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Cell division -somatic lahat ng cells sa katawan

Demand for growth repair/replacemnet of cell Meiosis—gamete

3 CELL POPULATIONS - Gamete ovary and sperm cells (reproductive

Static- it does not undergo dna synthesis
-somatic cells
Once na nagdivide that’s it
-one dna replication
Cardiac muscles, nerve cells, skeletal cells non dividing
cells -one cell division

When gets injured healed but become fibrous tissue - 2 daughter cells

Nagkaka scar/ magiging scar 5 stages

Expanding- stable cell population Interphase, prop, meta, ana, telo

Undergoes dna synthesis and cell division to permit Interphase- longest (cell cycle)
-10-20 hours before undergo cell division
Lung, kidney, liver, pancreas,
Resting of cell
Renewing- labile group
G1, S, G2
Continuously undergoes cell division
G1- stage right after cell division
To replace dying cells
S- synthesis DNA synthesis
Intestines, bladder, blood cells, skin
G2-check kung kumusta ang duplicating ng DNa before
entering cell division

Cytokinesis- division of cytoplasm

- Once lang nagdidivide

Karyokinesis- nucleus division

- Can be divide again (2-4 division)

- Nagiging 2 nucleus
- Di lang nagdidivide ng 1 Threadlike- chromatin threads, cannot be seen
- Binucleus, multinucleated cells
Centrioles are together

They occur during cell division

2 types of cell dvision

Mitosis and meiosis

Mitosis- somatic cells

46 chromosomes

CELL DIVISION Telophase- last phase

Prophase- hiwalay na centrioles

Two pairs of centrioles

-iksi na astral ray fibers
Centrioles are made up of microtubules
- baliktad ng prophase
4 structural changes
- decondensed chromosomes
Centrioles move away from each other
- Chromosomes magiging chromatic pa din
Astral ray fiber- from elongating microtubules
- reappear nuclear envelope
Chromatin- from thin elongated structures, tumataba
- integration of nuclear
(short rod like stuctures)
-cleavage of dividing cell, they need to separate
- Nagiging chromosome

Disintegrated nucleolus- disappears nuclear envelope

Metaphase- align
Gametes- reproductive cells

-2 successive divisions

- cytokinesis and karyokinesis

- without an intervening period of DNA replication

- not undergo interphase

all the chromosome align in the equatorial
-produces haploid
-shortest phase
-23 chromosomes
Anaphase- hiwalay
- 4 haploid cells

Papunta sa opposite poles


- Histological section
- Thin transparent shavings
- Cut from a little piece of body tissue-


- To distinguish normal tissue from diseased

- Determine cause of death
- Determine cause of disease
- For research purposes
Render cellular elements
Cytomorphosis- life span of a cell
Differentiate tissue element
Series of successive changes normally undergone by a
cell in its life span Methods

1. Embryonic stage- active, cell division, large a. Vital staining

nucleus, -intravital staining cells and tissues of living
2. Stage of specialization and maturity- the cell body by injecting a dye
undergoes differentiation (into liver cell, heart dye (IV injection dye) Trypan blues, colloidal
cell, skin cell) different from structures, size silver
3. Stage of regression- tumatanda -supravital staining- living tissues but
nagkaka degenerative changes immediately after death or removal from the
4. Stage of cell death and removal- skin body
nagmamature kaya nagppeel off (neutral red or janus green)
b. Staining of fixed or dead tissues- tissues are
Cell death- necrosis and apoptosis killed, embedded, sectioned, stained, and
mounted on stains.
Steps. 1 fixation or killing- prevents post
mortem changes by the use of fixative agents
like zenker’s fluid and formaldehyde/ formalin,
2. dehydration- to remove the fluid
Use to dehydrate like ethanol alcohol
3. clearing- tissue made translucent
Remove the dehydrating agent para di maging
sobrang dry
Clearing agents like xylene, benzene, xylol,
chloroform- to remove dehydrating agent which
is the alcohol
4. Embedding- nilalagay sa case
They use paraffin or colloidin (wax)
To facilitate them in cutting
5. Sectioning- cutting into very thin slices with a
–cut the block of paraffin with the specimen
-placed in a slide

6. staining- using dye like hematoxylin (blue) eosin (red)

7. mounting- Canada balsam- gummy medium to affix

the tissue before being covered

3 basic types of sectioning

Longitudinal, cross section or oblique section

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