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Course Title: Digital Electronics Lab

Course code: CSE224

Experiment Name: Half-adder Circuits Using Basic Logic Gates

Submitted To:
Amir Sohel
Department Of CSE

Daffodil International University

Submitted By:
Name: Sajib Bormon
ID: 201 -15 - 3773

Section: PC - R
Department Of CSE
Daffodil International University
The half adder is combinational circuit that Adds together which
summation result is same as XOR gate and Carry’s output is same as
AND gate. In XOR gate while both inputs are not same then the output
will true otherwise false. And in AND gate while one input is false then
the output is false.
Apparatus: In this lab, we are use this apparatus-
1. Tinkercad.
2. Small Breadboard.
3. OR gate IC and AND gate IC.
4. Bulb.
5. Power Supply.
6. Resistor.
7. Switch.

Working principle:
1. First of all, we have taken breadboard, resistors, bulb, switch,
power supply, OR IC & AND IC and wires.
2. Then we connected all components with breadboard.
3. Now the first input of the switch connected with both IC’s first
input and second input connected with the second input of these
IC. Then first output of the AND gate(carry) connected with a bulb
which is in the left side. And second XOR gate output(sum) is
connected with another bulb which is in the right side.
4. Then we run the simulation.
Circuit diagram and Output:
1. We get the output as same as we solved.
2. There is no error & risk in because we run it in a simulation

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