What I Know: Bea Jorisse U. Chan Stem 1 Empowerment Technologies October 2020

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Bea Jorisse U.

Chan STEM 1
Empowerment Technologies October 2020
What I Know
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. A

What’s New
ACTIVITY 2.1: Shared or Not Shared? That is the Question


1. First Name ✓

2. Middle Name ✓

3. Last Name ✓

4. Current and Previous ✓


5. Your cellphone number ✓

6. Complete name of mother ✓

and father
7. Your parents’ cellphone ✓
8. Name of Siblings ✓

9. Your Birthday ✓

10. Your Address ✓

1. I have shared seven out of ten of my personal information on different social media
platforms online.
2. I have not shared three out of ten of my personal information on different social media
platforms online.
3. I personally don’t think I am safe on the internet based on the information that I have
accidentally provided online because disclosing my personal information might result to
identity theft, different scams, etc.

What’s More
ACTIVIITY 2.3: Show Me How You Hashtag
1. #Spam
2. #Malware
3. #Internet Scam
4. #Cyberstalking
5. #Cyberbullying

What I Have Learned

As our society have progressed and we now lived in a world dominated by the internet,
different information from general to personal information is now accessible and can easily be
found. The message that Think Before You Click wants to simply convey is that it is important
to think through and be mindful of our every actions on the internet which includes what we
post, what we comment, what we watch, etc. in order for us to avoid harm for ourselves and
harm for others.

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