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Công việc tình/thiện nguyện

-Teenagers should do volunteer work in their free time. It is believed to benefit not only
individual teenager and but also their local society
-I totally disagree with this statement.

the first
- Teenager is the age when they are in their growth of both mentally and physically
-The outcome of the job maybe very low because they have to study and do the volunteer job
without getting paid.
-They can’t focus on their study and their grade will get worse… or if they still want to get a
high grade while having the job they will have to work really hard and this will affect their health
significantly such as .
Pr 3
- this will lead to mental problems such as depression when they are under pressure of their study
and their work,, … because they don’t have leisure time to reduce their stress by watching tv
shows, reading books…

Teenagers năng suất không cao outcome vì họ vừa học vừa đi làm
Leading to a lot of mental problems

Đang tuổi ăn học, vẫn được vui chơi trong thời gian rảnh (thời gian rảnh để nghỉ ngơi đề chuẩn
bị cho các tiết học sau), là tương lai của đất nước vì vậy chx nên cho đi làm việc , vd là đi học về
đã phải đi làm mà làm thì lại không được trả lương, ko tập trung vào học hành,

vừa pk đi làm vừa đi hok dẫn đến (mental problems) ảnh hưởng tâm sinh lý, mệt mỏi, bị stress,
do bị người khác trỉ trích khi làm sai … vừa cân đối học hành vừa suy nghĩ đến công việc này,
cảm thấy sợ khi đối mặt vs công việc hoặc vs lên lp
The community direct teenager to volunteer work

owadays, teenagers are required to do volunteer work in their free time and this would benefit
not only individual teenager and but also their local society. However, in my opinion, I totally
disagree with this statement and I will give the 2 reasons to prove my view in this essay.

To begin with, it is quite impossible for a teenager to balance between their study time and
their volunteer job time. In other words, teen is the age when they are in their growth of both
physically and mentally so they need some leisure time to play and relax to prepare for their next
school lessons. Nevertheless, when having a volunteer job which doesn’t pay anything to the
teenagers so the job don’t give them much motivation and they cannot focus on their study like
before. This will make their grade get worse or if they still want to get a good grade while having
the volunteer job, they will have to extremly try hard such as studying and working to the
evening and at home they have to spend time from night to midnight to do their homework and
making their sleep time become shorter which will affect their brain to be distracted, tired, etc,
and afterward the outcome of the job maybe very low.

Furthermore, having an unpaid job in the early time of their live affect not only their
physically but also their mentally. To be specific, because they don’t have enough leisure time to
reduce their stress by watching tv shows, reading books, playing sports, etc, this will lead them
to have mental problems such as depression, stressful when they are under the pressure of their
study and their work and they will feel scared when they have to face with their work and go to

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