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Lecturer : Ms. Tran Thi Thu Hien

Subject : Product Management
Subject code : MK307DE01
Group :2

Name Student ID
Phung Lam Như 2182551
Pham Le Bich Phuong 2185528
Nguyen Ngoc Bao Tran 2173218
Hoang Thi Yen 2185480

June, 2021
Ho Chi Minh City




Lecturer : Ms. Tran Thi Thu Hien

Subject : Product Management
Subject code : MK307DE01
Group :2

Name Student ID
Phung Lam Như 2182551
Pham Le Bich Phuong 2185528
Nguyen Ngoc Bao Tran 2173218
Hoang Thi Yen 2185480

June, 2021
Ho Chi Minh City

During the process of learning, analyzing executing the plan, and completing this
final report, our team has received a lot of support from Ms. Tran Thi Thu Hien.
Through this, we would like to send our sincere thanks to:
- Ms. Chan Thi Thu Hien - Thank you for teaching us how to create a new
product process and advice for our plan from the draft. She helped us answer all
the questions to complete this project.

Cozy – has been a tea brand that is familiar to young people through its fruit-
flavored filter tea bags, widely used at different large and small milk tea shops.
Understanding the desire for a convenient, safe product that can be carried with
you to use at any time, Cozy has launched a different and new product line, which
is the milk tea as well as the bottle fruit-flavored product line. After the success of
lemongrass peach tea, matcha, and honey kumquat tea, we decided to introduce a
new flavor to the market, the pink guava tea. Keeping the core value of the old one
in technology and processing method, but enhances the flavor quality, affordable
and easy to carry around, a little source of energy and this is how we made this
drink available, from the early stage to come up with the idea, data collection,
research, and the outcome.





LIST OF TABLE......................................................................................................................7

LIST OF FIGURE....................................................................................................................8

PROCESS CREATE A NEW PRODUCT FOR COZY..........................................................9

1. New Product Creation:.....................................................................................................9

1.1 Idea Generation..................................................................................................................9

1.2 Evaluation Idea.................................................................................................................10

1.2.1 Idea Formation Process..................................................................................................................10
1.2.2 Choose and Ranking Factor...........................................................................................................11
1.2.3 Type of New Product.....................................................................................................................14

2. Product Innovation Chapter (PIC) Analysis:................................................................15

2.1 Background.......................................................................................................................15

2.2 Focus..................................................................................................................................15

2.3 Goal / Objective................................................................................................................16

2.4 Guideline...........................................................................................................................16

3. New Product Process......................................................................................................17

3.1 Phase 1 – Opportunity Identification and Selection......................................................17

3.1.1 FMCG Situation.............................................................................................................................17
3.1.2 Easy Trending................................................................................................................................17
3.1.3 Industry in Vietnam.......................................................................................................................17

3.2 Phase 2 – Concept Generation.........................................................................................18

3.2.1 Concept Generation Process..........................................................................................................18

3.2.2 Market Research................................................................................................................2

3.3 Phase 4 – Development.......................................................................................................8
3.3.1 Benefit..............................................................................................................................................8
3.3.2 Chunks and Functions......................................................................................................................9
3.3.3 The Detail of Product.....................................................................................................................10
3.3.4 Packaging Form.............................................................................................................................11
3.3.5 Logo...............................................................................................................................................12

3.4 Phase 5 – Launching.........................................................................................................12

3.4.1 Situation Analysis..........................................................................................................................12
3.4.2 Marketing Objective......................................................................................................................14
3.4.3 Marketing Strategy.........................................................................................................................14
3.4.4 IMC plan........................................................................................................................................19
3.4.5 Marketing Budget..........................................................................................................................24

TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO.......................................................................................................29

Table 1: Evaluation factors of each ideas.............................................................................................................15
Table 2: Ranking Concept.....................................................................................................................................17
Table 3: Type of Pink Guava Tea..........................................................................................................................18
Table 4: Concept Generation................................................................................................................................22
Table 5: Scale of Research......................................................................................................................................2
Table 6: Score Model...............................................................................................................................................2
Table 7: Perceptual Map.........................................................................................................................................3
Table 8: Average points between Pink Guava Tea and Competitors......................................................................4
Table 9: Compare 2 factors: Quality and Aroma....................................................................................................6
Table 10: Compare 2 factors: Quality and Convenience........................................................................................7
Table 11: Compare 2 factors: Quality and Packaging...........................................................................................7
Table 12: Compare 2 factors: Aroma and Packaging.............................................................................................8
Table 13: Compare 2 factors: Aroma and Convenience.........................................................................................8
Table 14: Compare 2 factors: Packaging and Convenience...................................................................................9
Table 15: Chunks and Functions...........................................................................................................................10
Table 16: The details of Pink Guava Tea..............................................................................................................11
Table 17: SWOT Analysis......................................................................................................................................14
Table 18: POP and POD.......................................................................................................................................17
Table 19: Overall Plan..........................................................................................................................................20
Table 20: Type of advertising (to customers)........................................................................................................21
Table 21: Type of advertising (to distribution)......................................................................................................21
Table 22: Trade promotion....................................................................................................................................21
Table 23: Media Plan phase 1...............................................................................................................................22
Table 24: Media Plan phase 2...............................................................................................................................24
Table 25: Master Timeline.....................................................................................................................................25
Table 26: PR budget..............................................................................................................................................26
Table 27: Digital Marketing Budget......................................................................................................................27
Table 28: Advertising budget.................................................................................................................................28
Table 29: Sale Promotion budget..........................................................................................................................30
Table 30: Total budget...........................................................................................................................................30

Figure 1: Carton Box.............................................................................................................................................12
Figure 2: Logo Cozy..............................................................................................................................................13


1. New Product Creation:

1.1 Idea Generation
- Idea 1: Canned Raspberry Tea
Canned Raspberry Tea is a delicious, energetic, ready-to-drink tea
that combines original tea with the natural sweetness of raspberry.
Furthermore, it’s very convenient by the fact that it’s contained in a can, so
you can carry it everywhere you go. Canned raspberry is made using simple
plant-based ingredients, never using any artificial sweeteners or colors so
it’s good for consumer’s health as well.
- Idea 2: Pink Guava Tea 
The potential of pink guava fruit has been realized, fresh taste, easy to
drink, contains many nutritional values such as reducing blood sugar,
increasing heart health, beneficial for the digestive system, contains high
levels of antioxidants that can help to reduce the risk of cancer and
strengthen the body's immune system. Furthermore, we wanted to make a
combination with the original tea that we’ve been using for several previous
products, keeping the core values while step up the game with news
components. Plus, the overall weather in Vietnam is involved high-
temperature year-round, therefore people need something to reduce the heat,
to stay hydrated, and there’s no better selection other than fruit tea.
- Idea 3: Matcha Energy Bar
It's a great way to start your day. If you don't have time to sit down to
a hot meal and don't want to eat sugary breakfast snacks, reach for our all-
natural meal replacement bar and give your family the quick, tasty, and
nutritious. Its incredibly fulfilling breakfast bars are high-protein, fiber-rich
snacks that will boost your energy and keep hunger at bay. Packed with

protein and full of antioxidants and fiber, deliver key nutrients for a
balanced diet.
- Idea 4: Flavor Water
Tired of staying hydrated with boring tap water all day? The solution
is flavor water. Created by infusing the fruit with water method. With a
great taste that is entirely natural, especially the product contains less sugar
and calories mixed with refreshing carbonated foam, giving you a natural
light sweetness that is also good for your health, is the ideal choice for you.
for refreshment and to enhance the flavor of your daily meal.
- Idea 5: Iced Fruit Bubble Tea Powder
Fruit bubble has become one of the most popular beverages of all types
in recent years. However, not everyone, especially those who are at work,
can go to the store and buy one for themselves. As a result, this product may
assist you in making your own favorite fruit bubble tea in under 5 minutes
anywhere. It's also packaged in a paper bag, making it environmentally
1.2 Evaluation Idea
1.2.1 Idea Formation Process
- Valuable: An enterprise's resources can only provide a long-term
competitive advantage for the company if they are valuable. Businesses can
use valuable resources to develop strategies to increase business
performance and efficiency by identifying opportunities and addressing
challenges in their operational environment.
- Rare: Resources must be rare and difficult to find among competitors, or
else the advantages gained from such resources will be swiftly duplicated.
- In–imitable: To maintain a competitive edge, a resource must be difficult to
exactly imitate. If not, competitors will have amassed the resources
necessary to pursue the same plans as the company in a short period.

- Non-substituable: Although competitors in one firm cannot completely
copy the resources of another, businesses with particular resources can
replace a similar resource for the same technique.

Table 1: Evaluation factors of each ideas

Ideas Valuable Rare In-imitable Non-

Canned - X - X
Raspberry Tea
Pink Guava X X - X

Matcha X - - -
Energy Bar

Flavor Water - - - -

Iced Fruit X X - -
Bubble Tea

1.2.2 Choose and Ranking Factor

- Meet Demand (25%)

The fundamental concept of creating a product or service is to suit the market's

wants. To put it another way, make things that people want, not ones that
businesses want. This makes the product desirable to customers and profitable for
the company, making it one of the most important criteria to consider when
evaluating products. As a result, it will be 25%. 
- Difference (15%)

One of the characteristics that distinguish it from other items on the market is its
difference. This will persuade customers to prefer the business's product or service
over that of competitors. Customers' desire for novelty and goodness can
occasionally be triggered by differences. Therefore, "Differences" will be 15%.
- Price (20%)

A reasonable price will attract customers and speed up the purchasing process; the
price will reveal a portion of the product's quality and value. In conclusion, the
price element will account for 20% of the total.
- Convenience (20%)

Convenience is defined by factors such as ease of use, simplicity, and convenience

of use of the service. Customers will have no problems using products and services
as a result of this and will continue to do so for a long time. As a result, this
accounts for 20% of the total.
- Satisfaction (20%)

Satisfaction will result in both trust and commitment to the product. When
customers are happy with the product, they promote it and leave a positive
evaluation of their previous experiences. Businesses will be able to gain a firm
foothold in the market as a result of this. As a result, it accounts for 20% of the

Table 2: Ranking Concept

Ratio Canned Pink Guava Tea Iced Fruit

Raspberry Tea Bubble Tea

Rank Mark Rank Mark Rank Mark

25 3 75 3 75 2 50
Difference 15 4 60 4 60 4 60

Price 20 2 40 3 60 3 60

Convenience 20 4 80 4 80 2 40

Satisfaction 20 2 40 3 60 2 40

Total 100 295 335 250

After analyzing the data from the best three on a scale of 1 to5, we discovered that
the concept with the greatest score is "Pink Guava Tea”. Therefore, we’ll choose
it to be the one that’ll be developed.

1.2.3 Type of New Product
Add to an existing line of Cozy is fruit tea.
Table 3: Type of Pink Guava Tea


Pink Guava

Less Convenience Highly Convenience

Less Healthy

2. Product Innovation Chapter (PIC) Analysis:
2.1 Background
- As mentioned above, the reason why guava tea has been chosen is to satisfy
customer need at this particular season, as it getting hotter and hotter, people
need something to refresh themselves.
- There is an advantage in product quality, but Cozy lacks freshness,
modernity and does not have a clear position in the eyes of target consumers
- Millennials. Fruit-tea, which is often consumed by young customers will
probably have some good feedback from them.
2.2 Focus
- About raw material selection. As one of the first Vietnamese enterprises to
be quite bold in investing in their brands, Cozy has invested in many areas
of clean tea materials and cooperated with farmers in traditional tea areas.
The process of taking care of tea from planting to harvesting, preliminary
processing is accompanied and guided by farmers to ensure that they get the
best raw materials as well as the guava. The second thing that makes the
mark of guava tea lies largely in the way of mixing and flavoring -
inheriting the delicate culture of tea. What makes Cozy's mark in the
international market is also the result of maintaining, preserving, and
developing specialty ancient tea regions in high mountain areas such as Dien
Bien, Ha Giang, Lai Chau. . . is the precious capital of Vietnam's tea
- Besides, the main ingredients are tea, guava leaves, which are important
guava to create the unique characteristics of pink guava tea and are strictly
quality controlled to create. The orientation combines the quintessence of
Vietnam and modern technology to create products that are truly valuable
and imprinted not only in the market in the country but also ready to make a
mark in the international market is a problem calculated from early on by

2.3 Goal / Objective
- Renewing the brand image, bringing the brand closer to the Millennials
group, creating momentum for stronger growth.
- The brand's target audience is a group of young people aged 25-35 of the
Millennials generation in big cities who have the habit of refreshing with
convenient drinks. Repositioning the value Cozy brings to consumers by
satisfying their demand for the upcoming summer.
- Increase awareness and bring the brand closer to the target group of urban
2.4 Guideline
Since this is a fruit tea drink, cozy will focus on the young people segment, the
campaigns will stick to the message of always being fresh and healthy, focusing on
the psychology of young consumers. "Harmony" is the value the brand chooses to
focus on to remind young people to take a break for themselves so that they can
regain the enthusiasm, the necessary balance, and reset the body through the
product. A new tea to always keep the enthusiasm in work and life.

3. New Product Process
3.1 Phase 1 – Opportunity Identification and Selection
3.1.1 FMCG Situation
- Today's society is improving, improving, and improving positively,
convenience items, quickly becoming more and more necessary for
consumers, but the demand for product quality must also be higher.
- Canned water with many different flavors on the market is also one of the
products consumers are in demand for because of its convenience and
quickness. Cozy tea is a brand name that is popular and trusted by
consumers. In addition to handy tea bags, Cozy tea is also known and loved
for fruit tea products, canned milk tea at reasonable prices. And with the
needs of customers who are looking for a new type of tea for this canned tea
product, Cozy has launched a new tea.
3.1.2 Easy Trending
- With the current market, consumers have a more diverse demand for canned
fruit teas, Cozy will launch a new tea flavor to meet the needs of customers.
This product will be sold in convenience stores, supermarkets, grocery
stores, and water vending machines so that users can easily buy products
and enjoy cozy's new tea flavor.
3.1.3 Industry in Vietnam
- All cozy tea products are processed and packaged according to leading
modern technology in Italy, Germany, Japan.
- Tea ingredients are taken at the tea hill in Phu Tho with the process from
planting to caring, harvesting, and preliminary processing are carefully
made by enterprises to have the best input materials. The gentle green tea
flavor combines with the gentle sweetness and natural aroma of fruit.

3.2 Phase 2 – Concept Generation
3.2.1 Concept Generation Process
Table 4: Concept Generation

Concept 1: Chia-seed Pink Guava Tea

Technology Form Benefit
- Paper Box Filling Transfer Wire  Box with a capacity of 225 ml  Compactbox, easy-to-hold
- The transfer line integrates the  Vertical rectangular box, flat base  Exquisite, simple design
production stages, automatic  Information about the product is
washing and capping extraction clearly printed on the box.
- PLC controlled line with high
- The line is designed neatly,
beautiful vertically
- The production line ensures food
hygiene and safety and finished
product quality.

Concept 2: White Pearl Pink Guava Tea

Technology Form Benefit

 Paper Box Filling Transfer Wire  Box with a capacity of 225 ml  Compactbox, easy-to-hold
 The transfer line integrates the  Vertical rectangular box, flat base  Exquisite, simple design
production stages, automatic  Information about the product is
washing and capping extraction clearly printed on the box.
 PLC controlled line with high
 The line is designed neatly,
beautiful vertically
The production line ensures food
hygiene and safety and finished product
Concept 3: Original Pink Guava Tea
Technology Form Benefit
 Paper Box Filling Transfer Wire  Box with a capacity of 225 ml  Compactbox, easy-to-hold
 The transfer line integrates the  Vertical rectangular box, flat base  Exquisite, simple design
production stages, automatic  Information about the product is
washing and capping extraction clearly printed on the box.
 PLC controlled line with high
 The line is designed neatly,

beautiful vertically
The production line ensures food
hygiene and safety and finished product

[ CITATION Huy \l 1066 ]

3.2.2 Market Research
Our team chose the Likert scale because it was highly accurate in the answer to the
surveyed question. [ CITATION SPS20 \l 1066 ]
Table 5: Scale of Research

1 2 3 4 5
Very Unimportant Normal Important Very
unimportant Important

Our team surveyed and found that factors: packaging, price, aroma, materials,
convenience, benefits, technology, reputable brand, safety and factors that
consumers are interested in when making decisions to buy products.
Table 6: Score Model

Elements Weigh Con- Con- Con- Score Score Score

-ting cept cept cept of cc 1 of cc 2 of cc 3
1 2 3
Technolo 5 4 4 4 20 20 20
Packagi- Colour 5 4 4 4 20 20 20
Material 4 3 3 4 12 12 16
Price 4 4 4 4 16 16 16
Aroma Scent 4 4 4 4 16 16 16
Colour 4 4 4 4 16 16 16
Material 4 5 5 5 20 20 20
Convenin 4 4 4 4 16 16 16
Benefit 4 4 3 5 16 12 20
Reputabl 5 4 4 4 20 20 20
-e brand
Safety Hygiene 4 5 5 5 20 20 20
Time of 3 3 3 4 9 9 12
TOTAL: 201 197 212

According to the above model, our group of original pink guava tea is the most
suitable product for launching.
3.2.3 Perceptual Map
Table 7: Perceptual Map

Brand Image Tasty Form Convenience

Lipton Normal Simple paper Easy to move
box, filter bag or
powder bag not

Dilmah Normal Simple paper Easy to move

box, filter bag or
powder bag not

Nestea Normal Simple paper Easy to move

box, filter bag or
powder bag not

Concept Vitamin C, A give Paper box with Easy to move,

1, 2, 3 us beautify the open lid and protect the
skin, strengthen pre-mixed environment
the immune There is no
system, good for need to
digestion. prepare when
Combined with drinking
green tea creates a
drink that is both
delicious and

New flavor that
opponents do not
yet have.

According to the group, during this epidemic season, the problem of strengthening
health to fight the covid epidemic and protect yourself, Guava has many health
benefits such as Vitamin C, A to beautify the skin, strengthen the immune system,
Good for digestion. Paired with green tea for a refreshing drink. Ready-to-drink
drinking water for busy people, no need to spend too much time having a drink
when needed.

We will compare Cozy tea with competitors by factors: Quality, packaging, taste,
Table 8: Average points between Pink Guava Tea and Competitors

Brand Quality Aroma Packaging Convenience

Lipton 3,03030303 3,333333333 3,121212121 3,151515152

Dilmah 3 2,939393939 3,03030303 3,212121212
Nestea 3,060606061 3,242424242 2,878787879 2,787878788
Cozy 3,393939394 3,212121212 3,333333333 3,363636364

Table 9: Compare 2 factors: Quality and Aroma

3.2 0.15


3 Lipton
0.1 Dilmah
2.9 Nestea

2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 3.4 3.45


Table 10: Compare 2 factors: Quality and Convenience

3.5 0.15
0.1 0.2

1.5 Nestea
1 Cozy
2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 3.4 3.45




2.9 0.05 Dilmah

2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 3.4 3.45


Table 11: Compare 2 factors: Quality and Packaging

Table 12: Compare 2 factors: Aroma and Packaging


2.9 0.05 Dilmah
2.8 Nestea
2.9 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 3.4


Table 13: Compare 2 factors: Aroma and Convenience

0.1 0.2


1.5 Dilmah
1 Nestea

2.9 2.95 3 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 3.4


Table 14: Compare 2 factors: Packaging and Convenience

0.1 0.2


1.5 Dilmah
1 Nestea

2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4


3.3 Phase 4 – Development

3.3.1 Benefit
Guava is one of the favorite fruits because of the benefits it brings. The
combination of guava and green tea produces a product that is not only delicious
but also good for health.
- Reduce blood sugar.
- Keeps the heart-healthy.
- Reducing pain during menstruation.
- Beneficial for the digestive system.
- Guava helps to lose weight.
- High amount of antioxidants in guava can fight cancer
- Improve immune system.
- Eating guava is good for your skin.

3.3.2 Chunks and Functions
Table 15: Chunks and Functions

Chunk Function Image

Guava tea improves the

immune system to prevent
digestive diseases, and
guava has the effect of
reducing blood glucose
Top levels. Besides, in guava
contains vitamins A and C,
which act as antioxidants,
help keep skin healthy and
minimize wrinkles as well as
other signs of skin aging.

With well-producing
ingredients, the taste of
guava tea is different from
Cozy's previous products,
bringing a new taste to
Core users. The combination of
green tea and guava will
help users both enjoy a
quality drink and enjoy the
health benefits that the
ingredients bring.

Carton box form,
convenient, easy to use and
carry. The size of the box
can hold a large amount of
tea. Carton boxes are also
safe and environmentally

3.3.3 The Detail of Product

Table 16: The details of Pink Guava Tea

Items Material Unit Size

The carton of tea are
convenient, large Height: about 20cm
capacity but light Width: about 9cmx4 : 36cm
Top weight due to the 1
material, easy to carry
and environmental
Green tea leaf : 20%
Guava extract powder : 30%
Pure water : 35%
Core Guava Tea 1
Sugarcane :10%
Corn syrup: 5%

Cozy tea is packed with eco-

friendly carton box.
Jar Carton box 1 Specification: 1 box of 24
packs x 1 pack of 4 boxes x
1 box of 225ml.
3.3.4 Packaging Form
Figure 1: Carton Box

For this product, we use the same carton box material as the previous
products, both unifying the product system of Cozy and improving the
environmental protection that we have always done. It's really simple,
beautiful and attracts customers.

3.3.5 Logo
Figure 2: Logo Cozy

3.4 Phase 5 – Launching

3.4.1 Situation Analysis
Overview of Industry
Currently, consumers' demand for processed foods and beverages is
increasingly large and diversified, especially nutritional and organic products. It is
an opportunity for Vietnamese businesses to continue to invest and develop.
Despite being in the context of being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,
this is also a time when it is considered that there are many opportunities for strong
development for the food and beverage industry in Vietnam. Especially when
today, consumers are increasingly tending to pay more attention to nutritious foods
of plant origin, organic foods or healthy and convenient nutritional ingredients...
Along with it is the shift of habits from eating at restaurants to staying at home and
concerns about imported foods... that make the forecast of consumption demand of
some food and beverage groups constantly increasing rapidly and is forecasted to
have many breakthroughs in 2021 and the following years.
Overview of Company
COZY is a product of the transport system of Vietnam is mode variable and
close package according to leading modern technology in Italy, Germany, Japan.

With more than 20 years of experience in the tea industry, Cozy has become the
leading Vietnamese tea brand in Vietnam.
Inheriting the quintessence of traditional Vietnamese tea, this business also
researches carefully about the consumption habits and tea enjoyment culture of
countries around the world to perfect its products. Accordingly, Vietnam's
traditional jasmine tea products are processed and packaged according to leading
modern technology in Italy, Germany and Japan.
SWOT analysis:
Table 17: SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesse
- Guava is a healthy fruit. Cozy - Compared to traditional organic tea
Guava Tea helps provide a variety products, Cozy tea uses sugar,
of vitamins which is not good for consumers'
- Unique guava tea on the market, no health if used for a long time.
business has yet produced it - Easy to be stolen recipes.
- Enviromental protect. - Products contain preservatives, so
they need to be carefully tested
before being put on the market to
avoid harming users' health.
Opportunities Threats
- The younger generation prefers - Too many competitors.
convenient and quick products that - Compared to other competitors, it
don't have to be complicated to still does not stand out because it
process. only targets young customers.
- Wear the environmental protection - Most Vietnamese people prefer
of the packaging homemade green tea with dried tea

3.4.2 Marketing Objective
When the product is launched in the Vietnamese beverage market, we will aim to
focus on market share and young customers, mostly love the convenience of
canned drinks.
- Increase brand awareness by 50%.
- Reach 30% of target customers (people who know about the product)
- Get 10% market share in Vietnam.

3.4.3 Marketing Strategy General Marketing Strategy
a. Segmentation and Targeting
Target market selection
 Geography
The target customer group that we target is young people both in urban and
rural areas. But we will target more in big cities because there are many
distribution channels such as markets, supermarkets, convenience stores. Large and
small cities must be mentioned such as Ho Chi Minh city, Hanoi, Da Nang...
There, ordinary people will care about their health, with average incomes and
modern lifestyles they will care and buy products that are both delicious and
 Demographic
Gender : Male and female
Age: 13-30 years old, Market segmentation profile shows that a large
audience of canned beverage drinkers are teenagers and young adults, including
students, students and office workers. In addition, our goal is grocery stores,
convenience stores, schools, colleges, universities, restaurants, hotels, bars, cafes…
Income : Medium to hight income
 Psychology

Lifestyle : Our target customers are young people with healthy lifestyles
who care about their personal interests and health. They want to have new
experiences along with the hobby of drinking delicious tea, looking for new
Personality traits : They like sweets, like guava and like the combination of
green tea and guava. They want to have more experience when using the new
product of Cozy tea.
 Buying behaviour : Our potential customers' purchasing decisions depend
on factors :
o People who are related to potential customers, promoting buying
decisions such as friends, colleagues, relatives, ... They can influence
buyers by relationship and through form word of mouth or our
customers like guava tea but they don't know about our products yet
and must be suggested by their acquaintances. Maybe they want to
buy it but they don't know if it's delicious and have to ask their
acquaintances who have been drinking for advice.
o A new product from their favorite brand: Maybe they really like and
have drank many times of Cozy products, they believe in the quality
and have experienced the price of the product. We can take advantage
of this to launch a new product from Cozy to attract customers who
have used Cozy products.
b. Brand diferentiation strategy
Cozy brings to market a new product that meets the standards and quality,
raw materials and benefits that it brings to customers. With a closed production
process and 20 years of experience, Cozy's new Guava Tea product is tested and
guaranteed 100% food safety. This will be the top choice for those who like the
combination of guava and green tea.

Table 18: POP and POD

POP (Point of parity) POD (Point of different)

- Easy to drink and suitable for many - The special combination of
people, many situations. ingredients creates a delicious and
- Good for health nutritious drink.
- Easy to find because it is sold in - Tea materials are not dependent
many places because we have their own farms
that both ensure quality and save
- Affordable, easy to get.

USP (Unique Selling Point) is the valued difference of the product based on
customers survey about brands or products, or services that would be the first
option offered by customers.”
Our product USP is a tea product with clean, nutritious ingredients from
nature and made in Vietnam. We are committed that this is a safe and quality
canned tea suitable for everyone.
c. Brand positioning strategy
Fruit tea lovers now have a new taste but still keep the purity of the typical
tea from our Vietnamese tea hill. This combination will bring customers many
surprises in terms of taste and product quality. There is no official brand of Guava
Tea on the market. We will be the first and only ones to bring a new, strange,
delicious and nutritious product from pure Vietnamese green ingredients and a safe
and closed production process. Specific target market strategies
a. The product strategy
Core product:
Pink Guava tea provides many vitamins like C, A, Kali, etc from guavas and leaf
teas collaboration (absorb nutrients through drinking).
Actual product:

Product Quality
Guava tea is one of the drinks that makes combine from traditional Vietnamese tea
with guava fruits are selected from the fruit garden in the West that is processed
and packaged according to leading modern technology in Italy, Germany, and
Vietnam has a variety of specialty fruits, pink guava is one of them. Pink guavas
were grown and used as a common in the West. The tea leaf was grown at Phu Tho
where has lush land can create fresh tea leave with a good scent. 
The combination of sweet taste from pink guava and a little bitterness from tea leaf
makes a strong flavor differentiation drink which is the highlight for the drink. 
Style and Design
Based on previous products, we decided on continuous design as paper box instant
drinking. It’s so convenient, customers can bring it anywhere, drink whenever they
want immediately.
Augmented product
Post-purchase: If the product has any problem (manufacturing error),
customers contact directly through the hotline or at our Cozy stores. Our customer
service is always ready to support customers as soon as possible.
Payment policy: The customer can pay by cash or credit card which depends
on their shopping method.
b. The pricing strategy
- In the market, there are lots of fruit teas and their average price is from
15,000 to 20,000 VND/per product. We will use a price penetration
strategy to join the market and wait to receive feedback on our product. 
- After the penetration time, we will adjust the price to suit the cost as well
as the value that the product brings.
“Penetration pricing is a marketing strategy used by businesses to attract
customers to a new product or service by offering a lower price during its initial
offering. The lower price helps a new product or service penetrate the market and
attract customers away from competitors. Market penetration pricing relies on the
strategy of using low prices initially to make a wide number of customers aware of
a new product.”[ CITATION Ken201 \l 1066 ]
c. Distribution strategy
- Distribution is an important step because this is a way of sending
products that join the market to the consumer. Pink Guava tea is a
common FMCG item, distribution can be widespread.
- The first can be distributed through wholesalers and retailers such as
supermarkets (Co-op Mart, Aeon Mall, etc) or convenience stores
(7eleven, Circle K, Family Mart, etc) still have at the grocery local
- In covid time, not only have at direct stores but also on Ecommerce like
Shoppee, Lazada, Tiki,.. which help the customer can buy item safety
and fastly.
- When the product was distributed to wholesalers or retailers, their price
would different for each distribution channel.
d. Communication strategy
Our goals are close to the consumer and to distribution as fast as possible that
promote Pink Guava tea to them with objectives below: 
 Increase 50% brand awareness
 Reach 30% target audience
 Get a 10% market share in Ho Chi Minh and Ha Noi city.

3.4.4 IMC plan
We will develop an integrated marketing communication plan within 4 months of
the product launch. Overal Plan
Table 19: Overall Plan

No Sort Content
1 Name Trà ổi hồng Cozy (Cozy Pink Guava Tea, paper box)
2 Time 1/07/2021 – 31/10/2021 
3 Objectives - Increase 50% brand awareness
- Reach 30% target audience
- Get a 10% market share in Ho Chi Minh and
Ha Noi city
4 Message Trà ổi hồng Cozy hộp giấy (Cozy Pink Guava Tea,
paper box)
 With more than 20 years of experience, Cozy
proud of the top brand of tea in Vietnam. We
always want to give you the best product from
quality to value.  
5 Target Audience  Both males and females in the range ages from
13 - 25 years old concentrate on big cities (Ho
Chi Minh, Ha Noi city)
 Drinking tea as a hobby, like tea from natural
fruits, ready to try a  new flavor. 
 Vietnamese use Vietnamese goods.

19 Media tools
- To customers:
Table 20: Type of advertising (to customers)

Type of Material
PR PR Articles
Advertising Runing TVC on TV, Out-of-home (billboard,
LCD, Frame)
Sale Promotion Vouchers, Premium Offer
Digital Video Advertising on Youtube, Facebook and

- To distribution channel:
Table 21: Type of advertising (to distribution)

Type of Material
Digital Banner ads, Sponsorships, Pop-ups
Print ads Poster, banner

 Goals: increase brand awareness, build a product image

- We will focus on trade promotion for distribution and why these reasons
will details table below:
Table 22: Trade promotion

Trade incentives and Distributor Push the new products
deals “Cozy Pink Guava Tea”
Increasing the brand
Buying allowance Wholesaler Increasing the brand

Push the purchase of the
new product
Price deals Distributor, wholesaler Push the purchase of the
new product Specific media plan

Phase 1: Launching – Create awareness
Duration: from 1st July, 2021 to 30th August, 2021.
Key message: “Original Pink Guava tea – try it!!!”
Main activites:
Table 23: Media Plan phase 1

Original Pink Guava tea – try it!!!

Tools Content KPI
Digital Owned Facebook and Youtube Advertising post:
Marketing Media - Kick-off: introduce Reach:from 7200
(Facebook, Cozy Pink Guava tea, to 21.000 reaches
Website, information attached per day
Spotify) image of its
- Post content about Youtube

benefits, sale program advertising:

of product Expert: 1.000.000

E-commerce website: views

- Uplpad and sell new

product and continous
the collaboration with
agency to develop this
- Sell on Tiki, Shopee,
Paid Advertising on Facebook,
Media Youtube (true view in stream,

suggest true view), Spotify
PR Sending press release, PR article, 20.000 reach per
sponsor for student program post
KOLs post content, take photos
with Cozy Pink Guava tea
Advertising (OOH) LCD - frame in malls, tower, Reach 100.000
poster display at convenience people each
stores malls, tower

Reach 10.000
people each

Phase 2: Considerate on buying

Duration: from 1st September, 2021 to 31st October, 2021.
Key mesage:
“Vị ngon đầu môi – Năng lượng ngày mới”
(Mouth-watering taste - New day energy)
Main activities:
Table 24: Media Plan phase 2

“Vị ngon đầu môi – Năng lượng ngày mới”

(Mouth-watering taste - New day energy)
Tools Content KPI
Sale Competition Competition is for retailers Price good deals
promotion who most sold Guava tea will
have to add more advantages in
terms of import prices.
Vouchers Take a photo with Guava Tea Expect: 1000
background and post it on participants
social network with hastag 5000 people gets
#GuavaCozytea #Pinklife a vouchers

Premium Buy 1 pack will get a tote bag 500 packs and
offer Buy a barrel will get a glass 500 barrels

Trade 20% commission with every

promotion distributors sell reach target
Advertising (TV) Run campaign on VTV3 and Reach at least
HTV7 channels 500.000 people
watch TVC on
Advertising Banner Online newspaper (Kenh14) 2.000 reach/
(for advertising publications
Poster, Bus station, escalator
Digital Owned Interative post Expect 2.500
Marketing media Post content phase 2: about participants
(Facebook) how to get voucher
Contest: “Năng lượng ngày
mới” – post short clip (have
use Cozy Pink Guava tea in
clip) on Tiktok attached
#GuavaCozytea #Pinklife
Paid media Post advertising Master Timeline

Table 25: Master Timeline

Phase 1 Phase 2
July August September October
Launching – Brand awareness Considerate on buying

Objectives - Increase 50% brand awareness

- Reach 30% target audience
- Get a 10% market share in Ho Chi Minh and Ha
Noi city
Media tools - Digital Marketing
- PR
- Sale promotion
- Advertising

3.4.5 Marketing Budget PR
Table 26: PR budget

Unit Amount Cost per unit Total

1. PR Articles
Kenh14 Post 1 15.000.000 15.000.000
VNExpress Post 1 20.000.000 20.000.000
2. KOLs
Phas Loan Hoàng Post + Image 3 10.000.000 30.000.000
e1 (hashtag)
Baby Kopo Post + Image 3 7.000.000 21.000.000
Home (hashtag)
Vũ Dino Post + Image 3 5.000.000 15.000.000
An Phương Post + Image 3 12.000.000 36.000.000
Phas Ngô Kiến Post + Image 1 20.000.000 20.000.000
e2 Huy (hashtag)
Hari Won Post + Image 2 25.000.000 50.000.000
3. Sponsor
Student program Advertising depending on the 350.000.000
post exchange of two parties
TOTAL: 557.000.000

24 Digital Marketing
Table 27: Digital Marketing Budget

Internet and Digital

Unit Time / Cost per Total
Amounts Unit (VND)
Video Trueview View / 3 months 200đ per 200.000.000
Advertising in-stream Video 1.000.000 view
on Youtube views
Suggest View / 3 months 200đ per 200.000.000
trueview Video 1.000.000 view
Advertising Reach 4 months 120.000.000
on Facebook
Advertising Location Age Playlist Time Cost
on Spotify Category
Ubarn 18 - 28 Chill – 2 months 30.000.000
relax –
TOTAL: 550.000.000 Advertising
Table 28: Advertising budget

Spot Type Time Cost per Total (VND)

(month) slot
1. On TV
HTV7 21g00 30s 2 160.000.000 340.000.000

19g00 30s 90.000.000

21g00 15s 90.000.000


VTV3 18g50 30s 2 160.000.000 256.000.000

21g00 15s 96.000.000

2. Out-of-home
Place Size Time Spot Cost per Total (VND)
LCD – Centec TVC 3 2 LCD in 12.420.000 24.840.000
Frame Tower elevator
Green TVC 3 4 LCD / 12.500.000 50.000.000
Power 2 floors
Grand TVC 3 1 LCD 25.000.000 25.000.000
Charmvit TVC 3 2 LCD in 12.500.000 25.000.000
Tower elevator
Billboar Ben Poster 2 843.000.000 843.000.000
d Thanh
Opposite Poster 2 316.250.000 316.250.000
23/9 park
Crossroa Poster 3 146.525.000 146.625.000
d at Vo
Thi Sau
and Hai
Ba Trung
3. Digital for distribution
Medium Time Total (VND)

Digital Banner advertising Online news 1 30.000.000
Print ads Poster Bus station, at 2 30.000.000
Banner Bus station, at 2 30.000.000
TOTAL: 2.116.715.000 Sale Promotion

Table 29: Sale Promotion budget

Gift Amount Time Cost per gift Total (VND)

Voucher 5000 Phase 2 20% * Price 28.000.000
Premiu Tote bag 500 Phase 2 30.000 15.000.000
Glass 330ml 500 Phase 2 23.000 11.500.000
m offer
TOTAL: 54.500.000 Total budget for IMC plan

Table 30: Total budget

Budget IMC Plan

Section Cost
PR 557.000.000
Digital Marketing 550.000.000
Advertising 2.116.715.000
Sale Promotion 54.500.000
Cost incurred (10%) 327.821.500
TOTAL: 3.606.036.500


Huynh Long. (n.d.). DÂY CHUYỀN CHIẾT RÓT CHAI THUỶ TINH . Retrieved from

Kenton, W. (2020, 07 28). Investopedia. Retrieved 06 2021, from Penetration Pricing:
SPSS. (2020, September 2020). Thang đo Likert là gì? Retrieved from


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