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1. Indications of Hazards
 There are indications of where the hazards may possibly occur. It has their own colors, based on the hazards

2. Range / Intensity of a Hazard
 The range of how a hazard can occur in a certain place is indicated at the evacuation map. For each event or
intensity of a hazard there is a given description about how the assigned official/person should respond to this
for the preparation and evacuation.
3. Evacuation Routes
 There are indications is a clear indication of the location of the evacuation center where they must evacuate
when signaled to proceed for evacuation.
4. Evacuation Center
 There are legends that can be seen on the map that clearly located the designated evacuation center where
people can evacuate when a certain hazard occurs.
5. Understandable Evacuation Map/System
 An Evacuation map is shown with the legends and the routes. Evacuation systems are all explained well and
has a descent system and description.
6. Preparedness
 Officials and In-charges are well informed about the cause and effect of a certain Hazard and the risk
reduction drills along with it.
7. Hazard Report
 Vulnerable people assigned for informing the residents the places that are possible and very prone to hazards
are closed so we can be aware.
8. Well-Planned and Informational
 There is a clear and good sectorial arrangements and plans stated in the evacuation files.
9. Available Resources
 Resources are properly distributed and provided for each part of the evacuation plan
10. Provided Needs and Proper Service
 Each part of the plan has an objective to responsibly provide the needs and the service to all residents in the
11. Action Plan
 To be more prepared before,during, and after the disaster there is an action plan provided for each assigned
person for each group for medical, resources, and such.
12. Agency Sponsored
 There are agencies who are willing to help and donate for the funding of the needs and to help serving the
affected residents.
13. Several Evacuation Center
 There are 4 evacuation centers in the Barangay that will be used for evacuation and it is close to one another.
1. No Indication of the Barangay Boundary
 No indications on the map on where the barangay boundary really ended that can cause confusion to the
2. Confusion for Main Evacuation Center

 No stated assurance of the main evacuation centers they must go in times of evacuation.
3. Unclear Information for Primary and Secondary Evacuation Plan
 Unclear and unstated primary and secondary evacuation centers. This can cause panicking to the residents
while evacuating.
4. Transportation: Missing Pick- up points
 There are no indications of pickup points. Residents who are evacuating and far from the evacuation centers
may struggle with the distance, transportation vehicle is provided but there are no pick up points and it can be
one of the reasons of not being able to succeed the evacuation process of the residents.
5. Missing Alternate Routes
 An Alternate route isn’t mentioned or shown in the Evacuation Route. It can cause chaos and panic to
residents specially for those who are farther in the Evacuation Center.
6. Limited Resources
 It is possible that the resources provided and mentioned with the quantity might not be enough to
accommodate the residents with their needs, medical, resources, and such.
7. No Communication for Extra Resources and needs
 Other barangay has already communicated with the sari-sari store for resources to be paid after recovery of
8. Updated contact numbers
 The contact numbers given was not reachable
9. Lack of pick-up vehicles
 The rescue vehicles were not enough for the number of people in times of a hazard

1. Alternate person for the leader’s absence

 Assign alternate person in the absence of main in-charge to avoid misunderstanding.
2. Clarification of Roles

 Define specific roles for each person in-charge before every task/sector to clarify the responsibility.

3. Contact Information unavailable

 Contact numbers shall also be included under each name.

4. Public Advisory
 Assigning of Pro Media (spokesperson) to give advisories and easily inform residents about the signal/
intensity update.

5. Picture Type Evacuation system

 The evacuation system can be a picture type for an easy understanding specially for those who are having a
hard time reading and understanding text information.

6. Availability of Evacuation copy for all residents.

 There should be an allotted time for the Distribution of evacuation plans to every houses in the Barangay. If
possible distributions may be given and updated every year.

1. Lack of Training

 The ones who will conduct the training and giving learnings to the residents to what to do in times of hazards.

2. Lack of Drills
 No preparation drills being performed so that the residents of the barangay can have a knowledge what to do
in case of emergencies

3. Unawareness
 If there are a lot of people who doesn’t know what to do during evacuation specially those who aren’t
properly informed and

4. Chaos and Shortage

 Cause by unawareness of the people most of them will not be ready and may cause panic

5. Absence of Person In-charge and no alternate lead

 The leaders of a barangay might be out and not there for his/her barangay
6. Unorganized Evacuation places for each Resident
 If evacuation centers will be organized and available for the residents then there will be a better evacuation

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