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English Paper 江
2021-2022 First Tenn Test
Class : P.3 ( ) Marks:
Name : ( ) Parent's Signature: ·-~
Time Allowed: 45 mins

A. Help 加Hy to clrc~ 如 mlstaJces In her homework. Write the

correct word on 血 line. The first one is done for you.
(21'X. @3%)

e.g. Tom迪~wimming. e.g. likes

l Fry the eggs for 3 minute. 1.
2. How much is a apple pie? 2.
3. Is there any vegetables?
4. There is some rices.
5. Cle.ans the blackboard, please.
6. This is my toy car. I like them very much. 6.
7. There have some books on the table. 7.

8. Molly Is doing 血 exerc:國蜘ut punttuatfon. Help her to put

the correct punctuation marks In the following sentences. (14%)

e.g.. where Is my pencil (2'1.)

W比re is my pet'lcil?
1. tom ond judy ore studying at kens home now (5%)

2. lets have a cake a french toast and a pizza (5o/a)

3. ulch邙 twenty two engllsh boo迢 ot home (4%)

English Poper n Page 3
Class : P.3 ( )
Name : ()
E. Molly Is learning how to make an open sandwich. Look at the
pictu心s and finish the recipe. The wo兩 below may help y叩.
(1!5% @1~)

囯-二已 三巴
` 4


Open So11dwich

You need: SOIJ1~to1119t9~, $91'1\~'1l4$~r99哼, $1)1'1\e cheese ar,d bre9d

the and the

2. the the
and the Into small pieces.
.. them on the

the sandwich into the oven.

It out ofter 5 minutes.
English Paper II p叨e2

C. Molly Is tldyl哂 the cupboard. Look at the pictures. Follow 匝

e,cample and use the wo面 In the 如x to finish the sentences.
(15'1. ~3'9)

鬥 i
o lot of some ]


e .g. apples 1. onions

3. rice
4. SOUSOQ缸 5. ham

e.g. There ore o lot of apples. ~



D. 一e the foll四吶 words In the correct order. (1!5% @37.)

e.g. lik~/ but / food / sweet / I / .
;r like sweet fo~d t,est,
1. watch!叨/ o / Kitty / is / movie / .

2. under / There / a tiger / tree / Is /而/!

3. slices / ore / How / three/ plzzo / much / of I ?

4. playing I football / pl吶round /like / I / the / In / .

5. order,/ Mike / food / wants / sorne / to / .

- - - 一 一 • -

` English Paper I
2021 - 2022 First Term Test ' ~ ~

Class: P. 3 ( ) English Paper I (Marks):

Name: ( ) Listening (Marks):
Time allowed: 45 minutes Parent's s ignature:
A. Sam Is telling Dad about his clGSSfflates. Stead 袖at he says and
fill in the blanks 面th 亟~~or~- You may use the word
more than once. 14'1. @2'1.

I have a lot of good friends and I love tolking to 1.

Wincy and Sally are my best friends. Z. play with me
every day.
Wincy hos a lovely dog coiled Dojo. 3. Is very cute. I
always feed 4. with bananas.
Solly hos two small hamsters. 5. live in a small cage.
Sally likes talking to 6. eve可 night.
I hove a cat at home too. 7. is fat and naughty.
B. Som Is writing o letter to his friend, James. 氐ad it 。nd fill In
恤 blanks with the~re_positions_provided.
,.一 · 一 · 一 · 一 · 一 · - - · .一 · 一 · 一 · 一 ·
9% 61 %
. 一 · 一 · - · 一 · 一 · 一 ·一 ·一· 一 · 一 · 一 · 一 ·一 · 一 · -
in to with for ot on by from i
- ·一 · 一 · 一·-·一 ·一· - -- -- -一 · 一 .一 ·一· 一·一 · 一 · 一~. _ .一 · 一· 一 · 一 · 一 · 一· 一 · 一'
Dear Jam罕.
How areyou? I live e.g. J.辶 Kowloon Bay now. Do you want to come
1. my home 2. Sunday? I have a birthday present
3. you. You 画·play video games 4. _. . _ me. There is
a new shopping mall 國r my home. We can go shopping 5.
the afternoon. Do you want to go 6. _ my sister? We con go
there 7. foot. It's c 5-minute walk. There is a nice
「estauront 8. the ground floor. We can have an afternoon
國 there 9. four o'clock. Pl硒e reply soon.
. `
English Poper I Page 2

C. Sam Is talking to Mum about din正. Look at the pictures and

面te sentences using 己. 巨五丑的丘]. 18% @3'X.

~Q, --
X ✓ XX ✓
Som: Mum, what do we hove for dinner tonight?
e.g. Is ther~any rice?
Mum: e.g. No, there is而 011y rice,
Sam: 1. chicken wings?
Mum: 2.
Som: Is there any juice?
Mum: 3.
Som: I wont to have congee tonight.
4 congee?
Mum: 5.
辜: Are there orry sausages?
Mum: 6·-
Som: That's great!
- _

English Paper I p叨e3

CIGSs: P. 3 ( )
Name: ()

I>. Sam is asking a salesperson about pr-ices in the supermarket.

Finish t這 sentences with rMAmbers In E哂llsh . 12%. 52%

~ IC:, 'S63 $l7 S86

-窰 l ~ I ~
$31 S18 $4J

Scm : How much is a watermelon?

Salesperson : It Is 1. dollars.
Sam ; 「d like a hot dog. How much is it?
Salesperson : It Is 2. dollars.
Sam : How much is a pizza?
酬esperson : It is 3. dollars.
Sam ; Thanks. How about a hamburger? H磾 much is it?
Salesperson : It Is 4. dollars.
Som : I see. I want an apple pie. How much is it?
Sa區pers叩 : It is 5. dollars.
Sam : I want a sandwich too. How much is it?
`此spuson : It Is 6. dollars.
Sam : Thanks!
En.gllsh Paper I .
Page. 4
E. Sam Is reading a story. Read It
carefully and blacken• the
COrTect answers. 10% @2%

Jhe Three Sheep

Kenny, Leo and Christopher are brothers. They live in the for函

with their father, Mr. Sh蛭p. Th紅e are many trees and beautiful

flowers near their house. Every morning, they get up 紅rly and have

breakfast. They like eating vegetables and fruit but they do not like

meat. They go to the park in the afternoon. They like playing hide- I 5

and-s.e.e k there. Then, they go home and toke a shower. After that,

they have lunch.

Every evening, the thr蛭 brothers 覃,sh the dishes and sweep the

floor. Mr. Sheep is very glad because he has three helpful sons. ~

tokes them to hove o buffet dinner In the evening. 10

English Poper I Page !S
Class: P. 3 ( )
Name: )

1. What are Ken. L~and Christopher?

0 A. Sheep O c. Dishes
OB. 珌bbits 。 I). Toys

2. Where do 氐n, Leo and Chrlstop面 Ii鴴?

0 A. In the trees o C. In the gorden
0 B. In the park O l). In the fon洱

3. What I辺~Ken, Leo and Christopher do in the afternoon?

O A. Play hide-and-se吐. 0 C. Gotot區 park.
0 B. Take a shower. 0 D. Sweep th~floor.

4. How dou Mr. Sheep feel about his sons?

0 A. Sad o C. Worried
0 B. Happy O D. Surprised

5. R母 line 9: '& takes them to have a...'

Who does 'He'refer to?
0 A. Ken 0 c. Leo
0 8. Christophu E> D. Mr. Sheep
Engllsh Paper I p~6

F. Som Is reading a sto可· 氐ad it carefully and blacken• 如

correct answers. 10% e2%

Th~Ti 」 ·~n面1,面

At lunchtl磾. Jack Ti嘢r 國 WiMie Tiger are making some


First. Jack cuts some chicken into pieces. Winnie cuts the

b面d in half and puts some butter on it. Then she 覃`沄 some

5 mushrooms. After that. Winnie asks,'l)o we have tuna in the fridge?

I want to put some in the sandwiches.'

,Yes. we have 羣醞:,' Jack says.'l)o you want 」t'?'

'Yes, please; 平 Winnie.

Winnie goes to the supermarket to buy some juice next.

10 When Winnie comes bock, she sees some delicious

sandwiches on the table. Winnie smiles and 珂s, 'They look so

yummy. Let's eat nowl'The tiger$ enjoy the 画dwiches very much.

English Poper I Page 7
Class: P. 3 ( )
Ncune: .()
1. What time do the tigers 血ke sandwiches?

o A. In the morning CJ C. In the afternoon

0 8. In the evening 0 D. At night

2. Which Is the correct recipe for the sandwiches?

Jam Chicken Jam Hom

Mushrooins Butter Mushrooms Butter
Tuna Tuna Butter Mushrooms
Bread M屯: hrooms 9Nl4d

OA. O 8. 0 C. 0 D.
3. Read line 7:'Yes, we have 碑!!!.'

The word 'so而:' refers to the

O A. ham v C. tuna
O B. mushrooms 。 D. butter

4. What con Jock see in the fridge?

怎 這巳
0 A. 0 B. 0 C. ~D.
5. How does Winnie feel when she sees the sandwiches?
0 A. worried 0 C. sad
e 8. excited O t>. angry
e鴴Ush Paper I p
Ggt 8
G. Sam Is going•國pplng . Look at 祏e pictures and complete tlie
conversation. 12'1. @2%
e.g. I. 2. 3. 4. s.

~ 霑四 酶顙 這 `
9 ~
s 叮四 顙 這

Som May I have e.g. a oackd of French fr油. pl函e?

Also, I want 1. 1£mon tea.

Cashier : Sure. No problem.

Sam May I havr. 2. chicken wings. please?

Cashier : Okay. Do you wont so而 drinks?

Sam : Sure. May I have 3. cola, please?

Cashier : No problem.

Som : MayI 比ve4. potato chips, please?

Coshier : Got it. Anything el鉳?

Sam : Yes. Iw叩Id like 5. pi五a. Also, I wont

to have 6. water.

Cashier : Here you are.

' -· 一. . .

Engllsh Pa per I Page 9

Class: P. 3 ( )
Name: )

H. Sain Is writing an e血ii to his 伍 end

. 缸 It and answer 证
questions In 鷗』sntSJKU , 15
~& 3~

[)e arJan ice ,

How are you? t>o you wa nt to come to my bir
th西 party thi s Sun函?
You can have a lot of yummy foo d her e.
You can have ham bur ger s,
sandwiches and cupcakes. Wh at els e do you
want to eat ?
My bir thd ay par ty sta rts at hal f pas t o鴴
. I want to play many gam es
`吡 you . We con play hide心,d-seek
in the gar den. We can als o fly
a kit e the re. My fat he r bUfS me a rob ot
for my bir thd ay. We can
play it In my room. Wh at games do you
want to play? Pie心e wr ite

1. Who is Sam wri ting the email to?

2. Wh at food con SGm hav e at the bir thd

ay par ty? (nllll'le 1 food ite m)

3. W國 time doe s the birthd吖 party sta rt?

4 . Wh ere con Som fly o kit e?

5 . Wh at pre sen t do 罩 wont for yo ur bir


漾. Date:
` A Look at the pictures and complete the aossword.
A~m旦旦 ..

。 e
-~~- 。 。 。
';- ¥h
~~- - ,,,--
` _,,,,,,
t. ' __,,,,,
、- =
........ ~~ ~'I

。 0 ~
@ @

' 巴
.r •I
,,, -...;;:;Cll I

•-. ~ ~ .- \~

Down .a.

Ci) r.: 國 。..

+· ' ' ' '

` 。~

0 '.- ,̀



@ _.._
What Is the secret food?
Find two examples of the secret food In the crossword.
Write the numbers. 口口

叮 h'

B Dod ond Mum are talkin9 on 而 phone. Fin油袖ottheysoy.

~- ,

1 Dad : Is there any toma to sauce?

Mum : Yes,
2 Dad . onions?
Mum : No,
3 Dad :
Mum :
4 Dad .
Mum :
5 Dad .
Mum :
6 Dad
Mum :

Look at Dad's thought bubble again. Guess what Dad wonts to ma區 .Cir

., ....,- : i ` :...

;.· 丶

D010 ,

Please Be GoOd
三鹵~:m ~~~'j J噩'國1/J 麟唧值可

In the libro,y,
sit still on o ctwir. 槁 . I
Read o book
oon't eat a pear. - .-. / 乏

_, ...
(1:)# I • .
1n the park.
oon't climb the trees.
Play some games.
`面t litter. please!

~(i Open the door.

' t
Don't. uec a subject (I, You, etc.) in Instructions.

\ Circle the correct words.

1 Opens I Opening/ Open the door, please.

2 Sitting I Sit / Sits down, please.


3 Tum/T

urns / Turning on the lights.

Cleans / Clean
the blackboard.

- First ... Then ...

尸:::t~7":;r;::;,:~. ✓I
- -三;-;;:--:i
Then put ti iem on a cake.

\ 三~[三

Don·t use Then for the

3 firet 虹ep.

尸t-w::h • strn ~ 己 l✓ Don·t u幺'. FINJt ;a,- the

suond I thir-d / ... 紅ep.
Cur. it. into two pieces .
- ~ 竺竺 them on a cake.

\ Look at the pictu res and fill·m the blanks with the corre ct verbs.


) 。 -之

them in boili ng wate r.
som e onio ns, toma toes and potatoes . Cut
them into sma ll pieces. Wash
som e salt.
Put the sentences in the corre ct orde r. Add First or Then where nece
1 som e onions, toma toes and potatoes .

Doi&: - ~ - - - - - -
~ I t • them

言;;.:1;nd It.
re 尹

ind them.

賛 二?。[亡~;.


t prro ', ce`,

t' 今
WeWeprc on un

嶋》 。
0Oti8Ct, n6

p ' e c,


~Replace the underlined words with it or them .

1 The doll is pretty. I like the doll.

2 These ore my toys. You con play with my toys.

3 First wash an apple. Then cut the apple into four pieces.

4 This is my dog. I like playing with my dog.

5 The plants need water. Let's water the plan區

6 I like ch I
oco ate eggs. I eat chocolate eggs at Easter.

/ Fill in the blanks with it or them .

1 This is my sandwich. You can eat

Where ore my pencils? I can't find

3 This room is untidy. Please help me tidy

. Then try ,n a par
4 First mix some mushrooms and tomatoes
the bread. Then put some jam on
s First put some butter on

nouns or object
。 Fill in the blanks wi th the correct subject pro

I/ ,
•. "'II

safe on this bus. The

Welcome to Fun Safari! Don't worry, we're
us, but we can see 8 I There ore some
animals ca n't se e
se 遺 ? There's an elephant
玉eys in the trees . Co n you
in the Water. Can you see E) ?• 'shaving a

shower! Th ere are some zebras on the grass. 8 -—-一_'re playing.

Do you
Want to play with 0 ? There's a lion near the tree.
I ep ing. Oh no! Look at the glrll She's standing near
- - - - s sle
I :::---1

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