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Full name: ………………………………………………………………………………

I. Choose the correct form of the following verbs: simple present

wake up - open – speak - take - do - cause - live - play - close - start - drink
1. Ann PLAYS handball very well.

2. I never DRINK coffee.

3. The swimming pool OPENS at 7:00 in the morning.

4. It STARTS at 9:00 in the evening.

5. Bad driving CAUSE many accidents.

6. My parents LIVE in a very small flat.

7. The Olympic Games TAKE place every four years.

8. They are good students. They always DO their homework

9. My students SPEAK a little English.

10. I always WAKE UP early in the morning.

II. Complete the following sentences with the correct verb and change to the interrogative form, and
answer them. Use short answers:
Affirmative Questions Answers
1. He DRINKS tea at breakfast Does he drink tea at breakfast? Yes, He does.
2. She EATS fish Does she eat fish? No, She doesn’t.
3. They WATCH televisión regularly. Do they watch televisión regularly? Yes, they do.
4. We SING the bus in the morning Do we sing the bus in the morning? Yes, we do
5. It DANCES every afternoon in the summer Does it dance every afternoon in the No, it doesn’t
6. His mother COOKS tomorrow Do his mother cooks tomorrow? Yes, His do.
7. Our holiday GO on the 26th March. Does our holiday go on the 26th March? No, it doesn’t
8. They TRAVEL to Huaral every day. Do they travel to Huaral every day? Yes, they do.
9. George WORKS in a Factory. Does he work in a factory? No, he doesn’t.
10.You and I ALWAYS lunch at o’clock Do you and i always lunch at o’clock? Yes, we do.

III. Imagine that you are at Sunrise Sumer Camp. Read the advertisement, then choose activities from it to write
a letter to a friend of yours, telling him/her your news. Use the previous letter as a model.


Evening activities: play games around
the campfire.

This weekend:
Afternoon activities: swimming, Sat: visit a ranch.
playing water sports. Sun: have a big party.

Morning activities: sailing, Drama

classes, water-skiing

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