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Chemical Engineering Science 236 (2021) 116515

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A comprehensive review on different approaches for CO2 utilization

and conversion pathways
A. Saravanan a, P. Senthil kumar b,⇑, Dai-Viet N. Vo c, S. Jeevanantham a, V. Bhuvaneswari a,
V. Anantha Narayanan a, P.R. Yaashikaa d, S. Swetha b, B. Reshma b
Department of Biotechnology, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai 602105, India
Department of Chemical Engineering, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Chennai 603110, India
Center of Excellence for Green Energy and Environmental Nanomaterials (CE@GrEEN), Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Department of Biotechnology, Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai 602105, India

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 CO2 was used as an inexpensive

feedstock for various fuels and
chemicals production.
 Explained various utilization
approaches and their mechanisms for
CO2 mitigation.
 Discussed the various CO2 conversion
 Current status and Scope for further
research on CO2 conversion has been

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a odourless and colourless gas which plays a noteworthy role in the climate and
Received 30 August 2020 weather changes. Different natural and anthropogenic activities induces CO2 emission in the environ-
Received in revised form 19 January 2021 ment. Though CO2 causes global warming, it acts as an essential element for photosynthesis process in
Accepted 6 February 2021
plants. CO2 can also be used as an inexpensive feedstock for the production of various fuels and chemi-
Available online 17 February 2021
cals. Many approaches like electrochemical, thermal, biochemical, chemo-enzymatic and photocatalytic
methods are available by means of which the harmful CO2 is captured from the environment. Similarly,
via different chemical, physical and biological processes, it can be converted into useful products like
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
CO2 emission
fuels and chemicals. This review mainly focuses on various utilization approaches and their mechanisms
CO2 utilization for CO2 mitigation. In addition, CO2 conversion processes like hydrogenation, esterification, methanation,
Conversion pathways reforming, and reverse water-gas shift (RWGS) reactions, their mechanisms and their current status along
Reforming with future perspectives were comprehensively discussed.
Chemical synthesis Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction industrialization and urbanization, energy consumption is likely to

be higher in the 21st century. Fossil fuels, especially a coal - power
The 20th century has witnessed an exponential increase in pop- plant, contributes over 40% of the total CO2 emissions (Carapellucci
ulation and energy consumption. With the increase in the trends of and Milazzo, 2003). Though the fossil fuels are considered to be the
key energy sources for many industrial processes in the recent
years, the combustion of petroleum-based resources rapidly
⇑ Corresponding author. increases the CO2 levels and causes various harmful effects in the
E-mail address: (P. Senthil kumar). environment. It is documented clearly that the level of CO2 was
0009-2509/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Saravanan, P. Senthil kumar, Dai-Viet N. Vo et al. Chemical Engineering Science 236 (2021) 116515

increased because of the industrialization and urbanization during cost of CO2 capture. Due to the increasing concerns towards safety
the middle of 19th century, causing the climate change or global of the underground, the ocean storage of CO2 and utilization
warming (Yaashikaa et al., 2019). Carbon dioxide contributes through CO2 captured from power plants is gaining attention glob-
nearly three-quarters of greenhouse gas emissions and so it is con- ally (Huang and Tan, 2014).
sidered as the major gas responsible for the climate change (Nejat CO2 is an inert gas, and has low Gibbs free energy and high oxi-
et al., 2015; Artz et al., 2018). An increase in CO2 concentration in dation state; therefore, a CO2 conversion reaction requires higher
the atmosphere has been contributed by many sectors such as energy input and efficient catalysts to achieve more yields
energy, transportation, manufacturing industries, fuel, electricity (Damiani et al., 2012). Therefore, sufficient energy valuation for
and agriculture. The rise in the population also has an impact over each step in the conversion process has to be carried out to confirm
the CO2 emissions, particularly in China, India and US (Wu et al., the efficiency of the system. This review explains various CO2 uti-
2016). China, USA, India, Canada, Russia and Japan are the major lization methods such as electrochemical, thermal, biochemical,
countries which have the highest energy consumption and green- chemo-enzymatic and photochemical approaches to understand
house gas emissions among other countries in the world (Jordaan about each system and to evaluate the products from the applica-
et al., 2017; Kijewska and Bluszcz, 2016; Nejat et al., 2015; Xu tion of these processes.
et al., 2018).
In the current scenario, global warming and ocean acidification
are the two major problems attributed to the CO2 increase in the 2. Sources of CO2 emission
environment. Ocean acidification due to the increase in the CO2
level leads to the changes in seawater chemistry and shows nega- Emissions due to the usage of fossil fuels like petrol, gasoline,
tive impacts on aquatic ecosystem and warm water stress, which and diesel for transportation are the primary reasons for the
in turn results in the extinction of microbial species in the ocean increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere (Fan et al., 2018). Avoiding
(Feely et al., 2004; Shirayama and Thornton, 2005). The effects of development like industrialization, urbanization and transporta-
global warming includes drought, flooding, destruction of plant tion for CO2 emission reduction is not possible because of the eco-
and animal species, rise in the sea level and increase in the fre- nomic development (GDP) of a country which particularly depends
quency of natural disasters such as hurricanes and cyclones on these sources (Wang et al., 2020a, 2020b). Global CO2 emissions
(Salameh, 2014). In spite of using carbon fuel and alternate energy through the combustion of fuels were recorded to be around 32.8
in the lower level, it is very difficult to reduce CO2 as a safer level in billion tons (IEA, 2017). Overpopulation has stressed a demand
the atmosphere. Therefore, CO2 should be caught and converted for easier transport, causing a dramatic surge in private transport.
into useful products or compounds. Further, CO2 emission is Therefore, the introduction of public railway transport along dense
remarkably associated with economic growth, development and areas caused a considerable decrease in CO2 emissions (Gagatsi
human life expectancy in the country (Wang et al., 2015). Hence, et al., 2016; Tsumura et al., 2019). An interrelation between urban-
decreasing CO2 emission developed as a new research interest isation and economic improvement with direct correspondence to
worldwide. Many scientists and researchers are engaged in this the emissions was analysed using models in the G20 countries
goal of conversion of CO2 into beneficial products like value- (Arvin et al., 2015).
added chemicals, or as fuels which can be captured and stored as Electricity production is a basic need for any kind of an indus-
an efficient energy source (Ansari and park, 2012). trial production and the burning of fossil fuels in thermal power
The utilization of CO2 is broadly classified into two groups, the plant fulfils the necessity. Research and development (R&D) are
direct usage of CO2 and conversion of CO2 into value-added chem- an integral part of any industry and a study shows that it greatly
icals. The value-added chemicals including methanol, urea, poly- improves the productivity, thereby leading to excess CO2 emissions
carbonate and dimethyl ether were formed either by the direct (Kahouli, 2018). Several industries play a part in emitting CO2, like,
utilization of CO2 or various transformation pathways using in the case where a number of pharmaceutical companies’ out-
microalgae (Huang and Tan, 2014). CO2 transformation into fuel growth in China led to double the number of metric tons of CO2
provides a unique advantage that can be a concurrent way for produced due to their utilisation (Gao et al., 2019). Metallurgical
removal of CO2 as well as its product, which may act as a substitute industries, another important growth sector requires a lot of heat
for conventional transportation fuels (Hu et al., 2013). Some revo- energy, to fulfil its requirements and thus is in the need of fuels.
lutionary technologies have been developed for the industrial pur- The CO2 emitted from those kinds of industries in China was about
poses which involves the selective transformation of CO2 into 3.2 billion tons in 2015 and certain companies were found to have
valuable products by the use of alternate organic compounds for a good emission reduction potential which has to be worked upon
co-polymerization (Song, 2006). Carbon-dioxide capture and (Lin and Xu, 2018). The emissions by the industrial sectors in
sequestration (CCS) is one of the CO2 reducing techniques that China, based on an average energy efficiency index were about
integrates numerous technologies concentrating on CO2 utiliza- 90%, which is significantly higher than their counterparts (Xia
tion. It is an emerging technology that has a major role in the et al., 2020b). Every industry is ultimately dependent on construc-
development of low-carbon energy by reducing the CO2 released tion works to either build or upgrade them and therefore, construc-
from various power plants like coal fired and gas fired power tion companies are greatly needed. These construction companies
plants. CCS basically involves a three-step procedure of capturing, can also release a certain amount of CO2 during their processes (Shi
transporting and storing of CO2 (Yang et al., 2008). If high CO2 et al., 2015; Takayabu et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019b).
emitting sources and industries adopt the strategy or implement Carbon emission also occurs via deforestation as trees tend to
carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies to efficiently man- sequester CO2 inside their bark and upon chopping them, the
age the greenhouse gas, abundant CO2 will be made available as trapped carbon is again sent into the atmosphere. Agricultural soils
a potential source for many applications. The center of attraction and cattles also release a significant amount of carbon emissions.
of many researches is to make CCS technology cost effective as it The inequality on CO2 emission through the Theil index via agricul-
is not economically effective due to the high operating cost tural practices was found to be increasing in Iran (Pakrooh et al.,
involved in the stage of capturing CO2 (Herzog and Golomb, 2020). In the period of 1990–2014 in Pakistan, it was observed that
2004). In future, there is a possibility that direct air capture will the production through agriculture being carbon-based products
be prominently used and the income generated from the product increased carbon emissions greatly and traditional farming prac-
formed by the CO2 utilization can be used to counterbalance the tices also aided in this too (Waheed et al., 2018). Another way of
A. Saravanan, P. Senthil kumar, Dai-Viet N. Vo et al. Chemical Engineering Science 236 (2021) 116515

emitting CO2 is by forest fires which can arise due to man-made or coral reefs need calcium carbonate in their shells, but its concen-
natural causes and it affects the productivity of the forests tration is reduced due to CO2. It has been observed in Hudson
(Sannigrahi et al., 2020). Brazil and Indonesia were found to con- Bay, Canada that the partial pressure of CO2 was raised up to 165
tain about 35% of all the sequestered carbon and deforestation matm due to the organic carbon present inside which gets con-
accounts for about 6–17% of all CO2 that is emitted through various verted into carbon dioxide (Capelle et al., 2020). Upon treating
ways (Baccini et al., 2012). The higher levels of carbon emissions sea urchin with CO2 acidified water, its rate of food intake and
due to destruction of forest lands for cultivation was observed intestinal enzymatic activities were reduced (Zhan et al., 2020).
based on the theoretical models (Galinato and Galinato, 2016; Similarly, mussels were treated with water at pH 7.4 leading to a
Machado et al., 2017). decrease in strength and stability. It also leads to proton accumu-
The residential sector involves some fossil fuels, which are lation in the extracellular spaces of cells in them (Zhao et al., 2020).
burned for heat energy for consumption and other purposes. The The flora of the world is also not spared as the accumulation of
residential evolution of CO2 due to aggressive urbanisation in 64 CO2 lead to various problems in the plant’s genotype and pheno-
cities in China was observed to be about 5.6 million tons (Bai type. FACE (Free-air CO2 enrichment) experiments were performed
et al., 2019). It is estimated that the carbon emission by the resi- to find out how plants react to higher than optimal levels of CO2
dential sector of Thailand would be about 77 million tons and it and it is noted that the rate of photosynthesis decreases upon
would be about 86 million tons in Vietnam in the future (Thuy alternating the levels of CO2 every 1 min (Allen et al., 2020). Expo-
and Limmeechokchai, 2015). As the number of houses in an area sure to elevated quantities of CO2 decreases the potential for tran-
increases, it denotes that the economic opportunities are good, spiration via the stomatal pores which led to a reduction in
leading to an increased income. This was observed in the house- essential mineral concentration in wheat (Houshmandfar et al.,
holds of many countries like China that the increase in the per cap- 2015).
ita income in the houses corresponded to an increase in the Climatic change to harsh environments for us is not so far as it
residential carbon emissions (Zang et al., 2017). The amounts in has been noted that for every degree rise in global warming, the
kg of CO2 emitted per person via direct and indirect modes for daily precipitation would be aggravated by a rate of about 6.5% denoting
purposes were found to be about 10 kg (Hirano et al., 2016). The the possibility of an abnormal heavy monsoon in China (Zhang and
usage of water heaters constituted a significant part in power util- Zhou, 2019). The extent of temperature increase, creates more
isation and it was found in US that switching to alternate ways like amount of water to get lost as vapour which would lead to drought
solar heaters could help in reducing the carbon emissions (Sanders and bushfires (Wang et al., 2017b; Wilke et al., 2019). It has been
and Webber, 2015). found that tropical diseases would be more effective upon the raise
in temperature as the virus inside a mosquito vector (Aedesaegypti)
takes comparatively a shorter incubation time and greater expo-
3. Environmental impacts of CO2 sure (Gloria-Soria et al., 2017). The presence of Vibrio sp. capable
of causing gastrointestinal disease was found to be elevated at
CO2 generally helps in maintaining the temperature by trapping higher temperature of waterbodies in Netherlands (Schets et al.,
the heat that gets bounced off from the surface. Since the emission 2011).
rate is very high now, lots of heat energy gets trapped creating
harmful effects to the environment. It has been observed that the
4. CO2 utilization approaches
increase in temperature now favours blue green algae to become
a dominant force due to higher N2 fixing capability in water bodies
The US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Carbon Sequestration
causing eutrophication which affects the entire aquatic ecosystem
Program primarily focuses regions of research in the CO2 utiliza-
(Visser et al., 2016). These algae with the above-mentioned condi-
tion comprises of CO2 enhanced recovery of hydrocarbons, manu-
tions are also capable of producing toxins like microcystin which
facture of chemicals, mineralization and polymerization process
upon consumption was found to cause liver damage (Gehringer
(Damiani et al., 2012). These domains have great possibility to uti-
and Wannicke, 2014). The colonisation of certain species of aquatic
lize high capacities of CO2 to economical products. In spite of the
plants like the water primrose (Ludwigiahexapetala) is induced
various products that can be obtained by CO2, there is an existence
upon by a 3 °C rise in temperature affecting the native diversity
of huge gap between CO2 generated and CO2 converted. Hence, bet-
(Gillard et al., 2017). About 1.5–2 °C rise is capable of raising heavy
ter solution for this issue is to reduce the use of fossil fuels at the
metal contaminants by about 90%, which upon condensation seeps
source for electricity and promote the use of renewable sources
into the underground reservoir and pollutes the water quality
like wind, solar, hydrothermal and geothermal energies. If these
(Wijesiri et al., 2020). An aquatic fungal decomposer (Limnephilus
renewable energies are used in combination with different CO2 uti-
sp.) was found to be at 50% of its total potential in decomposing
lization strategies, it paves the way for reducing the atmospheric
when exposed to a 6 °C increase which indicates the temperature’s
CO2 to a significant extent. In the recent times, scientists have
inhibitory effects on the aquatic food chain (Batista et al., 2012;
started to take advantage of different approaches such as photocat-
Sadatshojaie and Rahimpour, 2020).
alytic reduction of CO2, electrochemical and thermal approaches
Prolonged exposure to CO2 of about 700 ppm resulted in respi-
for the CO2 utilization and transformation (Whipple and Kenis,
ratory muscle damage in the diaphragm and hormonal abnormal-
2010). The different approaches for CO2 utilization and conversion
ities in rats (Martrette et al., 2017; Krauskopf et al., 2019). CO2
into valuable chemicals are shown in Fig. 1. The advantages and
exposure is also associated with anxiety and stress, as a test of
disadvantages of CO2 utilization approaches are listed in the
about 20% carbon dioxide was able to push people with existing
Table 1.
panic related conditions to anxiety (Blechert et al., 2013). A short
term or acute contact with carbon dioxide has been found to alter
the blood pH slightly and affect the metabolic rates of Atlantic sal- 4.1. Electrochemical approach
mons (Salmo salar) (Khan et al., 2018).
Another negative impact of increasing CO2 concentration in the CO2 is converted into various products such as CO, carboxylic
atmosphere is ocean acidification. The oceans pH is slightly basic acid, alcohols and alkenes etc. (Chen et al., 2018). The basic config-
but upon the addition of carbon dioxide, it is getting more and uration of the electrochemical reduction is shown in Fig. 2 which
more acidic which is injurious to the underwater coral reefs. These consists of a cathode and an anode through which electricity is
A. Saravanan, P. Senthil kumar, Dai-Viet N. Vo et al. Chemical Engineering Science 236 (2021) 116515

cal reaction, electrodes play an important role. The electrodes are

generally composed of catalyst layer and the substrate layer to
transport the reactant gas CO2 and the product. Therefore, the
overall reactor performance is maximized by improving the elec-
trode configuration. In spite of its importance only few studies
have been carried out in improving the electrode performance.
The study conducted by Hori et al. showed the limitation of planar
electrode due to mass transfer limitation which arise because of
the poor solubility of CO2. It has been reported that the use of
gas diffusion electrode as cathode in combination with improved
catalyst deposition layer lead to improvements in the electrode
performance (Hori et al., 1994; Malkhandi and Yeo, 2019). Many
studies have been carried out by utilizing copper sulfide com-
pounds as catalyst in the CO2 electrochemical reduction process
due to their distinctive electrochemical properties (Yuan and
Hao, 2013; Garcia-Muelas et al., 2018; Yeo et al., 2018). Further,
selective production of formate is achieved by sulfur modified cop-
per catalyst where S acts as a main promoter (Chen et al., 2019a,
2019b). Previously formate was obtained at 0.96 V in 0.1 M
Fig. 1. Different approaches for CO2 utilization and conversion.
KHCO3 with Faradaic efficiency (FE) of 88% (He et al., 2015) using
Pb electrode. With the use of Sn electrode (Detweiler et al., 2014)
applied in the electrolytic solution. The electrodes are separated by it is recorded that the FE can be increased up to 91% at 1.19 V.
the ion exchange membrane (Babita et al., 2011). The electro cata- The production of acetate with 96.5% FE and 96% selectivity at
lyst must be highly selective and active in order to decrease the 1.15 V facilitated by the electro catalytic system built by POM
activation energy needed for the conversion process (Yaashikaa [SiW9V3O40]7 (SiW9V3) and metal indium results higher conver-
et al., 2019). Electrochemical reduction of CO2 produces various sion of CO2 (Zha et al., 2020).
beneficial products, among them hydrogen (H2) and formic acid Energy consumption for the electrochemical process is given by
(HCOOH) are obtained in the presence of Ruthenium Carbonyl V ð1þ /Þn
complex as a catalyst. It has been shown that the heterocyclic E¼ ð2Þ
organic compound such as pyridine shows a significant effect on
promoting the electrochemical conversion of CO2 (Barton Cole where V is the voltage of the cell, a is element denoting the auxil-
et al., 2010). It is reported that GCE (Glassy carbon working elec- iary energy needed, FE is the Faradaic efficiency and n is the count
trode) modified by Pt@histamine –reduced graphene oxide with of electrons (Sridhar et al., 2011). The important parameter which
KNO3 as an electrolyte produced a maximum of 2.96 mmol L1 describes the efficiency of this approach is the energetic efficiency,
of ethanol. current density, faradaic efficiency, the catalyst stability and the
process cost. A study conducted by Jhong et al. demonstrated the
CO2 ðg Þ þ 6Hþ ðaqÞ þ 6e ! CH3 OHðaqÞ þ H2 OðlÞ ð1Þ
plot between current density versus energetic and faradaic efficien-
The histamine present in the electro-catalyst led to the forma- cies in the reduction of CO2 for the various products. It is concluded
tion of formic acid, which is an intermediate and by combination that many of them showed the characteristics of high faradaic or
with Pt nanoparticle, availability of the absorbed H atom was high energetic efficiency and high current density. But optimizing
increased which in in-turn produces high hydrogenated products these parameters remains a major challenge. For instance, in C1-
like methanol (Zarandi et al., 2019). Further, the selectivity of the C2 fuel production which includes ethanol and methanol, it has
desired product can be increased by using appropriate electrolyte, been showed that it has high FE and CD but has low EE (less than
catalyst and potential applied to the process. In the electrochemi- 22%) (Jhong et al., 2013a).

Table 1
Advantages and disadvantages of various CO2 utilization approaches.

Approaches Advantages Disadvantages References

Electrochemical  No additional heat is required  Lifespan of catalyst is low (Agarwal et al., 2011; Zhu, 2019)
 Easy to scale-up  Economically not feasible
 Recycled electrolyte reduces the total electrolyte  Required more electric energy
 Renewable energy source can be utilized
 High selectivity
 Long term stable operation
Thermal  Produce a high yield  Required high temperature (Hu et al., 2013; Galadima and
 Stability of the catalyst is low Muraza, 2019)
Photocatalytic  Do not require additional energy  Low product selectivity (Alper and Orhan, 2017; Gao et al.,
 Environment friendly  Produce a less yield 2020)
 Economically feasible
Biochemical  Toxic tolerance  Time consuming process (Appel et al., 2013; Yaashikaa et al.,
 Higher selectivity  Require high cost 2019)
 Require low pressure and temperature  Produce a less yield
 Need specialized bioreactor
Chemo-  Produce bulk chemicals  Require high temperature which affects (Yong et al., 2015; Long et al., 2017)
enzymatic enzyme activity

A. Saravanan, P. Senthil kumar, Dai-Viet N. Vo et al. Chemical Engineering Science 236 (2021) 116515

Fig. 2. Electrochemical CO2 utilization and conversion.

4.2. Thermal approach CO þ 2H2 ! CH3 OH ð7Þ

The methanol synthesis reaction is exothermic in nature that
Nowadays, CO2 capture and utilization have been the prime
was carried out at the temperature ranges of 210–290 °C and
concern for scientists as well as industries due to its harmful
50–80 bar pressure (Agarwal et al., 2015). Further, methanol can
effects to the environment. Therefore, researchers have developed
be transformed to dimethyl ether through olefin or gasoline tech-
various techniques by which the captured CO2 could be converted
nology. Synthesis of Urea is another method for CO2 utilization and
into various value-added chemical feedstocks, fuels, etc. (Galadima
reduction. It is a two-step process was given below,
and Muraza, 2019). Carbon monoxide (CO) was formed by the uti-
lization of CO2 and hydrogen through reverse water-gas shift 2NH3 þ CO2 $ H2 N  COONH4 ð8Þ
(RWGS) reaction (Chen et al., 2004). The produced CO through
RWGS was employed in various industries including steel fabrica- H2 N  COONH4 $ ðNH2 Þ2 CO þ H2 O ð9Þ
tion, pharmaceutical and biotechnology based industries (Roy
et al., 2018). The RWGS reaction is endothermic, and operates at Formation of carbamate from the liquid ammonia and gaseous
the high temperature (550–750 °C) and low pressure (0–5 bar). CO2 is explained in Eq. (8). Carbamate was further decomposed
into urea with water as byproduct. The decomposition of carba-
CO2 þ H2 ! CO þ H2 O DH ¼ þ41 kJ=mol ð3Þ mate into urea was explained in Eq. (9). The synthesized urea will
Based on the conditions of the reaction, it can be directed in be utilized for various fertilizers and polymers such as urea-
both forward and backward with slight change in the temperature formaldehyde synthesis (Quadreilli et al., 2011). Although, these
and pressure (Kho et al., 2017; Agarwal et al., 2015). Unlike RWGS methods serve as the better way for the CO2 utilization, it possess
reaction, the dry reforming process produces syngas (CO and H2) certain disadvantage that majority of these approaches will further
by utilizing CO2, natural gas and coal without the production of increases the release of CO2 (Kho et al., 2017).
water. The reaction occurs in the dry reforming process is given by:

CO2 þ H2 ! CO þ H2 O ð4Þ 4.3. Biochemical approach

The produced syngas was further transformed into hydrocar- Photo catalytic, electro catalytic reactions are the most widely
bons and chemical feed stocks. Syngas can also be produced by employed method for the conversion of CO2. In spite of several dis-
bi-reforming process that is the combination of steam methane advantages such as low yield, requirement of high pressure and
reforming and dry reforming reaction. The bi-reforming reaction temperature, bio catalytic approaches can be utilized due to their
is given as efficiency and toxicity tolerance (Appel et al., 2013). Biochemical
conversion is the utilization of enzymes or microbial catalyst for
CH4 þ H2 O ! CO þ 3H2 ð5Þ
the transformation of carbohydrates into simple sugars (Cadham
et al., 2016). It has higher selectivity and need low process and
CO2 þ CH4 ! 2CO þ 2H2 ð6Þ
temperature. Photosynthesis is a process that fixes carbon, natu-
Tri-reforming is another reforming process that combines these rally by the conversion of CO2, water and sunlight to organic com-
two reforming methods (steam methane and dry reforming) and pounds. The ability of the biotic system to synthesize fuel from the
partial oxidation of methane. The unique capability of this method biomass is exploited for the conversion of CO2. Plants and prokary-
is to manipulate the CO and H2 ratio in the product to yield a vari- otic organism convert atmospheric CO2 into biomass through the
ety of hydrocarbons (Agarwal et al., 2015). It is believed that poten- Pentose phosphate pathway, where fructose 1, 6-bisphosphate
tially methanol can replace the fossil fuels in the near future. and 1, 5-ribulosebisphosphate is released as intermediate products
Conversion of CO2 to methanol renewably serves as a superior (Aresta and Dibenedetto, 2007).
method to neutralize the atmospheric CO2 concentration. The pro- Similarly, other biochemical pathways involved in the CO2 con-
cess is denoted by, version are acetyl- CoA pathway, Reductive citric acid pathway and
A. Saravanan, P. Senthil kumar, Dai-Viet N. Vo et al. Chemical Engineering Science 236 (2021) 116515

Fuchs-Holo cycle (He et al., 2013; Hunt et al., 2010). Currently, the industries in order to capture CO2 released from the power
major research area includes genetic engineering of algal metabo- plant (Yong et al., 2015; Long et al., 2017). CO2 is converted to
lism in order to improve the oil production (Miller et al., 2010; CO by [NiFe] Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase, which further con-
Morgan-Kiss et al., 2006). Cyanobacteria are the other choice for verted into different value added products such as hydrocarbons,
the direct utilization of CO2, which produce different value added methanol and acetic acid (Parkin et al., 2007). Reduction of
chemicals such as ethanol (Dexter and Fu, 2009), isobutanol carbon-dioxide with enzyme to form formate, formic acid and
(Atsumi et al., 2009), Isoprene (Lindberg et al., 2010), ethylene methanol has been widely studied (Spinner and Mustain, 2011).
(Ungerer et al., 2012) and alkanes. The genetically engineered CO2 can be converted to formate, by Formate Dehydrogenase iso-
cyanobacteria Synecchococcus elongates produce 26.5 mg/L of iso- lated from the organism Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans (Reda
propanol (Berla et al., 2013; Markley et al., 2014; Nozzi et al., et al., 2008). High efficiency of about 93% in the production of for-
2017). Acetogenic bacteria convert CO2 into Acetyl-CoA by reduc- mate is observed, when the photo generated electrons were used.
tive Acetyl-CoA pathway and further directed towards the produc- The conversion of CO2 to formate takes place by the following reac-
tion of acetic acid (Phillips et al., 2017). Methanogens are the tions (Shi et al., 2017),
microorganisms they produce methane by directly utilizing elec-
trons generated during CO2 utilization and reduction process. CO2 þ Hþ þ 2e ! HCOO ð10Þ
Methanobacterium paulstre, Methanothermobacter marburgensis
and Methanocaldococcus jannaschii are the examples of methano- CO2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e ! CO þ H2 O ð11Þ
gens (Cheng et al., 2009). High cost and need of specialized biore-
It is being recorded that methanol, which is one of the impor-
actor is the major limitation of this process, hence it is not being
tant chemical feedstock can be produced by the chemo-
used in industries (Gross et al., 2012). Another disadvantage with
enzymatic method of CO2 utilization. By combining the electro-
this approach is the fact that the nutrients that are supplied to
chemical method with this chemo-enzymatic process, Faradic effi-
the microbial culture in large scale in turn creates an additional
ciency of (FE) of 10% was achieved (Schlager et al., 2016). Electron
hit on the food shortage issue prevailing in many countries.
source such as NADPH+/NADP couple is the limiting factor in the
Although this approach has these issues, it could be made effective
conversion of CO2 to methanol. In order to overcome the limitation,
on modifying the microbes to utilise a substrate that is present in
other renewable form of energy can be utilized for its reduction
significant quantities or we can use the substrates that are the by-
process (Aresta and Dibenedetto, 2007). CO2 can also be converted
products or wastes generated from the food industry like in the
into methane by the use of enzyme nitrogenase. Yang et al. Studied
case of corn steep liquor. Thus, the future of this approach is
using nitrogenase for methane production, from that it was noted
mainly involved in the techniques of synthetic biology where
that 1 nmol of nitrogenase can yield 21 nmol of methane at opti-
genetic manipulation of the organism can alter the biochemical
mum conditions (Yang et al., 2012).
pathway to produce desired product in large quantities
Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is another enzyme which has a higher
(Darensbourg, 2010).
reaction rate for CO2 conversion when compared with other
enzymes. CA catalyzes the conversion of CO2 into bicarbonate
4.4. Chemo-enzymatic approach (HCO 3 ). The reaction for bicarbonate synthesis was given below,

Chemo-enzymatic is the process that combines biocatalytic CO2 þ H2 O ! HCO3 þ Hþ ð12Þ

reaction for the synthesis of bulk chemicals. The enzymatic method
Besides utilizing CO2, CA is also involved in the process of CO2
has several advantages such as higher selectivity, yield and the
capture and CO2 sequestration. But this reaction requires high tem-
reactions doesn’t require variable conditions. In the current situa-
perature, which affects the activity of the enzyme. These disadvan-
tion, production of such chemical with high stereo selectivity is
tages can be overcome by immobilization of the enzyme onto
important (Biermann et al., 2016). Diagrammatic representation
beads or other matrix materials. Therefore, this process can aid
of chemo-enzymatic approaches for CO2 utilization and conversion
both CO2 capture and utilization leading to the production of valu-
is shown in Fig. 3. Chemo-enzymatic approaches were applied in
able products economically (Gil et al., 2015).
Michael addition is the reaction that is catalyzed by the enzyme
called lyase, which involves in the breaking of the chemical bonds.
This enzyme can be exploited for the carboxylation of molecules to
form useful chemical products (Shi et al., 2015). There are four
types of carboxylation reaction: (i) Carboxylation of epoxides, (ii)
Carboxylation of aromatics, (iii) Carboxylation of hetero aromatics
and (iv) Carboxylation of aliphatic Substrates. Many researches
have been made in usage of multi-enzyme system for the conver-
sion of CO2 to isobutyraldehyde (Atsumi et al., 2009), sugars
(Cazelles et al., 2013) and L-Lactic acid.

4.5. Photocatalytic approach

Photocatalytic conversion of CO2 is one of the emerging area in

the research. This technique utilizes the light irradiation for the
reduction of CO2. Photocatalyst is the light sensitive catalyst
involved in the conversion of CO2 into useful products (Yaashikaa
et al., 2019). This is a better technique than other approaches such
as electrochemical, thermal in terms of energy efficiency and sus-
tainability. However, it is very low product selectivity, so many
researches targeted to improve it. The photocatalytic approach
Fig. 3. Chemo-enzymatic CO2 utilization and conversion. for CO2 utilization and conversion into different value added prod-
A. Saravanan, P. Senthil kumar, Dai-Viet N. Vo et al. Chemical Engineering Science 236 (2021) 116515

Fig. 4. Photocatalytic CO2 utilization and conversion.

ucts is shown in Fig. 4. The two advancements aimed to increase 4.6. Direct air capture of CO2 (DAC CO2)
the photocatalytic approach are developing new forms of catalyst
and photoreactor (Tahir and Amin, 2017). There are two classes Direct air capture (DAC) is one of the CO2 reduction technolo-
in photocatalytic approach such as homogeneous and heteroge- gies by which CO2 was directly captured from the environment
neous (Xiang et al., 2015). Semiconductors are utilized in the such as air released from the biomass power plant and cement
heterogeneous photocatalytic reactions. The process of conversion industries. It can reduce the level of atmospheric CO2 by removing
of CO2 into fuels by means of solar irradiation is sustainable as it those using chemical media. Functionalised sorbent materials and
doesn’t require additional energy. Metal oxides have been utilized alkaline solution are the most commonly used chemical medium
for many purposes such as water treatment and other valuable for CO2 capture in the DAC process. After adsorption, it could be
process. Here, methane is produced through photocatalytic CO2 stripped from the chemical medium by applying heat energy
conversion using different metal oxides as catalyst such as (steam), then the CO2 steam could be dehydrated, compressed
W18O49 (Xi et al., 2012), HNb3O8 (Li et al., 2012), Bi2WO6 (Zhou and the concentrated CO2 was stored for future use. The concen-
et al., 2011), TiO2 (Koci et al., 2009) and Zn2GeO4 (Liu et al., trated CO2 can be used as source for carbonated beverages and
2010). As like methane, various useful products including CO, for- the converted form of CO2 can also be utilized as zero-net carbon
mic acid, formaldehyde and ethanol were produced by utilizing gasoline and synthetic jet fuel. DAC is not an alternative technol-
various metal oxides catalysts such as CuGaO2, LiNbO3, BiVO4, ogy for traditional CO2 reduction methodologies, but it can elimi-
ZnO, TiO2 and WO3 (Lekse et al., 2012). nates the cost required for CO2 capture in CCS process and also
It is reported that the use of metal sulphides has the better abil- used to manage the CO2 emission from different sources. Though
ity to absorb the solar energy and hence has the highest yield. ZnS DAC has the above mentioned advantages, it’s still in the initial
was used as catalyst for the production of methanol and methane stage of development in the Europe and United States. In future,
from CO2 (Koci et al., 2009). However, metal phosphide semicon- large-scale DAC process might be implemented once it connected
ductors were used extensively in the methanol production, they with the policy inducement or economical case uses (Sanz-Pérez
requires high potential for higher yield. For example, methanol is et al., 2016; Beuttler et al., 2019).
synthesized with the faradaic efficiency of 100% of CO2 where p-
type GaP is utilized a catalyst (Barton et al., 2008). In order to pro-
vide the electron for the CO2, doping metal on semiconductor is 5. CO2 conversion process
carried out. Carbon doped TiO2 was used as a catalyst for the con-
version of CO2 into formic acid. 5.1. Hydrogenation
Methane was produced with the help of Dye-sensitized TiO2
with 1% by weight of Pt. Another advanced approach in the CO2 Since the influence of these emissions on the various aspects of
conversion is the usage of Quantum dot-sensitized photocatalyst. our biosphere is constantly increasing, we are in need of different
The maximum CO2 conversion rate was observed in the PbS QDs- strategies to lessen the burden on our planet and one such method
sensitized Cu-TiO2 (Wang et al., 2011). Phthalocyanine sensitized is to convert the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere into valuable
photocatalyst was also used as catalyst due to its higher chemical products and by-products like methanol, dimethyl ether, formic
stability and semi-conductivity. Substrate based photocatalyst acid, etc. CO2 hydrogenation to methanol is a useful methodology
were also developed as they offer high surface area. The substrate as it is used as biofuels, solvents or sources for synthesis of certain
that has been used includes polyethylene terphthalate (PET) and chemicals. The hydrogenation process itself can be made more eco-
polyethylene (PE). The PET supported TiO2 was utilized as sub- friendly through the use of hydrogen obtained from the electrolytic
strate based catalyst to convert CO2 into CO in the presence of a splitting of water instead of using the methane reforming process
light source (Jensen et al., 2011). The different types of value added to produce it. In the electrolysis or water splitting process, water
products produced through various CO2 utilization approaches and could be decomposed into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) gas
the catalysts involved for the conversion process is presented in using electricity with the potential difference of 1.23 V. Thus, the
the Table 2. produced green hydrogen can be effectively utilized as hydrogen
A. Saravanan, P. Senthil kumar, Dai-Viet N. Vo et al. Chemical Engineering Science 236 (2021) 116515

Table 2
List of catalysts used for the production of valuable products through CO2 utilization and conversion approaches.

S. No Catalysts Products Approaches References

1 Sulfur modified copper Formate Electrochemical (Chen et al., 2019a, 2019b)
2 Formate Dehydrogenase Formate Chemo-Enzymatic (Reda et al., 2008)
3 Pd/HZSM-5 Dimethyl ether Hydrogenation (Chu et al., 2017)
4 Nitrogenase Methane Chemo-Enzymatic (Yang et al., 2012)
5 Carbonic anhydrase Bicarbonate (HCO
3) Chemo-Enzymatic (Yong et al., 2015)
6 CuInS2 thin film Methanol Photoelectrochemical (Yuan and Hao, 2013)
7 Indium Acetate and Formate Electrochemical (Zha et al., 2020)
8 Nickel (Ni) Methane Thermal (Reforming) (Zhang et al., 2020b)
9 W18O49 Photocatalytic (Xi et al., 2012)
10 TiO2 Methane & Methanol Photocatalytic (Koci et al., 2009)
11 HNb3O8 nanobelt Methane Photocatalytic (Li et al., 2012)
12 Bi2WO6 nanoplate Methane Photocatalytic (Zhou et al., 2011)
13 Zn2GeO4 nanoribbon Methane Photocatalytic (Liu et al., 2010)
14 Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 Carbon monoxide Reverse water gas shift (RWGS) (Zhuang et al., 2019)
15 ZnS Methanol and Methane Photocatalytic (Koci et al., 2009)
16 p-type GaP Methanol Photoelectrochemical (Barton et al., 2008)
17 PET supported TiO2 Carbon monoxide Photocatalytic (Jensen et al., 2011)
18 Zeolite membrane Methanol Hydrogenation (Raso et al., 2020)
19 CuZnZr/ferrierite hybrid Dimethyl ether (DME) Hydrogenation (Sheng et al., 2020)
20 RuCl3xH2O Formate Hydrogenation (Jaleel et al., 2019)
21 Au/Al2O3 Formate Hydrogenation (Filonenko et al., 2016)

2020b). Ru/MgAl catalyst with non-thermal plasma treatment

exhibited an excellent CO2 conversion rate of about 85% by having
comparatively lower activation energy of 21 kJ mol1 than the
other thermal processes (Xu et al., 2020).
Platinum doped on monovalent graphene catalyst was used to
adsorb CO2 to facilitate the addition of hydrogen to it and the lower
activation energy range of about 0.56–2.8 eV demonstrates its fea-
sibility (Yan et al., 2020). Not only methanol, there can be several
pathways in this hydrogenation process which leads to different
products like in the case of dimethyl ether, which can be used as
a replacement for propane in Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and
it is also preferred as a diesel fuel nowadays. The mechanism caus-
ing this direct conversion is given in Eq. (15).
2CO2 þ 6H2 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ! CH3 OCH3 þ 3H2 O ð15Þ
Fig. 5. Hydrogen production through electrolysis of water. In the above process, the carbon dioxide adsorbed on the cata-
lyst surface tends to get converted into two essential intermedi-
ates, i.e., carbonate and formate finally leading to the formation
fuel. Hydrogen production through electrolysis of water is depicted of methoxy groups and thereby dimethyl ether (Sheng et al.,
in Fig. 5. The general reaction for water splitting or electrolysis of 2020). Another direct dimethyl ether synthesis can be done by
water is given as follows: the power to liquid approach, where electricity helps in H2 produc-
tion and when this is used to hydrogenate carbon dioxide, the total
2H2 O ! 2 H2 + O2 ð13Þ conversion was expected to be about 82% via simulation software
The general reaction for the hydrogenation process is given as like Matlab R2017b (Michailos et al., 2019). Similarly, formates
follows: were also produced through this process as they have various pur-
poses in the printing, and dyeing industries. On the usage of a
CO2 þ 3H2 ! CH3 OH þ H2 O ð14Þ RuCl3xH2O catalyst with a melamine polymer, about 0.42 M of for-
mate could be produced, as a bicarbonate ion is first formed which
The selectivity of this reaction was improved in different ways. then converts to formate (Jaleel et al., 2019). Au/Al2O3 catalysts
The usage of a zeolite membrane in this process was found to yield were able to hydrogenate CO2 with reaction rates of about
methanol more than that of the possible amount in traditional 100 h1 of the product formate formed through the following reac-
reactors due to their issue of thermodynamic equilibrium (Raso tion (Filonenko et al., 2016).
et al., 2020). Similarly, a combination of copper-cerium-
Au=Al2 O3 &Et3 N=THF
zirconium solid solution and copper oxide prepared at 450 °C 
ƒ! HCOO :Et 3 NHþ
H2 þ CO2 ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ ð16Þ
caused the conversion of CO2 to about 71.8% methanol due to the
formation of H+ and HCOO ions in higher quantities (Wang
et al., 2020a, 2020b). Another effective 10Cu/ZnCr-3.5 catalyst pro- 5.2. Esterification
duced a yield of 4.7 mmol/gcat/h of methanol and if CO was added,
it avoided the reverse water gas reaction favouring the production The formation of a fruity smelling compound otherwise known
of methane (Xiong et al., 2019). Cu/AlCeO catalyst prepared as esters using alcohols and acids is a general reaction and the
through co precipitation was able to make the surface of the cata- usage of CO2 in it provides numerous advantages like in the case
lyst more basic helping the hydrogenation process to form metha- of an esterification of fatty acids with ethanol using an
nol with STY (space time yield) of 11.9 mmol h1 g1 (Li et al., Amberlyst-15 catalyst, supercritical CO2 (carbon dioxide exists as
A. Saravanan, P. Senthil kumar, Dai-Viet N. Vo et al. Chemical Engineering Science 236 (2021) 116515

a fluid above its critical temperature and pressure), increased the N-Diethylethanolamine, its rate of degradation was found to be
conversion to CoA esters by about 50% (Melfi et al., 2019). Simi- increased (Gao et al., 2014). When Calcium carbonate is treated
larly, this supercritical CO2 when used along with montmorillonite at conditions lower than 1000 °C, CaO are particles formed which
K10 catalyst aided in increasing the conversion of levulinic acid when mixed with Al3+ ions enable the conversion of CO2 to CO2 3
to ethyl levulinate by about 9% and it also helped the catalyst to as they act as a catalyst to the sintering reaction (Beruto et al.,
withhold its potency for 4 reuses (Da Silva Junior et al., 2020). 2012). About 95% conversion of carbon dioxide into CO was
Rosin is a resin obtained from pine trees and when it is hydro- achieved using thermal plasma by first pre activating CO2 to O2
genated to yield glycerol esters, the addition of subcritical CO2 low- which then helps in the following carbon oxidation process
ered the activation energy of the reaction acting as an acid catalyst (Li et al., 2019).
ensuring the possibility for comparatively less stringent conditions SnO produced from SnO2 was able to catalyze the conversion of
than normal (Zhang et al., 2017). A decrease of about 6 kJ mol1 carbon dioxide and water to hydrogen and CO with the CO2 reduc-
activation energy in the presence of SC CO2 for the same rosin tion requiring comparatively increased temperatures (Abanades,
esterification reaction along with the lowering of the change in 2012). When iron oxide (Fe3O4) was subjected to redox reactions
enthalpy (DH°) were also observed (Zhou et al., 2018). In the case with carbon dioxide, about 99% yield of syngas (CO and H2) was
of the production of flavour esters from fatty acids using lipase obtained at 1600 K with increased pressure and decreased temper-
enzyme, the usage of supercritical CO2 was found to activate or ature favouring the reaction (Bachirou et al., 2016). The obtained
deactivate the enzyme based on the conditions set and this fluid syngas can be converted into various fuels and other products.
as a medium helps the fatty acids to bind with the enzyme better Another process of producing it is by the Zn/ZnO redox reactions
(Dias et al., 2018). Similarly, lipase obtained from Pseudomonas with the final product of syngas and ZnO at operating conditions
cepacia was treated with both sub and supercritical CO2 and the of 2030 K and ZnO is sent back to the reactants (Loutzenhiser
latter increased its esterification activity due to certain changes and Steinfeld, 2011). The heat requirements for the redox reactions
in their secondary and tertiary structure of proteins (Chen et al., involving Zr-CeO2 is comparatively lower than perovskites in the
2013). Diethyl carbonate is an ester that can be used as a fuel addi- syngas production process and so the overall efficiency was higher
tive and an electrolyte for batteries. An amount of 0.056 mmol h1- than the other catalyst with no need for temperatures to be beyond
of product was obtained from ethanol and CO2 and the presence of 1600 °C (Muhich et al., 2018). CoFe2O4 produced via sol-gel
CO2 increased the yield of dimethyl carbonate than traditional method was capable of producing syngas of about 139 mmol of
reactions. CO/g at 1000 °C which was higher than other Co ferrite materials
(Takalkar et al., 2019).
2CH3 OH þ CO2 ! CH3 OCðOÞOCH3 þ H2 O ð17Þ
Dimethyl carbonate, which can also be used as a fuel additive, 5.4. Methanation
was produced from carbon dioxide at 7.3 MPa and 80 °C 
100 °C produced a yield of about 97% dimethyl carbonate from dis- The conversion of CO2 into methane holds various uses as in the
tillation (Wang et al., 2017a). case of fuel Cells and it is an important intermediate which can
then get converted into syngas, which is also a fuel for even inter-
5.3. Oxidation and reduction nal combustion engines (Sun et al., 2020). Upon adding different
concentrations of Ni (wt.%) to MgO catalyst, the conversion of
The following reaction indicates the catalytic conversion of CO2 was revealed to be about 87% at a range of 533–648 K with
ethylene to ethylene oxide and it has been observed that about Nickel helping out in more hydrogen to be adsorbed onto the sur-
2.8 tons of CO2 was utilized with the operating temperatures used face favouring increased conversion based on the amount added
being even lesser than 400 °C (Mobley et al., 2017). (Loder et al., 2020). The methanation kinetics were analysed using
three different modelled reactors out of which the bubbling
C 2 H4 þ CO2 ! C 2 H4 O þ CO ð18Þ
fluidized-bed reactor required the least amount of catalyst
Since, nickel is an important element extracted from ores, (34 kg) at a flow rate of 166.5 Nm3/h than the other fixed bed reac-
extraction of Ni from nickel laterite by first reducing it and then tors for converting carbon dioxide by about 90% (Italiano et al.,
by oxidation using carbon dioxide at 1100 °C obtained a good qual- 2019; Ngo et al., 2020). Since this process is an exothermic in nat-
ity ferronickel with 37.2% nickel grade (Hang et al., 2020). Using a ure, a plasma activated reactor for methanation was proposed with
LaFexCo1xO3 perovskite oxide, CO2 was used to oxidise methane a safety insulation ensuring no excessive loss of the evolved heat
where the reaction involved the partial splitting of carbon dioxide and the observed temperature of 350 °C ensured reduced power
to CO with a selectivity of about 52% and the provision of Fe to this consumptions for the plasma-based reactor with about 73% effi-
reaction promoted both the conversion and separation reactions ciency (Biset-Peiro et al., 2020). C12A7 also called as Mayenites
(Shen et al., 2020). FeOx/TiO2 catalyst is capable of a chemical loop- when used with Ruthenium along with a hydroxide ion had lower
ing reaction (a redox reaction of ethane to ethylene conversion and activation energy of 70.9 kJ mol1at 225 °C than other ions or mod-
CO2 to CO conversion) producing CO of about 2 mmol/g of CO2 at ified catalysts because this OH allows for the production of car-
reaction conditions of 700 °C (Jeong et al., 2020). The treatment bonates which then gets converted to formates and thereby to an
of supercritical CO2 to metals like steels are involved in several intermediate necessary for methane formation (Wu et al., 2020).
thermal related industries and we can see that the oxidation of Ni/CeO2 prepared through a sol gel method was found to have
these metals, which is not feasible was reduced when the CO2 pres- an activity that is 2–48 times greater than conventional Ni/CeO2
sure was provided at 5 MPa (Bidabadi et al., 2019). In all the ther- catalysts with a conversion of about 80% and this was due to the
mal process, evolution of carbon dioxide after combustion is a huge formation of an aldehyde intermediate (Ye et al., 2020). Another
disadvantage and so there are several methods used to tackle that. approach using Ni/Ce combination was to support them through
A simulation study of a model for amine combustion indicated that reduced graphene oxides. This provided a good product yield of
for a run time of about 7500 h/year, it could capture 408 tCO2 /h as about 83% and conversion of about 84% and this was because of
they have included the degradation of solvents along with it that graphene’s increased surface area, allowing the proper attach-
(Leonard et al., 2015). Similarly, amine degradation to other ment of the metal (Hu et al., 2019). This CO2 methanation process
products thermally doesn’t happen easily as they are thermally when performed in a fluidized bed reactor using a NiMgW catalyst
stable, but upon the addition of 0.7 CO2 /mol DEEA, N, indicated that the product yield lowered when the feed inlet rate
A. Saravanan, P. Senthil kumar, Dai-Viet N. Vo et al. Chemical Engineering Science 236 (2021) 116515

and the particle sphericity and diameter became higher (Jia et al., when Ni gets reduced during the reaction, it will cause the
2019). In the case of Ni/SiO2-Al2O3 catalyst, the addition of Mn methane to get converted to carbon which has a negative impact
was proven to be helpful as it aids in the reduction process and on the CO2 conversion process. So, calcined ilmenite with NiO
in adsorbing carbon dioxide even at lower temperatures than nor- was used in order to avoid the negative impact and the time taken
mal (Vrijburg et al., 2020). The impregnation of nickel nanoparti- for the syngas production was 5 min for 5% NiO added (Sun et al.,
cles onto a chromium terephthalate MIL-101 was utilized for 2019). Ni with a silica coating supported on carbon fibers having
methane production, which yielded a XCO2 of about 56% at 5% by weight of Ni was utilized for the methane reforming process
320 °C. The reason for this production was because of using an with an excellent methane conversion of about 90% and this com-
increased H2 proportion in the CO2:H2 ratio (Mihet et al., 2019). bination was found to make the sintering resistance higher for the
The use of plasma to deposit particles as a thin film was utilized Ni particles (Wei et al., 2020). Activated carbon catalysts with dif-
on CoOx catalysts and it was seen that the oxidative state of Cobalt ferent additions like Ce, Co and W were tried out in different pro-
was involved more in the methanation process and out of those, portions using the multi RSM (Response Surface Methodology) and
CoO could manage an excellent CO2 conversion of 73% the results show that Ce and Co contributed positively to the car-
(Kierzkowska-Pawlak et al., 2019). bon dioxide conversion but W caused both the reactant conver-
sions to lower (Li et al., 2020a).
A membrane made up of ceramic-carbonate which was found to
5.5. Reforming have an excellent permeation capability of oxygen and CO2 was
used for the oxy reforming reaction and this was capable of pro-
The reaction of carbon dioxide with methane to produce syn- ducing a continuous amount of syngas for even up to 300 h at
thesis gas is known as dry reforming and if water is added along 875 °C with alterable H2/CO ratios (Fabián-Anguiano et al., 2019).
with the process, it is called as bi-reforming. The different types Ni-0.35C/Al2O3 catalyst along with glucose was prepared and the
of reforming processes including dry reforming, bi-reforming and glucose degraded to products such as methane and H2. These prod-
tri-reforming processes for CO2 utilization and conversion are ucts helped in reducing the nickel particles easily which is neces-
shown in Fig. 6. The formed syngas can be converted into different sary for the reaction without the application of any extra thermal
kinds of organic products like methanol, and synthetic fuels. ZrO2/ energy, especially for the reduction process (Zhao et al., 2019).
Al2O3 along with nickel and cobalt which has been co-precipitated Ni-Fe-Al oxide catalyst was used for the chemical looping reform-
has been used as a catalyst after calcination for this reforming pro- ing of methane and it achieved an 88% selectivity of carbon monox-
cess and the addition of 0.2% Rh ensured an excellent carbon diox- ide and a methane conversion of about 98% for up to 20 runs. This
ide conversion of about 71% with only 3.8% of cake accumulation combination could also avoid the deposition of carbon on the cat-
onto the catalyst (Al-Fatesh et al., 2018). Reforming along with alyst to a good extent (Kim et al., 2020).
steam in a gliding arc reactor utilizing plasma was found to
increase the formation of hydrogen in the product stream due to 5.6. Reverse water-gas shift (RWGS) reaction
the formation of hydroxide radicals. This process could lower the
production of soot since it does not involve thermal stimulus Reverse water-gas shift reaction, is a way of producing CO and
(Xia et al., 2020a). Ni/SiO2 catalysts were prepared and calcined water when carbon dioxide is treated with H2. Hence, this method
at different temperatures for using in the reforming process and is an efficient carbon mitigation strategy with an additional provi-
the calcination temperature of 600 °C provided the best CO2 con- sion to obtain water. A stainless steel of the type 316 having a noz-
version of 3.2 mmol g1 Ni s
due to the optimal medium sizes of zle diameter of about 20 lm was used as a catalyst for the RWGS
the Ni nanoparticles on the catalyst surface (Zhang et al., 2019a). reaction resulting in a conversion of about 80% at 1000 K with the
CNiCe (a nickel-based CeO2 added catalyst) was availed for the temperature being directly proportional to the yield (Thompson
dry reforming reaction with the conversion first lowering to 52% et al., 2020). Zeolite-based Mo catalysts were tried out for this
due to sintering of nickel, which later increased to about 79% RWGS reaction and they achieved a good CO selectivity value of
because of the reduction of NiO (Zhang et al., 2020b). The presence about 99% with the addition of Cu helping out in the Mo reduction
of just nickel as a catalyst alone would not help in reforming as process, facilitating a better conversion of about 18% at a temper-
ature of 773 K (Okemoto et al., 2020). Normal Mo particle size is
comparatively large making it less effective for the RWGS reaction
because of its low catalytic activity and this was changed by car-
burising it to change it into Mo2C. Therefore, the prepared Mo2C
particles have a diameter of just 0.5 nm and are capable of provid-
ing a greater product selectivity of about 99% aided by the addition
of nitrogen which changed its basicity (Ma et al., 2020). Tungsten
chloride catalysts were added along with Na or K and by lowering
the activation energy, they increase the amount of CO2 adsorption
on for the RWGS reaction. Therefore, a product yield of about 26%
was obtained at 350 °C for the WC catalyst with added potassium
(Morse et al., 2019). Saponite clay with different metal elements
like Cu, Co and Ni was tried out with the Ni-Cu combination having
no deposition of carbon on the catalyst or sintering and it provided
increased selectivity towards the RWGS reaction and mostly avoids
methane formation (Nityashree et al., 2019). Cu/CeO2 nanospheres
as catalysts for the RWGS reaction were analysed and it showed
that the presence of O2 vacant sites on the surface aided most of
the CO2 to get adsorbed and get converted into necessary interme-
diates like formates, carbonates important for it to convert into CO
and water (Zhang et al., 2020a). Two vanadium carbide catalysts
Fig. 6. Different types of CO2 reforming processes. with one (V8C7) having a deficiency in the number of C atoms were
A. Saravanan, P. Senthil kumar, Dai-Viet N. Vo et al. Chemical Engineering Science 236 (2021) 116515

utilised for the RWGS study. From the study, it was observed that includes catalyst instability at the elevated temperature, syngas
the catalyst with the C vacancy adsorbed more amount of CO2 and production, and low selectivity and cost (Galadima et al., 2011).
lowered the energy barrier for the carbon dioxide dissociation to In the above two approaches, selectivity is low and it is difficult
the product by about 1 eV (Pajares et al., 2020). The use of 5% to use high performance catalyst. Although selectivity is higher in
Co/CeO2 mesoporous catalyst for the RWGS reaction was found chemo-enzymatic conversion of CO2, there are certain disadvan-
to be efficient for a run of about 10 h at 600 °C due to the excellent tages such as high cost, recycling of catalysts, undesirable interac-
interaction between the Co and the ceria having a large surface tions in co-immobilization and unavailability of ion type cofactors
area ensuring good catalytic activity (Wang and Liu, 2018). Iron (Shi et al., 2015). Photocatalytic conversion process requires high
supported on alumina was an extremely selective catalyst for capital, energy for the utilization of semiconductors with a broad
RWGS reaction and exhibited high CO selectivity and fast catalytic band gap. The major limitations in the substrate based photocata-
CO formation (Sengupta et al., 2019). A conversion of about 50% at lyst are degradation of the polymer, formation of volatile products
a temperature of 500 °C was achieved when 0.5% Ru was added to and difficulty in separating the catalyst from the product. Catalysts
Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst. The yield of CO was actually twice the nor- involved in the conversion require optimization and treatments,
mal because of the Ru addition which had become Ru-Cu nanopar- which can further add up to the cost (Kumar et al., 2012). The con-
ticles and it was completely towards the formation of CO (Zhuang version of CO2 into long chain hydrocarbons is difficult (Hu et al.,
et al., 2019). MgO nanocrystals prepared using surfactants were 2013). In addition, there is a limitation in the kinetics of the con-
doped with different concentrations of Ni and 7% Ni addition pro- version of CO2 (Kumar et al., 2012). Most of these technologies
vided the best catalytic activity even after a run for 50 h at 600 °C are still in their development or pre-commercial stage, which
and any much higher addition of Ni than this affected the final cause a problem with scale-up (Cadham et al., 2016). CO2 utiliza-
yield (Ranjbar et al., 2018). tion is less supported than the conventional energy sources and
it is not yet commercialized (Huang et al., 2014).

6. Difficulties in CO2 utilization and conversion 7. Current status and future perspectives

The challenges involved in the CO2 utilization include (i) Cost Energy utilization is primarily contributed by the fossil fuels
required for the capture of CO2 in CCS technique, (ii) energy such as coal, petroleum and natural gas. With the increase in global
requirements and (iii) market scale up (Spinner et al., 2012). There- economic development, there is an increase in the level of CO2 in
fore, the source of the CO2 must be considered as a major factor, as the atmosphere. It is reported that the resources are getting
that influences the cost involved in its capture and utilization exploited significantly higher than the amount that is actually
(Chen et al., 2018). As discussed, CO2 is converted into beneficial needed and hence more waste is generated leading to the increase
products by the use of different approaches. Due to certain practi- in the greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, it is highly essential to
cal difficulties, electrochemical conversion is not applied majorly implement major changes in the energy system. The challenges
in industries even in the present due to optimization of the Fara- involved in the utilization of CO2 as the energy source are majorly
daic efficiency (FE), Energetic Efficiency (EE) and Current Density around economic viability. As carbon dioxide is not a high value
(CD) which are required to succeed in this approach (Jhong et al., product such as ethylene or syngas, it has fewer industrial applica-
2013). The mineralization of CO2 is not feasible due to the technical tions, and therefore less profitable. A crucial problem that affects
challenges (Galadima and Muraza, 2019). However, the normal the thermal conversion of CO2 is the associated operational and
weathering process is made to use by mining minerals like olivines cost difficulties. Designing of new reactors will provide the chance
which can convert the atmospheric carbon to bicarbonates and to implement large-scale CO2 utilization. Future studies can also be
later into limestone’s through the in situ in dunite massifs focused on combining the usage of associated thermo stable
approach or to fill ground olivine in deserted deep opencast mines. catalytic-mechanism in order to enhance the selectivity. In the pre-
In this approach excess heat was generated during the reaction sent, the photocatalytic conversion of CO2 was carried out in the
process that can be collected as steam having high enthalpy. For presence of artificial source of light. Research in this field is tar-
the effective result the high enthalpy steam should be applied only geted towards the utilization of the solar energy for the CO2 con-
to a large volume of olivine, because for the same operation in a version and in the minimization of the band gap energy by the
smaller scale, the heat losses will be more. Author Schuiling pro- process of doping the semiconductors. The success rate of both of
vides a solution for the above-mentioned problem through a con- these methods will rely upon the research based on the integration
vective system which is similar to the geothermal system. For of areas such as solar absorbing infrastructure, efficient system for
the convective system, the grounded olivine is to be filled in half the capture of CO2 and basic understanding about the techniques.
of the deserted deep opencast mines and covered it by backfill In the last 50 years, numerous studies have been contributed in the
and then at the bottom side the collected high enthalpy steam field of electrochemical conversion of CO2. In order to improve the
and CO2 were injected. Thereby, the CO2 level in the atmosphere efficiency, further studies can be carried out to improve the cata-
might be reduced. This approach can be optimised and also has lyst lifetime, increase the tolerance for impurities and in the design
the potential to be cost effective (Schuiling, 2006). The common of specialized reactors. The present biochemical approaches have
difficulties involved in the biochemical conversion, includes nutri- low selectivity and low product yield. The exploitation of the
ent delivery, collection of products and maintenance of culture. It diverse population of autotrophic microorganism and utilization
is suggested that organism can be genetically engineered in order of the other techniques such as metabolic engineering, next gener-
to overcome these difficulties. However, multiple copies of the ation sequencing and genetic manipulation to attain the desirable
genomes lead to genetic knockout. Further, pretreatment is results will significantly contribute to the successful biochemical
required and productivity is less when compared to that of conversion of CO2. Biochemical conversion of CO2 can possibly find
thermo-chemical process. Additionally, they require long process- its applications in the chemical, petrochemical, agricultural, envi-
ing time, high reaction time and involves difficulties in down- ronmental and pharmaceutical industries. Chemo-enzymatic
stream processing steps (Singh et al., 2015). The thermal approach towards the utilization of CO2 is a promising technique
approach requires harsh operating conditions such as high pres- in order to achieve high selection and product yield. The possible
sure and high temperature. Limitations of the thermal approach work in this area may be around the disadvantages involved in
A. Saravanan, P. Senthil kumar, Dai-Viet N. Vo et al. Chemical Engineering Science 236 (2021) 116515

these techniques. The existing enzymes are highly expensive and Declaration of Competing Interest
studies have been carried out to increase its activity and stability.
Research in identifying the problems in industrial application and The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
scaling them up is desired. Further, the design of the enzymes by cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
computational methods can be used to create novel enzymes that to influence the work reported in this paper.
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field of CO2 capture, utilization and sequestration are present
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