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Facilities Catholic Archives Society

There is a bar and lounge area, a library and a book shop.

Booking forms and any queries about bookings or accommodation Monday 23rd to Wednesday 25th May
should be addressed to:
Anselm Nye
106 Ruskin Park House Hinsley Hall Conference Centre
London SE5 8TH
Cheques should be made payable to Catholic Archives Society. The Leeds LS6 2BX
closing date for bookings is 9th May. If your booking is likely to be
delayed, for example while a cheque is raised, please contact Tel: 01132618000
Anselm as soon as possible to advise him of this, as bookings will
be dealt with in order of receipt. 52 rooms have been reserved and it
may not be possible to accommodate a larger number. PROGRAMME
The Society is committed to paying for the rooms we have reserved Monday 23rd May
and so it may not be possible to make refunds if rooms remain
unfilled. 15.00-16.30 Arrivals and tea
Directions 17.00 Welcome and overview of the Conference
Hinsley Hall is located in Headingley which is approximately 2
Session 1 Paul Shaw: The Cardinal Manning
miles from Leeds train station. Bus no.1, 6, 28, 95, 97 go to
Headingley and take about 20 mins. papers in the archives of the Poor Servants of the
Mother of God: their value and provenance
Further information
For further information about the conference contact: 19.00 Evening meal
Rebecca Volk
Tel: 07515916009 20.00 Session 2 Dr Roberta Cowan: Recordkeeping in
the Catholic schools and Institutes in Australia
For information on Hinsley Hall see:
Tuesday 24th May Wednesday 25th May

8.30 Breakfast 8.30 Breakfast

9.15 Session 3 Sharon Connell: Preservation Q&A 9.15 Session 6 Open Forum

10.30 Coffee 10.30 Coffee

11.00 Session 4 Anselm Nye: Writing a congregational 11.15 Session 7 Volunteering: Maureen Fitzmaurice,
history Diocese of East Anglia, Louise Ray, TNA, and a
member of the Westminster Diocesan Archives
12.15 Mass will talk about aspects of volunteering in the
archives, followed by discussion.
13.00 Lunch
12.30 Mass
14.00 Interest groups and Diocese of Leeds Archive
Open doors, Hinsley Hall 13.30 Lunch (followed by departures)
Please note: places to the archives are limited.
19.00 Evening Meal Residential £175 (members), £185 (non-members)
Day delegates £35 (per day)
20.00 Session 5 Annual General Meeting
NB there is a small kitchenette in the bedroom corridors
with tea/coffee/hot chocolate making facilities. WiFi is
available throughout the centre.

Please specify any dietary or other requirements.

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