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Thanks for tuning in!
Going deeper into your skincare journey can benefit your overall
health. Here are our top LIFESTYLE TIPS to improve your skin.

Sleeping Pattern

Sleeping for a long time and at the right time can be as important as the
various serums and creams that come to our rescue. Ideally one should
sleep at 10pm but as we know how our daily life goes and that can seem
next to impossible! Sleeping early and waking up early helps your dark
circles and also helps regulate your hormones. Doing so will really help you
see a change in not only your skin’s, but your overall health as well.


The natural pink flush and glowing skin that we are all after can be easily
achieved with some exercise and pranayama. Try the ‘Sheetali
Pranayama’ that helps regulate your breathing and keeps your body cool.
First sit in a comfortable position with your legs crossed or in Vajrasana.
Roll your tongue to form a ‘U’ shape. If you cannot roll your tongue, fold it
in your mouth so that the air can pass through the gaps in the side of your
tongue. Take a deep breath in through the gaps of your tongue and hold it for
a few breaths. Let the breath out from the gaps of your tongue.
This helps cool your body and in turn can reduce inflammation!


Water is literally your best friend. It helps flush out the toxins from our body
which in turn prevents excess build up and leads to clear skin. You can also
find hydration in fruits or veggies! My favourite is watermelon. You could eat
it or juice it! This not only hydrates you but it’s an absolutely delicious option
to munch on!

Hope these lifestyle tips help you achieve the clear skin goal! Make sure you tune in for
episode 2 of the Breakout Breakdown. Until next time stay tuned and stay Glamrs!

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