Harnessing Postbuckling Instability of Piezoelectric Cylinders With

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Harnessing postbuckling instability of

piezoelectric cylinders with
corrugation for energy harvesting

Egbe, King-James I., Matin Nazar, Ali, Jiao, Pengcheng,

Alavi, Amir

King-James I. Egbe, Ali Matin Nazar, Pengcheng Jiao, Amir H. Alavi,

"Harnessing postbuckling instability of piezoelectric cylinders with corrugation
for energy harvesting," Proc. SPIE 11588, Active and Passive Smart
Structures and Integrated Systems XV, 115881N (22 March 2021); doi:

Event: SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation, 2021, Online Only

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Harnessing Postbuckling Instability of Piezoelectric Cylinders with
Corrugation for Energy Harvesting
King-James I. Egbea, Ali Matin Nazara, Pengcheng Jiaoa,b, Amir H. Alavic1
: Institute of Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Ocean College, Zhejiang University,
Zhoushan 316021, Zhejiang, China
: Engineering Research Center of Oceanic Sensing Technology and Equipment, Zhejiang
University, Zhoushan 316021, Zhejiang, China
: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
15261, USA

In this study, we explore the postbuckling instability of piezoelectric-integrated cylinders under axial displacement for
energy harvest applications. Experiments are conducted using 3D printed cylinders with piezoelectric transducers bonded
on their outer and inner surfaces. The local and global postbuckling responses of the cylinders are triggered based on their
design and geometry. Numerical simulations are carried out to study the effect of varying cylinder geometries on the
harvested energy. A comparative study is performed between the numerical and experimental results. Furthermore, a
corrugated design is proposed to tailor the postbuckling response of the cylinders from local buckling to global buckling.
The results shows that the new corrugated designs for the cylinders improves the energy harvesting efficiency.
Keywords: Postbuckling instability, Energy harvesting, Piezoelectric, Corrugation

Instability and vibration are vital in the design of piezoelectric harvesters due to the nature of the underlying energy
harvesting method [1-3]. Postbuckling is a dynamic and complex response in thin structural forms and has until recently
been regarded as an unwanted phenomenon and lacked any practical usefulness [4]. However, recent efforts have been
directed toward studying the postbuckling of plates and cylinders with application to sensors, actuators, energy harvesters,
and dampers [5-10]. The shift in paradigm from the disregard of the phenomenon to enabling the tailored design to enhance
the behavior is a significant milestone. Energy harvesting has seen a significant uptake in the last two decades because of
the increasing need for sustainable small scale energy sources [11-13]. Piezoelectric materials have been widely used for
energy harvesting applications [14-16]. The piezoelectric behavior is based on response of the piezoelectric materials to
stresses, strains, temperature, and electrical field. Designs that produce these stimuli can effectively harness the
piezoelectric behavior for either sensing or energy generation. The first step in integrating piezoelectric and instability
phenomena is to identify the desirable feature of the response under consideration [6-7]. Innovative researches in this
domain have considered a range of factors such as designed instability, seeded imperfections, corrugations, and functional
grading of materials, all within the elastic regime. In energy harvesting using postbuckling of cylinders, some of the
desirable features include high strain density (a factor of deformation) and kinetic energy density (a factor of instability),
achieving multiple buckling states, and recoverability. Multiple buckling regimes ensure that peak voltages can be
generated multiple times in a loading cycle. Recoverability is a material property that ensures the structural form can be
loaded repeatedly, undergo deformation, and recover a significant percentage of its initial load-bearing capacity. Some of
these factors may not be compatible with each other in a simple cylindrical form. For example, multiple postbuckling
modes and large deformation may not be readily achievable for any given plain cylindrical geometry. However, the
addition of corrugations or another stiffening method may provide the opportunity to combine the best of both features.

Corresponding author. Email: alavi@pitt.edu (A.H. Alavi).

Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XV, edited by Jae-Hung Han,
Gang Wang, Shima Shahab, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 11588, 115881N · © 2021
SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/21/$21 · doi: 10.1117/12.2581669

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In this paper, we propose to harvest energy from resulting from the postbuckling instability of cylindrical systems
integrated with piezoelectric polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) films. The PVDF films are bonded to the outer and inner
surfaces of the cylinders that are subjected to axial compression. The cylinder forces equal deformation in the PVDF sheet
as it goes through the buckling and postbuckling phases. This results in generating an electrical signal by the PVDF films.
In section 2, an overview of the concept is provided. We discuss details of harnessing the postbuckling instability for
piezoelectric energy harvesting in section 3. Section 4 discusses the experimental investigation of the work. Alternative
PVDF placement position and conceptual applications are discussed in sections 5 and 6, respectively.

The concept of postbuckling as it applies to energy harvesting is presented in this study. To realize this, we need to
harness the stresses generated in the shell of a cylinder under axial compression and the instability that occurs during the
postbuckling regime, and this was done using a piezoelectric PVDF film. More so, we need to explore the possibility of
modifying the shell’s stiffness, reducing its sensitivity to imperfection, and study its effect on the output voltage. Finally,
we need to understand how the PVDF film's position with respect to the face of the cylindrical shell affects the peak output
voltage. Most studies have focused on cylindrical shells' postbuckling behavior and opined on its application in real life.
In this study, however, we have simulated and carried out experiments validating the concept of applying the postbuckling
effect to energy harvesting.


In this section, we describe the details of the numerical model used to validate the experimental results. The concept,
procedure, and material properties are highlighted and discussed briefly, followed by the numerical results.
3.1 Concept of postbuckling for energy harvesting
The concept of postbuckling can be visualized from the schematic representation in Figure 1(a). It proposes that, in
an imperfect shell, a transformation from one state to another whenever two or more stable equilibrium states exist is
possible. Thus, attaining multi-mode jumps in the elastic postbuckling range coupled with a recoverable response is most
critical [17,4,6]. This concept is vital to piezoelectric energy harvesting because the stresses and strains are converted to
usable energy, and the recoverability will further enhance its sustained use in the field. This study proposes to bond a
PVDF film to a cylinder and subject it to axial loading. The objective is to observe the resulting lateral deformation in the
x and z-Axis and measure the resulting output voltage.
In the piezoelectric energy harvesting method of cylinders, the direction of loading (excitation) and the resulting
deformation are perpendicular to each other. The piezoelectric transducer is placed so that excitation in the cylinder's z-
axis can generate a voltage. Depending on the position the PVDF is placed, the dominant surface stresses are either tension
or compression. However, the cylinder's deformation enables the conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy by
electro-mechanical coupling [18]. We hypothesize that we can generate efficient energy by efficiently capturing the
postbuckling energy release effect and resulting instability by the PVDF. By optimizing the stiffness for strain energy
release using corrugations, we can improve the peak output voltages.
3.2 Numerical model
This section describes the numerical method used and presents the postbuckling, piezoelectric, and energy densities
(Kinetic and strain energy) simulation results for plain and corrugated cylinders.
The numerical simulations were carried out in ABAQUS SIMULIA, a computer-aided engineering finite element
package. The cylinder was modeled using an S4R, a 4-node doubly curved thin shell, with reduced integration, hourglass
control, and finite membrane strains. The finite element model's geometry and boundary conditions were consistent with
the experimental test setup with the bottom fixed and the top under axial displacement. The piezoelectric film, modeled
using an 8-node linear piezoelectric brick. (C3D8E) was tied to the outer face of the plain cylinder. The PVDF film surface's
contacted side was tie-constrained with the cylindrical shell, thus enforcing equal deformations. A ground electric potential
boundary condition was assigned on the same surface of the piezo-layer to allow an electric potential difference to be
generated. A linear eigenvalue analysis was used to predict the buckling mode shapes. The subspace Eigen solver was
used because it permitted the Tie-constraint implementation. Five (5) eigenvalues were requested. No truly perfect cylinder

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exists in real cases. There must be some degree of imperfection in a cylindrical shell. As such, Imperfection amplitude
scales were given to the mode shapes 1, 3, and 5 and linearly superimposed on the perfect shell to trigger nonlinear buckling
in the dynamic analysis, as shown in Figure 1(b). After which, the nonlinear implicit dynamic analysis was conducted at a
displacement rate of 0.5mm/sec. The imperfection had contributions from three mode shapes with gradually decreasing
amplitude. The cylindrical shell and PVDF properties are shown in Table 1. Simulations were carried out for shells with
height's 20mm (H20), 40mm (H40), and 60mm(H60), respectively, at a constant thickness of 0.5mm.
Table 1. Material and geometric Properties of the PVDF and cylinder.

PVDF Cylinder
In-Tied Out-Tied Plain Corrugated
Elastic modulus (MPa) 700 150
Density (t/mm3) 1.78E-9 1.18E-9
Material properties Piezoelectric Constant d31 (C/N) -3.3E-11 -
Piezoelectric Constant d33 (C/N) 2.3E-11 -
Electrical permeability 1.15E-10 -
Length/Height (mm) - 129 Varies (20,40,60)
Geometric properties Width/ Diameter(mm) 123 - 40
Thickness 28µm 0.5mm

The summation of the strain energy density in the top layer elements and the kinetic energy density of the plain
cylinder with PVDF bonded to its outer face is shown in Figure 1(c-e). Strain energy density establishes the relationship
between the amount of energy employed to deform a volume unit of a solid and an imposed strain [19]. The results in
Figures 1(f-h), when compared to their respective energy densities, show that for a piezoelectric material, the higher the
strain energy, the higher the resulting energy (voltage) density generated. The peak voltage is high in H60 despite its low
strain energy density because the piezoelectric volume is three (3) times that of H20. In other words, if we calculate the
voltage generated per piezoelectric volume in Figure 1, we will observe that the generated electric potential energy density
is directly proportional to the strain energy density. This can be clearly seen in Figure 1(d), as we observe that, although
the volume of PVDF in H40 being twice that of H20, its voltage is about half that of H20. Kinetic energy density, expressed
as the kinetic energy per unit volume, describes the cylinder's instability and motion during the mode transitions. Figure
1(c-e) shows the plot of kinetic energy density with end shortening. It is observed that the kinetic energy is zero except in
transition phases and during highly unstable regimes. These peaks in kinetic energy density correspond to high energy
generation positions because of the frequent local buckling events occurring almost simultaneously at the critical regions.
Figure 1(f) shows the peak voltage trend in the three cylindrical geometries considered. The trend shows a higher voltage
in H20 and H60 cylinders as compared to H40. The Higher voltage in H20 is due to high strains, and that of H60 is due to
high piezoelectric area. We have higher strains in H20 cylinders because of a high axial displacement to the overall height
One of the major problems in postbuckling is imperfection and the degree to which they occur in a manufactured cylinder
and affect design objectives. Imperfection is not entirely avoidable. The need to design predictable cylindrical energy
harvesters on the principle of postbuckling should consider a reduction in imperfection sensitivity. We need less sensitive
cylinders, capable of higher output voltages as compared to a plain cylinder. One of the known ways of reducing
imperfection is to design stiffened cylinders [7]. To this end, a cylinder with corrugations was designed for simulation and
testing. Figure 2(a) shows the corrugations' details, with L, D, and t equal to 4.06mm, 2mm, and 0.5mm, respectively. The
spacing between each corrugation was 10mm center to center, and the circular array was in five (5) columns. Figure 2(b)
shows the eigenvalue buckling mode result. It is clear that the mode shapes observed are remarkably different from the
mode shapes in the plain cylinder case. Although an imperfection sensitivity analysis was not performed, the imperfection
scale amplitude ratio between the plain and stiffened cylinder that resulted in a good agreement with experiments was 30
to 1. It goes to show that imperfection sensitivity is reduced in the case of stiffened cylinders. Figure 2(c-e) shows the
strain energy density and the kinetic energy density of the corrugated cylinder's top element. As is the case in the plain
cylinders, the maximum strain energy is observed in the H20 corrugated cylinder. However, this cylinder's strain energy
is less than the recorded value in the plain cylinder of the same height. The observed drop in strain energy in the corrugated
H20 cylinder accounts for the drop in voltage generated in Figure 2(f). This drop in strain energy results from reduced
deformation, which can be traced back to the corrugated cylinder's increased stiffness. Figure 2(g-h) indicates a voltage
twice as high as the one recorded in Figure 1(g-h) despite having relatively the same strain energy density. The increase

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in voltage, in this case, may be due to higher stresses in the PVDF. An obvious observation is the corrugated cylinders'
relatively close-ranged peak reaction forces (H20-H60) compared to that of the plain cylinders (H20-H60). These close-
range reaction forces may account for increased voltages observed in the stiffened cylinders despite relatively low strain
energy densities. Figure 2(f) presents the peak voltage trend in the three cylindrical geometries considered. The trend
shows an increasing reaction force with end shortening and an increase in voltage with increased piezoelectric volume.

Figure 1. Simulation results of the plain cylinder with PVDF bonded to the outer face. (a) The postbuckling response of an axially
compressed cylindrical shell showing various equilibrium paths (b) Eigenvalue mode shapes and numerical path for determining the
postbuckling response of the plain cylindrical tied PVDF (c) Strain and kinetic energy densities of H20 plain cylinder (d) Strain and
kinetic energy densities of H40 plain cylinder (e) Strain and kinetic energy densities of H60 plain cylinder (f) Reaction force and output
voltage of H20 plain cylinder (g) Reaction force and output voltage of H40 plain cylinder (h) Reaction force and output voltage of H60
plain cylinder (i) Reaction force and voltage trend across the three plain cylinders

To study the output voltage with axial displacement of both the plain and corrugated cylinders, 3D printer Form 2
(Formlabs) was used to fabricate the cylinder using the Grey Pro material. The Form 2 printer uses the Stereo-lithography
(SLA) 3D printing method. This method uses a laser to cure solid isotropic parts from a liquid photopolymer resin. The
cylinders were designed in SolidWorks design software. Piezoelectric PVDF material was bonded to cylinders using a
quickset adhesive (Glue 502) and tested under uniaxial compression with a universal testing machine to investigate the
voltage trend and postbuckling behavior. Figure 3(a) shows the experimental setup. The test cylinder with PVDF was
placed at the bottom of the compression machine and loaded at the rate of 30mm/min.
The piezoelectric strip terminals were slotted into the test circuit's designated points, as shown in Figure 3(b). The
terminals from the diode bridge were connected to the oscilloscope to measure the output voltage. The open-circuit voltage
was measured, and the signal was collected and plotted against the axial displacement, as shown in Figure 3(c-d). Figures
3(e-f) shows the comparison between simulations and experiment for both plain and corrugated cylinders for reaction
forces and voltage respectively. The results show good agreement between experiment and simulation.

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Figure 2. Simulation results of the corrugated cylinder with PVDF bonded to the outer face. (a) The structure and details of the
corrugated cylinder (b) Eigenvalue mode shapes and numerical path for determining the postbuckling response of the corrugated
cylindrical tied PVDF (c) Strain and kinetic energy densities of H20 corrugated cylinder (d) Strain and kinetic energy densities of H40
corrugated cylinder (e) Strain and kinetic energy densities of H60 corrugated cylinder (f) Reaction force and output voltage of H20
corrugated cylinder (g) Reaction force and output voltage of H40 corrugated cylinder (h) Reaction force and output voltage of corrugated
H60 cylinder (i) Reaction force and voltage trend across the three corrugated cylinders

Figure 3(a) Experimental setup (b) Schematic of the test circuit (c) Experimental result of the voltage and reaction force for H20 plain
cylinder (d) Experimental result of the voltage and reaction force for H20 corrugated cylinder(e) Comparison of the reaction forces from
simulations and experiment for both plain and corrugated cylinders (f) Comparison of the voltages from simulations and experiment for
both plain and corrugated cylinders

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In this section, we briefly discuss the studied effect of placing the PVDF on the cylinder's inner face. When the cylinder
is under uniaxial compression and undergoing postbuckling, a large percentage of the inner fibers are under tension while
the majority outer face is under zero or small compression stresses, as shown in Figure 4(a). The PVDF generates a non-
zero voltage at the onset of loading because of the surface stress distribution and the XYZ orientation of the PVDF. In
other words, we do not necessarily need only the instability phase to generate a voltage. Figure 4(b-d) shows the strain and
kinetic energy density for the plain cylinders when the PVDF is placed on the cylinders' inner face. We see that strain
energy density magnitude indicates the degree to which maximum voltage will be generated. The kinetic energy density
is a measure of the velocity of the cylindrical shell's velocity or instability present. Figure 4(e-g) shows the reaction forces
and voltages of the cylinders (H20, H40, and H60) for PVDF bonded to the inner face of the plain cylinder. We observe
that the value of the peak voltage for H20 (Inner face Bonded) in Figure 4(e) is close to the peak voltage of H20 (Outer
face Bonded) in Figure 1(f). However, a zero voltage reading is observed in Figure 1(f) up to 0.6mm end shortening,
whereas a non-zero voltage is observed from the onset of compression in inner face bounded H20 PVDF Figure 4(e). This
is also observed in H40 in Figure 4(f). Figure 4(g) shows a non-zero voltage from 0.7mm end shortening compared to
1.1mm in Figure 1(h) because of low stresses in the H60 cylinder. Figure 4(h) shows the trend of voltage and reaction
forces for the inner face bounded H20 PVDF, and Figure 4(i) shows the experimental result of the voltage and reaction
force for the H20 inner-bounded plain cylinder validating the simulation result.

Figure 4. Simulation results of the plain cylinder with PVDF bonded to the inner face. ((a) Eigenvalue mode shapes and numerical path
for determining the postbuckling response of the plain cylindrical tied PVDF (b) Strain and kinetic energy densities of H20 plain cylinder
(c) Strain and kinetic energy densities of H40 plain cylinder (d) Strain and kinetic energy densities of H60 plain cylinder (e) Reaction
force and output voltage of H20 plain cylinder (f) Reaction force and output voltage of H40 plain cylinder (g) Reaction force and output
voltage of H60 plain cylinder (h) Reaction force and voltage trend across the three inner-bounded PVDF plain cylinders (i) Experimental
result of the voltage and reaction force for H20 inner-bounded plain cylinder

The concept described in this paper can be applied in the design of sensors, energy harvesters, or both, in the form of
self-powered structural health monitoring sensors. Figure 5 shows the concept application to energy harvesting from the
roadway and floating breakwaters when used as a damper. These dampers can generate enough power for coin-sized
sensors while contributing to the general objective of energy dissipation in the structure in which it is installed.

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Figure 5. Conceptual application of the postbuckling effect to energy harvesting

The presented concept offers the opportunity of harvesting electrical energy and voltage signals via mechanical
vibrations and surface stresses from the postbuckling of cylinders integrated with the PVDF transducers. The geometric
configuration and design of the cylinder influence the output voltage signal with respect to the stiffness of the carrying
cylinders. The PVDF position, either on the outer or inner surface of the cylinder, has a significant effect on the nature of
the output voltage. We further show a conceptual application of the proposed concept as energy harvesters and dampers
in the roadway and floating breakwater structures. Applying this concept to sophisticated tools like sensors requires
advanced design and manufacturing methods to precisely determine its design performance and enable the prediction of
the same in field applications [20].

This study is supported in part by the Key Research and Development Program of Zhejiang, China (2021C03180,
2021C03181), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (2020-KYY-529112-0002), the
Chinese Government Scholarship (2019ZFY011294), and the China Scholarship Council (2019S0A023394). PJ
acknowledges the Startup Fund of the Hundred Talents Program at the Zhejiang University, China.

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