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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Pangasinan National High School
Lingayen, Pangasinan

Introduction to the
Philosophy of the Human

The Meaning and Method of Philosophy

Quarter 1 - Week 1 – Module 1

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view

Prepared by:

Antonio Teodoro J. Sajonas II, T-II

Lesson 1: The Meaning and Method of Philosophy
The study of this subject is an initiation to the activity and process of philosophical reflection
as a search for a synoptic vision of life. At the end of the course, you should be able to reflect on their
daily experiences from a holistic point of view, acquire critical and analytical thinking skills and should
be able to apply this critical and analytical thinking skills to the affairs of daily life and become truthful,
environment-friendly and service-oriented. Actively committed to the development of a more humane
society and articulate their own philosophy of life.
Without the philosophical or critical mind, one may initially think that there is a genuine
disagreement in fact. But once philosophical analysis is applied, it is easy to realize that we are merely
dealing with a verbal disagreement since we have not examined and scrutinized this misleading
question. This example shows that there may not be a real disagreement in fact about the given problem.
This may just be a problem of linguistic analysis, that is, by identifying the particular language game
that you would like use.

What I Need to Know

1. Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view
2. Understanding a philosophy as a concept and as a process
3. To be able to apply and use these approaches in dealing with problems in everyday life.

What I Know
INSTRUCTION: Write your answer in the space provided below.

What words come to mind when you hear the word Philosophy? Explain. (List down at least 5 words)
Why do we need to study Philosophy?


What’s In
This lesson tackles the process of doing philosophy, in a critical and analytical manner. The
student would be faced with the question, how does one philosophize systematically? This would be
tackled by a discussion of holistic perspective and partial point of view, or distinction between the
holistic and reductionist approach in philosophy.
The word philosophy comes from two Greek words: philos (love) and sophia (wisdom). The
ancient Greeks used this term to refer to “love of wisdom” and they soon applied it to the study or
discipline that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate causes, reasons, and principles which
govern all things. Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental questions about existence,
knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.
Philosophy in simple words is a way of thinking about the world, the universe, and society. It
works by asking very basic questions about the nature of human thought, the nature of the universe,
and the connections between them. The ideas in philosophy are often general and abstract.
Philosophy is the study of humans and the world by thinking and asking questions. It is a
science and an art. Philosophy tries to answer important questions by coming up with answers about
real things and asking "why?

What’s New

Title of the Activity: Doing Philosophy

Directions: Give a brief answer to the following question. Write your answer on the space provided

I. Reflect on the quotation from Waismann, “Philosophy is vision.” What, to you, is

philosophy? Is this question different if I ask you, “What is your philosophy in
life?” Can you answer both questions above by applying the lessons that you have
learned from this lesson?

II. What can you say about the philosophical statements below? Express your
answers on the space provided.

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche.

“An Unexamined life is not worth living”


What is It (Discussion)
Philosophy traces its roots in Ancient Greece in the 6 th Century BCE. Traditions had it that the
word Philosophy was first coined by Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician. He used this term to classify
three classes of people who attended the ancient Olympic Games as lovers of gain, lovers of honor; and
lovers of knowledge or wisdom (Caraan 2016, 2). He favored the third class for not being driven by
profit nor honor. Instead, they sought ways to arrive at the truth. He then called these people as
philosophers. Among the ancient Greeks, philosophers became pioneers in history, biology, medicine,
mathematics, astronomy, and even physics.

In life, it is wise to adopt an all-inclusive perspective or view, which emphasizes on the idea
that every part of a system has a mutual relationship. The interrelationship among things was first
conceived by Aristotle. It can be best summarized by the line, “The whole is more than the sum of its
parts.” This means that all parts are all related to each other and that it cannot be understood
independently without considering the other factors (Gallinero and Estaris 2017, 25). This view of
taking all things as part of a system is espoused in the philosophical doctrine of Holism.

Adhering to the doctrine of Holism, holistic thinking advocates looking at the “big picture”
when analyzing s situation or problem. This would require one to be open-minded to get the general
sense or impression regarding an event. In this regard, therefore, all aspects in a given situation must
be considered. On the contrary, partial thinking adheres focusing on one factor in analyzing a situation
or a problem to understand it. This kind of view is very limiting in nature.
Philosophy means “love of wisdom” is a science where reason and logic are used to understand
reality and answer questions of knowledge, morality and human nature.

Holistic thinking refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems. A holistic
perspective requires an individual to have an open mindset and ability to get the general sense or
impression regarding a situation.

Partial thinking focuses on specific aspects of a situation. The partial view is an important
component of analytical thinking, as an individual focuses on certain areas or aspects of a problem in
order to understand it.

What’s More (Enrichment Activity)

Title of the Activity: Philosophizing

Directions: Give a brief answer to the following question. Write your answer in space provided below.

I. Use Times New Roman in all activities, size 11, regular. Observe 1.15 line spacing.
Use double space from the last item in Activity 1 to the first item in Activity 2.

1. How can a person benefit from philosophizing?


2. What are the reasons that compel a person to engage in philosophical thinking?

What I Have Learned (Generalization)

Title of the Activity: (Times New Roman, Bold, size 13)

Directions: Give a brief answer to the following question. Write your answer on the space provided

1. Give a situation where you are adopted a holistic view in looking at a problem or situation.

2. Give a situation where you are adopted a partial point of view in looking at a problem or situation.

3. How can having a holistic view help us become better individuals


What I Can Do (Application)

Title of the Activity: Analyzing the Tag Line

Directions: Examine and criticize this product tag line from an advertisement of Napoleon XV, by
using your holistic perspective and partial point of view.

Tidbits of Ham Photo by Alex I. Bañez

I. Holistic Perspective:

II. Partial Point of View



Title of the Activity: Identify the Statements

Directions: Read each statement or question below carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the correct

__________1. It is the etymological definition of the word “Philosophy”.

__________2. It is the Greek word for love.
__________3. It is the Greek word for wisdom.
__________4. He was the first person who coined the word “Philosophy”.
__________5. It refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems.
__________6. It is a science where reason and logic are used to understand reality and answer
questions of knowledge, morality and human nature.
__________7. It focuses on specific aspects of a situation
__________8. It is considered as the birthplace of philosophy.
__________9. He asserted that “an unexamined life is not worth living”.
__________10. It is the study of humans and the world by thinking and asking questions

Additional Activities

Title of the Activity: Perennial Questions

Directions: Read and follow the instructions carefully in each activity. Then, give the correct answer

I. Can philosophy help in solving the perennial ‘chicken and egg’ problem or translated as
“Sino ang nauna, yung manok o yung itlog?” Explain your answer.

II. Complete the table below.

Actions What must be done before the action?

1. Deciding where to study for College

2. Choosing friends

3. Joining an organization in school

4. Playing computer games

5. Asking permission if you would like to go

out with friends
6. Giving opinions

7. Going out with the opposite sex

8. Posting your opinion or feelings in the

social media
9. Confronting a person who verbally hurt
10. Going to mass or any religious activities
I. What I Know?

Content The content is The content is The topic is irrelevant,
relevant, complete relevant, and unsubstantial and
and substantial substantial yet incomplete
Readability of Text All texts are Some texts are Most of the texts are
readable and legibly readable and not not readable and not
written legibly written legibly written

Spelling and Grammar No errors in 2-3 errors in grammar More than 5 errors in
grammar and and spelling grammar and spelling

II. What’s New?

Content The content is The content is relevant, The topic is irrelevant,
relevant, complete and substantial yet unsubstantial and
and substantial incomplete incomplete
Readability of Text All texts are readable Some texts are Most of the texts are not
and legibly written readable and not readable and not legibly
legibly written written
Spelling and Grammar No errors in grammar 2-3 errors in grammar More than 5 errors in
and spelling and spelling grammar and spelling

III. What’s More?

Content The content is The content is relevant, The topic is irrelevant,
relevant, complete and substantial yet unsubstantial and
and substantial incomplete incomplete
Readability of Text All texts are readable Some texts are Most of the texts are not
and legibly written readable and not readable and not legibly
legibly written written

IV. What I Have Learned?

Content The content is The content is relevant, The topic is irrelevant,
relevant, complete and substantial yet unsubstantial and
and substantial incomplete incomplete

V. What I Can Do?

Content The content is The content is relevant, The topic is irrelevant,
relevant, complete and substantial yet unsubstantial and
and substantial incomplete incomplete
Readability of Text All texts are readable Some texts are readable Most of the texts are not
and legibly written and not legibly written readable and not legibly
Spelling and Grammar No errors in grammar 2-3 errors in grammar More than 5 errors in
and spelling and spelling grammar and spelling

VI. Additional Activities

Content The content is The content is The topic is irrelevant,
relevant, complete relevant, and unsubstantial and
and substantial substantial yet incomplete
Readability of Text All texts are Some texts are Most of the texts are
readable and legibly readable and not not readable and not
written legibly written legibly written

CATEGORY 5 4-3 2-1
Content The content is The content is The topic is irrelevant,
relevant, complete relevant, and unsubstantial and
and substantial substantial yet incomplete
Actions Given All Actions are Gives 6-9 actions in Gives 1-5 actions in
given in each each statement. each statement.

A. Books
Maria Paula G. Sioco and Ignatius H. Vinzons. 2016. Introduction to the
Philosophy of the Human Person .1253 Gregorio Araneta Avenue, Quezon City: Vibal Group

Roberto Abella. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Quezon City: C
& E Publishing, Inc., 2016, 10-14.

Aleli Caraan. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Makati City: DIWA
Learning Systems Inc., 2016, 2.

Winston Gallinero and Richard Juanito Estaris. Introduction to the Philosophy of the
Human Person. Malabon: Mutya Publishing House, Inc., 2017, 6-9, 21-29.

B. Online and Other Sources

Tip: Press “shift and enter: to break URLs without breaking the link.
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person.
Course Hero.

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Holistic Perspective and Partial Perspective.

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