Pt2 Gualberto Redsterlyn Joy

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NOVEMBER 29, 2021



“The future is uncertain but the end is always near” this is a quote from Jim Morrison an
American singer ang poet. On this uptake, I wondered and began to ask myself, what if the world
is about to end tomorrow? What are the things that I may do to live my life to its fullest and leave
a lasting impression for all? These are the questions that came in my mind. At the same time, I
will ask you guys have you ever think how will you live your life if you are notified that you only
have a day remaining? Will you do things that you have always wanted? Will you change the
world by an extraordinary action? Or will you do nothing at the end of the world? To give answers
from my questions, let me share you my notions on what will I do when the world only last until
tomorrow and what legacy will I leave.

In our world we live in nowadays, society gradually becoming toxic because of some
behaviors that people normalize nowadays. Due to these contaminated civilization, stressors and
problems increased drastically contributing to the frustrations and suicidal thoughts of some
people. Some of these toxic behaviors are discrimination, prejudice, disrespectful, captiousness
and being judgmental towards other people. These awful act and behaviors are not something to
be normalized. If the world is about to end tomorrow, I want to promote and implement
peacefulness on everyone and I will also spread love and kindness to all of the people if I will be
given power to do so. Even in just one day, we can make this happen through the power of internet
and mass communication. I will make our remaining day memorable, make our hearts feel warm,
our minds tranquil, despite of what is happening to our toxic surroundings.

Abraham Lincoln once said that “Kindness is the only service that will stand the storm of
life and not wash out. It will wear well and will be remembered long after the prism of politeness
or the complexion of courtesy has faded away”. In the remaining time of us in this world, I would
like all of us to remember that even for a moment that we are and we can be united, that we can
rise as one despite of having different cultures, persona and beliefs. Let our remaining 24 hours in
the world be meaningful by understanding and appreciating others' feelings with no judgement
needed. We will make the most of the remaining time without trampling on individual rights or
hurting other people's feelings. We will forgive and love the people who hurt us to give our souls
peace and always see life beautiful and bright like Pope Francis said that life is a precious mission,
where it is not a burden to be borne, but a gift to offer. We will love each other, smile together and
be purely happy even if the world ends tomorrow.

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