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2ert02019 (SEBP5387 -)- Service Information System Google — Traducido al: espariol Mostrar texto original Opciones ¥ i LOpciones ¥ | Service Information System Pantalla anterior Bienvenido: r080j114 < Producto: EXCAVADORA Modelo: 3360 L EXCAVADORA M4 CConfiguracin: Excavadores 3360 | MéT00001-UP (MAQUINA) CON POTENCIA DEL MOTOR C9 Operacién de sistemas 320D, 321D, 323D, 324D, 325D, 326D, 328D, 329D, 330D, 336D, 336D2, 340D y 340D2 Excavadoras, 324D Forest Machine y 323D MHPU, 324D MHPU, 325D MHPU, 329D MHPU, 330D MHPU y 336D MHPU y 336D MHPU y 336D MHPU y 36D MHPU y 336D MHPU y 336D MHPU Sistema de control electrénico de la maquina de unidades hidraulicas méviles Namero de medio -RENR9B42-31 Fecha de publicaci6n -01/04/2015 Fecha de actualizacién -07/08/2018 loass3090 Operacién de diagnéstico SMCS - 5050-EK EL ECM muestra informacién de diagnéstico en la pantalla para ayudar con la resolucién de problemas. Este sistema de control se utiliza con la herramienta electronica de servicio técnico (ET). Estas herramientas se pueden usar para realizar varias funciones de diagnéstico y funciones de programacién. La siguiente lista contiene algunas de las funciones de diagnéstico y funciones de programacién que realizan las herramientas de servicio: + Se muestran los eédigos de diagnéstico del sistema ECM. + Se muestra el estado de la mayoria de las entradas y las salidas, ‘+ Se muestran los ajustes para el ECM de la maquina, «© Muestra el estado de los pardmetros de entrada y salida en tiempo real ‘+ Muestra el valor en horas del reloj de diagnéstico interno. + El mimero de ocurrencias y la hora del reloj de la primera aparicién y la iltima aparicién se muestran para cada cédigo de diagndstico registrado. «Se muestra la definicién de cada cédigo de diagnéstico registrado y cada evento, ‘© Cargue el nuevo software FLASH. Consulte la seceién Lista de cédigos de diagnéstico y diagnéstico de fallas de este manual para ver la lista de cédigos de diagndstico para el ECM de la maquina. Procedimientos de resolucién de problemas Estos procedimientos son solo para los cédigos de diagnéstico que se originan en el ECM de la maquina. Los codigos de diagnéstico se pueden ver usando cualquiera de los siguientes sistemas: Sistema de Monitoreo y el Técnico Electrénico (ET) de Caterpillar Consulte una de las siguientes referencias: comisiswebistowebtechdocttechdoc_prnt_page|sp?retumur=/siswebisiswebimediasearchiemediahesderinoframeset sp&called.... 1/10 2ert02019 (SEBP5387 -)- Service Information System * Operacién de sistemas, RENR8068, "Sistema de monitoreo” + Solucién de problemas, "Uso del técnico electrnico de Caterpillar para determinar los cédigos de diagnéstico” The following procedures may cause new diagnostic codes to be logged. Therefore, before any procedures are performed, make a list of all the active diagnostic codes in order to determine the system problems. Clear the diagnostic codes that were caused by the procedure, when each procedure is complete. Note: Before you perform a procedure, always check all the circuit breakers. Repair the cause of any circuit breaker that is tripped. Module Identifier (MID) System events from other electronic control modules are shown on the monitoring system. Other electronic control modules transfer this diagnostic information on the Cat Data Link to the Monitoring System. The module identifier (MID) identifies the electronic control module that detected the diagnostic code. Each electronic control module on the machine has a unique MID. Use the following chart in order to match the MID for each diagnostic code to a specific electronic control module. The chart for the Module Identifier (MID) is located on the Electrical System Schematic for your machine. See the chart if the MID is not shown on the display of your machine. After the operator determines the ECM that has detected the diagnostic code, see the troubleshooting manual for the particular ECM. ‘he MID for the machine If the MID is for the machine ECM, use this service manual module. OM is 039. If the MID is different use the appropriate module. Table 1 Description of the Module Identifier MID Description 030 Monitor 036 Engine Electronic Control Module 039 | Machine Electronic Control Module 122 | ATT Product Link Module (Gateway) Failure Mode Identifier The codes for the Failure Mode Identifier are defined by the SAE standards. The following list contains a Cat version of definitions, Table 2 Failure Mode Identifier FMI Description of Failure 00 | Data valid but above normal operating range 01 | Data valid but below normal operating range 02 | Data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 03 | Voltage above normal | hitpssis cat comisiswebistowebtechdocttechdoc_prnt_page|sp?retumur=/siswebisiswebmediasearchiemediahesderinoframeset spScalled.... 2/10 2ert0r2019 (SEBP5387 -)- Service Information System 04 || Voltage below normal 08 || Curent below normal 06 | Current above normal 07 | Mechanical system not responding properly 08 | Abnormal frequency, pulse width, or period 09 | Abnormal update rate 10 | Abnormal rate of change 11 | Failure mode not identifiable 12 | Bad device or component 13. | Out of calibration 14 | Not used 15 | Notused 16 | Parameter not available 17 || Module not responding 18 | Sensor supply fault 19 | Condition not met 20 | Not used Detailed FMI Explanation FMI 00 Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range - Every electronic control system sets a high limit for the expected operating range of the signal. The high limit includes over range signals. A sensor that is still operating but sending a signal above the expected limit will cause an FMI 00 to be store Some of the possible causes of an FMT 00 diagnostic code are listed: «The signal is above normal. + The signal is shorted to the +battery. * The sensor is in need of calibration, A PWM signal that is at a duty cycle of 80 percent is a valid signal. If the PWM signal has a duty cycle of 81 percent, the sensor is still working. But the sensor signal is above the expected signal limits, FMI 01 Data Valid But Below Normal Operating Range - Every electronic control system sets a low limit for the expected operating range of the signal. The limit includes signals that are under the lower limit. The low signal could be the oil pressure signal. The sensor is still working but sending a signal below the expected limit will cause an FMI 01 to be stored. Some of the possible causes of an FMI 01 diagnostic code are listed: The signal is below the normal range. + The timing is retarded. hitpssis.catcomisiswebistowebtechdocttechdoc_prnt_page sp?retum swebjsiswebimediasearchicmediaheaderinfoftameset sp&called... 3/10 2ert02019 (SEBP5387 -)- Service Information System This sensor is nat expected to generate a PWM signal below a duty cycle of 5 percent with zero air pressure. If the sensor generates a signal with a duty cycle of 4 percent when the engine is shut down, the sensor is s working, Sending a signal below the expected limit will cause an FMI 01 to be stored, I FMI 02 Data Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect - The signal from a component is present. The control that reads the diagnostic information cannot read the signal properly. The signal appears to be gone, unstable, or invalid. The data can be correct or incorrect intermittently. Also, this condition relates to communication between controls. This condition is an example of communication between controls. When the monitoring system is looking for the engine speed from the engine ECM over the Cat Data Link. «There is a faulty connection. The signal is intermittent or erratic. The software has been changed. The signal is noisy. ‘© The signal is out of range. FMI 03 Voltage Above Normal or Shorted High - The component or system voltage is higher than the limit. FMT 03 most often relates to a signal circuit. Some of the components that could cause an FMI 03 diagnostic code are listed + The sensor or the switch is faulty, © The hamess is damaged. * The electronic control has failed, Some of the possible causes of an FMI03 diagnostic code are listed: + A sensor that has failed and the voltage output is high + Any wiring hamess that has a sensor signal wire shorted to a high voltage. A high voltage voltage that is greater than the sensor supply voltage. any + A wiring hamess that has an open cireuit in the sensor signal wire will cause the control to pull up. When this event occurs, the input circuit is pulled up to the supply voltage. + A faulty control will also cause an FMI 03 FMI 04 Voltage Below Normal or Shorted Low - The component or system voltage is lower than the limit. FMI 04 most often relates to a signal circuit. Some of the components that could cause an FMI 03 diagnostic code are listed: ‘+ The sensor or the switch is faulty. + The hamess is damaged, «The electronic control has failed. Some of the possible causes of an FMI 04 diagnostic code are listed ‘+ A sensor that has failed and the voltage output is low. name rea tralia lve enersrsionrs Matra iRTine Arron comisiswebisiowebtechdocttechdoc_prnt_page |spretumuri=/sisweblsiswebimedlasearchiemediahesderinfoframeset sp8called... 4/10 2ert0r2019 (SE8P5387 -)- Service Information System Ay WILLY LlaLHIeS9 tat Las @ SCHSUL Sigua! WHI SHOLICU WW BLUULU, «A faulty control will also cause an FMI 04, FML 05 Current Below Normal or Open Cireuit - The current through the component or the system is lower than the limit, FMI 05 is most often related to a driver circuit Some of the possible causes of an FMI 05 diagnostic code are listed: There is an open circuit or a poor hamess connection, + There is an open relay. ‘* There is a switch in the open position. FMI 06 Current Above Normal or Grounded Circuit - The current through the component or the system, is higher than the limit. FMI 06 is most often related to a driver circuit. This fault is like an FMI 04 diagnostic code. Some of the possible causes of an FMI 06 diagnostic code are listed: «There is a short to ground in the harness connection. + There is a shorted relay. * A faulty control will also cause an FMI 06 diagnostic code. FMI 07 Mechanical System Not Responding Properly - The control detects a signal that is sent to a mechanical system and the response is not correct Some of the possible causes of an FMI 07 diagnostic code are listed: ‘+ The component responds improperly. + ‘The component is stuck in a position. + The component has failed. © The engine is shut down, ‘+ The machine is being used improperly. FMI 08 Abnormal Frequeney, Pulse Width, or Period - This event occurs when the signal is not in the expected range. FMI 08 can also relate to a faulty sensor. Some of the possible causes of an FMI 08 diagnostic code are listed: + The hamess connections are intermittent or poor. + ‘The engine misfired. + The signal is noisy due to nearby interference. «There are loose mechanical devices. FMI 09 Abnormal Update - This event relates to communications on the Cat Data Link, FMI 09 occurs when a control is not able to get information from another control. Some of the possible causes of an FMI 09 diagnostic code are listed: ¢_ The control module is not communicating on the Cat Data Link correctly. hitpssis.catcomisiswebisiowebtechdocttechdoc_prnt_page|sp?retumur=/siswebisiswebmediasearchiemediahesderinfoframeset spScalled... 5/10 2ert02019 (SEB°5387 -)- Service Information System The rate of data transmission is abnormal. ‘© The Cat Data Link has failed. ‘© There is a mismatch of software. FMI 10 Abnormal Rate of Change - This event relates to a signal that changes too fast. The rate of change is outside of the expected limit, FMI 11 Failure Mode Not Identifiable - The control identifies more than one FMI as being responsible for a single failure. Some of the possible causes of an FMI 11 diagnostic code are listed: + There is a mechanical failure © There is damage to multiple circuits. FMI 12 Bad Device or Component - The electronic control sends a signal and the electronic control expects a response, The control receives no response or the response is incorrect, Some of the possible causes of an FMI 12 diagnostic code are listed: + There is a failure of the electronic control. © There is a failure on the Cat Data Link. ‘© There are one or more controls with mismatched softw: re. FMI 13 Out of Calibration - The electrical signal is not within limits for a specific mechanical condition. Some of the possible causes of an FMI 13 diagnostic code are listed: + Calibration is required. © The data is out of range. FMI 14, 15, and 20 - These codes are not active. FMI 16 Parameter Not Available - The control does not support the requested parameter. FMI 17 Module Not Responding - The control does not respond to the request for data. FMI 18 Sensor Supply Failure - The sensor power supply in the control has failed. FMI 19 Condition Not Met - The conditions that are defined by the software were not met. Event Codes Table 3 EID | Level Event Recommended Response Description Fuel Filter Examine fuel filter to determine if replacement is required. Engine 5 |? | Restriction output is decreasing because fuel filter is plugged. Derate put i 8 becaus s pluges High Engine In order to prevent engine coolant from overheating, engine output has 15 Coolant 2 been decreased. This code shows that the process of decreasing the Temperature ~ ~ J comisiswebistswebitechdocttechdoc_prnt_page sp?retumur Isiswebisiswebmediasearchiemediahesderinfoframeset spScalled... 6/10 2ert0r2019 Derate (SEP5987 -)- Serves Information System ‘engine output has been instituted. Level i 16/3 \High Engine | Immediate Safe Shutdown is Required. Coolant Allow the coolant time to return to an acceptable level before resuming Temperature | operation of the machine. Shutdown, 7 High Engine > [Coolant ‘The coolant for the engine has overheated. Change the operation of the Temperature _|] machine to allow the engine to cool ‘Warning 28 High Hydraulic || Engine power / output has been decreased to prevent the hydraulic oil 7 [Oil Temperature | from overheating, Derate Possible causes include - abusive machine operation, low hydraulic oil level, and restricted hydraulic oil cooler. 25 High Inlet Air || Engine output is deercased because engine inlet air temperature is too 1 [Temperature | high. Refer to "Troubleshooting" in the maintenance manual for the Derate engine 27 High Inlet Ait The air temperature for the engine inlet is too high. Refer to 1 ‘Temperature I ratur | X Troubleshooting” in the maintenanee manual for the engine. arning 9 Low Engine Oil |! pagine output has decreased because engine oil pressure is low. Refer 1 Pressure Derate 1 o fo to “Troubleshooting” in the maintenance manual for the engine. B Low System | The battery is not charging. Check for diagnostic codes relating to 3 12 | Voltage Waming |] system voltage or alternator output. To troubleshoot, check associated diagnostic codes that will occur with this event code. 50 High System The system voltage is higher than normal. Check for diagnostic codes 2 Voltage Waming relating to system voltage or alternator output. 5 : By, poe el min Check for any diagnostic codes related to the operation of the fuel ss | pump. Check fuel lines for signs of leaks 59 Low Engine Check the level of engine coolant, Check connections for coolant level 2 | Coolant Level ; switch Warning 95 Fuel Filter 1 7 > lea ‘The number 2 fuel filter is plugged. Check or replace the number 2 fuel filter. Warning 96 High Fuel Check the fuel filter or check the valve of the oil inlet cap. Pressure 100 Low Engine Oil |] The engine oil pressure has decreased . Check the oil level of the 3 | Pressure Waming | engine. The maximum engine speed is limited in order to protect the engine. 119 |, [Low Fuel Level || Check the fuel level. Check any diagnostic codes related to the function of the fuel sensor. 171], [Low Engine Oit | Check engine oil level and replace as needed. Check comnections for engine oil level switch. comisiswebistswebtechdocttechdoc_prnt_page |sp?retumurl=/siswebisisweb/mediasearchiemediaheaderinfotrameset sp&called. 70 2ert0r2019 (SEBP5387 -)- Service Information System comisiswebistowebtechdocttechdoc_prnt_page sp?retumi 172 [1 — [High Air Filter || Replace air filter. Restriction 179 |, [Alternator Not [Check tension on drive belt of alternator. Check electrical connections Charging of alternator circuit. 180 ‘Auto Lube Distribution Line Plugged 181 |, [Limited Mobility || This mode is engaged to allow the operator to relocate the machine to a ; Mode safe location for service to be performed. 182 Suction Valve off Engine . ." 190 Refer to "Troubleshooting" in the maintenance manual for the engine. 1 | Overspeed Warning 332 High Fuel/Water |] Water separator is full of water. Drain water from the water separator. If 2 | Separator Water |] water is not present, check installation setting of the water separator Level level switch, Cheek the lube oil level on the liquid indicator on the side of the tank. 234 Low Auto Lube ‘ , 2 | ew AS EIPE | ill the tank ifthe indicator displays a low level. Ifthe gauge shows that the tank is fall, check for damaged lubrication lines. 035 Low Hydraulic | Cheek the hydraulic oil level on the liquid indicator on the side of the lo lo tank, Fill the tank if the indicator displays a low level. If the gauge vel shows that the tank is full, check for damaged hydraulic lines. 336 Retum Hydraulic |] Hydraulic oil return filter is plugged. Replace the hydraulic oil and 36> | oil Fitter replace the return filter. If code continues, check connections for the Plugged plugged switch of the hydraulic return filter Immediately reduce the load on the machine by reducing the amount of 237 | 5 Machine material being lifted. If machine is not overloaded, check the Overloaded installation setting of overload warning sensor. 252 | gy weer Key ‘An unauthorized key has been used to try to start the machine. Refer to . the "Machine Security System" in the maintenance manual Information 253], [Hydraulic Oi1 || Check hydraulic oil level and replace as needed. Check connections for Level Low hydraulic oil level switch, 265]; [User Defined || The engine is shut down. Troubleshoot all diagnostic codes related to Shut down the key start switch. oD Inlet Air ‘The air inlet filter is plugged. Replace the air inlet filter for the engine. 2 | Restriction If code continues, check connections for the plugged switch of the air Warning filter. 273 |, [Unauthorized || Machine security system has detected that an unauthorized key has Key been used to attempt to start the machine 600 High Hydraulic |! rye hydraulic oil has overheated. Change the operation of the machine 2 | Oil Temperature il 2 Wain in order to allow the hydraulic system time to cool. swebjsiswebimediasearchicmediaheaderinoframeset sp&called... 6/10 2ert02019 (se8°5387 ) = Servi Information System 862 Attachment The attachment hydraulic oil filter is plugged. Replace the hydraulic oil Hydraulic Ol | filler. IFcode continues, check the installation sefting of plugged switch | Filter Plugged | for attachment hydraulic oil filter. ‘Abnormal 863 Machine Auto __ || The Autolube system is not operating properly. Check the installation Lube System |} setting of the automatic lubrication system. Operation Data Status Codes Table 4 Data Status Identification List DSI Data Status Description 2 || Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect Data 3. || Voltage High 4 Voltage Low 5 _ || Current Below Normal 6 || Current Above Normal 8 _ || Abnormal Frequency, Pulse Width, or Period 9 || Abnormal Update 11 | Other Failure Mode 12. | Bad Component 13 Out of Calibration 16 | Parameter Not Available 17 _ || Module Not Responding 18 || Sensor Power Supply Failure 19 || Incomplete Data or Conditions Not Met 20 || Disabled or Not Installed Calibration Error ID List SS ooo Table 5 Calibration Error ID List 1D Calibration Error Description 30001 [ECM Fault $0002 _ || Active Diagnostic Present $0003 |] Another Calibration is Active sweblsiswebimeciasearch/emediaheaderinfoframesetjsp&called. sno 2ert02019 (SEBP5387 -)- Service Information System $0004 _ || Calibration Active by Another ECM $0005 | Loss of Calibration Interlock $0006 || Calibration Aborted by Tool/Monitor $0007 || Requested Display Not Supported $0008 || Unavailable Display $0009 || Calibration Aborted by ECM $000A | Calibration Failure $000B _ | Calibration Not Supported $0100 |] Out-of Range Low - Incr/Decr Parameter $0101 Out-of Range High - Incr/Deer Parameter $0102 || Invalid Action/Key Stroke Command $0103 |] Calibration Value Out-of-Range $0104 |[ Calibrated Range Too Small $0105 || Calibrated Range Too Large $0106, Calibration Value Not Saved $1000 See Service Manual $1010 _ | Engine Stopped (No Engine RPM) $1011 _ || Engine Running (Engine RPM Present) $1012 Engine RPM Incorrect $1013 |[_Engine High Idle RPM Too Fast $1014 || Engine Low Idle RPM Too Slow $1015 || Abnormal Engine RPM Signal $1016 || Speed Sensor Circuit is Open $1017 || Service Brake Pedal Pressed $1018 || Parking Brake Not Engaged $1019 |] Parking Brake Engaged $1074 || Engine RPM Too Low $101A._ || Implement is Swinging/Traveling $101B | Machine Speed Not Zero Copyright 1993 - 2019 Caterpillar Inc. “Tue Oct 29 2019 18:03:22 GMT-0500 (hora estindar de Pert) rososiia comisiswebisiswebtechdocttechdoc_prnt_page|sp?returur=isisweblsisweblmediasearchicmediaheaderinfoframeset sp&calle.. 10/10

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