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11/6/2019 W.D.

Gann and His Trade Secrets - landingtiger

What Was W.D. Gann's Greatest Trade?

When it comes to markets and trading, then, without doubt the most publicized,
mysterious and amazing trade of all time was the one Gann took in September
Wheat in 1909.
That trade in the 1909 September Wheat market took him from obscurity to
becoming a trading legend. Of course, Gann proved his stock &
commodities trading skills on plenty of other occasions over the years, but, none
of those other trades in either stocks or commodities capture the imagination like
his 1909 Wheat trade does.
So, what did he do that startled the trading 'experts' of his day?
Well, to sum it up quickly, Gann predicted that the price of the September Wheat
contract would have to rise to $1.20 by the end of trading for the contract.

And, on September 30th, 1909, (the very last day of trading), the commodities
contract for September Wheat around noon-time was trading only at around
In fact, the September 1909 Commodities Wheat contract had never traded above
$1.12 7/8 in the entire life of the trading contract and now, at Noon, with only an
hour and twenty minutes left to go it was well below that and only trading around
Here's a chart illustrating the situation at Noon on September 30, 1909 for the
September Wheat contract: 1/12
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R.D. Wyckoff, witnessing the actions of Mr. Gann in 1909, wrote:

"One of the most astonishing calculations made by Mr. Gann was during
last summer (1909) when he predicted that September wheat would sell at $1.20.
This meant that it must touch that price before the end of the month of
At twelve o'clock, Chicago time, on September 30th (the last day) the option
was selling below $1.08, and it looked as though his prediction would not be fulfilled.
Mr. Gann said "if it does not touch $1.20 by the close of the market it will
prove that there is something wrong with my whole method of calculation. I do
not care what the price is now, it must go there." It is common history that
September wheat surprised the whole country by selling at $1.20 and no higher in
the very last hour of the trading, closing at that figure."
Well, here's the bottom line, as they say:
In less than an hour and 15 minutes later it had moved from $1.07 all the way
upwards to trade at W.D. Gann's predicted price of $1.20 and no higher. 2/12
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Traders and investors in the markets have spent lives and fortunes in pursuit of
the secret to how W.D. Gann was able to predict this trade.
In fact, this search has been going on for over 100 years to no avail.
How did Gann do it?
Was it Magic? Mystery?
No, it was METHOD.
It was a secret process that I re-discovered over many decades of time and which
can reproduce this same trade without computers, software, astrological tables or
mysterious angles.
Yet, it is based on the very same factors that Gann left traces of in his courses
and books. Because, besides being a great trader and investor, Mr. Gann was
most intent on hiding clues to his processes disguised as writings, charts and

They Say That W.D. Gann Never Sold His Core

Trading Knowledge . . . Or Did He??
When discussing trading methods, markets and W.D. Gann, there's much
confusion as to his meaning and methods. But, market researchers and traders do
agree on this though: W.D. Gann left a Great Mystery to ponder and a massive
paper trail to search through for clues.
He also left a huge market trading legend behind that's inspired generations of
Most traders and investors are deceived as to what W.D. Gann did reveal of his
discoveries in the markets. Even those who went to the source and bought Mr.
Gann's writings, have purchased books and manuals thinking they've bought a
'Solution' to the Mystery rules underlying Mr. Gann's trades.
But, what they've really bought was something altogether different than what they
had in mind. And, this was intentionally done by W.D. Gann and part of his
process. 3/12
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People for the last hundred years have only been buying a 'Proof' that a Solution
exists . . . Somewhere Else!
The formulas and the laws they're based on are not in his writings!
Well, how did that happen?
We need to look at things from Mr. Gann's perspective and belief system. It's
important that we come to understand W.D. Gann's belief in what he would share
with others and what he would not.
W. D. Gann was a believer in hard work and long working hours, days, weeks,
months and years.
He firmly believed in it and he practiced it from all accounts,working long days and
researching some subjects for 10 years at a time.
He produced volumes of Charts and data on every market, historical war dates to
determine the cycles of wars, and reams of papers representing decades of
research work into mathematics and market trends.
The result of his mindset and belief system was reflected in how he
communicated with other traders and clients.
It also extended to what he expected others to do too.
As a 33rd Degree Mason, he was quite familiar with the concept of working
through to higher levels (degrees) of understanding and disciplining himself
to learn those higher levels of knowledge.
He certainly expected (and stated so in interviews) that his students must work as
hard as he did and put in the same years of research to deserve access to his
But, and this is critical, they'd have to find those secrets for themselves.
He wasn't ever intending to give or sell those secrets to anyone.
Mr. Gann sold a type of 'access' to his work through courses (costing as much as a
house in his day) and books containing just the 'results' of using his secret
Though the courses were advertised as trading methods, the core information that
allowed one to come to their own conclusions and trading decisions was decidedly
absent from Gann's writi
The Gann courses are extremely valuable but NOT for the reasons they were
purchased in most cases.
Most traders and investors are looking for something they can apply quickly and
efficiently to the markets to improve their trading results.
Instead, they are greeted with:
Lots of Numbers. Instead, the student was confronted with a confused array of
numbers, numbers and more numbers, all of which were said to be 'important'.
But, which was the most important? Gann didn't say.
And, Angles. Lots and lots of angles to choose from (take a look at just one of
Gann's charts below for May Soybeans. 4/12
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As far as the angle problem, I've discovered a much more satisfying solution
which you can see at the bottom of this site.
And, as for the myriad of numbers, that mystery had a very simple solution (once
you found it!) that was also missing in the Gann courses.
When I saw all this jumble of data, lines, wheels and charts, I thought that I'd
been had by Gann and his writings. I thought I had been the victim of a really
good PR salesjob.
At least that's what I thought when I was first introduced to the writings of W.D.
Gann many long years ago.
Patience, and many, many years of work have proven the real worth of Mr. Gann's
work to me.
I've been privileged to discover much (over the decades) of the Path that Mr.
Gann traveled in his work.
It's been a long Path and it hasn't been easy, so, I've also earned the right to
what I've found the hard way (as Mr. Gann suggested).
Mr. Gann, through his working papers, gave me a way to confirm my
own discoveries as he had confirmed his, by testing price data and history and
what has happened before in the markets.
But, it turned out that this was the same information base that Mr. Gann found
and used in his work too.
How could I possibly know that this was the case?
I know this to be true because, once I verified a Natural Truth or Principle, I could
go to Mr. Gann's papers and see that very Principle applied there right in plain
Hidden in his scribblings, wheels, squares and data were Principles that went to
the very core of the Knowledge needed to project price tops and bottoms to the
penny and discern Highs and Lows a many years into the future.
Here's a projection I made using these Principles going decades into the
future predicting years of major turns in the Stock Market. 5/12
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The above chart is just a small sampling of what can be done once one learns to
apply their understanding of the Principles contained within my new course on
Gann Level Techniques.
The proofs of the Principles and Core Knowledge were actually in Gann's
materials all along. They were in every one of Mr. Gann's courses and books, but,
were only presented as results and not as formulas or plain text writings you could
learn and apply for yourself in any market you chose to.
Here's another example of Gann's 'hidden' teachings.
Gann is famous for promoting the concept of the 45 degree angle applied to
charts. Most assume that it is as simple as it sounds.
Just get out a protractor and draw, right? Wrong!
This is another beautiful example of a little bit of information being floated out into
the public without the root information upon which it is based being exposed to
Here's how the 45 degree angle is shown in Gann's materials:

Now, sometimes it works o.k. as taught, but, here it doesn't. Frankly, you need
more consistency than that when trading.
Here again, if you had developed and stepped through the learning process
around a certain Principle (which you will learn in my course), you would KNOW
how to properly apply this angle (and also the others Mr. Gann named).
Observe below & see the difference: 6/12
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As you can see, this properly applied angle shows the end of the upward trending
price movement. This trend line is perfectly placed to indicate the end of the
upward momentum in price and to show where a serious down trend will begin.
This type of information is the result of sound Principle, not accidental lines.
In the case of this important angle and others, Mr. Gann gave no direct clues in
his chart materials of how to properly apply them. But, he did reference certain
elements of the process in his writings.
You can derive from that fact that this special application was very important
Perhaps too important to even leave a clue to it's existance at all except by calling
it a 45 degree angle, which is only part of it's structure and identity.
W.D. Gann left tantalizing clues which, it turns out, act like a spotlight on his
actual methods but, only once you're already aware of the knowledge being
It's a brilliant example of esoteric encryption. Hiding pearls in plain sight but
disguised as something else.
Just because you can buy a completely built house doesn't qualify you to go out
and build one on your own.
You just wouldn't have the construction basics needed to do the job accurately or
Yet, you could, over time, study the construction of your house and learn the
Principles of building a sound house that way.
That's exactly what I discovered about Mr. Gann's courses.
I left the Gann material in the closet decades back and went to work to discover
the Principles that make markets move and which govern Time and Price.
I wanted to learn 'how to build', not buy ready-built!
I was either persistent or hard-headed enough to stay with my research long
enough to start making break-thrus. Each new discovery leading naturally to the
next step along the Path.
Whether you build-it-yourself or buy ready-built, you have to pay for Value in Life.
It's a Principle.
W.D. Gann sold his 'resource' writings for the equivalent of $25,000-$50,000 in
today's dollars. That was the value he placed on what he was offering the public.
And, that was without giving students the actual Principles the writings were
based upon! 7/12
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Well, I separate myself from Mr. Gann's philosophy on this count.

I will provide the Principles missing from Mr. Gann's course in the HARRISON-
GANN LEVEL COURSE in the areas I've outlined below.
Finding the Principles and testing them was the most time and resource-
consuming part of the Quest for solving price and time in the markets.
But, it is the Principles that will take one to the highest levels of understanding the
markets and time.
I could see how W.D. Gann had constructed his own house (trading courses)
using the very same Principles along the way.
Mr. Gann's praises have been written about extensively for decades and the
internet contains most of them as you're probably already aware. I heartily add
my voice and praises to them.
But, he didn't believe in actually teaching his methods to anyone.
He stated plainly that he thought everyone should put in at least 25 years of effort
like he did and go over his materials many times (which clearly shows that the
results in the course would CONFIRM the Principles, not provide them) to
learn such secrets as the 'Law of Vibration' and 'the Master Time Factor'.
Clearly, then, the core knowledge was not in the course in plain view.
It would never take 25 years to discover something printed in his courses, unless
they were to act as a 'supplement' to the core knowledge which one would have to
learn 'the hard way', by studying and studying some more.
Undoubtedly not - yet. But, I'm hot on the trail of matching Gann's annual stock
market forecasts and a few other items that I cannot mention here.
I've also found formulas for War Cycles that project wars and war periods coming
in the future and other important cycles and Principles.
Are you aware that W.D. Gann did extensive studies on War Cycles and Battles?
Hmmm. Familiar ground is again being covered and confirmed by one who has
gone on before me.
I test these market-related Principles by looking for confirmation in Gann's
documents and papers. Just to see if he obviously used the same Principles in his
I still look forward to learning more and there's plenty of events and markets in
this world to apply the information I already have even if I stopped researching
Though I greatly admire Mr. Gann, I have come to a different conclusion and
approach when it comes to teaching what I've discovered.
I believe that Principles are foremost. Most of us have already wandered in the
wilderness of the markets and filled our resumes with tons of experience trading,
losing, winning and being confused in between those extremes.
Speed of Learning is Key too. The military, prompted by need, trains people in
complex specialties in weeks and months instead of years and decades like the
school system does. It can be done effectively in any area of education, even
esoteric areas like those familiar to Gann and Myself.
I know from my own personal experience that once one actually finds a
REASON or a PRINCIPLE that explains why a market is peaking, a trend is
changing or a price is being reached, that that is the sweetest reward in the
trading trading experience.
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This is really where Mr. Gann set the standard. He gathered price data from the
distant past to prove out and confirm Principles learned elsewhere. We should do
the very same in order to prove to ourselves the Principles we come to know.
Collect price data and charts and test, test, test.
Practice by Application (Action) is the final vital component. No knowledge is
complete until it has been integrated into your mind-body skill set. Only then do
you really KNOW in a complete sense.
I not only believe in the 3-step process described above, I'm willing to implement
it with a few who desire to finally raise their Gann Level Knowledge to a much
higher level.
I've hung onto this information long enough and, it does no one or the world any
good residing in dusty notebooks tucked into boxes and shelves.
So, Here's the Question to Ponder for those Seekers on the 'Quest':
What if you could be taught quickly by someone who knew what those essential
building Principles were and could save yourself decades of trial and error?
It's time to begin to pass along this information to others who can
understand and use it.
It was hard-won wisdom and wasn't free by any means, but, what is the best way
to compress the learning curve for the next generation?
That was the question and here's my solution.


The Master's job was to teach in his own chosen manner and within the time
stipulated by a contract (usually 7 years).
While I don't consider myself a Master (only an advanced student of the markets),
as I've looked about me over the decades I've come to the conclusion that no one 9/12
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else seems to have found this information and been willing to teach it to others.
Perhaps others exist out there somewhere and choose to follow Gann's approach
of taking the secrets to their grave with them.
I've decided to take a different course of action.

This is a new day and Age and Enlightenment can only take place if lessons
learned are shared with others.
The complete independent, self-discovery 'thing' is tediously slow and sometimes
doesn't produce any results after a lifetime of studies.
I propose to teach the Principles I've discovered that create the same
results as seen in Mr. Gann's paperwork, charts, books and courses not in 25 or
7 years, but in only 18 months or as little as 6 weeks!
For those who wish to learn the inner secrets of the markets, I'm willing to pass
along information including the Secrets of W.D. Gann's Greatest Trade (the May
Wheat trade of 1909) in as little as 6 weeks or over a period of 18 months.
My collected information will be conveyed in 2 Elements, each Element consisting
of 6 parts.
Element 1: W.D. Gann's Greatest Trade, the Classic September Wheat Trade
of 1909 and the formula that makes it work. There will also be additional
examples (charts and descriptions of the process) of this formula working in other
markets and time periods.
The Master Number and the creative process. Also . . .
The correct application of the famous 45 degree angle according to the
underlying Principles that govern it's origin and this includes why it must be
applied this way.
The Laws of Balance and Markets. And, in addition . . .
The 'Lost Word' - The Key to eliminating the confusion of numbers from
Gann's courses.\
Time and Space (Volume) 'treatments' for alignment of future years of
price turns in markets.
The Foundational Principle which all Price and Time emanate from.
Also, . . .
Projecting High and Low price turns years in advance.
'Invisible' Principles of Numbers.
Squaring the Circle - The Problem, the Solution and the Reason.
The Origin and Meaning of the 'Sacred Numbers'.
War Cycles - Time projections for past and upcoming wars based on natural
laws and Principles.
Element 2: The Law of Vibration as re-discovered. Not in ANY of Gann's
courses, but, I was able to confirm it not only in the historical market charts but
also in an obscure paper of Mr. Gann's. Again, only visible when you already know
the Principle! This is also known as the 'Master Time Factor' which has been
sought for over 100 years and is extremely powerful and important in the affairs
of Man. This Element is the vital missing piece that ties all other parts together.
I have a different Belief system than Mr. Gann did. I believe that one's
financial capacity is (among other factors) a valid qualifier to save time and
effort in Life. You probably have become a master of some area of expertise
to make a living. My area of expertise is in this Gann Level Knowledge of
Markets & Universal Principles. Your's may be as an engineer, doctor, airline
pilot or some other. I respect the fact that you've already committed yourself
to the mastery of one area of Life and, I'm sure that respect goes both ways.
So, I'm willing to give you the short-cut to another area of mastery.
I will pass this information to only a few students each year. (I'm
thinking it may be 10-20 maximum, but, it may be less if time does not 10/12
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permit it. It does take a little time to adjust one's mind to the shift in one's
perception in how things really work in this Universe. That will depend on the
individual, of course, but wanted you to know that the actual numbers may be
a bit more limited.
Qualifier: I reserve the right to pick who I will choose to accept as a
student. Translation: Given 2 applicants with cash in hand, I may pick one
and not the other on the basis of my own perceptions which include one's
motivations, patience and persistence.
This will not be an inexpensive process. It cost me plenty in Time (that cannot
be regained), costs and effort over a long time period). It will cost you only
money (far, far less than you'd spend on a decades long quest, and a tiny
fraction of time to learn this material. In short, you'll save more time and
money than you can imagine.
There are 3-Levels of choice for the learning period for this material.
Depending on your financial commitment level initially, you'll be able to gain
this information in as little as 6 weeks, 12 months or 18 months.
I've summed up most of the information above. Those of you who have tried to
sort out Gann's writings for yourselves know that what I've said is true.
The rest of you will find out the truth of it over time (if you have the patience to
stick it out and if you're lucky enough!). I wish you a successful Quest in your
If you're interested in accessing this for yourself and have the means and time to
do so, e-mail me here and I'll be in touch with further information.

P.S.: I'll have some more materials posted here or elsewhere which, like W.D.
Gann's, will show 'results' of the application of Principles and not reveal
the Principles themselves.
I'll be posting 'results' that will leave no doubt as to the unique source of the
information being given. This is so you'll know that I'm not 'blowing smoke' here.
P.P.S. - For those who cannot, at this time, financially access the course material,
I'd like to suggest what I consider to be a method of determining and constructing
extremely accurate trend lines.
This process which I've enclosed in a course called 'The Excalibur Method'
produces results that far exceed W.D. Gann's famous set angle trendlines.

This is not only my opinion, but, can be seen by comparison with Mr. Gann's
charts and papers (take a look at his May Soybeans chart above and all the
potential trend lines he has drawn on it).
'The Excalibur Method' approach to determining a solid, reality-based trend
line, on the other hand, selects a single initial line that is tied directly to the
energy and momentum of price movement and can be found without calculators,
computers or software. 11/12
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Sound like something you've been looking for?

You can access some more information and order this course as a member of
what I call the Money Tigers Group at . It costs nothing to
become a member and learn more. 12/12

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