Dynamic Pricing - A Future Airline Business Model

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Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management Volume 4 Number 1

Dynamic pricing — A future airline

business model

Beat Burger and Matthias Fuchs*

Received: (in revised form): 3rd November, 2004

*Centre for Tourism and Service Economics, University of Innsbruck, A–6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Tel: +43 512 507 7083; Fax: +43 512 507 2845; E-mail: Matthias.fuchs@uibk.ac.at

Beat Burger is currently working on his also affects the cost structure of an airline and,
PhD, on the subject of dynamic pricing for hence, leads directly to a decrease in process
airlines. He studied business administra- complexity and transaction cost. Therefore,
tion and law at the University of Bern dynamic pricing proves to be the starting point
for an efficient pull strategy. It follows that a
Matthias Fuchs is Professor at Centre for dynamic pricing strategy can probably lead to a
Tourism and Service Economics at the Uni- new business model for the airline industry.
versity of Innsbruck, Austria. In 2003, he
finished his habilitation in business admin- INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW
istration at the University of Innsbruck, Revenue management is a practice that
Austria. In the same year he was nomi- dates back to the deregulation phase of the
nated for the ‘Eminent Scientist of the Year airline industry in the late 1970s (Winston,
2003’ by the World Scientist Forum and the 1986). It has been developed as an out-
International Research Promotion Council, growth from the need to manage capacity
2003, Kerala, India. Areas of research sold at discounted fares, targeted at leisure
include benchmarking, e-tourism and travellers, while simultaneously minimising
labour market research. At present, he is the dilution of revenue from business tra-
also the director of the eTourism Compe- vellers who were willing and able to pay
tence Center Austria, Innsbruck. full fare. The seat inventory control pro-
blem for a single-leg flight with multiple-
ABSTRACT fare classes has been studied extensively in
KEYWORDS: dynamic pricing, airline rev- the literature. The latter distinguishes
enue management, pull strategy, distribu- between a static and a dynamic version of
tion chain this problem. The static version assumes
that demand for different fare classes
This paper examines the economic effects of a arrives sequentially so that all booking
dynamic pricing strategy for the airline industry. requests for the lowest classes come first,
It is shown that a seat on a specific flight is a followed by all booking requests for the
typical perishable good, appropriate to be dyna- next lowest class, etc. Seat inventory con-
mically priced. The application of a dynamic trol has been implemented by imposing
pricing strategy has a neutral or a positive effect booking-limit calculations and a demand
on revenues, depending on competitors’ revenue model for each fare class. Belobaba (1987, Journal of Revenue and Pricing
Management, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2005,
management strategy. Furthermore, a dynamic 1989), Brumelle and McGill (1993), Curry pp. 39–53
# Henry Stewart Publications,
pricing strategy not only influences revenue but (1990), Littlewood (1972), Li and Oum 1477–657X

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Dynamic pricing — A future airline business model

(2002), Robinson (1995) and Wollmer were removed and one-way pricing has
(1992), among others, have studied the become possible. The only segmentation is
static problem. Within the dynamic pro- effected through time of booking and
blem, demand for each class is modelled as choice of flight. Those who want to get a
a stochastic process. An airline needs to cheaper seat must book earlier and/or on
decide whether to accept or reject each weaker-demand flights. Today, many tra-
individual booking request based on the ditional airlines are starting to react to this
number of unsold seats and the remaining low-cost competition and starting to sim-
time to departure. Thus, the optimal plify their fare structures. Simulation, how-
inventory control policy is typically deter- ever, has shown that just simplifying an
mined by dynamic programming. Lee and airline’s fare structure by cutting the
Hersh (1993) were the first to study this restrictions can lead to a decline in revenue
problem. Their model has been extended of more than 30 per cent (Gorin, 2003).
to incorporate issues such as overbooking, This paper broadly evaluates dynamic
cancellations and no-shows (eg Chatwin, pricing effects for the airline industry. First,
1996, 1998; Subramanian et al., 1999). Lau- it is shown that an airline seat may be
tenbacher and Stidham (1999) provided a dynamically priced. Secondly, a basic
unified model for the static and dynamic dynamic pricing prototype model is intro-
problem. duced. Thirdly, the performance of an air-
A central revenue management premise line’s dynamic pricing strategy is
is that demand is perfectly segmented hypothesised and systematically tested. It
(Belobaba, 1987). Typically, it is assumed can be demonstrated that a dynamic pri-
that booking requests are made for one cing strategy not only influences the air-
special fare class and, if the request is line’s revenue but also positively affects its
turned down, the potential customer is cost structure. Hence, the conclusion fol-
lost. The likelihood of selling a full-fare lows that a dynamic pricing strategy can
ticket, however, may well depend on probably lead to a new airline business
whether a discount fare is available at the model in the future.
time. Put differently, product substitution
is to be expected as passengers try to get DYNAMIC PRICING
the lowest fare that still meets their needs The dynamic pricing concept is not
(Talluri and van Ryzin, 2000). Because entirely new. Depending on one’s view, it
of this product substitution, forecasts will is either the most natural or the most
progressively underestimate high-yield extreme approach to price-responsive
demand and at the same time will overesti- demand. As the economist Paul Krugmann
mate low-yield demand. Therefore, it can (2000) pointed out, dynamic pricing is
be shown that traditional revenue manage- merely a new version of the age-old prac-
ment systems spiral down to the lowest tice of price discrimination. Yet, what is
fare class and do not generate an optimal new about today’s form of price discrimi-
decision support (Cooper et al., 2004). In nation is that current technology has made
addition, low-cost carrier competition has dynamic pricing not only widely possible,
increased dramatically over the last few but also commercially feasible (Elmaghraby
years (Ito and Lee, 2003). The latter have and Keskinocak, 2002).
introduced radically different pricing poli- In the 1980s, US electricity suppliers
cies, which contradict traditional pricing started to set electricity prices in relation to
theory (Lawton, 2002). Restrictions such as demand. The most feasible way to do so
Saturday nights or minimum-stay rules was by the implementation of time-of-use

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(ie TOU) rates or dynamic pricing. This dynamically directly in relation to demand.
allowed utilities to pass on to consumers at Product differentiation will be done only
least part of the price variation occurring over the factors ‘time to departure’ and
within a given period, thus decreasing ‘demand in relation to capacity’. In other
demand when supplies are tightest. Once words, dynamic pricing responds directly
exposed to electricity prices that vary to market demand by offering an optimal
during the day, consumers are likely to or nearby optimal market fare (Lin, 2003).
alter their consumption patterns, especially Most existing literature consisting dynamic
during critical peak periods. Experiments pricing assumes that both customer arrival
with dynamic pricing in Texas have shown rate and customer reservation price distri-
that consumers shifted or curtailed almost a bution are well known before the sale
third of their demand during peak periods begins (McGill and van Ryzin, 1999).
(Colledge et al., 2002). In many service industries, however, the
Indeed, dynamic pricing emerged as a seller can only use historical data to esti-
business strategy that adjusts the product mate the customer reservation price.
price in a timely fashion in order to allo- Through preliminary pre-sales market
cate the right service to the right customer research, an airline obtains a prior distribu-
at the right time. If prices are viewed as tion of the customer arrival rate. As the
variable and can be controlled on a contin- sale moves forward, the airline may use
uous basis, product prices can be set dyna- real-time sales data to update the demand
mically in order to maximise expected distribution and then dynamically set
total revenues (Kincaid and Darling, 1963). prices. The set price then interacts with the
So-called perishable goods are especially demand behaviour and may control capa-
suitable to be priced dynamically (Christo- city. High capacity and low demand will
pher, 1984). As with electricity, perishable immediately lead to reduced prices. Thus,
products feature the following characteris- the remaining seats will be sold either at
tics: the expense of competitors or as a result of
increased ‘low-price demand’ (Binggeli and
(1) The quantity is fixed and reordering is Pompeo, 2002). Inversely, high demand on
not possible. specific flights will increase fares immedi-
(2) There is a deadline for sales. ately to protect seats for passengers book-
(3) The marginal cost of selling one or ing closer to departure with a higher
more items is low. willingness to pay. Hence, dynamic pricing
methods do not determine a booking con-
Applying these characteristics to the air trol policy at the start of the booking
travel industry may show that a seat on a period as the static methods do (Weather-
specific flight is also a typical perishable ford and Bodily, 1992).
good (Lin, 2003). Once an aircraft is Applying price elasticity of demand
defined for a specific flight, the quantity of instead of restrictions to control capacity is
seats is fixed. At the time the aircraft a rather new approach, and the application
departs, any unsold seat is valueless and can has not yet been systematically evaluated in
no longer be sold. In the air travel indus- the air transportation industry.
try, marginal sales cost is very low. It is
obvious that a seat on a specific flight can MODEL BUILDING ISSUES
be dynamically priced. Therefore, instead In this section, a dynamic pricing proto-
of pricing different products represented by type is introduced according to Isler (2003).
booking classes, seats can also be priced The objective of the prototype model is to

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Dynamic pricing — A future airline business model

evaluate the performance and economic unsold products. The selling interval is
effects of a dynamic pricing strategy in the divided into steps, such that the probabil-
air transportation industry. The model ity of multiple arrivals within a specific
structure consists of a market model, an time interval is negligible. The demand
optimiser and a forecaster. rate for an interval is denoted by p0 and,
consequently, demand d is equal to p0T.
Market model Letting demand d be within a specific
It is considered that a supplier sells a given selling interval denotes the probability of
stock of a product over a finite time hori- an arrival at the given fare fi. Corre-
zon [0, T] and the customers’ arrival rate spondingly, the probability of no arrival
corresponds to a discrete binomial distribu- is
tion based on a Bernoulli trail (Mood et al.,
ð1  p0 Þ þ p0 ½1  pðfi Þ ¼ 1  pi
1974). Upon arrival, a customer will pur-
chase one item if the posted product price
It is clear that the probability of a no arri-
is lower than or equal to his/her willing- val corresponds to the inverse arrival prob-
ness-to-pay, otherwise he/she leaves
ability of one buying passenger pi at the
‘empty-handed’. It is assumed that willing- given fare fi in a specific time interval.
ness-to-pay of all customers is independent
and stochastically distributed with a contin-
uous cumulative function with a fixed set Optimiser
of prices fi (i=1, . . ., F, such that fk>fj if Dynamic programming is the only exact
k>j). The assumption that the seller can and efficient technique available for sol-
choose any price from a continuous set ving the problem of optimisation over
possesses some mathematical elegance, but time in the general non-linear, stochastic
may not be practical in some cases (Lin, case. Dynamic programming is based on
2003). The seller has an incentive to restrict Bellman’s principle of optimality (Bellman
the price to be chosen from a discrete price and Kalaba, 1965). It argues that an opti-
set, such as 99, 119, 129, 139, etc., for var- misation problem can be solved by recur-
ious marketing reasons, including the sub- sively solving Bellman’s equation to find
jective perception of prices (Monroe, time-consistent policy functions. Applying
1973). dynamic programming on a single-leg
For each arrival, the probability that the problem and based on the above market
customer will pay fare f is given by prob- model, the expected total revenue J in
ability p(f). It is assumed that p(f) is strictly stage t and with the capacity x can be
decreasing and satisfies formulated as {pi ½fi þ Jt ðx  1Þþ
ð1  pi ÞJt ðxÞ}, where ½fi þ Jt ðx  1Þ repre-
pðfk Þ  pðfj Þ if k > j ð1Þ sents the case of a buying passenger and
ð1  pi ÞJt ðxÞ stands for the situation where
Assumption (1) reflects the market model no customer arrives or a passenger leaves
and allows the interpretation of the sell- ‘empty handed’.
er’s decision successfully to sell one item. It is easy to see that, if fare fi is set in
Sales end either when the seller is out of order to maximise the expression at every
stock, or at time T. It is further assumed time stage t, the expected total revenue
that any unsold product at time T has no Jt(x) will be maximised over time. This
salvage value. This assumption is without relation is given in equation (2), referred to
loss of generality if the salvage value of as the Bellman equation for a single-leg
the stock is linear with the number of revenue management problem

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Jt1 ðxÞ ¼ maxfpi ½fi þ Jt ðx  1Þ Unlike traditional dynamic pricing models,
where the seller has to know the custo-
þ ð1  pi ÞJt ðxÞg ð2Þ mer’s arrival rate in advance, a key
¼ Jt ðxÞ þ maxfpi ½ðfi  Jt ðxÞÞg assumption in this model is that the seller
estimates the demand. Therefore, pre-sales
where market research is proposed to reveal the
Jt ðxÞ  Jt ðxÞ  Jt ðx  1Þ first two moments of the demand distribu-
tion. Consequently, if the seller can accu-
Jt ðxÞ represents the opportunity cost of rately predict the first customer’s p(f), the
selling one unit of capacity. Equation (2) risk of ending up in a ‘self-fulfilling pro-
can be solved by iteration for the boundary phecy’ is reduced to a minimum. As sales
condition move forward, the seller collects sales data
in real time to model the demand curve
Jt ðxÞ ¼ Jt ð0Þ ¼ 0
and to ‘fine-tune’ customer arrival rates.
The customer arrival rate is not known in
advance. Hence, as soon as sales begin, the Comparison with standard
airline starts to predict the future demand revenue management
distribution. The seller’s objective is to use Standard revenue management assumes
real-time sales data to adjust the product that the demand is perfectly segmented
price dynamically in order to maximise the into different products at fare fi (Belobaba,
expected total revenue. 1987). Nested allocations or bid price con-
trols allow sales at given fare fi and above.
Forecaster The difference from the above model is,
To estimate the dynamic probabilities P ^i , however, that sales at fares >fi are
the maximum likelihood method is expected as well. Replacing the quantities
applied. As the latter is invariant under pi, and fi in (2) by
linear transformations, it leads to unbiased
estimators (Bickel and Doksum, 1977). If 
Pi ¼ Pj
an initial point is carefully selected, the j¼i
non-linear algorithm will converge to a
satisfactory local maximum. Consequently,
the dynamic probability is available to feed  1X F
fi¼  pj f i
the optimisation algorithm. Since the prob- p i j¼i
ability of an arrival depends on the control
variable fi , the forecast must be state con- the same optimisation algorithm solves the
tingent. standard problem as well (Lautenbacher
If there were enough observations of and Stidham, 1999). The arrival rates are
arrivals N i or no arrivals for each fare, the multiple counted, and the fares are overes-
estimator would read ^pi ¼ NiNþiN i. Con- timated because ‘buy down’ is neglected.
straint (1), however, will not necessarily be Conversely, the forecast for standard rev-
satisfied. It has to be imposed as a particular enue management systems is not state con-
constraint to the likelihood maximisation. tingent. The estimator would add
It is supposed that the estimator is deter- superficial ‘0-observations’ for fares>i,
mining all probabilities to zero, except for which would drive demand estimates for
the lowest fare. Then, the optimiser will higher fares down. Demand estimates for
display the lowest fare only, and there will fares<i are not disturbed, because tradi-
never be any corrections to those estimates. tional forecasters apply unconstraining. In

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Dynamic pricing — A future airline business model

this particular context, this would mean no starting values required that the dynamic
updates for demand estimates. The latter program was randomly generated. To cor-
assumption leads to the ‘self-fulfilling pro- rect this, a ‘burn period’ of 50 trails was
phecy’ that there is demand for the lowest subtracted before comparing the results.
fare only. This underestimation of high For the given capacity of ten seats, a
yield demand is also referred to as ‘spiral demand with a base rate of 0.2 is simulated.
down effect’ in airline revenue manage- This base rate is equal to a number of 20
ment (Cooper et al., 2004). customers willing to purchase a seat on this
leg if the offered fare is equal to or lower
ANALYSIS OF DYNAMIC than the prospective reservation price.
PRICING PERFORMANCE After 1,000 simulations under the given
In this section, the empirical performance parameters (and after subtracting the burn-
of the above dynamic pricing model is ana- ing period), dynamic pricing generated an
lysed. The performance of the prototype average revenue of 3,382CHF per leg. This
model is evaluated in two steps: revenue is equal to an average yield of
338.2CHF. The optimal strategy provided
(1) model adequacy by the multistep simulator, knowing all
(2) analysis of performance under competi- market and customer parameters, generated
tion. an average of 3,416CHF per leg or a yield
per passenger of 341.6CHF. Under the
Model adequacy simulated demand situation, dynamic pri-
To give evidence of the adequacy of the cing leads to a decline of 0.9 per cent with
proposed dynamic pricing model, the latter a standard deviation of 0.61 per cent of
has been building up in a multistage simu- total revenue compared with the optimal
lator, giving the possibility of comparing strategy.
the results obtained against the optimal Under the given situation, the dynamic
revenue management strategy. To evaluate program calculated an average ‘starting
the validity and reliability of the dynamic fare’ of 299CHF. As sales move further,
pricing methodology described, a standard however, and depending on the seats
demand situation is simulated, and the per- already sold, the optimiser starts to open
formance of the dynamic program is com- fares at 349CHF. Towards the end, the
pared with the optimal strategy in given dynamic program computes an optimal
circumstances. The chosen parameters for fare of either 299CHF or 499CHF, depend-
the simulations are a capacity x of ten seats ing on the remaining capacity, the
and a total time for sale T of 100 period observed demand and the remaining time
slices. A discrete set of ten allowable prices to departure. Both the booking profile and
is given from which the seller can choose. the specific demand for each fare class
The price range is defined between 99CHF show a similar picture (Figure 2).
and 599CHF per seat and leg. The custo- Considering the demand situation and to
mer reservation price is exponentially dis- maximise revenues, it is obvious that
tributed, and the simulator randomly higher fare levels are sold. At the same
generates arrival rates. It is clear that the time, it is important to sell as many seats as
dynamic pricing methodology tested has possible. Therefore, an exact estimation of
no initial and direct access to these market the future demand is very important to sell
data. at the right price to maximise revenues. In
The sample size of each simulation run the simulation described, the dynamic pri-
was 1,000. In each simulation run, the cing model underestimated demand at

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Figure 1: Fare distribution

Fare 299
Capacity x

Fare 349
3 Fare 399
1 Fare 499
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Period slices T

Fare at capacity x and periode slice T

lower price levels and overestimated level of 299CHF. The main reason for this
demand at higher fares. Compared with is the starting problem. Without precise
the optimal booking profile, the dynamic market information, the dynamic program
program allowed too many bookings at needs a certain number of observations to
the prices of 349CHF and 599CHF. In con- estimate and forecast the market demand
trast, it did not catch the demand at the precisely at each price level to open the

Figure 2: Booking profile

Simulated and estimated demand

99 149 199 249 299 349 399 449 499 599

Price set f1, …, f10
Estimated demand
Simulated demand
Booking profile ‘dynamic pricing’
Booking profile ‘optimal solution’

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Dynamic pricing — A future airline business model

right number of seats to optimise total rev- convergence period and protects the model
enue. At the starting point, this market from ending up in a self-fulfilling pro-
information is missing, and the probability phecy. As already stated, market research
is very high that the dynamic pricing of historical data is helpful to increase the
model is starting with an inappropriate fare performance of the dynamic pricing meth-
level. As sales move further, the model odology.
gains access to actual market dates and is The proposed dynamic pricing metho-
fine tuning its forecast in every time slice dology performs in the described environ-
and after each sale, resulting in a precise ment unexpectedly well. Different trails
estimation. Owing to this dynamic learn- with other settings showed similar results.
ing effect, the system is getting better as Under the assumption of appropriate start-
more customers are observed. ing values, the dynamic program con-
The convergence of the total revenue verged after a short ‘learning period’ to the
curves affirms the truth of this statement: optimal solution. After the subtraction of
the dynamic pricing model badly under- the so-called learning period, the proposed
performs compared with the optimal solu- dynamic pricing model led to an average
tion at the first simulation sample. After total revenue deviation of –1.32+0.76 per
the ‘burn period’ of 50 samples, the perfor- cent compared with the optimal solution.
mance of the dynamic program is already Some rare cases have been observed
very close to the optimal revenue path where the dynamic program ended up in a
given by the simulator. After 100 samples, self-fulfilling prophecy. This can be traced
the dynamic pricing model estimates and back to unfortunately generated starting
acts nearly optimally (Figure 3). values where the estimator determined that
Feeding the dynamic program with all probabilities are zero expect for the
actual market data (ie demand distribution lowest price. The model then displayed the
and/or reservation prices) minimises the lowest fare only and never corrected those

Figure 3: View path

Total Revenue Jt(x)



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Simulation simple

Average Revenue ‘optimal solution’

Average Revenue ‘ dynamic pricing’
Burn period

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estimates. It is believed that heuristic start- Table 1: Departure schedules GVA-PAR

ing values are preventing modelling from (Geneva–Paris)
ending up in this self-fulfilling prophecy.
Analysis of performance
under competition Dep. Dep. Dep.
In August 2003, Swiss International Air
06:50 07:30 06:10
Lines implemented an adapted prototype-
09:00 – 09:40
model for dynamic pricing into their 11:35 12:00 –
revenue management system within the 15:55 14:00 15:55
European markets. As a result, ten addi- 18:15 – –
tional new fare classes were introduced, 20:05 – 20:10
mainly differentiated over the fare. The
introduced dynamic pricing methodology
computes the optimal fare according to the
observed demand and opens one for the October 2003, airline A accounted a 2.4
new fare classes. The re-optimisation is per cent increase of total revenue compared
done every 24 hours, and the first p(f) is with the previous year. The average seat
heuristically estimated by historical data, load factor (ie the ratio of transported pas-
market surveys and competitor analyses. sengers and total seats) rose by 6.3 per cent.
To study the performance of the From the point of view that the capacity
dynamic pricing strategy under competi- remained unchanged and the market grew
tion, a particular 300 mile single-leg Euro- by 0.06 per cent compared with the pre-
pean market characterised by 13 daily vious year (MIDT, 2004), this is a signifi-
connections resulting in a big over-capacity cant improvement in the result and may be
was analysed. In this market, three different traced back to the revenue management
airlines with different revenue management method.
strategies are competing. The performance An analysis of the different flights shows
of dynamic pricing is then derived from that the performance of dynamic pricing
the total revenue generated for each flight strategy largely depends on the competi-
and compared against previous years’ fig- tors’ revenue management systems. The
ures. The compared figures are adjusted by highest revenue increase can be shown in
the market grow rate and the available seat the situation where dynamic pricing is
(MIDT, 2004). It should be stated that rev- competing against traditional revenue man-
enues and seat load factors were available agement. Thus, the largest effect can be
only for airline A. Thus, figures from air- shown on the midday flight (eg departure
lines B and C were estimated and deviated 11:35/12:00), where airline A is competing
from public data. against airline B, using traditional revenue
Airline A (Swiss International Air Lines) management. The dynamic pricing strat-
has six daily connections and uses the egy of airline A resulted in a revenue
described dynamic pricing strategy. Air- increase of 12.1 per cent, and the average
line B has three daily services and is using seat load factor rose in the analysed period
traditional revenue management. Airline C by 18.5 per cent compared with the pre-
is a low-cost carrier with four daily flights. vious year. The reason for this unambigu-
The departure schedules of the three air- ous result can be directly traced back to the
lines are shown in Table 1. fast adaptation of dynamic pricing on the
In the analysed period of September and market. It was observed that airline A

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Dynamic pricing — A future airline business model

undercut the fare offered from airline B strategy, both carriers would start dynami-
during the whole booking period and so cally to undercut each other without seeing
attracted additional passengers. Shortly an effect on demand. The dynamic pricing
before departure and at days where air- methodology will, under the situation of
line A risked being sold out, the dynamic over-capacity, dynamically continue to
pricing methodology increased the offered undercut prices. The resulting spiralling
fare over proportionally, while airline B down effect can be explained using Ber-
still sold lower fare classes. Considering the trand’s paradox (1903): if one airline is redu-
marginal market growth, it is assumed that cing the price to attract passengers, the
airline B lost passengers and revenues other airline will reduce its price even more
(MIDT, 2004). to attract passengers back. The result is a
A different picture was observed for price war. Typically, the price war would
morning and evening flights (eg departure not stop until both of the competitors
09:00/09:40 and 20:05/20:10), where airline ended up on the lowest price level — below
A was competing against airline C. The marginal costs. Since it makes no sense eco-
revenues of airline A did not increase sig- nomically to sell below variable costs, mini-
nificantly, and the average seat load factor mum price thresholds are required. Price
rose by 5.8 per cent. Analysing this situa- thresholds are strongly connected to the
tion shows that the dynamic pricing model cost structure of the airline — defined by
was undercutting the fare offered from the the short-run marginal costs (SRMC) per
low-cost carrier C. But in this case, the passenger. Obviously, the more competitive
fares were at the lower end, slightly above the cost structure of an airline the better the
the marginal cost. It is believed that owing dynamic pricing system performs. There-
to the lower average fares, additional low fore, airlines with lower production costs
yield traffic was attracted, resulting in the will be able to match or even undercut the
rise in seat load factor. In contrast, the competitor’s price and will still be able to
effect of the increased seat load factor was generate small margins.
not strong enough to have a significant Furthermore, within so-called ‘indiffer-
positive impact on revenues. It is assumed ence zones’, customers are indifferent to
that at very low price levels, passengers are small pricing changes where, outside this
less price sensitive to relative changes and zone, demand rises or falls dramatically in
convenient factors such as time of depar- response to price changes (Elmaghraby and
ture or image of the airline become more Keskinocak, 2002). Decreasing prices
important (Holloway, 2003). Finally, ana- below a certain point, however, does not
lysing the early morning flight and the have a significant impact on purchase.
afternoon flights (eg departure 06:50 and According to Barker et al. (2001), prices
15:55) of airline A showed a similar pic- for well-known brands can be raised as
ture. The effect of the decreased fares had a much as 17 per cent without a change in
direct positive impact on the seat load consumer reaction. Hence, it is believed
factor. In turn, the increasing seat load that a thorough understanding of demand
factor was not always strong enough to elasticity may also help airlines to set effi-
compensate for decreasing yields, so having cient price thresholds and prevent the
a positive effect on revenues. system from ending up at the lowest price
This outcome leads to the question of level.
what would happen if two competing air- To sum up, dynamic pricing has a neu-
lines applied dynamic pricing methodolo- tral or positive effect on the airline’s rev-
gies. Following the dynamic pricing enue under the assumption of a

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competitive cost structure. A carrier using positioning are considered as the base of an
dynamic pricing competing against a car- airline’s ability to differentiate itself.
rier doing traditional revenue management The application of the price elasticity
will see an increase in revenue. This approach discussed above instead of restric-
increase is based on the better adaptation of tions to control capacity in order to opti-
dynamic pricing to the environment due to mise revenues will dramatically redefine the
the dynamic booking policy. qualitative characteristics of an airline
The drawback of dynamic pricing lies in ticket. A purchasing passenger will be faced
the situation where two competing carriers with only one price for his desired journey
use dynamic pricing strategies. Setting — the complexity of combination of fare
minimum price thresholds, however, will and different restrictions used by today’s
prevent the system from ending up in Ber- revenue management will disappear. It is
trand’s paradox (ie ending up on the expected, however, that any reduction in
lowest price level). Nevertheless, in this the complexity of a ticket purchasing pro-
specific situation the dynamic pricing cess will lead to increased customer value.
model underperforms compared with tra- Low-cost carriers, for example, have
ditional revenue management. proved that customers appreciate simple
ticket rules and fast purchasing processes
ECONOMIC EFFECTS IMPLEMENTING (Hurumi and Darin, 2003). It is believed
DYNAMIC PRICING that the application of dynamic pricing and
To date, research on dynamic pricing has the resulting drop out of restrictions will
only explored revenue impacts. Hence, the have three major economical advantages
next section is intended to show that leading to significant cost reductions.
dynamic pricing may also lead to a signifi-
cant cost reduction. Put differently, Simplified web applicability
dynamic pricing is the starting point for a Today, concepts of ticket restrictions are
strategic position based on distinctiveness based mainly on two pillars: advanced pur-
and cost leadership, allowing an airline to chase and minimum-stay restrictions. It is
distinguish itself from competitors. clear that minimum-stay restrictions are
Strategic management literature widely strongly related to the return ticket, so it is
accepts that competitive advantages are clear that one-way fares must be set high
derived from the ability to provide better enough to not over-rule other restrictions.
customer value for equivalent cost, or As stated, dynamic pricing suggests a way
equivalent customer value at lower cost of controlling capacity only over the price.
than competitors (Porter, 1985). To It is easy to see that the disappearance of
achieve either of these advantageous posi- restrictions due to dynamic pricing makes
tions, a company chooses to perform parti- one-way pricing possible. Outbound and
cular activities in a certain way or to inbound journeys are priced separately but
produce those activities in a particular (ie remain fully combinable. It is further
highly efficient) manner (Porter, 1991, believed that one-way pricing will increase
1996). Strategic positioning is underpinned the transparency of ticket fares, supporting
by relevant resources and competencies fast and well-accepted ticket-purchasing
which allow it to distinguish itself from processes. Furthermore, one-way pricing
competitors in respect of what a company has the great advantage that fares can be
can do and how it can be done. Hence, easy and understandable displayed in a
resources brought together in the context two-dimensional way (ie flight and corre-
of particular core competencies and cost sponding fare) on the internet. It is

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Dynamic pricing — A future airline business model

assumed that the introduction of a simpli- repository of capacity information and

fied and easily understandable ticket pur- offer a range of services, such as providing
chasing process may support a shift of real-time information about seat availabil-
volume into direct sales channels. There- ity and handling computerised requests for
fore, it is believed that customers will be seats. Industry research from the US Gen-
more willing to make use of own sales eral Accounting Office (GAO) shows that
channels, call centres or web-sales. Low- CRS account for 3–5 per cent of the ticket
cost carriers prove that it is possible to sell price (Hecker and Steve, 2003).
out an aircraft only via direct channels In the age of the internet, the added
(Lawton, 2002). value from CRS must be strongly put into
question. More precise CRS are unable to
Disengagement from travel agents display dynamic fare changes. Direct access
Airlines have the choice between two basic to airlines’ booking servers becomes indis-
distribution strategies (Bouvard and pensable. It is believed that, under the
Somosi, 1997). Either they continue to rely application of dynamic pricing, the loop
on distributors to push their travel services over a CRS may be inefficient and unne-
to the passenger by offering bonuses to cessary. An even bigger potential threat lies
travel agencies, or they may choose a ‘pull’ in airlines’ efforts to redefine the travel
strategy, and rely on their own product, agents’ role and to bypass them. It is
brand name and/or marketing skills to gen- assumed that to purchase a ticket with only
erate customer demand and loyalty to one fare and no restrictions does not need
maintain or develop their market position support from a travel agent. Furthermore,
(Bouvard and Somosi, 1997). In a liberal- travel agents have to book the dynamically
ised market distribution, with the first priced ticket directly over the web server
strategy, costs could quickly escalate if of the airline — in the same way as every
competing airlines begin raising overrides customer can book tickets. Applying
to win business. The second strategy is dynamic pricing must lead to a redefinition
reducing an airline’s dependence on travel of the role of the travel agent. It is assumed
agents to market its products. that the resulting cost saving from bypass-
Until today, all major network carriers ing travel agents and CRS companies adds
have relied on external sales channels (eg up of more than 5 per cent of the ticket
travel agents, consolidators or tour opera- price (Bouvard and Somosi 1997).
tors) to distribute up to 85 per cent of the In addition, the development of a direct
airline tickets (Costa et al., 2002). Travel relationship with customers will give air-
agents are adding value by providing infor- lines a firmer grip on sales. A closer rela-
mation about travel options, making airline tionship with the customer will help to
reservations and airline seat selections, issu- eliminate being at the mercy of distributors
ing tickets and tracking travel expendi- and intermediaries. The airline develops its
tures. For each booking, travel agents internal distribution structure to handle an
collect a commission from the airline. In increasing share of ticket distribution in
addition, travel agents get bonuses and certain, well-defined customer segments,
overrides for meeting sales goals. Today, shifting volume from unfocused and some-
commissions and incentives add up to 8–12 times unprofitable ticket offices to high-
per cent (eg IATA is suggesting 9 per cent) performing call centres and web sales. In a
of the ticket price (Hecker and Steve, deregulated market, a pull strategy is
2003). Futhermore, computer reservation clearly superior, as customer loyalty will
systems (CRS) serve travel agents with a prevent an airline’s home market eroding

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Burger and Fuchs

while limiting the bargaining power of more valid alternative to external distribu-
travel agents (Holloway, 2003). A pull tors. Low-cost carriers prove that it is pos-
strategy clearly relys on a fast ticket pur- sible to sell out an aircraft via direct
chasing process in conjunction with a two- channels (Lawton, 2002). The closer rela-
dimensional decision structure. tionship with customers will help stop air-
lines being at the mercy of distributors and
intermediaries. Put differently, distributions
Decrease in complexity and
via the airlines’ own channels are bypassing
transaction costs
travel agents and consequently CRS com-
Today’s revenue management consists of
panies. The savings from direct sales will
two components: pricing differentiation
be significant, and service can improve. It
and reservations control (Belobaba, 1987).
is questionable, however, that dynamic pri-
Price differentiation is the process by which
cing itself will make all passengers use
fare levels are defined and combined with
direct sales channels. Dynamic pricing gen-
different restrictions. Subsequently, reserva-
erates only the base situation, where direct
tion control allows the optimal number of
sales become simpler and more effective.
seats to be allocated to each defined fare
Once direct sales channels are implemented
level (ie represented by booking classes) to
and accepted by customers, ticket prices
optimise revenues. Dynamic pricing sug-
from external channels may be increased
gests a new approach to controlling capa-
by CRS and travel agent commission. In
city and optimising revenues. Instead of
other words, customers who require ser-
imposed restrictions, the offered price level
vices from travel agents would have to
affects customers’ purchase behaviour in
cover the expenses arising.
order to control seat allocation. Conse-
This paper has shown that an airline
quently, today’s pricing activities may be
employing dynamic pricing and competing
abolished — pricing management and
against a carrier employing traditional rev-
reservation control departments may be
enue management will recognise a signifi-
merged. By doing so, dynamic pricing will
cant revenue increase. On a short-term
lead to a direct decrease in complexity and
view, revenue wins through dynamic pri-
transaction cost within an airline’s organi-
cing can rise by up to 20 per cent. This
sation structure (Williamson, 1993).
increase is based mainly on the better adap-
tation of dynamic pricing to the environ-
CONCLUSION ment. This better adaptation can be traced
In today’s competitive environment, an back to the fact that dynamic pricing
airline can achieve advantage over compe- methods do not determine booking control
titors by taking an aggressive approach policy at the start of the booking period as
towards reducing the role of travel agents the static methods do. On a long-term
and intermediaries for ticket distribution. view, however, the revenue effect will be
Applying the advantages of dynamic pri- much lower or neutralised through the
cing to the distribution chain is making the adaptation of the competitors’ strategy.
added value from travel agents question- The drawback of dynamic pricing lies in
able. The introduction of a simplified and the situation where two competing carriers
effective ticket purchasing process as gener- are using dynamic pricing strategies. Set-
ated by dynamic pricing will support the ting minimum price thresholds, however,
shift of volume into direct channels. Ticket may prevent the system from ending up in
sales over the airline’s own channels, such Bertrand’s paradox. Nevertheless, in this
as web sales or call centres, are becoming a specific situation, the dynamic pricing

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Dynamic pricing — A future airline business model

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airlines choose between two ticket distribution
transaction costs. Additionally, the arising
strategies’, The McKinsey Quarterly, No. 1.
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service and lower distribution costs. At the Naval Research Logistics, 43, 603–612.
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more than 5 per cent may be expected overbooking with a single fare class’, Opera-
(Bouvard and Somosi, 1997). Thus, tions Research, 46, 805–819.
dynamic pricing will lead to an overall Christopher, H. (1984) ‘Strategies in capacity
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increase in profitability. Customers are get-
Industries Journal, 4(3).
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Colledge, J. A., Jason Hicks, J. B. and Wagle,
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