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Stakeholder Register Project 3

Group 17:
Kishon Sivarajah (100590316)
Malavan Balachandran (100659901)
Aiman Khan (100657730)
Zainab Munir (100722781)
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Stakeholder: Bowmanville Older Adult Association (BOAA) Members

1. Explain what this individual's needs/requirements and expectations would be in the

● For a project to be successful, its clients need to be satisfied and content with the services.
With this project, Bowmanville Older Adult Association (BOAA) members expect to
access the device and learn how to use it. For that, it requires a proper teaching lesson by
an instructor. The members of the organization would also expect that their physical needs
are met while using the device. To meet these expectations, the project instructors educate
members on using accessibility features. Members also expect the project team to take
the necessary steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 when handling the devices. The
members will need the team to use Ontario government-approved safety and
sanitization procedures to meet this requirement.

2. Identify how you defined their level of interest and power and what factors you took into

● Members have high stakes as consumers of the services BOAA provides but are not
involved in producing and operating those services, so they have low power. The
organization exists to support them and their needs as elderly citizens; therefore, they have
a high level of interest.

3. Based on the engagement classification you selected, explain why you believe this could
be their position and what factors contribute to it.

● Regarding engagement level, the BOAA members are supportive as the drive is for their
benefit. The devices allow them to have online communication and stay connected to
people, since traditional, in-person methods of communication are not possible at this time.
BOAA members will develop a confident attitude in using user-friendly devices as the
accessible devices and training lessons will mitigate inaccessibility issues. Lessons will
provide members with a source of positive interaction during the isolation they may
experience during this pandemic. The devices can help them participate in online activities
in which they were previously unable to partake. BOAA members are actively engaged in
this project as they participate and contribute to the activities held by the organization. It is
possible that members could be resistant in case they are uncomfortable with the unfamiliar
technology, or unaware if BOAA communications do not get to them, although these are
undesired outcomes.

4. Considering the status classification options, how might you communicate with these
individuals, and how often do you think?
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● The project team can communicate to the members of the BOAA through weekly BOAA
newsletters and flyers. In addition, traditional phone calls are usually more familiar for
the elderly, so the project team can conduct phone calls to ask for feedback and remind
members of upcoming events, such as scheduled lessons.

Stakeholder: Student Volunteers Working on the Technology Drive Project

1. Explain what this individual's needs/requirements and expectations would be in the

● Volunteers are the backbone of many projects: they are unpaid yet crucial to the day-to-
day running of project operations. Student volunteers in this project are Ontario Tech
students volunteering their time to collect, clean and update devices, in addition to
providing members with digital help resources. An Ontario Tech student would need to
know the number of hours to be invested, the tasks to be done, how they impact, and
whether the impact is worth their time spent. In return, students might expect to receive a
recommendation and may be able to include the project on their CV. This is an
expectation based on the amount of time spent pursuing specific project goals, such as
organizing and testing electronics. More time invested results in a more significant
expectation from the project.

2. Identify how you defined their level of interest and power and what factors you took into

● In terms of interest and power, volunteers have a low level of organizational power, but
they do have a high level of interest. They are volunteering their time, usually because
they enjoy or benefit from the activities they are completing. Student volunteers have
minimal influence on the financial or operational aspects of the projects and usually follow
the tasks someone with more power gives them. Student volunteers are mainly doing day-
to-day operations such as organizing, collecting, and cleaning digital devices. As a result,
student volunteers would need to be informed and feel involved throughout the project.

3. Based on the engagement classification you selected, explain why you believe this could
be their position and what factors contribute to it.

● Student volunteers are supportive in terms of engagement level to the project as they are
involved in the project of their own volition and this may be rewarding and/or otherwise
beneficial for them. In addition, the more involved they are in a project, the higher their
roles and levels of responsibility may become.
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4. Considering the status classification options, how might you communicate with these
individuals, and how often do you think?

● The best way to initially recruit these stakeholders would be online and through academic
channels. This could include volunteer recruitment websites, or announcements on learning
management systems, such as Canvas, and internal school-wide emails. For ongoing
communications through the project, a student-accessible messenger app such as Slack or
Discord is preferred for quick and informal communication. Student volunteers will also
receive weekly email updates on project happenings to keep them informed and involved.
Because they are student volunteers, adequate instruction is necessary, and communication
will be frequent and may be sent out more often, as needed.

Stakeholder: Residents of Bowmanville

1. Explain what this individual's needs/requirements and expectations would be in the

● Residents of Bowmanville are personally invested in this project as it concerns their

community and will have many needs and expectations. One of the residents' expectations
is that members of the BOAA will get access to the devices residents donate, as well as
training and education on their use. Another important expectation is that the project team
must take all necessary precautions to avoid the community spread of the COVID-19
virus since the device drive involves handling by and transfer between many hands. The
residents' requirements are transparent and timely communications on the project
process and progress, from donation to device repurposing to member education. In
addition, the project team must communicate what safety precautions they are taking to
ensure the community's safety from COVID-19 transmission.

2. Identify how you defined their level of interest and power and what factors you took into

● The residents of Bowmanville are not directly involved in the day-to-day operations of the
project, so they hold low power. However, Bowmanville is a small, tight-knit community
and is invested in ensuring their BOAA members benefit from BOAA initiatives. They are
also personally affected if the project leads to a COVID-19 outbreak in their community,
which contains a large population of vulnerable elderly citizens, and is a close community
where risk of transmission may be higher due to difficulty distancing. Therefore, residents
of Bowmanville are highly interested in this project and would be placed in "keep
informed" in the power/interest grid.
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3. Based on the engagement classification you selected, explain why you believe this could
be their position and what factors contribute to it.

● Regarding engagement level, the residents of Bowmanville are supportive since the
project is beneficial for their community in providing seniors with access to an increasingly
online world. However, if the project management team does not provide timely and
transparent progress reports or take the necessary precautions against COVID-19 and
potentially causes a community outbreak, this stakeholder could transition to a resistant
engagement level. It is also possible that residents could be unaware, or aware of and
indifferent or neutral towards the initiative.

4. Considering the status classification options, how might you communicate with these
individuals, and how often do you think

● The project team can communicate to the residents of Bowmanville through physical
flyers as well as online advertisements, newsletters and forums. Online updates can be
regularly scheduled, and communication through physical brochures and flyers can be
used for occasional significant events.

Stakeholder: Doreen Cripps - Director on BOAA Board of Directors (BoD)

1. Explain what this individual's needs/requirements and expectations would be in the

● The BOAA is a member- and community-focused organization that strives to provide

accessible, quality programming while remaining fiscally responsible. As a Director on the
BOAA Board of Directors (BoD), Doreen would expect that the project team collect and
modify devices for BOAA members' use and provide training on how to use them.
Additionally, Doreen would expect the project to align with BOAA values. For this,
Doreen would need to receive regular progress reports from the project manager.
Furthermore, Doreen would be concerned with ensuring members' voices are heard, so she
would need the project team to obtain and incorporate BOAA members' feedback.

2. Identify how you defined their level of interest and power and what factors you took into

● The BOAA is a member- and community-focused organization that strives to provide

accessible, quality programming while remaining fiscally responsible. Providing BOAA
members with user-friendly devices will allow them to stay connected to their communities
and become independent online. A community tech drive also allows the BOAA to
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economize and the community to become personally invested and involved in the initiative.
Since the drive fulfills all five BOAA values, Doreen would be highly interested in this
project and its success. If she deems the project contrary to BOAA values, she can modify
and/or terminate it. Therefore Doreen has high power in this project. The project team will
have to manage carefully and ensure that they continue to align with BOAA values so
their project can continue running.

3. Based on the engagement classification you selected, explain why you believe this could
be their position and what factors contribute to it.

● Given Doreen's high stakes in the project's success, she would be engaged in a supportive
and/or leading role. The project manager would report to Doreen, who leads in setting the
BOAA values that the project must incorporate. Doreen would provide directives to ensure
the project continues to align with said values. If the project begins to conflict with BOAA
values, Doreen could become resistant and terminate the project. She will never be neutral
as it is her job to be highly invested in upholding members' interests and BOAA values;
she will also not be unaware, as it is her job to stay informed on project happenings and
potential liabilities.

4. Considering the status classification options, how might you communicate with these
individuals, and how often do you think?

● The project manager would have to keep Doreen closely updated about details concerning
BOAA members' interests, such as device accessibility and training. Doreen would receive
weekly face-to-face reports from the project manager via video conferencing. Doreen
would receive immediate email updates for significant changes and time-sensitive issues,
with video conferencing to follow up at a convenient time. Doreen could thus review all
changes and ensure BOAA values and BOAA members’ interests are not compromised.

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