― (stand) by his friend in time of danger. He never (c)― (betray) with
his friend. He (d)― (try) to make his friend happy. He (e)― ('be' in the negative) a greedy man. He always
(f)― (wish) for the welfare of his friend. But it is a matter of fact that an ideal friend (g)― (be) very rare today.
A selfish man cannot be a true friend. He always (h)― (think) of his own interest.

3.Read the following text and change the sentences as directed. 1×5=5
(a) Cox's Bazar is the longest sea beach of the world. (positive)
(b) Rifat is a regular student of class seven. (Negative)
(c) We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Interrogative)
(d) The book is very interesting. (Exclamatory)
(e) Everyone of his office cannot but love him. (Affirmative)
4.Use appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters where necessary. 5
a fruit seller asked the customer which fruits he wanted to buy and said that he had apples from Australia
oranges from Darjeeling grapes from Kashmir the customer asked him what fruits of our country he had the
seller replied that he had coconuts guavas and jackfruits.

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