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Script of Promotional Video of Youth Involvement in Church and

Faith-Based Organization

Scriptwriter: Michael Acebes

Editor: Eunice Vivar
Actors: Andrea Cosio
Alessandra Cosio
Narrator: Kristine Katte Bibat

Andrea: Oh, hi Alessandra! Who are you waiting for and where are you going?
Alessandra: Hi Andrea, I’m just waiting for my friends since were going to go to the
church later and you, why are you here?
Andrea: I’m just going to buy something here. `You said you are going to the church
later; I don’t usually go to the church and I’m curious what’s great about being active in
the church.
Alessandra: From my experience, being involved in church is very great and not only is
being involved in church is great but joining faith-based organizations is fun too.
Andrea: Tell me more about it if you’re not busy.
Alessandra: It’s okay, I’m not that busy since my friends are not here yet we can talk
about it.
Andrea: Thank you very much!
Narrator (Katte):
Me and my friends actively participate in church, and we joined faith-based
organizations. We always go to the church every Sunday and pray daily. Whenever we
can, we donate to the church and participate in food drives. We plan to donate to
adoption agencies too since about 1.8 million children are orphaned in 2016. We also
help people that are in need and give them what we can give. We also have been
involved in faith-based organizations in the past where whenever there are religious
events in the school, we usually help organized them. Being involved with these
activities made us feel happy and fulfilled. We became much closer to God and our
relationship with him became much stronger. It gives us a chance to communicate with
God and to know him better. Going to the church does not only strengthen our
relationship with God but with our family too. We were able to help many people. We
learned so much about life and gained new experiences that we can share to others.
We met many new people with different backgrounds that we became friends with and
having to socialize with them was very fun. By joining religious organizations, we
learned new things and we obtained a new perspective about life. Interacting with new
people made us more confident and enhanced our self-esteem. Knowing that we helped
other people and made other people happy also makes us feel delighted. Joining in this
type of organization and being active in the church can help you feel like you are in a
community. Going to the church helped us grow spiritually and made us stronger. We
never had any regrets doing this because all our experiences were great. We know
ourselves more and understood ourselves more. It is never too late to try to be active in
the church and join faith-based organizations.
Andrea: Wow, it is fun and great. Thank you for telling me this.
Alessandra: It’s my pleasure. By the way, if you want to join us and go to church, you
Andrea: Really?! I want to come, thank you for inviting me.
Alessandra: Let’s go now!

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