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Prepared by: Matthew Dagman
What makes a book, great?
Always stood the test of time
It has universal appeal
Classics must remain relevant to all
generations by having high quality of
characters, story, and writing.
Medea by Euprides
In Euripides’ retelling of the legend, the Colchian princess Medea has
married the hero Jason. They have lived happily for some years at Corinth
and have produced two sons. As the play’s action begins, Jason has decided
to cast off Medea and to marry the daughter of Creon, king of Corinth. After
a dreadful struggle between her passionate sense of injury and her love for
her children, Medea determines that she will punish Jason by murdering not
only her own sons but also the Corinthian princess, leaving Jason to grow old
with neither wife nor child. She carries out the murders and escapes in the
chariot of her grandfather, the sun-god Helios. Despite the monstrosity of
Medea’s deeds, Euripides succeeds in evoking sympathy for her.
How this book made an impact to your life that
qualifies it to be "great?"
we, like the Greeks, know that life is not always perfect or
good times like marriages can be also be destructive and
family members hurt each other. While tragedy explores
the ultimate expressions of our fears that life will
disappoint us. They allow us to space the question what
happens if marriages are not just damaging but also
actually murder
Expectations on the class as far as readings classic

classics are relatable up until the present time

opens up a perspective to different worlds and
historical perspectives
it will also build up a strong foundation of the literature
for the succeeding topics.
Personal Expectations
enables us to see the world through the eyes of others
It trains the mind to be flexible, to comprehend other
points of view
to set aside one’s personal perspectives to see life
through the eyes of someone who is of another age,
class, or race.

Thank you!

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