Mini Task in Organization and Management: NAME: Aliah Marie M. Mayor Grade/Section: Abm2-11

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NAME: Aliah Marie M. Mayor


What advantages do you have that others don’t have( for example, skills, certifications,
education, or connections?)What do you do better than anyone else.

I believe I am a type of a person that is dedicated to my work and really focus about my goal.
I am a fast learner about new things which is a great advantage to me since everything is new
to us. I have the necessary skills or traits of a person that others don’t have. For instance, I can
bring a guarantee in completing my task and project on time. I think I am reliable, trustworthy
and competent about my works. There are numerous things I can do when it comes of handling
situation, I have innovative approach on solving problems and always have positive viewpoint in
everything. In addition, I am someone who is creative in many ways.

What tasks do you usually avoid because you don’t feel confident doing them?

I don’t have the confidence when it comes to speaking in front of many people, and it is
something that I want to improve. Sometimes about the things that make me feel pressure and
stress like if I’ve been given a lot of task. I tend to dwell on setbacks and think about what I
could have done better. But lately I started to read and develop a more stoic mindset where I
can accept the situation better and move forward.

What new technology can help you? Or can you get help from others or from other people via
the internet?

The technology is the way in everything these days. Through meetings and social media there
are multiple ways to communicate from others. Attending educational classes can help me
improve my skills, knowledge and capabilities through this it will be a great opportunity to me
to be confident in everything.

What obstacle do you currently face at your home? at your school?

Since the pandemic happened there are things that change the routine of my everyday life,
when it comes to school it is hard for me to manage my time but I am working on it to improve
and get better. At school when I feel so stress, I don’t want to mess up so I need to get it settled
into my brain, and I need to write/types notes a lot. I also get anxious easily so I tend to ask a
lot of questions. At home, I think my sleeping habit makes it hard for me to adjust since I used
to stay late at night back then and because of that it affects my daily routine in the morning.

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