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A note from the Principal Officer

Benefit options designed to put GEMS members first

You will no doubt agree that quality healthcare cover has become essential in our time. Knowing just how
important your health is to you, we at GEMS are humbled that more than half a million government employees
have entrusted their health, and that of their loved ones, to us. This means that we provide healthcare cover
to over 1.4 million South Africans, a responsibility that we do not take lightly.

The Scheme has already grown by 100 000 Principal Members since the end of 2009, and despite being
the largest closed and second largest medical scheme overall in South Africa, we take pride in remaining
close to our members. GEMS is exclusive to Public Service employees and we are as focused as ever on
our members and their healthcare needs. After all, we exist to make life easier for you and your loved ones.

The astonishing growth of GEMS bears testament to the Scheme’s outstanding service provision and
member-centric benefit options. Well known for its unrivalled innovation and ability to design and implement
benefits and services that fulfil the needs of its members, GEMS’s 2011 product range is as impressive as

Despite difficult economic times we are pleased to announce that we have been able to keep the average increase on contributions to 9.81% for 2011.
Sapphire, Beryl and Ruby’s increases are 8%, Emerald has an increase of 9.8% and Onyx’s is 11%. For your ease of reference we have included the
contribution tables with this guide. A handy contribution calculator can also be found on the GEMS website at Please study this
closely in order to determine how the contribution increase will impact your pocket.

As you know, your contribution is based on your salary level, meaning that those who earn less pay lower contributions based on each option’s
contribution income bands. These income bands have been expanded for 2011 to accommodate annual cost of living increases. Some members may
find themselves in lower income bands than before and these members will see a saving on their medical contributions.

This option selection pack is your guide to the benefits on offer from GEMS in 2011. Please take the time to study your options. Be sure to choose the
one that is best suited to your family’s healthcare needs and budget. Please remember that you can only change your benefit option at the end of every
year, so do consider your options carefully before selecting the one that would serve your needs best.

We continue to listen to you and to consider your needs and 2011 will be no different. We are again raising the bar to ensure that we continue to offer
you excellent service and excellent benefits. GEMS remains committed to being your partner in good health and providing affordable, accessible and
sustainable healthcare benefits that are designed with you in mind.

Be assured that the pursuit of excellence continues with unrivalled growth of more than 10 000 members each month; comprehensive benefits
available to more than 515 000 members in 2011; claims worth R1 billion paid consistently every month confirming the soundness of GEMS finances
now and into the future. The Council for Medical Schemes has also approved the GEMS contributions and benefits for 2011 and the financial
projections up to 2015.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support while wishing you health and happiness in 2011.
Warm wishes

Eugene Watson
Principal Officer

in gi ng Y OU options
Two year
benefit cycle
phased out
The Registrar of Medical Schemes instructed GEMS to phase out the two calendar year benefit
structure that was introduced from 1 January 2009 (and phased out from January 2010), because
it was found to be inconsistent with regulation 9(a) of the Medical Scheme Act. The two calendar year
benefit will be phased out by December 2011. The benefits of beneficiaries who joined the Scheme
between January 2010 and 31 December 2011 will be calculated pro-rata from the date of registration.
This will mainly affect members on the Ruby, Emerald and Onyx options.

How does this affect you?

Mr. Mgxesha joined the GEMS Emerald option in 2008. A new two calendar year cycle started on 1
January 2009 and this cycle will end on 31 December 2010. The benefits available on his pathology
benefit, for instance, will then be R2 893 (R5 786 divided by 2) for his family for the one year, 2011.

Ms. Mqutheni joined the GEMS Onyx option in January 2010. She is thus in the middle of the two
calendar year cycle of her benefits’ allocation. If she used her entire available benefit for dentistry (for
example) during 2010, there will be no benefit available for 2011, with the exception of the 5% limit
increase. However, if she only used half of her available two calendar year benefit, there will still be
half of the original benefit left over plus the benefit increase for 2011 for use during 2011. This cycle
will end on 31 December 2011 and she will then also be on the one calendar year cycle thereafter.

Any member who joins on or after 1 January 2011 will immediately be on the one calendar year benefit

The attached benefit schedule reflects the benefits available for the two calendar year cycle. If you
joined before 2010, or join from 1 January 2011, the benefit amounts available on the one calendar
year cycle is effectively half of the indicated amounts. See example below:

Prosthesis (internal) • Subject to pre-authorisation and

managed care protocols and processes
Two calendar year cycle: Amount reflected
100% of Scheme rate • Shared with medical and surgical here is available for 2010/2011.
appliances as well as out-of-hospital external prosthesis limit One calendar year cycle: Half of this amount
• Limited to R47 250 per family over two calendar years
(phased out)* is available for 2011.

Members who join the Scheme during 2011 will have pro-rated benefits available depending on the date of
registration. E.g. If a member joins in on 1 April 2011, three quarters of the available benefit is allocated to him/her.

For easy reference, these are the benefits that have been affected by this change:

• Medical and surgical • Caregiver Block benefit:
appliances and external prosthesis Physiotherapy
• Prosthesis - internal • Auxiliary Block benefit:
Audiology, occupational therapy and speech therapy
Pathology and medical technology
• Supportive Block benefit:
ONYX Allied health services
• Dental services Dental Services
• Medical and surgical appliances Basic radiology
and external prosthesis • Medical and surgical appliances and external prosthesis
• Prosthesis - internal

Please note: All optical benefits for each beneficiary across all benefit options may only be claimed once every second year.
10 basic steps that is all
- it takes!
With today’s hectic pace of living, we all want the most comfortable options in life and service providers who offer us plenty of
Your easy guide to completing your GEMS 2011

support. Our service to you is further enhanced by the affordable benefits that we offer to all members. At the end of each year,
you, our valued member, have the opportunity to change to another benefit option. Carefully consider your healthcare needs, the
benefits of each option, as well as the monthly contribution, before making your selection. Remember that you are not allowed to
change your option during the year, unless special approval is obtained from the Board.

Should you wish to change your option for 2011, please follow the easy steps below.

Remember that your "Make your choice" form must reach us on or before 30 November 2010.

Carefully assess your healthcare needs and decide if you NEED to change your current option.
option selection form.

Be sure to consult the 2011 benefit schedule and corresponding contribution table with due care.

Please select the best option for you, based on your family’s healthcare needs.

Please indicate your 2011 option selection on the enclosed form only if you wish to change to another benefit option.

If you are happy with your existing option, you need not complete the option selection form. Please do take note of the new
contributions for 2011.

Carefully check your personal details on the option selection form and correct any information that is incorrect or that may have

Please choose the language option and communication preferences on the option selection form that works best for you. At
GEMS we want to talk to you in your own language.

Be sure to send the completed form to us by:

• Faxing it to 0861 00 4367;
• Handing it in at the regional office closest to you;
• Emailing it to or
• Posting it to us at: GEMS
Private Bag X782
Cape Town

You can change your option before 30 November 2010 by phoning our 24-hour automated self-service facility on 0860 00 4367
and selecting option THREE (3). You can then select the language in which you want to be assisted. Once you have selected
your language, please press ONE (1) for the automated service. Press ZERO (0) to change your option. You will need to enter
the member number, Principal Member’s ID number and cell phone number.

Do you want to do your option change online? You can access the “Member Online” section on to make
your option change before 30 November 2010.

Please remember: The completed form must reach us on or before 30 November 2010.
Please don’t delay - if you intend changing your GEMS option, please get your option change
form to us as soon as possible.

Fo r fur ther E N QUI R I E S

r e g a r d in g Y O U R 2 0 1 1 b e n e fit s

contact us on 0 8 6 0 00 4367
Return address: GEMS Private Bag X782, Cape Town, 8000


Bringing health within your reach

2011 Monthly What’s

These are the total monthly contributions for 2011 and do
not reflect the employer subsidy. Where an employee is
eligible for a subsidy, the employer will pay a portion of
the contribution and the employee the balance.

Member: Refers to the Principal Member as defined in the registered main

body of the rules.
At GEMS we believe in providing benefits that make a difference!
Adult: Refers to a spouse and other adult dependants as defined Some of the enhancements that were made to the benefit design
in the main body of of the rules. for 2011, are:
Child: Refers to child dependants as defined in the main body of the rules.
• Benefit limits:
Sapphire Salary band Member Adult Child Increased by 5% across the board for all options.
R0-R5 350 R 520 R 380 R 220
• Once a pregnant member or beneficiary registers on the
R5 351-R7 500 R 544 R 404 R 236 Maternity Programme, most of her pregnancy-related claims
R7 501-R12 850 R 580 R 424 R 252 will now be paid from the maternity benefit. This means that
visits to specialists and 2D scans, for instance, will be paid
R12 851+ R 644 R 504 R 304 from the maternity benefit and not from the day-to-day or
Beryl Salary band Member Adult Child radiology benefit. This will ensure that your benefits and care
will last longer.
R0-R5 350 R 600 R 552 R 332
R5 351-R7 500 R 652 R 596 R 364 • Sapphire:
R7 501-R12 850 R 708 R 656 R 392 Members will, from 2011, be able to obtain plastic dentures.
R12 851+ R 852 R 788 R 476
• Sapphire and Beryl:
Ruby Salary band Member Adult Child Pharmacist-assisted therapy is now unlimited at a Network
R0-R8 050 R1 192 R 832 R 456 pharmacy.
R8 051-R13 900 R1 332 R 928 R 512 • Ruby:
R13 901+ R1 480 R1 032 R 564 Contraceptives are now covered, subject to funds available
Please note: 25% of your contributions go towards your PMSA. in the personal medical savings account (PMSA).
Emerald Salary band Member Adult Child
• Emerald:
R0-R8 050 R1 272 R 900 R 468 Contraceptives are now covered, subject to the acute medicine
R8 051-R13 900 R1 408 R1 008 R 524 benefit and a sub-limit of R1 800 per beneficiary per annum.
R13 901+ R1 580 R1 124 R 584 • Ruby, Emerald and Onyx:
Onyx Salary band Member Adult Child In-hospital physiotherapy now includes a sub-limit of R3 200
R0-R8 050 R1 932 R1 372 R 576
per beneficiary per annum.

R8 051-R17 150 R2 012 R1 424 R 624

R17 151+ R2 172 R1 552 R 696
SAPPHIRE Statutory prescribed minimum benefits (PMB)
100% of Scheme rate • PMBs supersedes all other benefit provisions


Annual overall hospital limit (public hospitals and Alcohol and drug dependencies • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed
GEMS approved registered unattached theatres care protocols and processes and use of DSP
and day clinics) • Service rendered by DSP • Chronic 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
medicine provided by chronic DSP • Subject to pre-
authorisation Allied health services • Includes chiropractors, dieticians, homeopaths,
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to overall annual chiropodists, phytotherapists, reflexologists, social workers, naturopaths,
hospital limit of R140 070 per family per annum orthoptists, acupuncturists, ayuverdic practitioners, osteopaths,
aromatherapists, therapeutic massage therapists, Chinese medicine
Allied health services • Includes chiropractors, practitioners • Subject to referral by DSP GP and pre-authorisation • Subject
dieticians, homeopaths, chiropodists, phytotherapists, to managed care protocols, processes and registration with relevant statutory
reflexologists, social workers, naturopaths, orthoptists, bodies
acupuncturists, ayuverdic practitioners, osteopaths, 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
aromatherapists, therapeutic massage therapists,
Chinese medicine practitioners • Subject to referral Audiology, occupational therapy and speech therapy • Subject to referral
by DSP GP and pre-authorisation • Subject to by DSP GP and pre-authorisation
managed care protocols, processes and registration 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
with relevant statutory bodies Dental services • Subject to list of approved services, managed care
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs protocols and processes and use of DSP
Alternatives to hospitalisation (hospice, sub- 100% of Scheme rate
acute hospitals and private nursing) • Subject to - Conditions with pain and sepsis, clinically indicated dental services
pre-authorisation and managed care protocols and including extraction and emergency root canal procedure, intra oral
processes radiography • Subject to list of approved services, managed care protocols
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R14 007 per family and processes and use of DSP
per annum • Excludes frail care 100% of Scheme rate • One per beneficiary per annum subject to PMBs
- Dentures (plastic)
Blood transfusion • Subject to pre-authorisation, 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited at DSP
managed care protocols and processes - Examinations and preventative treatment • Subject to list of approved
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs services, managed care protocols and processes and use of DSP
100% of Scheme rate • One treatment episode per beneficiary per annum
Dentistry (conservative, restorative) • Subject to - Fillings • Subject to list of approved services, managed care protocols
managed care protocols and processes • Only and processes and use of DSP
applicable to beneficiaries under the age of eight 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited at DSP
years, severe trauma and impacted third molars
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital Emergency assistance (road and air) • Call 0800 44 4367 • Subject to
limit and out-of-hospital dentistry limit • Excludes use of emergency services DSP and managed care protocols
osseo-integrated implants, all implant related procedures 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
and orthognatic surgery
General practitioners • Consultations, visits and all other services at
Emergency services (casualty department) DSP/network providers
• Subject to authorisation and managed care 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
protocols and processes - Emergency medical conditions at DSP and involuntary use of non-
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs DSP provider
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited for PMBs
General practitioners • Consultations and visits - GPs: Voluntary use of out-of-network providers
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital 80% of Scheme rate (20% member co-payment) • Limited to one visit per
limit beneficiary, two per family per annum and R693 per event
Maternity benefits (public hospitals and HIV infection, AIDS and related illness • Subject to registration on and
designated private hospitals) • Subject to pre- compliance with the Scheme’s DMP and managed care protocols and
authorisation and registration on the Maternity processes
Programme • Includes midwife 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital
limit • Elective caesarean may be subject to second Infertility • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care protocols and
opinion and managed care protocols • Complications processes and use of DSP
of pregnancy for mother and neonatal care 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
Medical technologist • Subject to pre-authorisation Maternity • Ante-natal and post-natal specialist visits • Subject to referral
• Includes materials from DSP GP and pre-authorisation • Includes 2 x 2D ultrasound scans per
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs pregnancy
100% of Scheme rate • Five visits per pregnancy
Mental health • Subject to pre-authorisation and
managed care protocols and processes Medical and surgical appliances and external prosthesis • Includes
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs hearing aids, wheelchairs, oxygen cylinders, nebulisers, glucometers,
colostomy kits, diabetic equipment and external prostheses • Applicable
Oncology (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) • In- to in- and out-of-hospital • Subject to prescription by DSP GP, pre-
and out-of-hospital • Includes medicine and materials authorisation and managed care protocols and processes
• Subject to pre-authorisation and clinical guidelines 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R4 200 per family
used in public facilities
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs Mental health • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care protocols and
processes and the use of DSP
Organ and tissue transplants • Subject to pre- 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
authorisation and clinical guidelines used in public
facilities • Includes materials Optical services • Eye examinations, frames, lenses and acute medication
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs • Subject to optical managed care programme • Subject to use of DSP
• Subject to approved list of frames
Pathology • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed 100% of Scheme rate • Limit of R2 888 per family every second year • Limited
care protocols and processes to one eye examination, one frame and one pair of lenses every second year
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital per beneficiary • Benefit not pro-rated
Pathology • Subject to referral by DSP GP and list of approved services
Physiotherapy • Subject to pre-authorisation and • Subject to pre-authorisation • Test required by specialists subject to
managed care protocols and processes referral by GP and pre-authorisation
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
Prosthesis (internal) • Subject to pre-authorisation Physiotherapy • Subject to referral by DSP GP and pre-authorisation
and managed care protocols and processes 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to a sub-limit of
R16 002 per family per annum and annual hospital Prescribed medication and injection material • Prescribed by person
limit • Limited to PMBs legally entitled to prescribe • Subject to MPL and MEL
- Acute medical conditions • Subject to managed care protocols, formulary
Radiology (basic) • Subject to managed care and processes
protocols and processes • 2 x 2D scans per 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited at DSP • 30% co-payment on out of
pregnancy formulary medication or voluntary use of non-DSP pharmacy
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital - Chronic medical conditions • CDL and DTP PMB chronic conditions
limit • Subject to prior application and approval, formulary and use of chronic DSP
Radiology (advanced) • Subject to pre-authorisation, 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited at DSP • 30% co-payment on out of
managed care protocols and processes and formulary medication or voluntary use of non-DSP pharmacy
approved list of services - Self-medication (OTC) • Subject to managed care protocols, formulary
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs and processes
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R42 per event and five events and R210
Renal dialysis • Subject to pre-authorisation, per family per annum
managed care protocols and processes and clinical
guidelines used in public facilities • In- and out-of- Radiology (basic) • Subject to referral by DSP GP and list of approved
hospital • Includes materials services • Pre-authorisation required • 2 x 2D scans per pregnancy provided
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs for by maternity benefit
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital Radiology (advanced) • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care
limit protocols and processes
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
Surgical procedures (including maxillo-facial Specialists • Consultations, visits and all other services • Subject to DSP
surgery) GP referral and managed care protocols and processes • Pre-authorisation
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital required for each visit
limit • Maxillo-facial surgery subject to annual sub-limit 100% of Scheme rate • Subject to PMBs • Ante-natal visits limited to five visits
of R14 007 per family • Excludes osseo-integrated per pregnancy • 2 x 2D ultrasound scans for pregnancy subject to basic
implants, all implant related procedures and orthognatic radiology
BERYL Statutory prescribed minimum benefits (PMB)
100% of Scheme rate • PMBs supersedes all other benefit provisions


Annual overall hospital limit • Public hospitals and GEMS Alcohol and drug dependencies • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care
approved private hospitals, registered unattached theatres and protocols and processes and use of DSP
day clinics • Service rendered by DSP • Chronic medicine 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
provided by chronic DSP • Subject to pre-authorisation
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to overall annual hospital limit of Allied health services • Includes chiropractors, dieticians, homeopaths, chiropodists,
R700 361 per family per annum • High care and ICU limited to 10 phytotherapists, reflexologists, social workers, naturopaths, orthoptists, acupuncturists,
days per admission • TTO is limited to seven days ayuverdic practitioners, osteopaths, aromatherapists, therapeutic massage therapists,
Chinese medicine practitioners • Subject to referral by DSP GP and pre-authorisation
Allied health services • Includes chiropractors, dieticians, • Subject to managed care protocols, processes and registration with relevant
homeopaths, chiropodists, phytotherapists, reflexologists, social statutory bodies
workers, naturopaths, orthoptists, acupuncturists, ayuverdic 100% of Scheme rate • Annual limit or R1 397 per beneficiary and R2 100 per family
practitioners, osteopaths, aromatherapists, therapeutic massage
therapists, Chinese medicine practitioners • Subject to referral Audiology, occupational therapy and speech therapy • Subject to referral by
by DSP GP and pre-authorisation • Subject to managed care DSP GP and pre-authorisation
protocols, processes and registration with relevant statutory 100% of Scheme rate • Included in allied health services benefit limit
bodies Dental services • Subject to list of approved services managed care protocols and
100% of Scheme rate • Annual limit of R1 397 per beneficiary and processes and use of DSP
R2 100 per family 100% of Scheme rate
Alternatives to hospitalisation (hospice, sub-acute hospitals - Conditions with pain and sepsis, clinical indicated dental services including
and private nursing and frail care centres) • Subject to pre- extraction and emergency root canal procedure, intra oral radiography • Subject
authorisation and managed care protocols and processes to list of approved services managed care protocols and processes and use of DSP
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit and limited 100% of Scheme rate • One event per beneficiary per annum subject to PMBs
to R14 007 per family per annum - Dentures and specialised dentistry
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to a limit of R4 620 per beneficiary over 24 months
Blood transfusion • Subject to pre-authorisation - Emergency non-DSP visit • Subject to list of approved services managed
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit • Sub-limit care protocols and processes and use of DSP
of R14 007 per family per annum 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to one event per beneficiary per annum
- Examinations and preventative treatment • Subject to list of approved services,
Dentistry (conservative, restorative and specialised) managed care protocols and processes and use of DSP
• Subject to pre-authorisation, list of approved services and use 100% of Scheme rate • One consultation per beneficiary per annum
of day theatres and DSP hospitals • Only applicable to beneficiaries - Fillings • Subject to list of approved services, managed care protocols and
under the age of eight years, severe trauma and impacted third processes and use of DSP
molars 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited at DSP
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit and out-
of-hospital dentistry limit • Excludes osseo-integrated implants, all Emergency assistance (road and air) • Call 0800 44 4367 • Subject to use of
implant related procedures and orthognatic surgery • Limited to emergency services DSP and managed care protocols
PMBs 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
Emergency services (casualty department) • Subject to General practitioners • Consultations, visits and all other services at DSP/Network
authorisation and managed care protocols and processes providers
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
- Emergency medical conditions at DSP and involuntary use of non-DSP
General practitioners • Consultations and visits • Subject to provider
hospital pre-authorisation 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit - GPs: Voluntary use of out-of-network providers
Maternity benefits • Subject to pre-authorisation and registration 80% of Scheme rate (20% member co-payment) • Limited to one visit per beneficiary,
on the Maternity Programme • Includes hospital, home birth two per family per annum and R693 per event
and accredited birthing unit HIV infection, AIDS and related illness • Subject to registration on and compliance
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit • Home with the Scheme’s DMP and managed care protocols and processes
birth/birthing unit subject to sub-limit of R6 941 per event • Includes 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
complications for mother and neonates • Elective caesarean may
be subjected to second opinion and managed care protocols and Infertility • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care protocols and processes
processes and use of DSP
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
Medical technologist • Subject to pre-authorisation
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit and sub- Maternity • Ante-natal and post-natal specialist visits • Subject to referral from DSP
limit or R14 007 per family per annum GP and pre-authorisation • Includes 2 x 2D ultrasound scans per pregnancy
100% of Scheme rate • Part of specialist benefit
Mental health • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care
protocols and processes Medical and surgical appliances and external prosthesis • Includes hearing aids,
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit • Limited wheelchairs, oxygen cylinders, nebulisers, glucometers, colostomy kits, diabetic
to PMBs equipment and external prostheses • Applicable in- and out-of-hospital • Subject
to prescription by DSP GP, pre-authorisation and managed care protocols and
Oncology (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) • In- and out- processes
of-hospital • Includes medicine and materials • Subject to pre- 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R7 004 per family per annum
authorisation and managed care protocols and processes
• Subject to clinical guidelines used in public facilities programme Mental Health (includes psychologists) • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed
• In- and out-of-hospital • Includes materials care protocols and processes and the use of DSP
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit and sub- 100% of Scheme rate • Sub-limit of R6 363 per family per annum
limit of R140 070 per family per annum • Limited to PMBs
Optical services • Eye examinations, frames, lenses and contact lenses (permanent
Organ and tissue transplants • Subject to pre-authorisation and disposable) • Subject to use of DSP
and clinical guidelines used in public facilities • Includes materials 100% of Scheme rate • One examination per beneficiary per year • One frame or
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs contact lenses • Limited to R977 per beneficiary every second year • Benefit is not pro-
Pathology • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care
protocols and processes Pathology • Subject to referral by DSP GP and list of approved services • Subject
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit to pre-authorisation • Test required by specialists subject to referral by GP and pre-
Physiotherapy • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
care protocols and processes
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs Physiotherapy • Subject to referral by DSP GP, pre-authorisation
100% of Scheme rate • Included in allied health services benefit limit
Prosthesis (internal) • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed
care Prescribed medication and injection material • Prescribed by person legally
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to a sub-limit of R21 011 per entitled to prescribe • Subject to MPL and MEL
family per annum and annual hospital limit • Limited to PMBs - Acute medical conditions • Subject to managed care protocols, formulary and
Radiology (advanced) • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited at DSP • 30% co-payment on out of formulary
care protocols and processes and list of approved services medication or voluntary use of non-DSP pharmacy
100% of Scheme rate • Shared with out-of-hospital advanced - Chronic medical conditions • CDL and DTP PMB chronic conditions • Subject
radiology • Limited to R21 011 per family per annum • Limited to to prior application and approval and use of chronic DSP • Subject to prescription
PMBs by DSP practitioner
Radiology (basic) • Includes 2 x 2D ultrasound scans per 100% of Scheme rate • No annual limit • 30% co-payment on out of formulary medication
pregnancy or voluntary use of non-DSP pharmacy, medication prescribed by a specialist is only
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit covered if referred by the DSP practitioner and the visit is pre-authorised
- Self-medication (OTC) • Subject to managed care protocols, formulary and
Renal dialysis • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care processes
protocols and processes • Subject to clinical guidelines used 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R42 per event and five events and R210 per family
in public facilities programme • In- and out-of-hospital • Includes per annum
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit and sub- Radiology (advanced) • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care protocols
limit of R140 070 per family per annum • Limited to PMBs and processes
100% of Scheme rate • Shared limit with in-hospital advanced radiology of R21 011
Specialist services per family per annum
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit • Limited
to PMBs Radiology (basic) • Subject to referral by DSP GP and list of approved services
• Pre-authorisation required • 2 x 2D scans per pregnancy provided for by maternity
Surgical procedures • Subject to pre-authorisation and case benefit
management 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to annual hospital limit • Maxillo-
facial surgery subject to annual sub-limit of R14 007 per family Specialists • Subject to DSP GP referral, list of approved services for radiology and
• Excludes osseo-integrated implants, all implant related procedures pathology and managed care protocols and processes • Pre-authorisation required
and orthognatic surgery for each visit
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to three consultations or R1 680 per beneficiary and
five consultations or R2 520 per family per annum
RUBY Statutory prescribed minimum benefits (PMB)
100% of Scheme rate • PMBs supersedes all other benefit provisions

• no overall limit

Allied health services • Includes chiropractors, dieticians, Personal medical savings account (PMSA) • Excludes PMB claims
homeopaths, chiropodists, phytotherapists, reflexologists, 100% of Scheme rate • 25% of contribution • Benefits pro-rated from join date
social workers, naturopaths, orthoptists, acupuncturists,
ayuverdic practitioners, osteopaths, aromatherapists, thera- Block benefit • Claims paid against this benefit once PMSA limit is reached
peutic massage therapists, Chinese medicine practitioners 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R1 124 per family per annum • Benefit is pro-rated
• Subject to managed care protocols, processes and from join date
registration with relevant statutory bodies Alcohol and drug dependencies • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMSA and Block benefit protocols and processes and use of DSP
• Medicines included 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
Alternatives to hospitalisation (hospice, sub-acute hospitals Allied health services • Includes chiropractors, dieticians, homeopaths, chiropodists,
and private nursing) • Subject to pre-authorisation and phytotherapists, reflexologists, social workers, naturopaths, orthoptists, acupuncturists,
managed care protocols and processes ayuverdic practitioners, osteopaths, aromatherapists, therapeutic massage therapists,
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Includes physical rehabilitation Chinese medicine practitioners • Subject to managed care protocols, processes and
for approved conditions • Excludes frail care and recuperative registration with relevant statutory bodies
holidays 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMSA and Block benefit • Includes medicine
Blood transfusion • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed Audiology, occupational therapy and speech therapy
care protocols and processes 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMSA and Block benefit
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Erythropoietin included
Contraceptives (oral, insertables, injectables and dermal) • Subject to managed
Dentistry (conservative, restorative and specialised) care protocols and processes
• Subject to pre-authorisation, list of approved services and 100% of Scheme rate • Subject to PMSA
use of day theatres • General anaesthesia and conscious Dental services (conservative and restorative dentistry, includes plastic dentures)
sedation subject to pre-authorisation and managed care and special dentistry (includes metal base partial dentures) • General anaesthesia
protocols and processes • Only applicable for beneficiaries and conscious sedation subject to pre-authorisation and managed care protocols
under the age of eight years, severe trauma and impacted and processes (only applicable to beneficiaries under the age of eight years, severe
third molars trauma and impacted third molars)
100% of Scheme rate • Professional fees subjected to share 100% of Scheme rate • Shared sub-limit with in-hospital dentistry of R2 153 per
limit with out-of-hospital dentistry of R2 153 per beneficiary per beneficiary per annum • Excludes osseo-integrated implants, all implant-related procedures
annum • Excludes osseo-integrated implants, all implant related and orthognatic surgery
procedures and orthognatic surgery
Emergency assistance (road and air) • Call 0800 44 4367 • Subject to use of
Emergency services (casualty department) • Subject to emergency services DSP and managed care protocols
authorisation and managed care protocols and processes 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
100% of Scheme rate
General practitioners (GPs) • Consultations, visits and all other services
General practitioners (GPs) • Consultations and visits 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMSA and Block benefit • Benefit is pro-rated from
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited join date
Maternity benefits (including midwife) • Subject to pre- HIV infection, AIDS and related illness • Subject to registration on and compliance
authorisation and registration on the Maternity Programme with the Scheme’s DMP and managed care protocols and processes
• Includes hospital, home birth and registered birthing unit 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Home birth or birthing unit
at R6 941 per beneficiary per annum • Elective caesarean may Infertility • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care protocols and processes
be subject to second opinion and managed care protocols and use of DSP
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
Medical technologist • Subject to pre-authorisation and
case management Maternity • Ante-natal and post-natal specialist visits • Subject to registration on
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited the Maternity Programme • Includes 2 x 2D scans per pregnancy
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to PMSA
Mental health • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed
care protocols and processes • Accommodation, theatre fees, Medical and surgical appliances and external prosthesis • Includes hearing aids,
medicine, professional fees from GPs, psychiatrists, wheelchairs, oxygen cylinders, nebulisers, glucometers, colostomy kits, diabetic
psychologists and registered counsellors equipment and external prostheses • Applicable in- and out-of-hospital • Subject
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R11 865 per family per to pre-authorisation and managed care protocols and processes
annum • Maximum of three days hospitalisation by GP 100% of Scheme rate • Shared limit with in-hospital internal prosthesis of R47 250 per
family over two calendar years • Sub-limit of R21 000 per family over two calendar years
Oncology (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) • In- and out- (phased out)* • Diabetic accessories with the exception of glucometers paid from chronic
of-hospital • Includes medicine and materials • Subject to medication benefit
pre-authorisation and managed care protocols and processes
100% of Scheme rate • Limit of R213 581 per family per annum Mental health • Consultations, assessments, treatments and/or counselling by GPs,
• Sub-limit of R161 438 per family for biological and similar psychiatrists, psychologists, psychometrists or registered counsellors • Subject to
specialised medicines • Includes cost of pathology, radiology, managed care protocols and processes • If offered as alternative to hospitalisation,
medical technologist and oncology medicine then hospital benefits will apply
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMSA
Organ and tissue transplants • Subject to pre-authorisation
and clinical guidelines used in public facilities • Includes Optical services • Frames, lenses and contact lenses (hard and disposable) • Refractive
materials eye surgery • Eye examinations • Subject to optical managed care programme
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R395 514 per beneficiary 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMSA and Block benefit • Spectacles and contact
per annum • Limit includes all costs associated with transplant lenses are mutually exclusive in a benefit year • Limited to one eye examination per
including immuno-suppressants • Organ harvesting limited to beneficiary per year • Excludes variable tint and photochromic lenses • Benefit not pro-
RSA rated
Pathology Pathology • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care protocols and processes
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Includes liquid based cytology pap smears
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMSA and Block benefit
Physiotherapy • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed
care protocols and processes Physiotherapy
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R3 200 per beneficiary per 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMSA and Block benefit
annum Prescribed medication and injection material • Prescribed by person legally
Prosthesis (internal) • Subject to pre-authorisation and entitled to prescribe • Subject to MPL and MEL
managed care protocols and processes - Acute medical conditions • Subject to managed care protocols, formulary and
100% of Scheme rate • Shared with medical and surgical processes
appliances as well as out-of-hospital external prosthesis limit 100% of Scheme rate • Subject to PMSA • 30% co-payment on out-of-formulary
• Limited to R47 250 per family over two calendar years (phased medicine • Dispensing fee limited to 30% up to R30 per line item
out)* - Chronic medical conditions • CDL and DTP PMB chronic conditions • Subject
to prior application and approval and use of chronic DSP
Radiology (advanced) • Subject to pre-authorisation and 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited for CDL and DTP PMB conditions • All other conditions
managed care protocols and processes • Specific authorisation subject to PMSA • 30% co-payment on out-of-formulary medicine and voluntary use
(in addition to hospital pre-authorisation) required for of non-DSP
angiography, CT scans, MDCT, coronary angiography, MUGA - Prescribed medicine from hospital stay (TTO)
scans, PET scans, MRI scans and radio-isotope studies 100% of Scheme rate • Subject to PMSA TTO limited to seven days
100% of Scheme rate • Shared limit with out-of-hospital advanced - Self-medication (OTC) • Subject to managed care protocols, formulary and
radiology of R14 238 per family per annum processes
Radiology (basic) 100% of Scheme rate • Subject to PMSA
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited Preventative services • Serum cholesterol, bone density scan, pap smear, prostate
Renal dialysis • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care specific antigen, glaucoma screening, serum glucose and mammogram • Includes
protocols and processes • In- and out-of-hospital • Includes liquid based cytology pap smears
materials 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to one of each service per beneficiary per year • Benefit
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R169 502 for chronic dialysis rolls over three years • Pap smears annually
per beneficiary per annum • Acute dialysis included in in-hospital Radiology (advanced) • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care protocols
benefit • Includes cost of pathology, radiology, medical and processes • Specific authorisation required for angiography, CT scans, MDCT,
technologists and immuno-suppressants coronary angiography, MUGA scans, PET scans, MRI scans and radio-isotope studies
Specialist Services • Consultations and visits 100% of Scheme rate • Shared limit with in-hospital advanced radiology of R14 238
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited per family per annum
Surgical procedures (including maxillo-facial surgery) Radiology (basic) • X-rays and soft tissue ultrasound scans • 2 x 2D ultrasound
• Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care protocols scans provided for by maternity benefit
and processes 100% of Scheme rate • Subject to PMSA
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Excludes osseo-integrated Specialists • Consultations, visits and all other services
implants, all implant related procedures and orthognatic surgery 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMSA and Block benefit • Benefit is pro-rated from
join date
EMERALD Statutory prescribed minimum benefits (PMB)
100% of Scheme rate • PMBs supersedes all other benefit provisions


Annual overall hospital limit • Subject to pre-authorisation Alcohol and drug dependencies • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care protocols
• Non-PMB day admissions (excludes TTO medication) and processes and use of DSP
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • R11 298 per beneficiary 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
annual limit for non-PMB day cases • Benefit not pro-rated
Auxiliary Block benefit • Audiology, occupational therapy and speech therapy
Allied health services • Includes chiropractors, dieticians, • Pathology and medical technology
homeopaths, chiropodists, physiotherapists, reflexologists, 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R2 888 per beneficiary and R5 786 per family over two
social workers, naturopaths, orthoptists, acupuncturists, calendar years (phased out)* • Benefit is pro-rated
ayuverdic practitioners, osteopaths, aromatherapists, - Audiology, occupational therapy and speech therapy • Subject to managed care
therapeutic massage therapists, Chinese medicine protocols • Occupational or speech therapy performed in-hospital will be paid from the
practitioners • Subject to managed care protocols, in-hospital benefit
processes and registration with relevant statutory bodies 100% of Scheme rate • Sub-limit of R2 321 per beneficiary and R4 641 per family over two
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R2 100 per family over calendar years (phased out)*
two calendar years • Included in the supportive Block benefit - Pathology and medical technology • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care
(phased out)* • Medicines included protocols and processes • Includes liquid based cytology pap smears
100% of Scheme rate • Sub-limit of R2 888 per beneficiary and R5 786 over two calendar
Alternatives to hospitalisation (hospice, sub-acute years (phased out)*
hospitals and private nursing) • Subject to pre-
authorisation and managed care protocols and processes Caregiver Block benefit • Out-of-hospital GPs, specialists, maternity and physiotherapy
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Includes physical 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R2 961 per beneficiary, limited to R5 922 per family per
rehabilitation for approved conditions • Excludes frail care annum • Benefit is pro-rated from join date
and recuperative holidays - General practitioners • Consultations, visits and all other services
100% of Scheme rate
Blood transfusion - Maternity • Ante-natal and post-natal specialist visits • Subject to registration on the
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Subject to pre- Maternity Programme
authorisation • Erythropoietin included 100% of Scheme rate • Includes 2 x 2D scans per pregnancy
Breast reduction • Subject to pre-authorisation and - Physiotherapy • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care protocols and processes
managed care protocols and processes • Physiotherapy performed in-hospital or instead of hospitalisation will be paid from in-
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited hospital benefit
100% of Scheme rate • Sub-limit of R2 888 per beneficiary and R5 768 per family over two
Dentistry (conservative, restorative and specialised) calendar years (phased out)*
• Only applicable to beneficiaries under the age of eight - Specialists • Consultations, visits and all other services
years, severe trauma and impacted third molars 100% of Scheme rate
100% of Scheme rate • Shared with out-of-hospital dentistry
• Limited to R3 150 per beneficiary over two calendar years Emergency assistance (road and air) • Call 0800 44 4367 • Subject to use of emergency
(phased out)* • Excludes osseo-integrated implants, all services DSP and managed care protocols
implant related procedures and orthognatic surgery 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
Emergency services (casualty department) • Subject HIV infection, AIDS and related illness • Subject to registration on and compliance with
to authorisation the Scheme’s DMP and managed care protocols and processes
100% of Scheme rate 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
General practitioners • Consultations and visits Infertility • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care protocols and processes and use
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited of DSP
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
Maternity benefits (including midwife) • Subject to pre-
authorisation and registration on the Maternity Programme Medical and surgical appliances and external prosthesis • Includes hearing aids,
• Includes hospital, home birth and registered birthing unit wheelchairs, oxygen cylinders, nebulisers, glucometers, colostomy kits, diabetic equipment
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Home birth at R6 941 and external prostheses • Applicable in- and out-of-hospital • Subject to pre-authorisation
per beneficiary per annum • Elective caesarean may be and managed care protocols and processes
subject to second opinion and managed care protocols 100% of Scheme rate • Shared limit with in-hospital internal prosthesis of R47 250 per family
over two calendar years • Sub-limit of R21 000 for medical and surgical appliances per family
Medical technologist • Subject to pre-authorisation over a two year period (phased out)*
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
Mental health • Consultations, assessments, treatments and/or counselling by GPs,
Mental health • Subject to pre-authorisation and psychiatrists, psychologists, psychometrists or registered counsellors • Subject to managed
registration on relevant DMP • Accommodation, theatre care protocols and processes • If offered as alternative to hospitalisation, then hospital
fees, medicine, professional fees from GPs, psychiatrists, benefits will apply
psychologists and registered counsellors 100% of Scheme rate • Shared limit with in-hospital mental health of R11 865 per family per
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R11 865 per family per annum • Sub-limit of R3 518 for out-of-hospital psychologist consultations
annum • Maximum of three days hospitalisation by GP
Prescribed medication and injection material • Prescribed by person legally entitled
Oncology (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) • Subject to prescribe • Subject to MPL and MEL
to PMBs, pre-authorisation, registration and managed care - Acute medical conditions • Subject to managed care protocols, formulary and processes
protocols and processes 100% of Scheme rate • Limit of R2 373 per beneficiary and R7 119 per family per annum
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R237 311 per family per • 30% co-payment on out-of-formulary medicine • Dispensing fee limited to 30% up to R30
annum • Specialised medicine sub-limit of R161 438 per per line item
family - Chronic medical conditions • CDL and DTP PMB chronic conditions • Subject to prior
Organ and tissue transplants • Subject to pre- application and approval and use of chronic DSP
authorisation and clinical guidelines used in public facilities 100% of Scheme rate • Limit of R7 119 per beneficiary and R14 333 per family per annum
• Includes materials • 30% co-payment on out of formulary medicine and voluntary use of non-DSP
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R395 514 per beneficiary - Contraceptives • Subject to managed care protocols, formulary and processes
per annum • Limit includes all costs associated with transplant 100% of Scheme rate • Subject to acute medication benefit limit • Sub-limit of R1 800 per
including immuno-suppressants • Organ harvesting limited beneficiary per annum
to RSA - Prescribed medicine from hospital stay (TTO)
100% of Scheme rate • Included in acute medication benefit limit • TTO limited to seven days
Pathology - Self-medication (OTC) • Subject to managed care protocols, formulary and processes
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited Subject to acute medicine benefit limit and sub-limit of R772 per beneficiary per annum
Physiotherapy • Subject to pre-authorisation Supportive Block benefit • Includes dental, optical, basic radiology and allied health
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R3 200 per beneficiary services
per annum 100% of Scheme rate • Limit of R7 350 per beneficiary over two years (phased out)*
Prosthesis (internal) • Subject to pre-authorisation • Benefit pro-rated
100% of Scheme rate • Shared with medical and surgical - Allied health services • Includes chiropractors, dieticians, homeopaths, chiropodists,
appliances as well as out-of-hospital external prosthesis limit phytotherapists, reflexologists, social workers, naturopaths, orthoptists, acupuncturists,
• Limited to R47 250 per family over a two calendar year ayuverdic practitioners, osteopaths, aromatherapists, therapeutic massage therapists,
cycle (phased out)* Chinese medicine practitioners • Subject to managed care protocols, processes and
registration with relevant statutory bodies
Radiology (advanced) • Subject to pre-authorisation 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R2 100 per family over two calendar years (phased out)*
• Specific authorisation (in addition to hospital pre- - Dental services (conservative and restorative dentistry, includes plastic dentures)
authorisation) required for angiography, CT scans, MDCT, and special dentistry (includes metal base dentures) • General anaesthesia and
coronary angiography, MUGA scans, PET scans, MRI conscious sedation subject to pre-authorisation (only applicable to beneficiaries under the
scans and radio-isotope studies age of eight years, severe trauma and impacted third molars)
100% of Scheme rate • Shared with out-of-hospital advanced 100% of Scheme rate • Shared sub-limit with in-hospital dentistry or R6 615 per beneficiary
radiology • Limited to R14 238 per family per annum over two calendar years • Specialised dentistry not to exceed R3 150 per beneficiary over
Radiology (basic) two calendar years (phased out)* • Excludes osseo-integrated implants, all implant related
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited procedures and orthognatic surgery
- Optical services • Frames, lenses and contact lenses (hard and disposable) • Refractive
Renal dialysis • Subject to pre-authorisation and eye surgery • Eye examinations • Subject to optical managed care programme
registration on disease management programme • In- and 100% of Scheme rate • Sub-limit of R3 150 per beneficiary every second year and an annual
out-of-hospital • Includes materials limit or R6 300 per family • Frames not to exceed R1 575 • Spectacles and contact lenses
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R169 502 for chronic are mutually exclusive in a benefit year • Limited to one eye examination per beneficiary per
dialysis per beneficiary per annum • Acute dialysis included year • Excludes variable tint and photochromic lenses • Benefit is not pro-rated
in in-hospital benefit • Includes cost of pathology, radiology - Radiology (basic) • X-rays and soft tissue ultrasound scans • 2 x 2D ultrasound scans
medical technologists and immuno-suppressants provided for by maternity benefit
Specialists 100% of Scheme rate • Sub-limit of R4 725 per beneficiary, limited to R8 663 per family over
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited a two calendar year cycle (phased out)*

Surgical procedures (including maxillo-facial surgery) Radiology (advanced) • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care protocols and
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Excludes osseo-integrated processes • Specific authorisation required for angiography, CT scans, MDCT, coronary
implants, all implant related procedures and orthognatic angiography, MUGA scans, PET scans, MRI scans and radio-isotope studies
surgery 100% of Scheme rate • Shared limit with in-hospital advanced radiology of R14 238 per family
per annum
ONYX Statutory prescribed minimum benefits (PMB)

Healthcare services/claims that do not meet the Scheme’s clinical protocol or billing requirements (including its managed healthcare programmes) in accordance with regulation 5 to the Medical Scheme Act 131 of 1998 will be excluded, provided that such protocols
100% of Scheme rate • PMBs supersedes all other benefit provisions


DMP Disease management programme.

Annual overall hospital limit • Public hospitals, private hospitals, Alcohol and drug dependencies • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care protocols and processes
registered unattached theatres and day clinics • Subject to pre- and use of DSP

PMB Prescribed minimum benefit.

authorisation • Non-PMB day admissions must be pre-authorised 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs

PDF Professional dispensing fee.

100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • R11 298 per beneficiary annual
limit for non-PMB day cases • Benefit not pro-rated Day-to-day Block benefit • Includes GP services, specialists, basic radiology, pathology, allied health
services, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, mental health, maternity and

TTO Treatment taken out.

Allied health services • Includes chiropractors, dieticians, contraceptives
homeopaths, chiropodists, phytotherapists, reflexologists, social 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R6 227 per beneficiary and R12 453 per family per annum • Benefit

SEP Single exit price.

workers, naturopaths, orthoptists, acupuncturists, ayuverdic is pro-rated
practitioners, osteopaths, aromatherapists, therapeutic massage - Allied health services • Includes chiropractors, dieticians, homeopaths, chiropodists, phytotherapists,
therapists, Chinese medicine practitioners • Subject to managed reflexologists, social workers, naturopaths, orthoptists, acupuncturists, ayuverdic practitioners, osteopaths,
care protocols, processes and registration with relevant statutory aromatherapists, therapeutic massage therapists, Chinese medicine practitioners • Subject to managed
bodies care protocols, processes and registration with relevant statutory bodies
100% of Scheme rate • Subject to day-to-day Block benefit 100% of Scheme rate - if offered as alternative to hospitalisation, then hospital benefits will apply
• Services performed in hospital or instead of hospitalisation will be - Contraceptives • Subject to managed care protocols, formulary and processes
paid from in-hospital benefit 100% of Scheme rate • Sub-limit of R2 258 per family per annum
- General practitioners • Consultations, visits and all other services
Alternatives to hospitalisation (hospice, sub-acute hospitals 100% of Scheme rate
and private nursing) • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed

DTP Diagnosis and treatment pairs as provided for in the regulations to the
- Maternity • Ante-natal and post-natal specialist visits • Subject to registration on the Maternity
care protocols and processes

Chronic DSP Chronic designated service provider. Subject to Annexure G.

100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Includes physical rehabilitation 100% of Scheme rate • Includes 2 x 2D scans per pregnancy
for approved conditions • Excludes frail care and recuperative holidays - Mental health • Consultations, assessments, treatments and/or counselling by GPs, psychiatrists,
Blood transfusion • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed psychologists, psychometrists or registered counsellors • Subject to managed care protocols and
care protocols and processes processes • If offered as alternative to hospitalisation, then hospital benefits will apply
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Erythropoietin included 100% of Scheme rate
- Pathology
Breast reduction • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed 100% of Scheme rate • Subject to pre-authorisation, registration and managed care protocols and process
care protocols and processes - Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy • Subject to managed care protocols
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited and processes • If offered instead of hospitalisation will be paid from in-hospital benefits
Dentistry (conservative, restorative and specialised) • Only 100% of Scheme rate
applicable to beneficiaries under the age of eight years, severe - Radiology (basic) • X-rays and soft tissue ultrasound scans • 2 x 2D ultrasound scans provided for
trauma and impacted third molars by maternity benefit
100% of Scheme rate • Shared with out-of-hospital dentistry • Limited 100% of Scheme rate
to R10 962 per beneficiary over two calendar years • Excludes osseo- - Specialists • Consultations, visits and all other services
integrated implants, all implant related procedures and orthognatic 100% of Scheme rate

Scheme rate See Scheme rule 4.32.

surgery Dental services (conservative and restorative dentistry, includes plastic dentures) and special
Emergency services (casualty department) • Subject to use of dentistry (includes metal base dentures) • General anesthesia and conscious sedation subject to
facility or other registered emergency facility • Subject to pre-authorisation (only applicable to beneficiaries under the age of eight years, severe trauma and
authorisation and managed care protocols and processes impacted third molars)
100% of Scheme rate • Shared limit with in-hospital dentistry of R10 962 per beneficiary over two calendar

CDL Chronic disease list.

100% of Scheme rate
years (phased out)* • Excludes osseo-integrated implants, all implant related procedures and orthognatic

Medical Schemes Act.

General practitioners • Consultations and visits surgery
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
Emergency assistance (road and air) • Call 0800 44 4367 • Subject to use of emergency services
Maternity benefits (including midwife) • Subject to pre- DSP and managed care protocols
authorisation and registration on the Maternity Programme 100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited
• Includes hospital, home birth and registered birthing unit
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Home birth at R6 941 per HIV infection, AIDS and related illness • Subject to registration on and compliance with the Scheme’s
beneficiary per annum • Elective caesarean may be subject to second DMP and managed care protocols and processes
opinion and managed care protocols 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs
Infertility • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care protocols and processes and use of DSP

are in accordance with internationally accepted evidence based treatment guidelines and protocols.
Medical technologist • Subject to pre-authorisation and case
management 100% of Scheme rate • Limited to PMBs

*Phased out On instruction of the Registrar of Medical Schemes, the two

calendar year benefit structure which was introduced with effect from 1 January
2010 will expire on 31 December 2011. The benefits of beneficiaries registered
from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2011 will be calculated pro-rata from
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited Medical and surgical appliances and external prosthesis • Includes hearing aids, wheelchairs,
Mental health • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care oxygen cylinders, nebulisers, glucometers, colostomy kits, diabetic equipment and external prostheses
protocols and processes • Accommodation, theatre fees, medicine, • Applicable in- and out-of-hospital • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care protocols and
hospital equipment, professional fees from GPs, psychiatrists, processes
psychologists and registered counsellors 100% of Scheme rate • Shared limit with in-hospital internal prosthesis of R60 900 per family over two
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R24 917 per family per annum calendar years • Sub-limit of R24 308 for medical and surgical appliances per family over a two year period
• Maximum of three days hospitalisation by GP (phased out)*
Oncology (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) • In- and out-of- Optical services • Frames, lenses and contact lenses (hard and disposable) • Refractive eye surgery
hospital • Includes medicine and materials • Subject to pre- • Eye examinations • Subject to optical managed care programme
authorisation and managed care protocols and processes 100% of Scheme rate • Sub-limit of R1 859 per beneficiary every second year and an annual limit of
• Subject to clinical guideline used in public facilities R3 728 per family • Sub-limit of R1 575 per frame • Spectacles and contact lenses are mutually exclusive
100% of Scheme rate • Limit of R311 472 per family per annum in a benefit year • Limited to one eye examination per beneficiary per year • Excludes variable tint and

the date of registration to 31 December 2011.

• Sub-limit of R210 525 per family for biological and similar specialised photochromic lenses • Benefit is not pro-rated
medicines • Includes cost of pathology, radiology, medical technologist Prescribed medication and injection material • Prescribed by person legally entitled to prescribe
and oncology medicine • Subject to MPL and MEL
Organ and tissue transplants • Subject to pre-authorisation and - Acute medical conditions • Subject to managed care protocols, formulary and processes
clinical guidelines used in public facilities • Includes materials 100% of Scheme rate • Limit of R4 001 per beneficiary and R11 204 per family per annum • 30% co-
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R395 514 per beneficiary per payment on out-of-formulary medicine • Dispensing fee limited to 30% up to R30 per line item
annum • Limit includes all costs associated with transplant including - Chronic medical conditions • CDL and DTP PMB chronic conditions • Subject to prior application

immuno-suppressants • Organ harvesting limited to RSA and approval and use of chronic DSP
100% of Scheme rate • Limit of R12 155 per beneficiary and R24 917 per family per annum • 30% co-
Pathology payment on out-of-formulary medicine and voluntary use of non-DSP
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited - Prescribed medicine from hospital stay (TTO)
Physiotherapy • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care 100% of Scheme rate • included in acute medication benefit limit • TTO limited to seven days
protocols and processes - Self-medication (OTC) • Subject to managed care protocols, formulary and processes
100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R3 200 per beneficiary per annum 100% of Scheme rate • Subject to acute medicine benefit limit and sub-limit of R1 208 per family per
Prosthesis (internal) • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed
care protocols and processes Radiology (advanced) • Subject to pre-authorisation, managed care protocols and processes
100% of Scheme rate • Shared limit with medical and surgical Specific authorisation required for angiography, CT scans, MDCT, coronary angiography, MUGA scans,
appliances and external prostheses benefit of R60 900 per family PET scans, MRI scans and radio-isotope studies
over two calendar years (phased out)* 100% of Scheme rate • Shared limit with in-hospital advanced radiology of R17 798 per family per annum
Radiology (advanced) • Subject to managed care protocols and
100% of Scheme rate • Shared with out-of-hospital advanced
radiology • Limited to R17 798 per family per annum • Specific
authorisation (in addition to hospital pre-authorisation) required for
Contact us no later than 30 November 2010 if you wish to change your option
angiography, CT scans, MDCT, coronary angiography, MUGA scans,
This document summarises various aspects of GEMS.

replace the rules of the Scheme. In the event of a

It is for quick reference purposes only and does not

PET scans, MRI scans and radio-isotope studies

Radiology (basic)
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited Tel: 0860 00 4367
Renal dialysis • Subject to pre-authorisation and managed care
protocols and processes • Subject to clinical guideline used in
Fax: 0861 00 4367
dispute, the registered rules will apply.

public facilities • In- and out-of-hospital • Includes materials

100% of Scheme rate • Limited to R169 502 for chronic dialysis per
beneficiary per annum • Acute dialysis included in in-hospital benefit
• Includes cost of pathology, radiology medical technologists and
immuno-suppressants Private Bag X782
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited Cape Town
Surgical procedures (including maxillo-facial surgery)
100% of Scheme rate • Unlimited • Excludes osseo-integrated
implants, all implant related procedures and orthognatic surgery

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